Handling redirects on User Validation in React? - reactjs

I'm wondering how others manage return visitors who are already logged into their site (Proved with cookie token)
Currently, I'm using a redux action in the root component, which triggers an API call to check if the cookie is valid or not.
When this comes back as TRUE of FALSE the next action is dependant on the URL that a user is trying to visit.
- If a user is validated and visits / they will be sent to /contacts
If a user is not validated and they visit any protected route (e.g. /contacts) the will be kicked out to /.
- A validated user will momentarily see the login page if they visit / before being forwarded.
- If they visit another protect route such as /form they will be kicked over to /contacts
I know that both these items are a result of being temporarily not logged in while the API call validates the user.
I'm wondering how you handle this in your application?
1. Avoid seeing the login page while validation is happening if user is logged in.
2. If user is logged in get them to the page they've requested?
// App.js Router
class App extends Component {
componentWillMount = async () => {
await this.props.checkLogin();
render() {
const { loggedIn } = this.props;
const myProtectedRoutes = [
{component: Form, path: "/form", exact: true },
{component: Contacts, path: "/contacts", exact: true },
{component: ContactCard, path: "/contacts/card/:clientID", exact: true },
return (
<BrowserRouter basename="/" >
<NavBar isLoggedIn={loggedIn} />
<Route exact path="/" component={Login}/>
<Route exact path="/logout" component={Logout }/>
(d, i) =>
isAccessible={ loggedIn ? true : false }
<Route path="/" component={Footer}/>
// LoginForm.js component => appears at '/'
class App extends Component {
this.state = {
emailaddress: '',
password: '',
onLoginSubmit = (e) => {
const { emailaddress, password } = this.state;
if (emailaddress && password) {
this.props.doLogin(emailaddress, password, stayloggedin);
render() {
let { loggedIn } = this.props
// If logged in is true go to contacts or
// I'd like to be able to get to the typed
// URL if logged in is true.
if ( loggedIn ){
return <Redirect push to={"/contacts"} />
return (
<div id="mainloginform" className="container">
<!-- Login form Fields go here -->

In general, user validation and redirects should happen in the server.
In express, when the user requests any route (/ or /contacts), following things should happen
Check if the user is valid(using cookie token)
If valid, redirect the user to the requested route.
If invalid, redirect the user to /(using req.redirect('/'))
Hope this helps!

In redux it is a common pattern to make three actions.
Consider showing a "in_progress" UI during fetch?
{ type: 'FETCH_REQUEST' }
{ type: 'FETCH_FAILURE', error: 'Oops' }
{ type: 'FETCH_SUCCESS', response: { ... } }
Refer here for more details.


Problem with Firebase Auth while refrashing a page

I need your ideasssssssss.
renderIt = () => {
return <Login />
}else {
return <Home />
here I check is the user is logged in, if he is not logged in <Login /> is displayed, when he logs itself in, then <Home /> is displayed.
Problem is, when I go log out, and refresh, I see <Home/> page for a fraction of a second even if I am not logged in.
componentDidMount = () => {
authListener = () => {
.onAuthStateChanged((user) => user ? this.setState({user}) : this.setState({user: null}))
The problem is in your initial state, which is:
class App extends Component {
state = {
user: {}
Since you then check for this.state.user in the rendering code, you end up comparing (!{}) which is false.
I highly recommend keeping this code as simple as possible, following these rules:
this.state.user represents the current user object.
if there is no current user, this.state.user is null.
In code:
class App extends Component {
state = {
user: null
componentDidMount = () => {
authListener = () => {
.onAuthStateChanged((user) => this.setState({user}));
Also see the updated working code at: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-1bv4bb?file=src/App.js
it's because !this.state.user true initially and until firebase auth finishes its work it will show you <Home/>.
The solution is to use a loading (some spinner animation) component initially until the firebase auth finished
//create Loading component first before using it here
return <Loading />
}else if(!this.state.user){
return <Login />
}else {
return <Home />
This might not be a better way to handle user authentication, it's just to answer your question

How to use "<Redirect>" inside a function?

This is my function so that when a user logs in, it checks the user's password and username and if they are both correct it should redirect to the /note url with the user ID passed through it. I have seen people use it on render(), but I would like to keep my App.jsx app simple, I think that's good practice.
I have tried using the useHistory method, but when the user inputs a data, the user needs to refresh the page manually for the new data to show. If I add a useHistory to refresh the page, it says that the location.state value is undefined.
How should I go about this problem?
Thank you
// Checking to see if current user's log info exists in db
function logIn(e) {
const currentUser = users.find(
(users) => users.username === userInput.username
if (!currentUser) {
console.log("The Username was not found. Please try again");
} else {
if (currentUser.password === userInput.password) {
// history.push("./note", { userId: currentUser._id });
return <Redirect to={"/note/" + currentUser._id} />;
} else {
console.log("The password is incorrect");
Here's my routing code
import React from "react";
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import NoteDashboard from "./NoteDashboard";
import Home from "./Home";
import CreateAccount from "./CreateAccount";
function App() {
return (
<div className="container">
<Route exact path="/" component={Home}></Route>
<Route path="/create" component={CreateAccount}></Route>
<Route path="/note" component={NoteDashboard}></Route>
export default App;
The only thing (I found) you can do to redirect to a page from function is use ReactDOM.hydrate. Here an example. Example works, but only first time. After that, redirection stops to works. Maybe because codesandbox concats to url the symbol # for some technical reason that I don't know. Try to apply this solution locally an let me know if works more tha one time.
Okay I got it to work, but I don't know if this is good practice or not.
Inside the if statement where I check to see that it is the correct user, I call a function which changes a React Hook from false to true, then in my return statement, I say
{redirect ? <Redirect to={"/note/" + currentUserId} /> : null}
It seems to work fine, everything works. Does this look like a good solution or are there some flaws that I am not seeing.
Thank you for all the help.
try something like this:
state = {
username: '',
app_pass: '',
redirectLink: '',
redirect: false
componentDidMount() {
if (window.localStorage.getItem('access_token')) {
this.setState({ redirectLink: '/user/dashboard', redirect: true });
render() {
const { redirect } = this.state;
const { redirectLink } = this.state;
if (redirect) {
return <Redirect to={redirectLink} />;

ReactJS ensure only owner of object can edit/delete

I do RBAC and authorization on the backend part of the application (NodeJS) and never really bothered about enforcing authorization on the UI as well.
However, let's say I have the following React Router 4 routes:
<Route exact path="/books/all" component={BookList} />
<Route exact path="/books/new" component={BookNew} />
<Route exact path="/books/:bookId" component={BookDetails} />
<Route exact path="/books/:bookId/edit" component={BookEdit} />
And I want to make sure that if a logged in user visits a book that is not his, he is not able to render the route /books/<not my book>/edit. I am able to do this by implementing a simple check at the ComponentDidMount() function:
checkAuthorisation = userId => {
if (this.props.authenticated._id !== userId) {
But I was wondering whether there is a better approach / design pattern of doing it in ReactJS? I was wondering whether removing the bookId altogether from the route and just push props like edit and bookId:
<Route exact path="/books/edit" component={BookEdit} />
I would recommend to do a conditionnal render in your BookEdit component (especially if you need to do an async operation to determine authorization).
I would not use a private route here in order to keep the role/auth based routing simple.
In your edit component : check authorization, if false handle this as an error and render an error component (error message and back button, can also be your 404 view), else render your edit component.
To be consistent, you must also make sure you do not have links to this error (conditionnal disabled "Edit" button on the book view if not authorized).
Example (using async check, may not be your case here but this is a general idea) :
class EditComponent extends React.Component {
state = {
loading: true,
error: null,
bookProps: null,
componentDidMount() {
const { match, userId } = this.props;
getBook(match.params.bookId) // request book props
.then(book => {
if (book.ownerId !== userId) { // authorization check
this.setState({ error: 'Unauthorized', loading: false });
} else {
this.setState({ bookProps: book, loading: false });
.catch(err => {
this.setState({ error: err.message, loading: false });
render() {
const { loading, error, bookProps } = this.state;
if (loading) {
return <LoadingSpinner />;
if (error) {
return <ErrorComponent message={error} />;
return <BookEditComponent book={bookProps} />;

React/Redux/Router - Auth0 login on load

I am creating a new React single page application and am trying to integrate with Auth0. I have been working with the React example but can't seem to get it working properly so that you are required to login immediately after the app loads. The problem I have now is that you are redirected to the login page twice because the app is rendering before the authentication is finished the first time. These are the important chunks of code:
function initAuth(callback) {
const auth = store.getState().app.auth;
if(!auth.isAuthenticated()) {
//Authorize the app and then render it
initAuth(function () {
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<App />
const App = props => (
//... Other stuff
//... More stuff
const Routes = props => (
//...Other Routes Are Here
<Route path="/callback" render={(props) => {
return <Callback data={props} {...props} />;
<Redirect from='*' to='/'/> {/*Any unknown URL will go here*/}
const auth = store.getState().app.auth;
const handleAuthentication = (nextState) => {
console.log('Evaluation: ', /access_token|id_token|error/.test(nextState.location.hash))
if (/access_token|id_token|error/.test(nextState.location.hash)) {
class Callback extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
//... Render method etc
login() {
handleAuthentication() {
this.auth0.parseHash((err, authResult) => {
if (authResult && authResult.accessToken && authResult.idToken) {
} else if (err) {
alert(`Error: ${err.error}. Check the console for further details.`);
isAuthenticated() {
// Check whether the current time is past the
// access token's expiry time
let expiresAt = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('expires_at'));
return new Date().getTime() < expiresAt;
Right now my app basically works. The only issue is that you are required to login twice because there is a race condition between the login response and the app load/check. Why it is happening makes perfect sense but I am not sure how best to fix it.
I keep a flag on state indicating that the application is booting. This flag is true until a few checks have been made including verifying if the user is already authenticated.
This prevents rendering of any components and just shows a loading indicator. Once the booting flag has been set to false the router will render.

react-router: Not found (404) for dynamic content?

How can react-router properly handle 404 pages for dynamic content in a Universal app?
Let's say I want to display a user page with a route like '/user/:userId'. I would have a config like this:
<Route path="/">
<Route path="user/:userId" component={UserPage} />
<Route path="*" component={NotFound} status={404} />
If I request /user/valid-user-id, I get the user page.
If I request /foo, I get a proper 404.
But what if I request /user/invalid-user-id. When fetching the data for the user, I will realize that this user does not exist. So, the correct thing to do seams to be:
Display the 404 page
Return a 404 http code (for server side
Keep the url as is (I don't want a redirect)
How do I do that?? It seams like a very standard behaviour. I'm surprised not to find any example...
Seams like I'm not the only one to struggle with it. Something like this would help a lot: https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/pull/3098
As my app won't go live any time soon, I decided to wait to see what the next react-router version has to offer...
First of create a middleware function for the onEnter callback, so that this is workable for redux promises:
import { Router, Route, browserHistory, createRoutes } from "react-router";
function mixStoreToRoutes(routes) {
return routes && routes.map(route => ({
childRoutes: mixStoreToRoutes(route.childRoutes),
onEnter: route.onEnter && function (props, replaceState, cb) {
route.onEnter(store.dispatch, props, replaceState)
.then(() => {
const rawRoutes = <Route path="/">
<Route path="user/:userId" component={UserPage} onEnter={userResolve.fetchUser} />
<Route path="*" component={NotFound} status={404} />
Now in this onEnter function you can work directly with the redux store. So you could dispatch an action that either successes or fails. Example:
function fetch(options) {
return (dispatch) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(res => {
resolve(dispatch({type: `CLIENT_GET_SUCCESS`, payload: res.data}))
.catch(error => {
reject(dispatch({type: `CLIENT_GET_FAILED`, payload: error}));
let userResolve = {
fetchUser: (dispatch, props, replace) => {
return new Promise((next, reject) => {
user: props.params.user
.then((data) => {
.catch((error) => {
Whenever the resolve promise now fails, react-router will automatically look for the next component that it could render for this endpoint, which in this case is the 404 component.
So you then wouldn't have to use replaceWith and your URL keeps retained.
If you are not using server side rendering, returning 404 before the page gets rendered would not be possible. You will need to check for the existence of the user somewhere either way (on the server or via AJAX on the client). The first would not be possible without server side rendering.
One viable approach would be to show the 404 page on error of the Promise.
I tried my solution in a project that I am making which uses Server Side Rendering and react-router and it works there, So I'll tell you what I did.
Create a function in which you'll validate an ID. If the ID is valid, Then return the with User page with proper Component, If the ID is invalid then return the with 404 Page.
See the example:
// Routes.jsx
function ValidateID(ID) {
if(ID === GOOD_ID) {
return (
<Route path="/">
<Route path="user/:userId" component={UserPage} />
<Route path="*" component={NotFound} status={404} />
} else {
return (
<Route path="/">
<Route path="user/:userId" status={404} component={Page404} />
<Route path="*" component={NotFound} status={404} />
// Router.jsx
<Router route={ValidateID(ID)} history={browserHistory}></Router>
This should work with Server Side rendering as it did in my project. It does not uses Redux.
In case of dynamic paths, you can do it like this and you don't have to change the current path.
just import the error404 component and define a property(notfound) in the state to use for conditioning.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
import Error404 from './Error404';
export default class Details extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
project: {}, notfound: false
componentDidMount() {
fetchDetails = () => {
let component = this;
let apiurl = `/restapi/projects/${this.props.match.params.id}`;
axios.get(apiurl).then(function (response) {
component.setState({ project: response.data })
}).catch(function (error) {
component.setState({ notfound: true })
render() {
let project = this.state.project;
return (
this.state.notfound ? <Error404 /> : (
I encountered a similar problem while making a blog website. I've been searching for a solution for a while now. I was mapping (using map function) my blog component based on dynamic link.
The initial code snippet was as follows:
import Blog from '../../Components/Blog/Blog.component';
import './BlogPage.styles.scss';
const BlogPage = ({ BlogData, match }) => {
return (
<div className='blog-page'>
BlogData.map((item, idx)=>
item.link === match.params.postId?
export default BlogPage;
I used a hack where I would use filter function instead of map and store it and then check if it exists (in this case check if length greater than zero for result) and if it does the blog component is rendered with the props for the page else I render the Not Found component (My404Component).
The snippet as follows:
import Blog from '../../Components/Blog/Blog.component';
import My404Component from '../../Components/My404C0mponent/My404Component.component';
import './BlogPage.styles.scss';
const BlogPage = ({ BlogData, match }) => {
const result = BlogData.filter(item => item.link === match.params.postId);
return (
<div className={result.length>0? 'blog-page': ''}>
:<My404Component />
export default BlogPage;
This way the Blog component is not rendered as long as the value of the entered link is not valid as result would be an empty array and it's length would be 0 and instead My404Component would be rendered.
The code is a little raw I havn't refactored it yet.
Hope this helps.
