Getting the real appdata folder under Desktop Bridge - wpf

I've got a WPF app that writes data to %appdata%. I understand the writes get redirected to a per-app location, but I want to have a menu option in my app to open the folder with the app data. As far as the app is concerned, it's writing to C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Roaming\VidCoder-Beta\ but it's actually writing somewhere else. However when I try to open an explorer window it goes to the first location (where the data isn't). How can I get the actual write location from inside the app?

UWP apps store their appdata in a subfolder located in
This should be where your app is now storing its data, under a subfolder that is most likely named with a random set of characters. To find out which random folder your app is, look in the Packaging section of the application manifest. (Package.AppXManifest). The "Package Family Name" should be part of the name of your app's appdata folder, as in this image. Once you've found the folder, local data is stored under the subfolder LocalState, roaming data under the folder RoamingState.


How can I dynamically use images outside of my reactjs project?

I am developing a client-only ReactJS application (only for local usage) where I need to save and load images by filepaths (URL and local file system).
The paths are stored in the local storage and images from URLs can be used. Anyway, local images cannot since ReactJS is using the project directory and I cannot escape it.
Is there the possibility to open files with absolute path from the local file system or can I/do I have to upload it in the project directory?
Are you running this through a browser? If so Javascript on browsers does not yet have the ability to access local file systems. I haven't tried this but you could run Node locally and use ExpressJs for client-server communication.
As stated here:
you'll need two pieces:
A browser piece, which does the UI with the user.
A Node piece, which runs on the user's machine (and thus can access the file system) and which the browser piece uses to do the actual file operations.
Probably the easiest way for the pieces to interact would be HTTP, which you can trivially support using ExpressJS.
So for instance, if the user wants to delete a file:
User clicks something to say "delete this file"
Browser JavaScript sends the command to the Node process over HTTP via ajax
Node process does the deletion and reports success/failure
Browser JavaScript displays the result

Uploading files to a domain using form

I have written an application in CakePHP 3.x and there is a form to upload files.
At present, files are being uploaded to WWW_ROOT.'files' which is /app/webroot/files/ path.
To store files separately from core application, I created a subdomain whose path is like /home/user/
since, uploading files requires absolute path, how can I get absolute path of the subdomain same as $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; from
First check if your server allow to write files from main domain to subdomain.
You can't get the absolute path of a different domain of the one you deployed your application, you should store the path in a variable or in constant.
If you really need to store files in another domain/subdomain and any path is blocked you should consider to reupload the files via FTP script.

Can i use a centralized external config file for c#?

I found an article on using external config files here. While I was able to extract my config settings, I was unable to put them in a central location.
When i tried to do something like this:
<connectionStrings configSource="C:/dev/Configs/ConnectionStrings.config" />
It causes a type initializer exception. If i put the file in a folder under the bin directory, it's ok. Problem is, I want to keep the config files central to all apps so i can reuse it in a lot of places.
Is it just not doable?
I ended up using Symbolic Links. I created a subfolder under each app that symlinked back to the master config folder. All apps share the same Connection Strings now.

only logged in users can play audio from our server

We have made a silverlight application where users can preview audio files from their browser from the telerik radmediaplayer control.
The files are on a webserver and anyone who sniffs the trafic can download the file.
We would like to prevent non-logged-in users from accessing/downloading these files.
Besides providing the application with some sort of temporary valid url and implementing a custom httphandler... what are our options?
It's not too big of a problem if our customers can download the files, we just don't want the rest of the world to also have access.
Any ideas would be more than welcome!
The only thing I can come up with is:
host the files in a non-public folder
if a user requests to prelisten a file, copy it to a public folder under a new name ([guid].mp3) and return it's url
every x minutes clean the public folder.
Don't let the web server serve up the files straight out of a directory. Put part of your application in front, and left one of your server-side scripts serve up these files. Keep the raw audio files out of the web root.
For instance, your client-side application would access files like so:
The code at yourscript would verify the session data, ensuring that a user is logged in, would then go figure out the real path to asset ID 12345, and echo its contents to the client. Don't forget to include the proper Content-Type header as well.
Once the accessing of these assets is under your control, you can implement whatever security measures you like. If your sessions area already pretty well safe-guarded, this should be fine. I would also recommend implementing sane quotas. If you get 100 requests on an asset using the same session ID from multiple IP addresses... something isn't right.

Changing permissions on a File from applicationDataDirectory in Titanium Mobile

I'm trying to send a file, as an attachment, via the phone's e-mail client using Titanium Mobile. I've run into a snag where the attachment is sent, but is received as a 0-byte file.
The problem is that the file created in data/data/package/app_appdata is -rw------
From glancing at the Android SDK, this is by design. The app's "private storage" is readable only by the owner of that folder, the running application.
I presume that the Android e-mail client can see that file, but cannot read it.
The full Android SDK mentions a MODE_WORLD_WRITABLE that allows you to keep using the applicationDataDirectory and give all apps permission to read/write that file. Does an equivalent exist in Titanium Mobile?
The other solution is to create a temp file, which unfortunately uses Titanium's own naming scheme (tiXXXXX.txt), or I could write to the "external storage" since it is public (which may not always be available, however.)
This is the call I'm using to get the current file, it can be read within my app just fine, but when I use the addAttachment call of an emailDialog it simply sends a 0 byte file to me.
var f = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory, "generated_filename.txt")
Have you tried using tempDirectory instead. I'm of course assuming once the file is emailed you don't need to keep it as the applicationDataDirectory is fully backed up and usually used to store data the app retains.
