Check if memory is allocated for temporary arrays across functions - eigen3

The program has a function A that calls an inline function B.
#define EIGEN_RUNTIME_NO_MALLOC is at top of the program.
If I put Eigen::internal::set_is_malloc_allowed(false); within function A, would that check for memory allocation in both A and B when I call A?

set_is_malloc_allowed(false) is a global function which sets a global flag (More accurately: A static variable inside a global function). Therefore, it will prohibit memory allocations (inside Eigen) until set_is_malloc_allowed(true) is called at any place.
You can check if memory currently is allowed using is_malloc_allowed().


How do static variables in C persist in memory?

We all know the common example to how static variable work - a static variable is declared inside a function with some value (let's say 5), the function adds 1 to it, and in the next call to that function the variable will have the modified value (6 in my example).
How does that happen behind the scene? What makes the function ignore the variable declaration after the first call? How does the value persist in memory, given the stack frame of the function is "destroyed" after its call has finished?
static variables and other variables with static storage duration are stored in special segments outside the stack. Generally, the C standard doesn't mention how this is done other than that static storage duration variables are initialized before main() is called. However, the vast majority of real-world computers work as described below:
If you initialize a static storage duration variable with a value, then most systems store it in a segment called .data. If you don't initialize it, or explicitly initialize it to zero, it gets stored in another segment called .bss where everything is zero-initialized.
The tricky part to understand is that when we write code such as this:
void func (void)
static int foo = 5; // will get stored in .data
Then the line containing the initialization is not executed the first time the function is entered (as often taught in beginner classes) - it is not executed inside the function at all and it is always ignored during function execution.
Before main() is even called, the "C run-time libraries" (often called CRT) run various start-up code. This includes copying down values into .data and .bss. So the above line is actually executed before your program even starts.
So by the time func() is called for the first time, foo is already initialized. Any other changes to foo inside the function will happen in run-time, as with any other variable.
This example illustrates the various memory regions of a program. What gets allocated on the stack and the heap? gives a more generic explanation.
The variable isn't stored in the stack frame, it's stored in the same memory used for global variables. The only difference is that the scope of the variable name is the function where the variable is declared.
Quoting C11, chapter 6.2.4
An object whose identifier is declared [...] with the storage-class specifier static, has static storage duration. Its lifetime is the entire execution of the program and its stored value is initialized only once, prior to program startup.
In a typical implementation, the objects with static storage duration are stored either in the data segment or the BSS (based on whether initialized or not). So every function call does not create a new variable in the stack of the called function, as you might have expected. There's a single instance of the variable in memory which is accessed for each iteration.

How we can access auto and static variables outside their scope in C?

Auto and static variable have scope limited to the block in which they are defined. Since Auto variables are defined in the stack, if the function exits, stack is destroyed and memory for the auto variable is released. But I read somewhere "However, they can be accessed outside their scope as well using the concept of pointers given here by pointing to the very exact memory location where the variables reside." Is this correct?
Also, static variables are defined in the data section so it retains its existence till end of program. The scope is within the block in which it is defined. Is there any way through which we can access static variable from any other function? Also, Is there any way we can access static variable from any other file?
Here's a very simple example:
void print_msg(const char* msg) {
printf("The message is: %s\n", msg);
int main(void) {
char m[] = "Hello, world!";
Here, m is an automatic variable, which is not in scope in print_msg. But print_msg clearly has access to its value.
Don't confuse "scope" with "lifetime". The scope of a variable is that part of the program where the variable's name is visible (and thus can be used). The lifetime of a value is the period during program execution in which a value exists. Scope is about program text; it relates to compilation. Lifetime is about program execution.
As you said, static variables exist through out the life cycle of the program i.e memory allocated to them is not destroyed as long as the program is running. So, to access such a variable out side its scope, we can pass around the pointer to that memory location via pointer. A small example to show the same
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int* func()
static int a = 0;
printf("a in func = %d\n", a);
return &a;
int main()
int *p;
p = func();
printf("a in main from ptr : %d\n", *p);
p = func();
return 0;
As you can see in the example, func() returns the pointer to the static variable it has declared, and any one who wishes to access the variable a, can use that pointer. NOTE: we can only do this because static variable's life is through out the program. Now irrespective of the static variable being in a different function or a different file, as long as you can some how get hold of the pointer to that static variable, you can use it.
Now coming to the case of auto variable.
What happens if you run the above program changing a from static to auto?
you will see that while compiling a warning warning: function returns address of local variable [-Wreturn-local-addr] is thrown and when executing, we get a segmentation fault.
What causes this is that the auto variable exists only in its scope, i.e as long as the function func() is being executed, the variable a has memory allocated for itself. As soon as the function exits, the memory allocated for variable a is freed and so the value pointed to by pointer p is at some unallocated memory location (resulting in segmentation fault).
Note, as comments rightly point out, I am making an assumption here, the assumption that the simplest case of calling another function is not what the question is about. This assumption was not (yet) confirmend or rejected by OP. This case is discussed e.g. in the answer by rici.
The existence of auto variables is not only exist to "within" their scope (simplified: only code between the same enclosing {} can use their identifier), they are also restricted to "during" their "chronological scope" i.e. their lifetime (simplified after starting the execution of the code in the function and finishing its execution). It is possible to access the memory location of a variable via a pointer, which was set to their address (which is only possible within their scope, because accessing via their identifier is necessary) as long as it is done during their lifetime, yes.
But how would that pointer be found from anywhere else?
Maybe by being written (from inside their scope and during their lifetime) to a global variable.
But which "other" code should then use that value? (remember I am putting the call of functions at the side here)
This requires multithreading/multitasking/multiwhatevering. Lets say there is an interrupt service routine doing it. It would have to see the same address space as the variables scope, i.e. no memory management units getting in the way with some virtual memory magic. This is not true for many multiwhatevering implementations, but admittedly for a few of them, so lets continue.
This imagined ISR would have to ensure that it only accesses the auto variable while it actually exists (i.e. during its lifetime), otherwise it would pretty much access what is effectively a meaningless random memory location. And this assumes that the ISR is actually allowed/able to access that memory. Even without MMUs, there are implementations which can/will have execeptions.
This introduces the need for synchronisation mechanisms, e.g. semaphores.
So in certain environments it would be possible, but completley pointless (global variables are still involved), expensive, hard to understand and next to impossible to port. (remember I am putting call of a function aside here)
Similar for static variables.
In the case of function local static variables, they would at least reliably exist, but accessing them would still need the pointer value to be somehow transported out of their scope. For static variables that could actually be done via the return value of the function as demonstrated in the answer by yashC.
In the case of "static" variables understood as file scope restricted variables, the pointer still would have to be transported out of the file scope.
This would merely defeat what is probably the point of a file scope restricted variable. But I could imagine some kind of access privilege scheme, as in "Here is the key to the vault. Handle with care."
As mentioned at the start of this answer, I am putting the call of other functions aside. Yes, the easiest way to leave the scope of a function is to call another one. If that other function has a pointer parameter, it can use it to read-access and write-access the auto variable of the calling function. That is the normal case of call-by-reference parameters as supported by C.
Calling a function also provides another, even simpler way of read-accessing the value of an auto variable of the calling function, though not write-accessing and not actually accessing the autovariable itself, only using its value. That way is the trivial mechanism of a call-by-value parameter, it does not even require a pointer. Both ways (call-by-reference parameter and call-by-value parameter) conveniently guarantee that the value does not change during the execution of the called function. (this time I am putting the multi-threaded case aside, because that is discussed in the main part of this answer).

How the static variable gets retrieved for every function call

We know that when the control exits from function the stack space will be freed. So what happens for static variables. Will they be saved in any memory and retrieved when the function gets called ??
The wiki says:
In the C programming language, static is used with global variables
and functions to set their scope to the containing file. In local
variables, static is used to store the variable in the statically
allocated memory instead of the automatically allocated memory. While
the language does not dictate the implementation of either type of
memory, statically allocated memory is typically reserved in data
segment of the program at compile time, while the automatically
allocated memory is normally implemented as a transient call stack.
Static local variables: variables declared as static inside a function
are statically allocated while having the same scope as automatic
local variables. Hence whatever values the function puts into its
static local variables during one call will still be present when the
function is called again.
Yes, static variables persist between function calls. They reside in data section of the program, like global variables.
You can (and probably should) read more about general memory layout of C applications here.
Adding some more information on top of previously given answers -
The memory for static objects is allocated at compile/link time. Their address is fixed by the linker based on the linker control file.
The linker file defines the physical memory layout (Flash/SRAM) and placement of the different program regions.
The static region is actually subdivided into two further sections, one for initial value, and the other for changes done in run time.
And finally, remember that if you will not specify otherwise, the value will be set to 0 during compilation.
You made an incorrect assumption that static variables are placed on the stack* when the function that uses them is running, so they need to be saved and retrieved.
This is not how C does it: static variables are allocated in an entirely different memory segment outside of stack, so they do not get freed when the function ends the scope of its automatic variables.
Typically, static data segment is created and initialized once upon entering the program. After that the segment stays allocated for as long as your program is running. All your global variables, along with the static variables from all functions, are placed in this segment by the compiler. That is why entering or leaving functions has no effect on these variables.
* The official name for "stack" is "automatic storage area".
Consider this example:
static int foo;
void f(void)
static int bar;
The only difference between foo and bar is that foo has file scope whereas bar has function scope. Both variables exist during the whole lifetime of the program.

What is the meaning of "statically allocated"?
In cases where default mutex attributes are appropriate, the macro
PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER can be used to initialize mutexes that are
statically allocated. The effect shall be equivalent to dynamic
initialization by a call to pthread_mutex_init() with parameter attr
specified as NULL, except that no error checks are performed.
I know about dynamic allocation. What is the meaning of "statically allocated"?
My question here is to understand the meaning of "statically" allocated. I posted the quote from the man page to provide a context, only.
Statically allocated means that the variable is allocated at compile-time, not at run-time. In C, this can be a global variable at the file scope or a static variable in a function.
A good overview is found here:
Variables on the stack (i.e., local variables in functions that do not have the static keyword) are allocated when the function is called, sometimes multiple times when a function is called recursively. So they are conceptually different from static memory allocation (which only happens once per program).

When are static function variables allocated?

I have a question in allocation of memory for static variables. Please look at the following snippet.
void fun();
static int a;
void main()
void fun()
static int b;
Can someone please explain me when memory will be allocated for static int b in function fun (before main is executed or when the function is located). I knew that memory for static will be allocated only once, but I want to knew when memory will be allocated for it. Please explain.
I am using 64 bit processor, turbo c compiler, windows 7 operating system.
Memory for static variables is allocated when your program is loaded. Static variables in a function are initialized before the function is called for the first time.
Memory for statics is normally allocated basically as the program loads/just before it starts to execute.
Memory for static variables (both a and b in the example question) is allocated at compile time. You can verify this by examining your map file. Be aware that, depending on the detail provided in the map file, you may not see the variable name of the static variable, rather simply that the corresponding amount of memory has been allocated. They are initialized when the program is loaded along with the global variables...not the first time the function is called.
Statics live in the same place as globals. The space for them is set at compile time and allocated at load time.
When static is used inside a function block, the keyword static changes the storage class of the variable or function, which means static int b; is saying that b is a static variable rather than an automatic one.
When talking about storage class, static one is initialized in static memory before the program runs, and is there all the time when the program runs, while automatic one is initialized in run-time stack or heap when reaches certain block and is destroyed when the program goes out of the block.
When static is used outside as in the static int a; shows, this is rather another case. It changes the linkage of the variable to be internal while the default value is external. And it has nothing to do with the storage class of the variable or function.
With static, a is internal, which means it is only accessible to those within this file. Without static, a is set to be external by default, which means it is accessible to those within and out of the file where a is defined.
There is no allocation for b in this case. It is an int, and is added to the stack when the application is loaded.
