Jenkins pipeline - Extended Choice Parameter - jenkins-plugins

I am using Jenkins version - v2.73.2 and Jenkins pipeline - 2.5 and wanted to have below multi select options. Users should be able to choose more than one option.
For example, if user selects the options- Build , Analysis and Test. First Build job should be executed then Analysis and Test. If user selects the 'Analysis' option , sub-options need to be displayed like 'Choose Instance' - Dev , QA, PreProd and Prod.
Right now i am able to create the multi select options to select Build, Deploy , Analysis and Test using 'Extended Choice Parameter plugin' and now i want to add sub list option if 'Analysis' is selected. Please share your inputs how can i acheive this scenario.

This is not possible in Jenkins build with parameters page. Parameters are loaded all at once, and cannot have logic that depends on the value of another one.
If you truly need this you will need to use an input step after job kickoff to evaluate the 1st provided param and provide a list for the user to choose from.
This is because params are 'post processed', they are evaluated/executed during job execution. This is why you need a single run of a pipeline job before 'Build' becomes 'Build with parameters'.


Do we have any method to know whether the protractor script is currently running or not

I need to execute the protractor script automatically from windows task scheduler at particular time intervals. I can do that by giving command(protractor conf.js) in a batch file. But i need to check whether the protractor script is currently running or not. If it not in a running mode then only i need to execute the batch file. How can i do this? Can anyone help me.
Thanks in advance.
I can think of three options:
Run %windir%\system32\taskschd.msc /s, drill-down to your task entry, right-click and select properties from the drop-down menu. Select the settings tab and select Do not start a new instance in the drop-down selection box under If the task is already running, then the following rule applies:.
Add the <MultipleInstancesPolicy>IgnoreNew</MultipleInstancesPolicy> element to the <Settings> group in your task XML file and import that.
Set the MultipleInstancesPolicy setting via whatever script/code you're using to create the task. See ITaskSettings::put_MultipleInstances.

How to integrate Protractor test cases with Hiptest?

For a Website which is made using angular js , our organization used protractor as the tool to automate test cases.
Our organization has come up with a new tool named 'HipTest' to manage test cases automation.
How to integrate protractor test cases with HipTest. I went to following links but was unable to fetch some useful information.
Can Anyone help me how to start ?
I'm one of the main contributor or hiptest-publisher, so I should be able to help you.
The quick way to start with hiptest-publisher is to download the bootstrap of the tests from Hiptest (under the automation tab, you will have a "Javascript/Protractor" link).
You will get a zip file with four files (you should add all of them to your version control system, alongside the code of the application you are testing):
- one for the configuration of hiptest-publisher to use the command-line tool
- one for all the tests (you can split them later on, using the --with-folders option in the config file)
- one for the action words: that's the place where you will do the automation
- one for storing the status of the action words you exported (which is used with hiptest-publisher to see which action words have been updated since the last update)
Once the action words are implemented, the test files generated can be integrated in your test suite like any other Protractor test.
On the Hiptest side itself, the only requirement you have is that your tests should only be written using action words only. From what I understand from your post, you do not work directly in Hiptest yourself and you only manage the automation part (or did I get that wrong ? )
For pushing the execution results back to Hiptest, the principle is pretty simple:
- create a test run dedicated to the CI
- run the command "hiptest-publisher --config-file --test-run-id " before the tests (so only the tests inside the test run are executed, you do not want to run a test that someone is currently writing to be executed on fail of course)
- run your tests
- run the command "hiptest-publisher --config-file --push " to push the results back to hiptest.
Note that those two commands (including the test run ID) can be found directly inside Hiptest, from the "Automate" button in the test run.
If you have an Hiptest account, you can contact us directly on the chat, that might be easier to help you through the process.
Ho and I have a recording of the last webinar I made about automation, I guess you could find some useful information there too :)

Monitor that a website is active from SQL Agent

I want to test a portion of my website to see if it is running by executing a SQL server agent job. my site logs every time someone loads the login page. What I would like to do is launch:
after a few seconds run
SELECT * FROM dbo.TR_Weblog where DATEDIFF(MINUTE, date_time, getdate()) < 1
If there are no entries the site is down.
How do I launch a URL from inside agent?
IMO, this isn't an appropriate use of SQL Agent; it's not a general purpose task scheduler.
If you're going use Agent though...
I would advise against doing it the way #TheGameiswar suggests, as it will leave orphaned iexplore.exe processes on your SQL Server box, and there are situations where it won't even start properly - causing the process to stall out.
Instead, make your first step one of type PowerShell, and run the following command from it:
invoke-restmethod -URL YOURURLHERE
However, this will not parse/execute any JavaScript on the page, nor load any images. It'll just pull the raw HTML returned by the page when loaded.
But even this is a bit of a Rube Goldberg method of monitoring your website's availability when there are purpose-built applications/tools and services to do exactly that.
You can just select command type as cmd type and then use below url..
further ,you don't have any control after launch.So I think the best way is to do a periodic check of iis logs using log parser and see status

Concurrent builds in jenkins

I am very new to Jenkins. In my company we are moving build process from to Jenkins. So I did all the set-up. Now what I need is, I want to trigger 3 downstream builds same time after the success of one upstream build.
Example: After success of A, it should trigger the build B,C,D.
Please let me know the way. Thanks in advance
In the 'Post-build Actions', add 'Build other projects'. A comma-separated list of projects can be entered. Also, you have the option of having it only trigger these jobs upon a stable build.
Click below for more details about this and other options:
How to use Jenkins for Job Chaining and Visualizations

how to index data in solr from database automatically

I have MySql database for my application. i implemented solr search and used dataimporthandler(DIH)to index data from database into solr. my question is: is there any way that if database gets updated then my solr indexes automatically gets update for new data added in the database. . It means i need not to run index process manually every time data base tables changes.If yes then please tell me how can i achieve this.
I don't think there is a possibility in Solr which lets you index the data when any updates happens to DB.
But there could be possibilities like, with the help of Triggers - there is a possibility to run an external application from triggers.
Write a CRON to trigger PHP script which does reading from the DB and indexing it in Solr. Write a trigger (which calls this script) for CRUD operation and dump it into DB, so, whenever something happens to DB, this trigger will call the above script and indexing could happen.
Please see:
Invoking a PHP script from a MySQL trigger
Automatic Scheduling:
Please see this post How can I Schedule data imports in Solr for more information on scheduling. The second answer, explains how to import using Cron.
Since you used a DataImportHandler to initially load your data into Solr... You could create a Delta Import Handler that is executed using curl from a cron job to periodically add changes in the database to the index. Also, if you need more real time updates, as #Rakesh suggested, you could use a trigger in your database and have that kick off the curl call to the Delta DIH.
you can import the data using your browser and task manager.
do the following steps on windows server...
GO to Administrative tools => task Schedular
Click "Create Task"
Now a screen of Create Task will be open with the TAB
In the genral tab enter the task name "Solrdataimport" and in discriptions enter "Import mysql data"
Now go to Triggers tab CLick new in Setting check Daily.In Advanced setting Repeat task every ... Put time there whatever you OK
Now go to Actions button click new Button IN setting put Program/Script "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" this is the installation path of chrome browser.In the Add Arguments enter http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1/dataimport//dataimport?command=full-import&clean=true And click OK
Using the all above process Data import will Run automatically.In case of Stop the Imort process follow the all above process just change the Program/Script "taskkill" in place of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" under Actions Tab In arguments enter "f /im chrome.exe"
Set the triggers timing according the requirements
What you're looking for is a "delta-import", and a lot of the other posts have information about that covered. I created a Windows WPF application and service to issue commands to Solr on a recurring schedule, as using CRON jobs and Task Scheduler is a bit difficult to maintain if you have a lot of cores / environments.
You basically just drop in a JSON file in a specified folder and it will use a REST client to issue the commands to Solr.
