Unknown glitch in batch - batch-file

I need help with an unknown issue in a recent batch file executed on Windows 10.
Proper function:
I am trying to make a math quiz which generates two numbers, a basic operand (+-x/), finds the answer, then checks it against an answer from a user. Additionally, the program is made to track certain information after a user has put in their answer. (Question number, the problem and answer, and the users response.)
My issue:
In certain scenarios the program will display the problem/answer in the "game" window rather than writing the problem/answer in the text file as intended.
The command is:
echo [Q]%m%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
It is comment marked in the code below.
What I've done to fix the issue?
After testing for a descent while I discovered the issue seemed to revolve around the portion where it tries to move a problem/answer combo with division as the operation. This helped, but the issue started randomly popping up throughout future attempts to debug.
While I feel it is a bit frowned upon to ask two things at once I have two more issues.
Why does an operation like %a%%b%%c%=%d% (a,c,d being numbers and b being a /) break a certain command in my code consistently and how can I fix it?
Why does the same issue still randomly appear even if I erase all traces of division / which seems to cause my issue in the first place.
Here is the batch file:
#echo off
set /a prb=3
set file=Stat
set sss=s.
if %prb%==1 set tst=.
echo Welcome to math fire, you will get randomly generated
echo multiplication, addition, and subtraction problems. You
echo will go through a specified number before the game ends
echo and this window closes. You will be tracked in a file on
echo your desktop. You will have %prb% problem%sss%
echo Get ready
timeout 5
set start=%time%
set /a num=1
set /a good=0
set /a bad=0
::===========================Set up beggining of stat file.
echo =-=-=-=-=-=>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo ===Start===>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo =-=-=-=-=-=>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
::===================================Main Body============
::[A] Num1 [B] Operator [C] Num2 [D] Answer [E] The problem [M] Problem and answer
set /a a=%random% %% 30 + 1
::To remove the division section I changed the 4 below to 3
set /a b=%random% %% 4 + 1
set /a c=%random% %% 20 + 1
if %b%==1 set b=+
if %b%==2 set b=-
if %b%==3 set b=*
if %b%==4 set b=/
set /a d=%a%%b%%c%
set e=%a%%b%%c%
echo =============================%e%=?
timeout 1
set /p ans=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Answer:
set m=%e%=%d%
echo ===%num%===>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
::The following line is the glitching code
echo [Q]%m%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo [A]%ans%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
if %ans%==%d% goto p
echo -----------------------------Incorrect
set /a bad=%bad%+1
goto re
echo -----------------------------Correct
set /a good=%good%+1
goto re
if %num%==%prb% goto end
set /a num=%num%+1
goto main
echo ===========>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo [Start]%start%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo [-End-]%time%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo [Right]%good%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo [Wrong]%bad%>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo =-=-=-=-=-=>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo ===-End-===>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo =-=-=-=-=-=>>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%fname%.txt"
echo Congrats, check your desktop for your play info.

Use the syntax
>>"%filename1%" echo [Q]%m%
(my testfiles are allotted in variables)
Noting that m will contain a string such as 13/14=0
The character just before a redirector redirects the logical device number. You can get around this by moving the redirction to the start of the command or inserting a space before the redirector or using
>>"%filename1%" (
echo [Q]%m%
echo something else
echo more text
echo [Q]%m%
echo something else
echo more text
which does the same thing - gather the output of the echoes and redirect the sum-output to the file.
Oh, BTW - batch does integer mathematics, so 13/4=3 - no decimals.


What can I do to fix this batch error when I'm adding to variables together?

Every time I run the code below I get this error: '10+1' is not recognized as an internal or operable program or batch file. I have checked stack overflow and couldn't find anything. I apologize if this is a bad question.
This is the code:
`#echo off
set chips=10
set return=1
echo %chips% chips remaining
echo choose a number between one and ten:
set /p num=number:
set /p yn=play?
if %yn%==y (echo starting..) else (exit)
timeout /t 3
SET /A test=%RANDOM% * 10 / 32768 + 1
echo %test%
if %test%==%num% (%chips%+%return%)
echo %chips% chips remaining`
if comparsion should be followed by recognized command, e.g. set /a var=%chips%+%return%, but is not in your example
if %test%==%num% (%chips%+%return%)

My text based game script is not working

I am making a text based rpg and the script is not working. It has something to do with the stamina. I also have a quest that is dependent on you having a certain amount of gold and that script is not working as well. I will include pictures.
echo Press 1) to harvest
set /p input17=enter:
if %input17%==1 set /a wheat= %wheat% + 5
if %input17%==1 set /a carrots= %carrots% +4
if %input17%==1 set /a stamina= %stamina% - 25 (this line)
if %stamina% < 0 goto nostamina (this line)
echo You get some wheat and some carrots.
echo check your inventory for accurate numbers.
echo Press 1) to go back.
pause >nul
goto insidehouse
echo You are now inside of your house.
echo Press 1) to harvest.
echo Press 2) to sell all crops.
echo Press 3) to go into your inventory.
echo Press 4) to sleep eight hours.
echo Press 5) to check for quests.
set /p input16=enter:
if %input16% EQU 1 goto harvest
if %input16% EQU 2 goto market
if %input16% EQU 3 goto Inventory1
if %input16% EQU 4 goto sleep
if %input16% EQU 5 (and) if %gold% LSS 0 goto shopping (this line)
You haven't provided much code to work with so, I can only guess at a solution.
My best guess is that you are atempting to update a variable from inside a for loop. If this is the case you need to add this line to the top of your batch file: setlocal enabledelayedexpansion. You will also need to access the affected variables like this !var! instead of this %var%.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion causes expansion of variables to delayed in your batch file. What this will mean in the context of your program is that variables can be updated from within a for loop.

(Windows Batch File) IF statement inside FOR LOOP

I'm trying to write manual document validation part of my program. It's basically opening all the pdf documents one by one in the same folder. When its open i would like to echo few possibilities for user. Here starts the problem. I have around 180 possible choices. I was thinking to ask for the first letter of choice. Then it will echo all choices with started with X letter and user has to simply enter the number of this choice. So for example we have :
1. Asomething
2. Asomename
3. Asomenametoo
4. Bname
5. Bname 2
6. Bname 3
I want user to choose first letter and print possible choices. When the choice is made program should add some string to txt file with the same name in the same folder. Here i have a problem with IF statement inside FOR loop. I wanted to use goto but i can't do it inside FOR loop.
I can set up all the strings for each number before. For example : When you choose 1 it will add SomeString to txt. It's important to use choice option to avoid any typo's. Does anybody knows any other way to do this inside FOR loop ?
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
FOR %%b IN (c:\test\*.txt) DO (
IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ECHO Document will open now...
start Acrobat.exe %%b.pdf
ECHO 1. Sample 1
ECHO 2. Sample 2
set /p choice= Please enter number:
call :OPTION
ECHO !choice! >> %%b
taskkill /IM Acrobat.exe >> c:\test\log\temp.txt
IF !choice!==1 SET /A !choice!==MNV666
IF !choice!==2 SET /A !choice!==MNV777
I'm having some trouble understanding the problem you're having, but it looks like all of the statements following the IF should all be conditions of the IF, not just the ECHO statement. For that, you can put the entire block in parentheses like this:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
FOR %%b IN (c:\test\*.txt) DO (
IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" (
ECHO Document will open now...
start Acrobat.exe %%b.pdf
ECHO 1. Sample 1
ECHO 2. Sample 2
set /p choice= Please enter number:
call :OPTION
ECHO !choice! >> %%b
taskkill /IM Acrobat.exe >> c:\test\log\temp.txt
) else (
goto :EOF REM Just an example of else
IF !choice!==1 SET /A !choice!==MNV666
IF !choice!==2 SET /A !choice!==MNV777
Were you having some problem using goto in the FOR loop?

Batch roguelike errors

I am trying to make a batch roguelike but I am running in to three main problems. First of all my message system is not working. Second there is a glitch where if i try to move somewhere where I can't the choice statement keeps writing the W, S, A, and D's at the bottom. Third and most importantly there is a very annoying flashing of the screen. I tried to minimize the time it takes to load but to no avail. Here is my code:
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions
mode con: cols=54 lines=30
set num=1
set nextVar=1
set oldVar=103
set message=a
echo Loading...
if not %num%==1001 (
set b%num%=.
set /a num = %num% + 1
goto startup
set b103=#
goto update
choice /c wsad /n /m ""
if %errorlevel%==1 set /a nextVar = %oldVar% - 50
if %errorlevel%==2 set /a nextVar = %oldVar% + 50
if %errorlevel%==3 set /a nextVar = %oldVar% - 1
if %errorlevel%==4 set /a nextVar = %oldVar% + 1
if defined b%nextVar% (
set b%nextVar%=#
set b%oldVar%=.
set oldVar=%nextVar%
set message="a"
goto display
set message="You can not move there."
goto update
set ln1=%b1%%b2%%b3%...
set ln2=%b51%%b52%%b53%...
set ln3=%b101%%b102%...
set ln8=%b351%%b352%...
set ln18=%b851%%b852%%b853%
set ln19=%b901%%b902%%b903%%b904%...
set ln20=%b951%%b952%%b953%%b954%%b955%%b956%...%b1000%
if not "%message%"=="a" (
echo %message%
goto next
echo %ln1%
echo %ln2%
echo %ln3%
echo %ln4%
echo %ln5%
echo %ln6%
echo %ln7%
echo %ln8%
echo %ln9%
echo %ln10%
echo %ln11%
echo %ln12%
echo %ln13%
echo %ln14%
echo %ln15%
echo %ln16%
echo %ln17%
echo %ln18%
echo %ln19%
echo %ln20%
goto update
I had to ... some sections to save space. If anyone can solve these problems in particularity the screen flashing that would be super helpful. Also if anyone has ideas on generation NetHack like dungeons that would also be appreciated. Thank you.
So problems 1 and 2 are related.
First of all my message system is not working. Second there is a glitch where if i try to move somewhere where I can't the choice statement keeps writing the W, S, A, and D's at the bottom.
Change the error goto statement for the update section. You want to go to the display section so the screen is redrawn (removing the old used choice prompt) and the error message is displayed.
set message="You can not move there."
goto display
Problem 3 is a bit more difficult due to the nature of batch.
Third and most importantly there is a very annoying flashing of the screen.
The flashing is caused primarily because of one command. The cls command. Instead of just redrawing the screen it is first causing the screen to turn black before the new output is drawn causing the flicker.
Step 1: Remove the cls command. This means that you will have to output 30 lines each time to fill the screen.
Reducing the flicker even more will require a bigger overhaul on your script. Instead of echoing each line use the natural ability of the command window to wrap lines to draw the whole screen. This will reduce the amount of echo calls to a couple. Your canvas is set to 54 x 30 so that equals 1620 characters to fill the whole screen at one time.
Step 2: Output the entire screen with a single or as few calls as possible to prevent drawing/scrolling delay and use the natural line wrapping ability of the console window.
Here is an example I put together to illustrate this second step. Let me know if you have any questions.
#echo off
( if "%~1"=="" start "" /HIGH %0 1 & exit /b 1 )
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
mode con: cols=80 lines=25
set "mark=0"
set "switch=0"
if %mark% geq 920 set "mark=0" & if %switch% equ 0 ( set "switch=1" ) else set "switch=0"
set top=........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
set bot=........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
if %switch% equ 0 set top=!top:~0,%mark%!^|!top:~%mark%!
if %switch% equ 1 set bot=!bot:~0,%mark%!^|!bot:~%mark%!
goto display
echo %mark%
set /p "=%top:~0,920%" <nul
set /p "=%bot:~0,920%" <nul
ping -n 1 -w 200 >nul
set /a mark+=1
goto next
Step 3: An additional step that helps would be to increase the processes priority level. I have also added this to my example script above on the second line.

Batch file - Pick a card

I created a batch file that selects a random playing card using the variable %random%. the batch script keeps looping until %random% is between 1 and 13, and does it again for the suit. I then convert the variables that are set as numbers into text, so the batch file would say something like this: Four of Hearts, or King of Spades. The only problem is, it takes forever! If you open CMD.exe and type in
Echo %random%
and do that until the number is between 1 and four, you will be there FOREVER. Even if you put it into a batch file and use a loop, It still takes about twenty seconds. Is there a way to cut down the time, by perhaps narrowing down the search BEFORE the random number generation? I'm really not sure. In case it helps, or you can't understand me, here's the code:
#echo off
echo generating card...
set num=%random%
if /i %num% GTR 13 goto loop
if /i %num% LSS 1 goto loop
goto next
set suit=%random%
if /i %suit% GTR 4 goto next
if /i %suit% LSS 1 goto next
goto next2
if %num%==11 set num=jack
if %num%==12 set num=queen
if %num%==13 set num=king
goto next3
if %suit%==1 set suiter=Hearts
if %suit%==2 set suiter=Diamonds
if %suit%==3 set suiter=Clubs
if %suit%==4 set suiter=Spades
goto ech
echo %num% of %suiter%
echo press any key to choose again
pause >nul
goto loop
You can use a little math to get a number between 1 and 13 on the first try:
set /a num=13*%random%/32768+1
and the same thing for 1 and 4
set /a suit=4*%random%/32768+1
See How to use random in BATCH script? - very similar to what you're asking
You can completely eliminate the search using a simple remainder operation, thus limiting the generated random numbers to be in the range [1,13] and [1,4]. This will also simplify the code much. You can achieve this using the 'set /a' command which can be used for arithmetic.
Just change your script to read:
#echo off
echo generating card...
set /a num=%random% %% 13 + 1
set /a suit=%random% %% 4 + 1
if %num%==11 set num=jack
if %num%==12 set num=queen
if %num%==13 set num=king
if %suit%==1 set suiter=Hearts
if %suit%==2 set suiter=Diamonds
if %suit%==3 set suiter=Clubs
if %suit%==4 set suiter=Spades
goto ech
echo %num% of %suiter%
echo press any key to choose again
pause >nul
goto loop
Good luck!
