Removing Flag Bits stored in an Array - c

I currently have the transmitter array that stores 01111110 0110111 01111110
I want the receiver array to store 0110111. I want to eliminate all the 01111110 bits.
But I am receiving 0110111 01111110. Why is it that my code is only removing the first 01111110 bits in the transmitter array?
My attempted code is as below:
#define nosbits 23
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
unsigned transmitter[nosbits] = { 0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0 };
unsigned receiver[nosbits];
int count = 0;
int outputreceivercount = 0;
bool flag = false;
for (int i = 0; i < nosbits; i++)
if (transmitter[i] == 1)
count = 0;
receiver[outputreceivercount++] = transmitter[i];
//After 5 consecutive 1s, if the next two bits are '10', then the flag is detected.
if ((transmitter[i + 1] == 1) && (transmitter[i + 2] == 0) && count == 5)
if (!(flag))
flag = true;
i = i + 2;
outputreceivercount = 0;
count = 0;
printf("Bitstream before removing flag bits:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < nosbits; i++)
printf("%d", transmitter[i]);
printf("Bitstream after removing flag bits:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < outputreceivercount; i++)
printf("%d", receiver[i]);
return 0;

Actually you don't need the "flag" variable to detect the flag.
Replace the following code and see if it helps.
//After 5 consecutive 1s, if the next two bits are '10', then the flag is detected.
if ((transmitter[i + 1] == 1) && (transmitter[i + 2] == 0) && count == 5)
i = i + 2;
outputreceivercount -= (count+1);
count = 0;
This can be optimized more if needed.

1) if you need to detect flags in multiple of 8bit, you had better to use characters, so when you detect the byte 0x7e, then eliminate it. This is applicable when you are using the flat character in asynchronous lines, that transmit only 8bit bytes. (Your sample data has only seven bits of data between flags, so I'll assume this is not the case.)
2) if you need to detect the flag on a per bit basis, then you face the HDLC framing problem, that has two parts: a) the flag is detected when you detect 6 joint 1 bits, and b) transmitter inserts a 0 bits if more than 5 1 bits are in sequence (to ensure transparency). For this second part you need also to delete the 6th 0 bit after a sequence of 5 1 bits also. I don't know if you want this, but your flag seems extremely similar to an HDLC flag to assume you are not actually studying this protocol.
This problem can be faced with a finite automaton. The NFA equivalent, to detect this is:
| /
| /
|v 1 1 1 1 1 0
| | _
. . / \ 1
\ \ 1 | V
\0 `-->(7B)
\ 1 1 1 1 1 0
([1-4]P) Accepting state, print the number of 1 chars shown in the state number, (e.g. for state (3P) print 111.)
(6D) Accepting state, print 11111.
(7B) Accepting state. BREAK condition detected.
(14F) Accepting state. Flag detected.
All others are not accepting states. The automaton has to continue
matching states until no more accepting states can be reached, to output
the string of the last accepting state visited as output (e.g. if the last accepting state was 6D, then it has to output '11111'. In case the last state visited includes several accepting states, the priority order is:
14F, 7B, 6D, 4P, 3P, 2P, 1P
This NFA recognises 8 kinds of strings (I'll express them as regexps), namely: 0, 01111110, 1, 11, 111, 1111, 111110, and 11111111*. If a flag is accepted, you have to check also if the number of bits is a multiple of 8, as you can have arbitrary bit sequences with this protocol. Probably you don't, as the sample data you posted includes only seven bits. It could be represented by the following lex(1) pattern:
01111110 putchar('F');
1111111* putchar('B');
1 |
11 |
111 |
1111 ECHO;
111110 fputs("11111", stdout);
. ;
Below is a complete DFA that converts the input bits into the following
alphabet (for your problem, it only needs to substitute the "F" and "B" strings with empty ones ""):
* DFA to implement.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define F(x) __FILE__":%d:%s: " x, __LINE__, __func__
#ifndef DEBUG
#define DEBUG 0
#define D(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#define D(...)
#define E(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
char *names[] = {
"START" , "ST0" , "ST_1" , "ST01" ,
"ST_11" , "ST011" , "ST_111" , "ST0111" ,
"ST_1111" , "ST01111" , "ST_11111" , "ST011111" ,
"ST1111111", "ST" , "ST0111111", "ST1" ,
"ST11" , "ST111" , "ST1111" , "ST11111" ,
static enum st {
START , ST0 , ST_1 , ST01 , ST_11 ,
ST011 , ST_111 , ST0111 , ST_1111 , ST01111 ,
ST_11111 , ST011111 , ST1111111, ST , ST0111111,
ST1 , ST11 , ST111 , ST1111 , ST11111 ,
} state = START;
char flag[] = "F";
char brk[] = "B";
struct tab_entry {
enum st t_next;
char *t_insert;
} tab[][2] = {
/* INPUT */
/* ========================+================ */
/* START */ ST0, 0, ST_1, 0,
/* ST0 */ ST0, "0", ST01, 0,
/* ST_1 */ ST0, 0, ST_11, 0,
/* ST01 */ ST0, "01", ST011, 0,
/* ST_11 */ ST0, 0, ST_111, 0,
/* ST011 */ ST0, "011", ST0111, 0,
/* ST_111 */ ST0, 0, ST_1111, 0,
/* ST0111 */ ST0, "0111", ST01111, 0,
/* ST_1111 */ ST0, 0, ST_11111, 0,
/* ST01111 */ ST0, "01111", ST011111, 0,
/* ST_11111 */ ST0, 0, ST1111111, 0, /* break */
/* ST011111 */ ST, "011111", ST0111111, 0,
/* ST1111111 */ ST0, brk, ST1111111, 0,
/* ST */ ST0, 0, ST1, 0,
/* ST0111111 */ ST , flag, ST1111111, 0, /* break */
/* ST1 */ ST0, "1", ST11, 0,
/* ST11 */ ST0, "11", ST111, 0,
/* ST111 */ ST0, "111", ST1111, 0,
/* ST1111 */ ST0, "1111", ST11111, 0,
/* ST11111 */ ST, "11111", ST1111111, 0, /* break */
void hdlc_rst()
state = START;
char *hdlc_dec(char *out, int outsz, char *in)
char *res = out;
int c;
while ((c = *in++) != 0) {
switch(c) {
case '0': case '1':;
struct tab_entry *entry = &tab[state][c - '0'];
if (state != START) fputs("", stderr);
D(F("State: %s(%d), Input: '%c'\n"),
names[state], state, c);
if (entry->t_insert) {
int n = snprintf(out, outsz,
"%s", entry->t_insert);
D(F("Append \"%s\"\n"), entry->t_insert);
out += n;
outsz -= n;
D(F("State %s(%d) -> %s(%d)\n"),
names[state], state,
names[entry->t_next], entry->t_next);
state = entry->t_next;
E(F("Invalid character '%c' in input string\n"), c);
} /* switch */
} /* while */
char *p = tab[state][0].t_insert;
snprintf(out, outsz, "%s", p ? p : "");
return res;
} /* hdlc_dec */
char *hdlc_enc(char *out, int outsz, char *in)
char *res = out;
char c;
int n_ones = 0;
while ((c = *in++) != 0) {
int n = 0;
switch(c) {
case 'F': case 'f':
n = snprintf(out, outsz, "01111110");
n_ones = 0;
case 'B': case 'b':
n = snprintf(out, outsz, "1111111");
n_ones = 0;
case '0':
n = snprintf(out, outsz, "0");
n_ones = 0;
case '1':
n = snprintf(out, outsz, "1");
if (n_ones == 5) {
n += snprintf(out+1, outsz-1, "0");
n_ones = 0;
D(F("Invalid character '%c' in input string\n"), c);
} /* switch */
outsz -= n;
out += n;
} /* while */
return res;
} /* hdlc_enc */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
static char linea[10240], out[10240];
char *(*hdlc)(char *out, int outsz, char *in) = hdlc_dec;
if (strcmp(argv[0], "hdlc_dec") == 0)
hdlc = hdlc_dec;
else if (strcmp(argv[0], "hdlc_enc") == 0)
hdlc = hdlc_enc;
while(fgets(linea, sizeof linea, stdin)) {
int l = strlen(linea);
if (linea[l-1] == '\n') linea[--l] = '\0';
hdlc(out, sizeof out, linea);
D(F("%s ==> %s\n"), linea, out);
printf("%s\n", out);
} /* while */
} /* main */
To compile, use the following command:
cc -o hdlc_enc hdlc.c
ln hdlc_enc hdlc_dec
or, if you want debug traces of how the automaton works, use
cc -o hdlc_enc -DDEBUG=1 hdlc.c
ln hdlc_enc hdlc_dec
and you'll have both commands hdlc_enc to encode standard input, and hdlc_dec to decode it. To encode, use F for flag, B for BREAK, 0 and 1 (no restrictions) It will make 0 insertions at the proper places. To decode, just feed a sequence of bits, and it will transform flags into F, BREAKs into B and eliminate spureous 0s inserted by encoder. (after five 1 bits a 0 is inserted, to ensure transparency)
I have compiled the automaton by hand, so probably it's not optimum in the number of states, but 18 states is not too much.
The states names stand for the prefix ST followed by what has been read too far and not yet output because we cannot decide if it is a flag, break or a simple data bit sequence. States anchored to the stream beginning are prefixed by ST_.
A DFA that, in addition recognises only multiple of 8 bit patterns between flags is far out of the scope of this answer. You can count the bits between flags and see if they are multiple of eight bits on flag recognition, as the DFA should have N1xN2 states (around 80 states) and this makes it no worth to implement.

To answer your specific question, you check the state of flag before you perform what looks to be your "remove" section - you require flag to be false before you "remove" the bits. The first time such a flag is detected you set flag to true. It then stays true for all subsequent loops, so your "remove" section can never execute again.
In more general terms, I'm somewhat confused by your "remove" section - every time a "flag" is detected, you start overwriting receiver from the 0th element? What happens in a string such as "0111111001101110111111010101010" - what would you expect your output to be?


Mapping string to enum value

In my program, I have an enum that is used for indexing my array members. The reason is that it is much easier for me to understand which parameter I am accessing without knowing its index in the array
enum param_enum
static int16_t parameters[PARAM_COUNT] =
[AA] = 5,
[AB] = 3,
[AC] = 4,
[AD] = 8,
I can then access any parameter for example:
parameters[AA] = 10; // Update AA parameter to value 10.
I will be receiving serial commands such as :
When I receive this command, I must determine what parameter I need to modify based on the first 2 characters, then skip the 3rd character( because it is just ":" and I dont care about it) and the remaining characters will show the new value)
I wonder if there is any easier way to map the enum to a string
My current method:
// line holds the string data
// cmd_size is the length of string data
bool parse_command(char *line, uint16_t cmd_size)
printf("data size = %u \n",cmd_size);
char temp_buf[3] = {0};
temp_buf[0] = line[0];
temp_buf[1] = line[1];
printf("temp_buf = %s \n",temp_buf);
if (!strcmp("aa", temp_buf))
printf("aa: detected \n");
char temp_storage[5];
int16_t final_value;
for(int i = 3;i<=cmd_size; i++){
temp_storage[i-3]=line[i]; // read data and append to temp bufferfrom the 3rd character till the end of line
if(line[i] == 0){
printf("null termination triggered \n");
final_value = strtol(temp_storage,NULL,10); // convert char array to int16_t
printf("temp var = %i \n",final_value);
return true;
The above method seems to work fine but I do not believe that this is the most appropriate solution for this particular task.
If you don't mind what the actual values of the enumeration constants are, you could define those values to be equivalent to the first two characters of the test string. You can then copy those first two characters into a variable of that enum type, which will then adopt the appropriate enumeration directly.
You can define the values using two-character integer literals (like 'BA'). On little-endian systems (such as Windows), the two characters would be in reverse order; for big-endian systems, they would be in direct order.
Here's an example little-endian implementation:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
enum param_enum {
// Reverse byte order from strings for little-endian; keep "as-is" for big-endian...
AA = 'AA',
AB = 'BA',
AC = 'CA',
AD = 'DA'
int main(void)
char test[100];
while (1) {
printf("Enter test string (Q to quit): ");
if (scanf("%99s", test) != 1 || strcmp(test, "Q") == 0) break;
enum param_enum penum;
memset(&penum, 0, sizeof(penum)); // To clear any 'upper' bytes
memcpy(&penum, test, 2); // Now copy the first 2 byte2
switch (penum) {
case AA:
printf("Code is AA.\n");
case AB:
printf("Code is AB.\n");
case AC:
printf("Code is AC.\n");
case AD:
printf("Code is AD.\n");
printf("Unknown code.\n");
return 0;
If your compiler doesn't support multicharacter literals (such support is optional, according to the C Standard, IIRC), you can specify equivalent values using hexadecimal constants and the characters' ASCII codes (assuming your platforms uses ASCII encoding), instead:
enum param_enum {
AA = 0x4141, // 'AA'
AB = 0x4241, // 'BA'
AC = 0x4341, // 'CA'
AD = 0x4441 // 'DA'
You could use X Macro technique.
#define PARAM_XMACRO \
X(AA) \
X(AB) \
X(AC) \
enum param_enum{
#define X(NAME) NAME,
#undef X
int process() {
char *val = (char*)param->write.value;
#define X(NAME) \
if (strcmp(val, #NAME ":") == 0) { \
printf(#NAME " parameter need to change\n"); \
return NAME; \
#undef X
return -1;
It will expand as: (newlines added for clarity)
enum param_enum{
int process() {
char *val = (char*)param->write.value;
if (strcmp(val, "AA" ":") == 0) {
printf("AA" " parameter need to change\n");
return AA;
if (strcmp(val, "AB" ":") == 0) {
printf("AB" " parameter need to change\n");
return AB;
if (strcmp(val, "AC" ":") == 0) {
printf("AC" " parameter need to change\n");
return AC;
if (strcmp(val, "AD" ":") == 0) {
printf("AD" " parameter need to change\n");
return AD;
return -1;
You could use a look-up table of strings indexed by the param enum, and a function to look up the param enum from the string:
enum param_enum {
static const char * const param_prefix[] = {
[AA] = "AA",
[AB] = "AB",
[AC] = "AC",
[AD] = "AD",
#define ARRAYLEN(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (a)[0])
int find_param(const char *value, size_t value_len) {
int i;
const char *colon = memchr(value, ':', value_len);
if (!colon) {
/* not found */
return -1;
/* use length up to colon */
value_len = colon - value;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(param_prefix); i++) {
if (param_prefix[i]) {
size_t prefix_len = strlen(param_prefix[i]);
if (value_len == prefix_len &&
memcmp(param_prefix[i], value, prefix_len) == 0) {
/* found */
return i;
/* not found */
return -1;
Example usage:
// (using 3 for length here, but should use something better)
int penum = find_param((char*)param->write.value, 3);
if(penum >= 0) {
printf("%s parameter need to change\n", param_prefix[penum]);

Why does my program keep getting stuck while running the mandelbrot brainf*** program?

I wanted to improve my C skills, so I search some program's ideas.
Someone propose to create a simple Brainf*** interpreter and then a compiler. So here I am.
I created the interpreter and it works as expected, except with the Mandelbrot program:
A mandelbrot set fractal viewer in brainfuck written by Erik Bosman
I don't understand why, but my program keeps getting stuck in some sort of endless loop. I try to debug it using gdb but it's hard to find the right breakpoint in order to see why it stuck.
The program is as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Brainfuck instructions
// > Math stuff
#define INCR '+' // +1 on current MS
#define DECR '-' // -1 on current MS
// > Memory slot stuff
#define FORW '>' // Go to next MS
#define BACK '<' // Go to previous MS
// > Logic stuff
#define SJMP '[' // Loop till current MS value is equal to zero
#define EJMP ']' // Jump to the beginning of the loop
// > I/O stuff
#define PRTC '.' // Print character with MS value as ASCII code
#define GETC ',' // Get an user input ASCII character code
typedef unsigned char byte;
// The brainfuck program struct
typedef struct {
byte *values;
int size;
int index;
byte *loops_starts;
int loop_size;
int loop_index;
} BrainfuckProgram;
void initialize(BrainfuckProgram *bfp) {
bfp->values = malloc(bfp->size * sizeof(*bfp->values));
bfp->loops_starts = malloc(bfp->size * sizeof(*bfp->loops_starts));
int allocate_values(BrainfuckProgram *bfp) {
byte *newMem = realloc(bfp->values, bfp->size * sizeof(byte));
if (!newMem) {
return 1;
bfp->values = newMem;
return 0;
int allocate_new_loop(BrainfuckProgram *bfp) {
byte *newMem = realloc(bfp->loops_starts, bfp->loop_size * sizeof(byte));
if (!newMem) {
return 1;
bfp->loops_starts = newMem;
return 0;
void set_value(BrainfuckProgram *bfp, byte value) {
int tempValue = value < 0 ? 255: value % 256;
*(bfp->values + bfp->index) = tempValue;
int get_value(BrainfuckProgram *bfp) {
return *(bfp->values + bfp->index);
// FILE functions
int get_file_name(int argc, char *argv[], char** fname) {
if (argc == 1) {
printf("File name is missing\n");
return 1;
*fname = argv[1];
return 0;
int get_file_size(FILE *file) {
fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END);
int size = ftell(file);
return size;
// Main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Vector part
BrainfuckProgram bfp = {
.values = NULL,
.size = 1,
.index = 0,
.loops_starts = NULL,
.loop_index = 0,
.loop_size = 0
// FILE Part
char* fname = NULL;
int error = get_file_name(argc, argv, &fname);
if (error) {
goto exit;
// Create file variable
FILE *fin = NULL;
fin = fopen(fname, "r");
int size = get_file_size(fin);
// Create a char array of the right size
byte *prog = NULL;
prog = malloc(size * sizeof(*prog));
// Read 1 byte size times
fread(prog, 1, size, fin);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
byte current = *(prog+i);
switch (current) {
case INCR:
set_value(&bfp, get_value(&bfp) + 1);
case DECR:
set_value(&bfp, get_value(&bfp) - 1);
case FORW:
// if index+1 == size then we are at the
// last element of the vector cause
// size = index - 1
if (bfp.index+1 == bfp.size) {
int error = allocate_values(&bfp);
if (error) {
printf("an error occured while forwarding pointer");
goto close;
case BACK:
// bfp.index == 0 then !bfp.index == true
if (!bfp.index) {
printf("can go back from index 0\n");
goto close;
case SJMP:
if (bfp.loop_index == bfp.size) {
int error = allocate_new_loop(&bfp);
if (error) {
printf("an error occured while forwarding pointer");
goto close;
*(bfp.loops_starts + bfp.loop_index) = i;
case EJMP:
if (bfp.loop_index == -1) {
printf("cannot go back");
goto close;
if (get_value(&bfp) != 0) {
i = *(bfp.loops_starts + bfp.loop_index);
} else {
case PRTC:
printf("%c", get_value(&bfp));
case GETC:
; // Semicolon here because of the label error
byte buf;
scanf("%c", &buf);
set_value(&bfp, buf);
return 0;
I'd like to have some C related advice on what I have done wrong too.
The Mandelbrot program takes a decent time to run on a good interpreter. Yours, well, it isn't that good. That's why it "hangs" at the start.
Some good ideas that you had, performance-wise:
precalculating loops
Some bad ideas, performance-wise:
Using abstracted allocation functions instead of calling realloc
using scanf and printf instead of getchar and putchar
Some odd things that you did:
Manually truncating an unsigned char when wraparound is implicit
checking if an unsigned char is less than 0
using *(x + y) syntax instead of array indexing x[y]
I don't think you actually use those precalculated loops, if you do then probably not correctly
You also probably create a new precalculated loop every time you go over the loop again
Using the get_value and set_value functions instead of pointers (this will be a performance issue if you don't compile with optimizations)
A couple suggestions:
Try to avoid calling functions when you don't need to as much as possible.
Write a BrainFuck->C compiler using this reference.
On second thought, maybe you should try to debug this program instead.
You may also use my interpreter as a reference if you're OK with GPLv3. Note that it doesn't precalculate loops.

scanf register new conversion specifier

I wrote this week an extension for the printf family of functions to accept %b to print binary. For that, I used the function register_printf_specifier().
Now I wonder if I can do the same in the scanf family of functions to accept a binary input and write it into a variable.
Is there any extension that allows me to do that?
TL;DR: No. At least no when using glibc.
I've downloaded recent glibc version:
% wget
% tar -xzf glibc-2.29.tar.gz
And grep'ed find, searching for random scanf family function that came to my mind - in this case, it was vfscanf:
% find | grep "vfscanf"
From my experience I know that real implementations are somewhere in -internal, yet I looked through output:
And decided to check ./stdio-common/vfscanf.c, that in fact contained stub to the internal function:
% cat ./stdio-common/vfscanf.c
___vfscanf (FILE *s, const char *format, va_list argptr)
return __vfscanf_internal (s, format, argptr, 0);
Going forward, I've looked thru the file, and reached format parser:
% cat ./stdio-common/vfscanf-internal.c | head -n 1390 | tail -n 20
case L_('x'): /* Hexadecimal integer. */
case L_('X'): /* Ditto. */
base = 16;
goto number;
case L_('o'): /* Octal integer. */
base = 8;
goto number;
case L_('u'): /* Unsigned decimal integer. */
base = 10;
goto number;
case L_('d'): /* Signed decimal integer. */
base = 10;
goto number;
I've looked at the end of file, and found some finishing case label:
% cat ./stdio-common/vfscanf-internal.c | tail -n 60
case L_('p'): /* Generic pointer. */
base = 16;
/* A PTR must be the same size as a `long int'. */
flags &= ~(SHORT|LONGDBL);
if (need_long)
flags |= LONG;
flags |= READ_POINTER;
goto number;
/* If this is an unknown format character punt. */
conv_error ();
/* The last thing we saw int the format string was a white space.
Consume the last white spaces. */
if (skip_space)
c = inchar ();
while (ISSPACE (c));
ungetc (c, s);
/* Unlock stream. */
scratch_buffer_free (&charbuf.scratch);
if (__glibc_unlikely (done == EOF))
if (__glibc_unlikely (ptrs_to_free != NULL))
struct ptrs_to_free *p = ptrs_to_free;
while (p != NULL)
for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < p->count; ++cnt)
free (*p->ptrs[cnt]);
*p->ptrs[cnt] = NULL;
p = p->next;
ptrs_to_free = p;
else if (__glibc_unlikely (strptr != NULL))
free (*strptr);
*strptr = NULL;
return done;
And the code that finished the function. This means, all format specifiers are constant for one of scanf-family functions, and this implies that you can't register new handler without messing with the large clusterf..k in glibc source (that of course won't be portable).

Commands to execute functions in C

I'm using the LXLE 14.04 distribution of Linux.
I want to write a C program to read commands, interpret and perform them. I'd like the program to be efficient, and I do not want to use
a linked list.
The commands are operations on sets.
Each set can contain any of the values from 0 through 127 inclusive.
I decided to represent a set as an array of characters, containing 128 bits.
If bit at position pos is turned on then the number pos is in the set and if the bit at position pos is turned off then the number pos is
not present in the set. For example, if the bit at position 4 is 1, then the number 4 is present in the set, if the bit at position 11 is 1 then the number
11 is present in the set.
The program should read commands and interpret them in a certain way.
There are a few commands: read_set, print_set, union_set, intersect_set, sub_set and halt.
For example, the command read_set A,1,2,14,-1 in the terminal will cause the reading of values of the list into the specified set in the command.
In this case the specified set in the command is A. The end of the list is represented by -1. So after writing this command, the set A will contain the elements 1,2,14.
This is what I have so far.
Below is the file set.h
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct
char array[16]; /*Takes 128 bits of storage*/
extern set A , B , C , D , E , F;
This is the file main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "set.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
set A , B , C , D , E , F; /*Variable definition*/
void read_set(set s,char command[])
int i, number = 0 , pos;
char* str_num = strtok(NULL,"A, ");
unsigned int flag = 1;
printf("I am in the function read_set right now\n");
while(str_num != NULL) /*without str_num != NULL get segmentation fault*/
number = atoi(str_num);
if(number == -1)
printf("number%d ",number);
printf("str_num %c\n",*str_num);
i = number/8; /*Array index*/
pos = number%8; /*bit position*/
flag = flag << pos;
s.array[i] = s.array[i] | flag;
str_num = strtok(NULL, ", ");
if(s.array[i] & flag)
printf("Bit at position %d is turned on\n",pos);
printf("Bit at position %d is turned off\n",pos);
flag = 1;
void print_set(set s)
unsigned int flag = 1; int in_set = 0;
int i = 0;
while(s.array[i] != -1)
if(s.array[i] & flag)
in_set = s.array[i];
printf("%d,",in_set );
flag = 1;
int main()
#define CMD_LENGTH 256
char command[CMD_LENGTH]; char* letter;
printf("Please enter a command");
letter = strtok(command,"read_set ,");
case 'A':
case 'B':
case 'C':
case 'D':
case 'E':
case 'F':
return 0;
Clearly, it is not a good practice to write a bunch of switch statements and using strtok for each command, and repeating the code written in the main function for each command in order to call the different functions. I thought about using a pointer to a generic function, but since each function receives different parameters,
I do not think this is going to work.
Is there a better way of doing this?
Thanks in advance!
Update #1:
Here's the code. I've made some changes to it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "set.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
set A , B , C , D , E , F; /*Variable definition*/
set sets[6];
/*Below I want to initialize sets so that set[0] = A set[1] = B etc*/
sets[0].array = A.array;
sets[1].array = B.array;
sets[2].array = C.array;
sets[3].array = D.array;
sets[4].array = E.array;
sets[5].array = F.array;
void read_set(set s,char all_command[])
int i, number = 0 , pos;
char* str_num = strtok(NULL,"A, ");
unsigned int flag = 1;
printf("I am in the function read_set right now\n");
while(str_num != NULL) /*without str_num != NULL get segmentation fault*/
number = atoi(str_num);
if(number == -1)
printf("number%d ",number);
printf("str_num %c\n",*str_num);
i = number/8; /*Array index*/
pos = number%8; /*bit position*/
flag = flag << pos;
s.array[i] = s.array[i] | flag;
str_num = strtok(NULL, ", ");
if(s.array[i] & flag)
printf("Bit at position %d is turned on\n",pos);
printf("Bit at position %d is turned off\n",pos);
flag = 1;
typedef struct
char *command;
void (*func)(set,char*);
} entry;
entry chart[] = { {"read_set",&read_set} };
void (*getFunc(char *comm) ) (set,char*)
int i;
for(i=0; i<2; i++)
if( strcmp(chart[i].command,comm) == 0)
return chart[i].func;
return NULL;
int main()
#define PER_CMD 256
char all_comm[PER_CMD]; void (*ptr_one)(set,char*) = NULL; char* comm; char* letter;
while( (strcmp(all_comm,"halt") != 0 ) & (all_comm != NULL))
printf("Please enter a command");
comm = strtok(all_comm,", ");
ptr_one = getFunc(comm);
letter = strtok(NULL,",");
all_comm[0] = '\0';
letter[0] = '\0';
return 0;
I get the following compile error:
main.c:9:8: error: expected ���=���, ���,���, ���;���, ���asm��� or ���attribute��� before ���.��� token
What's my mistake? How can I fix this?
Thanks a lot! #Claim Yang
However,in your case, using switch is almost the best solution to this.
Another way without switch is using a simple way to get an index. Here is a simple solution.
set sets[6];
read_set(sets[*letter - 'A'], command);
Then if you need to read a command, another array of pointers to functions is needed. Like below:
void (*functions[3])(set,char[]);
functions[0] = read_set;
And so on.
The point is coverting your string to an int, so it can be seen as an index of an array.
Then call functions like functions[string_to_int(string)](set,char[]);

encountered strange situation-variable value

I am programming on some device and I encountered
rather strange situation.
The same variable - for the first time has correct value,
but the SAME variable on a different place in code,
has a DIFFERENT value.
What can be causing this? I am pretty sure I didn't modify
the variable in between, I am also pretty sure I didn't
modify the variable using some pointers accidentally.
What can be causing this? I am really confused?
Can it be related that I for example used whole available stack
space of some function - and because of this compiler automatically
0-ifies my variable(or something similar)?
I have some long code inside a single function f.
Here's whole details on usage of pointsEntered variable in my code (how it is used).
/* Let the user input points */
s32 pointsEntered = 0;
int pointsCounter = 0;
if(pointsCounter == 3)
return; // User entered wrong points 3 times, exit function
bool retStatus = false;
retStatus = inputPoints(&pointsEntered);
if(false == retStatus) // If user didn't enter amount, exit this function
PromptBox(false, 0, "Points should not be more\n than current points");
// PROBLEM: pointsEntered - is OK here but as it will be shown below, it gets modified down the way
// even though I don't change it directly
char intTest1[50];
sprintf(intTest1, "1pentered %d", pointsEntered); // Here the value is OK! It shows value that I entered, e.g., 220
PromptBox(false, 0, intTest1);
/* Let the user enter 4 digit pin code */
u8 pinEntered[5] = {0};
bool retStatus1 = false;
retStatus1 = inputPin(pinEntered);
if(false == retStatus1) // If user didn't enter amount, exit this function
char intTest2[50];
sprintf(intTest2, "2pentered %d", pointsEntered); // Here pointsEnetered is OK
PromptBox(false, 0, intTest2);
/* Compute hash of pin code*/
s32 siRet1 = 0;
u8 pinVerify[25]={0};
u8 hashResult[16] = {0};
siRet1 = sdkMD5(hashResult,pinVerify,25);
char intTest3[50];
sprintf(intTest3, "3pentered %d", pointsEntered); // Here pointsEntered has changed!!!
PromptBox(false, 0, intTest3);
/* convert string hash code to byte array */
unsigned char val[16] = {0};
unsigned char * pos = pinHash;
size_t count = 0;
// WARNING: no sanitization or error-checking whatsoever
for(count = 0; count < sizeof(val)/sizeof(val[0]); count++)
sscanf(pos, "%2hhx", &val[count]);
pos += 2 * sizeof(char);
char intTest4[50];
sprintf(intTest4, "4pentered %d", pointsEntered);
PromptBox(false, 0, intTest4);
/* Does the pin hash match ? */
if (siRet == SDK_OK && (!memcmp(hashResult,val,16)))
MsgBox("PIN doesn't match-exiting","",0,SDK_KEY_MASK_ESC | SDK_KEY_MASK_ENTER);
char intTest[50];
sprintf(intTest, "pentered %d", pointsEntered);
PromptBox(false, 0, intTest);
These two lines may cause it (as it's undefined behavior):
u8 pinEntered[5] = {0};
Here you declare an array of five entries, but then you assign to a sixth item. This will most likely overwrite any previous variable on the stack.
