Get column header of last non-empty cell in unknown row - arrays

I have a table in a sheet called "DATA" with the following headers:
Country, Code, Series, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
In each row I have data for all columns always, except for years. Some rows have data for some years only, others all years.
In sheet "DATA AVAILABILITY" I want to build a formula which returns the most recent year for which there is available information in sheet "DATA", given a certain country and code. The relevant country and codes are in cells E2 and A3 of "DATA AVAILABILITY". Let's say, for argument's sake, that these are Country: Angola; Code: 3.
I have first built an array MATCH formula with two criteria:
={MATCH(1,('DATA AVAILABILITY'!E$2=Data!$B$1:$B$104701)*('DATA AVAILABILITY'!$A3=Data!$D$1:$D$104701),0)}
This has successfully given me the row in "DATA" in which there is information for Angola and code 3, which is row 1776.
Now I would like to get the header for the last non-empty cell of row 1776 in sheet "DATA". For this, I started by building a formula that would give me the column number of that cell:
It successfully returned the number 53 which, after verifying on sheet "Data" is the correct number. I then added to the formula so that it would return the header, i.e., the year, instead of the column number:
Finally, I would like to combine both formulas (the MATCH and the INDEX formulas) so that the final result would be returned with one formula only. However, when I try to do it, something goes wrong and an error comes up - I am not even able to enter the formula. When I click ENTER, Excel returns an error that says there is a problem with the formula. what I have tried to do is to replace, in the LOOKUP within the INDEX, "Data!1776:1776" for the array MATCH formula that returns the row in which the information is - in my example, row 1776. The final formula which is not working is as follows:
=INDEX(Data!$A$1:$BE$104701,1,LOOKUP(2,1/(MATCH(1,('DATA AVAILABILITY'!E$2=Data!$B$1:$B$104701)*('DATA AVAILABILITY'!$A3=Data!$D$1:$D$104701)<>""),COLUMN(MATCH(1,('DATA AVAILABILITY'!E$2=Data!$B$1:$B$104701)*('DATA AVAILABILITY'!$A3=Data!$D$1:$D$104701))))
What may I be doing wrong?
Thank you

Hard to tell what is going on without at least some sample data (as a table or linked workbook -- NOT as a screenshot), and I would do it a bit differently.
You can simplify your formula to get the Header of the column that contains the last data in row 1776:
To return the column number:
To return the Appropriate Row Number (enter with CSE):
To return the last filled in value, in the row that matches Country and Code, we make use of the fact that using 0 for the column number in the INDEX function returns all the columns in the designated row:
entered with CSE.


Google Sheets Function: datatype error when the function already deals with the datatype

Context: In scheduling our podcast, we release four episodes per month. If there are 5 recording days in a month (Saturday), we record, but don't release that week, so we can build up a buffer.
The purpose of this function is to count the number of Saturdays alongside of the RecordingDates column (named range), setting the value to 1 if:
The current row is the first data row below the column title
The month changes
within the year
year rolls over
I have three custom functions for simplification:
ISFIRSTROW - Checks whether the value above is TEXT. Returns TRUE if so.
LASTROWUP - Returns the value of the previous row in the range of concern
NEXTROWDOWN - Returns the value of the next row down in the range of concern
Altogether, this is the formula:
Every one of those works separately.
They also all work together if I start the fill from below row 2.
Where I'm stuck is that if I start this at row 2, I get this error:
Function MONTH parameter 1 expects number values.
But 'Recording Date (ten)' is a text and cannot be coerced to a number.
The ISFIRSTROW function returns TRUE when run on its own in row 2. So, to my understanding, the OR function in the IF should resolve to TRUE, and the IF should set the cell value to 1 and be done with it. I've tried a bunch of configurations of the formula, and am at wits end. I feel like I'm in a 70's product commercial screaming "There's got to be a better way!"
I know that the MONTH function needs a numerical input. What I don't understand is why that part of the formula is evaluating at all. Or, why I always have to think about what to do with the title if I want a function to start at the top.
A snapshot of the spreadsheet
if you are in row 2 then ROW()-1 will bring data from row 1 and you have a header (text string) in row 1 so that's equal to error as it should because dates starts from row 2

Long calculation times with XLOOKUP vs INDEX-MIN-COLUMN

I'm using this formula =IF(B24="","",IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet3!$C$3:$EE$3,,MIN(IF(Sheet3!$C$4:$EE$23=(Sheet2!C24&$K$18),COLUMN(Sheet3!$C:$EE)))-2),"NF")) to return a cell value in the top row of an array - a date in this case.
The search criteria is a combination of a unique project number and a 2 digit status alphanumerical code for the project. The array consists of 23 rows where combinations of the unique numbers are found, each with different status codes.
So essentially, I'm building a FILTERED project status dashboard that returns dates linked to the relevant project status.
The code above is inspired from ( LINK ) that uses a very similar layout, but it uses town suburbs linked to postal codes instead of project numbers and status codes. The formula works well (though, not entered as an array formula), but I don't have a single formula in the sheet, I have 3 300 occurrences of this formula.
The problem comes in when the user changes the FILTER - Excel recalculates the entire dashboard and that takes anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes to run. You hit the escape button and cancel the calculation after setting the filter, but Excel just starts calculating again after a few seconds. After that, Excel's response is sluggish and almost unusable. Yes - our hardware is pretty weak ...
I tried XLOOKUP as well, but can't set the "lookup_array" to an array ( Sheet3!$C$4:$EE$23 ) because it doesn't match the "return-array" ( Sheet3!$C$3:$EE$3 ) Concatenating the lookup arrays with & works, but then you'd have to do that for all 23 rows, and again, multiply that by 3 300.
I thought of creating a UDF, but the function will still be called every time Excel recalculates after filtering... 3 300 calls ...
Any ideas on how to make the INDEX version run faster, or make the XLOOKUP accept the lookup_array as Sheet3!$C$4:$EE$23 in the hopes that it'll run faster?
Thank you!
Not really an elegant solution, but it works.
I imported the dataset into a helper sheet, where I combined the cell value with the corresponding value in Column A for each row ( a name in this case ) and the date from row 1 for each column, using underscore as a delimiter.
This new data range was then given a unique name, EE in this case.
On a second helper sheet, using this formula =INDEX(Filtered,1+INT((ROW('Sheet1'!C3)-1)/COLUMNS(Filtered)),MOD(ROW('Sheet1'!C3)-1+COLUMNS(Filtered),COLUMNS(Filtered))+1) and drag it down till it returns an REF! error and going back one row before the error.
This transposes all the data into a single column G. Using =UNIQUE(SORT(FILTER(B3:B3240,B3:B3240<> "",""))) then gives me a filtered list of unique values in column H that I then run
=IF(H3="","",LEFT(H3, SEARCH("_",H3,1)-1)) for the first data value in I, and
=IF(H3="","",MID(H3, SEARCH("_",H3) + 1, SEARCH("_",H3,SEARCH("_",H3)+1) - SEARCH("_",H3) - 1)) for the middle data value in J, and
=IF(H3="","",IFERROR(TEXT(RIGHT(H3,5),"yyyy-mm-dd"),"NF")) for the last data value in K.
Then just run XLOOPUP across columns I, J and K.
Runs quick and easy and solves a few of the other issue I had as well.
The second data set has just over 35 000 rows - still works well and fast.

EXCEL: Create Array Formula out of INDEX/MATCH with multiple results

my aim is to convert a massive excel sheet with different projects, employees and hours worked per month into an overview per employee. It should be possible to display the projects the employee is involved in and how many hours he worked per project per month.
The original sheet looks something like this:
I managed to find the projects Person A worked in by filtering through the INDEX/MATCH function. I applied the formula to the whole row where the employees are listed and receive multiple results of projects. My question is how to transform the formula into something more effective to copy all of the matched results (projects) into a column (see 1).
This is what I have so far, if matches the employee name in a certain area; the output is the first match of the project he is involved in:
=INDEX(B2:J3;1;MATCH("Person A";Sheet1!B3:E3;0))
How can I copy this to the bottom cells to copy all of the matched results? Does it help to create an array formula with this?
You can use he following formula in cell B9:
It indexes row 2 and looks for the column number of the first match in row 3 that equals the value in B8 (=Person A). When dragging down it will look for the second match ROWS(A$1:A1) will become ROWS(A$1:A2) = 2.
For Person B you can use this formula in cell B14:
I hope this is what you where looking for.
if you paste the following formula in cell C9 you will get the sum result for Person A on Project XY in month 10 2019:
Note: That is provided that the value in cell C8 equals the value in cell A4.

Get corresponding value from other sheet in excel (only returning first column)

I currently have the following formula, where the intention is to search one sheet for names, then pull the job title from another sheet with the same layout. However, it keeps only returning job titles from C column, and I to some extent know why, but I have no idea how to get the index, and in turn cell address call, to return matches with the correct column value.
Essentially the ActualVolunteerSchedule sheet has names, the TaskingSchedule has jobs in the time slots.
In EmailPrep sheet I am combining the time marker from column A with the job title from inside the table based on finding a matching name from row 1 in the email prep sheet.
So given a range say B:H on sheet1 - find all cells containing NAME, then grab cell contents from sheet2 with the same address. NAME found at sheet1!$C$3 then return value of sheet2!$C$3
Actual File
Google Sheet

VLOOKUPs to Populate an Excel Table

I'm having trouble writing a VLOOKUP to sort some data.
I have one table that has data that looks like this:
MarkAsOfDate MaturityDate ZeroRate
05-May-15 05-May-15 0.006999933
05-May-15 06-May-15 0.006999933
05-May-15 05-Jun-15 0.008996562
05-May-15 06-Jul-15 0.008993128
... ....
I want to make a table with every instance where the interval between the dates in the first and second columns is exactly one month (such as 05 - May - 15 and 05 - Jun - 15), and with blanks where no such value exists.
So I made a second table which looks like:
MarkAsofDate MaturityDate Zero Rate 1M
5-May-15 5-Jun-15
6-May-15 6-Jun-15
7-May-15 7-Jun-15
8-May-15 8-Jun-15
9-May-15 9-Jun-15
.... ....
I want to populate this table using data from the first table. I've tried to write a VLOOKUP for it but I'm not sure how to do it with two columns instead of one.
Thanks in advance.
Vlookup has some limitations, as you're starting to see. Another suggestion is Index/Match. Use this in your second table.
Note: I assume your top table is in Sheet1. Put this in your C2, in the second table (under the "Zero Rate 1M" header):
=Index(Sheet1!$C:$C,match(A2&B2,Sheet1!$A:$A&Sheet1!$B:$B,0)) and enter by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
There are a lot of ways to do it - if your data is sorted first by MarkAsofDate and then by Maturity date, the simplest method will be to add a helper column on your raw data tab - let's say column E. In column E, starting at E2 and copied down, type [Assuming MarkAsofDate is column A & MaturityDate is column E]:
This column will show the MarkAsOfDate for every item which has a MaturityDate 1 month after the MarkAsOfDate; for all other rows it will show "".
In your special data results tab, use the MATCH function to find the row in column E which matches your current row's MarkAsOfDate. We will also use the INDEX function to return the value from that row in column C. Assuming your first sheet with raw data is sheet1 and your special data results is on sheet2, type this into E2 on sheet2 and drag down:
Another alternative (apart from BruceWayne's recommended Array Formula) would be to use the OFFSET function. OFFSET creates a new range based on a starting point, moving a number of cells to the right/left/up/down, for a given height and width. In this case, we will first use MATCH to find the first time that the MarkAsOfDate on Sheet1 matches Sheet2. We will use that info and the OFFSET function to create a new range which starts there, and ends at the bottom of your data, like so:
Then we just need to use VLOOKUP on the range we created above, like so:
This second alternative avoids needing a helper column, but is more complex and could be prone to errors if your rows/columns change (because we had to hardcode a couple of things in the OFFSET function). Also, OFFSET is volatile, meaning it recalculates whenever any cell calculates, so it can slow down your workbook if you have a lot of rows of it. Based on that, I recommend you either use the helper column method above, or if you are comfortable with Array Formulas, using BruceWayne's answer.
