Auto Increment number on SuiteCRM Accounts - suitecrm

I tried several answers from suitecrm forum And here. And I can't implement them to the present version of Suite CRM.
Here is the one I tried last and stuck for further clarification.
add a new file in custom/Extension/modules/yourmodule/Ext/Vardefs e.g. autoincrement.php with the following :
$dictionary['YOUR_MODULE']['fields']['NAME_OF_AUTO_INC_FIELD'] = array(
'type' => 'int',
'readonly' => true,
'len' => 11,
'auto_increment' => true,
'disable_num_format' => true,
and also add unique index for the field in that file
$dictionary['YOUR_MODULE']['indices']['NAME_FOR_INDEX'] = array(
'name' => 'NAME_FOR_INDEX',
'type' => 'unique',
'fields' => array('NAME_OF_AUTO_INC_FIELD'),
Run a Quick Rebuild and Repair in Admin -> Repair and execute the changes.
after that it shows an empty text box. There it iterates automatically, when new account saved. But I want to show the next auto increment number here in this Accounts page itself.
Instead of default value, I want to show the next auto value in the new Account form.

This isn't out the box behaviour - you'll need to add some customisations to do this.
I would create a new vardef auto_inc_preview which is a function type field. This can then be used to grab the largest number from the DB and display this + 1.
A possible issue with this would be that the number a user sees may not be the id that gets generated - for example if two or more people create an account at the same time.


Uploading multiple pictures from the same form in CakePHP 1.2

I have a one-to-many relationship where one House can have many Pictures. The models that I have are "House" and "Picture". I am using CakePHP 1.2 and I can upload one picture successfully by using this:
echo $form->input('Picture.filename', array('type' => 'file', 'label' => __l('Image')));
In my houses_controller.php file, I have this code to save the picture and corresponding association with its house:
But I need to save several pictures now. I read the documentation at and based on that information, I am trying to use this:
echo $form->input('Picture.0.filename', array('type' => 'file', 'label' => __l('Image 1'));
echo $form->input('Picture.1.filename', array('type' => 'file', 'label' => __l('Image 2'));
Then my houses_controller.php file has this:
I see that one new record is saved in my pictures table, but I was expecting to see two new entries in my table because I should have added two pictures, not only one. Any ideas about why this may not be saving two pictures for me? Thank you.
Using $this->data['Picture'] was not sufficient because the array was returning multiple elements, so I had to reference each with the corresponding index such as $this->data['Picture'][0] for the first element, $this->data['Picture'][1] for the second one, etc.
NOTE: It was not saving two records for me, even thought I was using save() twice. But that was another issue. You can read the answers at Save multiple times in Cakephp for the corresponding solution. Basically you need to use create() before you use save().

How to pull data for and display an Association as a multiple-select checkbox in CakePHP 3?

I'm setting up a user access model with Roles in a separate table, and linked to Users by a UserRoles table.
I currently have the following in Model/Table/UsersTable.php:
$this->belongsToMany('Roles', [
'through' => 'UserRoles'
and the following in Model/Table/RolesTable.php:
$this->belongsToMany('Users', [
'through' => 'UserRoles'
and the following in Model/Table/UserRolesTable.php:
$this->belongsTo('Users', [
'foreignKey' => 'user_id'
$this->belongsTo('Roles', [
'foreignKey' => 'role_id'
I have 3 different roles created, 'viewer', 'creator', and 'administrator'. I've successfully set privileges based on user types. Where I am getting stuck is adding roles to a user via an association form.
Right now I have given Administrator users the ability to edit user information. This works for basic information that I have in the Users table, but I can't figure out how to set up the form field for the associated Role. I would like it to be a checkbox where the Administrator can select each privilege for the user.
I'm currently doing this, which is not giving me what I want:
echo $this->Form->input('Users.role', ['type' => 'checkbox']);
This is giving me a single checkbox with the label "Role". I want to pull each row from my Roles table and list them all as options.
I have a few questions relating to this:
1) This seems really elementary but I'm just not finding it clearly stated. What code do I need in my UsersController to pull the list of all Roles? (not just those associated with the current User, but all objects in the Roles table.)
2) What form input code do I need to display checkboxes with all possible Roles, and show the current user privileges (in my UserRoles table) as already checked off? I think I need something like this in my form:
echo $this->Form->select('User.Role', $options, ['multiple' => 'checkbox']);
...but I can't tell what $options should be, and how to set already-selected values.
I am currently pulling Roles with my User object to be edited:
$user = $this->Users->get($id, [
'contain' => ['Roles'],
'' => $this->Auth->user('id')
...but I'm having trouble converting it into a checkbox form selection.
Thanks so much.
In order to create a list of checkbox out of some options, you first need to send the options from the controller:
$this->set('roles', $this->Users->Roles->find('list'));
Then, in your template add a multiple => checkbox input:
echo $this->Form->input('roles', ['multiple' => 'checkbox', 'options' => $roles]);
It is not necessary to prefix your input names with User. just name your inputs as the properties of a User entity.

How to insert into database Drupal Custom Fields

I retrieve content types with the following code
$form['ct'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#options' => node_type_get_names(),
'#title' => t('Hangi tür içerikler hakkında bilgi almak istersiniz?'),
And It gives the following output
And when I press Create new Account button, the POST Array is so :
My Question is How can I insert into database these values and read?
There are two ways of saving this data and associates with user ID ($user->uid).
Adding a new field for users from 'admin/config/people/accounts/fields'. Say the new field name is 'ct' and it is a list type field. In hook form_alter you can assign this options to 'ct'. Drupal will take care of saving the data.
You can create separate table to keep this information and use db_insert function in hook hook_user_update. To retrieve this information you need to use db_query in hook_user_load.

CakePHP validation on => 'create', on => 'update'

I'm hoping you cakephp experts can answer this re Cake 2.1 and data validation in the model.
Cake gives you an "on" key for use in the validate array. I understand what the docs say about this but my question is, what's the point of these two items.
Let's say I have a validation rule for when a record is created. The validation passes and the record is created.
Then the user goes and edits that record and changes it to something that no longer passes that particular validation. But since I've got my validation set to run on create only, the validation passes and the record is updated with invalid data. It seems to me like this would apply to any on create / on update rules. If a user wanted to bypass validation, just create a valid record, then go and edit it so it's now invalid.
Can someone perhaps help me understand when it might make sense to use on update and on create?
This is most useful in conduction with the required rule. You should set certain fields that are minimally required to be required 'on' => 'create'. This makes the rule fail if those fields don't exist in the data set and the record cannot be created, but allows you to update existing records without having to pass that field each and every time.
For example:
'email' => array(
'required' => array(
'on' => 'create',
'rule' => 'notEmpty',
'message' => 'Enter your email address',
'required' => true,
'last' => true
'notempty' => array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty',
'message' => 'Enter your email address',
'allowEmpty' => false,
'last' => true
'email' => array(
'rule' => 'email',
'message' => 'Not a valid email address',
'last' => true
I found it really useful in cooperation with profile pictures. You need one to be uploaded on create (if it is needed), but on update i can remain empty => no update to picture will be done.
'on' => null will do the job
Ok, let's say you have a Profile model.
If you have a Date of Birth field, you would probably use a rule that would be enforced for both addition and edition.
You might also add a delete_picture checkbox in your form that a user should select in order to delete their profile picture. When adding, you have no profile picture so this field is only relevant at edition time and you would then use on => update.
Let's say you also have a group field that is set when you create the object but that is meant to never be changed. You would then use on => create.

CakePHP AutoComplete Question

I am working on a book review application and I am using autoComplete to search for titles in when creating a review. The review model has an associated book_id field and the relationship is setup as the review hasOne book and a book hasMany reviews.
I am trying to pass the (into the book_id field), but I want to display for the user to select from. With the default setup (accomplished via CakePHP's tutorial), I can only pass Is it possible to display the name and pass the id?
Also, I am passing it via the following code in the create() action of the review controller:
$this->data['Review']['book_id'] = $this->data['Book']['id'];
Is that the proper way to do it in CakePHP? I know in Ruby on Rails, it is automatic, but I can't seem to make it work automagically in CakePHP. Finally, I am not using the generator because it is not available in my shared hosting environment... so if this is the wrong way, what do I need other than associates in my models to make it happen automatically?
Thanks for the help and I promise this is my question for awhile...
UPDATE- I tried the following, but it is not working. Any ideas why?
function autoComplete() {
$this->set('books', $this->Book->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
' LIKE' => $this->data['Book']['name'].'%'
'fields' => array('id','name')
$this->layout = 'ajax';
The problem is that when I use the code above in the controller, the form submits, but it doesn't save the record... No errors are also thrown, which is weird.
I have determine that the reason this isn't working is because the array types are different and you can't change the array type with the autoComplete helper. As a workaround, I tried the follow, but it isn't working. Can anyone offer guidance why?
function create() {
if($this->Review->create($this->data) && $this->Review->validates()) {
$this->data['Review']['user_id'] = $this->Session->read('');
$this->Book->find('first', array('fields' => array(''), 'conditions' => array('' => $this->data['Book']['name'])));
$this->data['Review']['book_id'] = $this->Book->id;
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
} else {
$errors = $this->Review->invalidFields();
Ok, I found that the helper only takes the find(all) type or array and that the "id" field wasn't passing because it only applied to the autoComplete's LI list being generated. So, I used the observeField to obtain the information and then do a database lookup and tried to create a hidden field on the fly with the ID, but that didn't work. Finally, the observeField would only take the characters that I put in instead of what I clicked, due to an apparent Scriptaculous limitation. So, I ended up going to a dropdown box solution for now and may eventually look into something else. Thanks for all of the help anyway!
First of all, $this->data will only contain ['Book']['id'] if the field exists in the form (even if it's hidden).
To select something by name and return the id, use the list variant of the find method, viz:
$selectList = $this->Book->find('list', array(
'fields' => array(
$this->set('selectList', $selectList);
In the view, you can now use $selectList for the options in the select element:
echo $form->input('', array('type' => 'hidden'));
echo $form->input('template_id', array(
'options' => $selectList,
'type' => 'select'
