angularjs: extending directive then make modifications - angularjs

I am working in ServiceNow and am trying to extend an ootb directive, then make some modifications to a couple functions. So far I've figured out how to extend the directive:
function (spModelDirective){
return angular.extend({}, spModelDirective[0], {
Within this directive, there's a function called getNestedFields that I would like to make edits to:
function getNestedFields(fields, containers) {
if (!containers)
for (var _container in containers) {
var container = containers[_container];
if (container.columns) {
for (var _col in container.columns) {
var col = container.columns[_col];
for (var _field in col.fields) {
var field = col.fields[_field];
if (field.type == "container" && container.caption != "")
getNestedFields(fields, [field]);
else if (field.type == "checkbox_container")
getNestedFields(fields, field.containers);
else if (field.type == "field" || container.caption=="")
Can someone provide some guidance on what the correct syntax for this would be?
More information
Our team cloned the ootb widget-form and am trying to create a custom layout. Basically, we want each form section to be it's own tab much like the back-end form instead of one long form, which is what the ootb widget-form currently does. In the very first line of the sp-variable-layout template, it shows:
<fieldset ng-init="$last ? execItemScripts() : null" ng-show="isContainerVisible(container)" ng-repeat="container in containers">
The ng-repeat of container in containers considers each form section as a separate container (which is perfect), BUT it also considers any splits as a separate container as well. So for example, if my form's layout looks like this:
This will create two tabs: one that has every field within the begin and end splits AND a separate tab with everything after the end split. The JSON object that is created looks like this:
"_bootstrap_cells": 6,
"_count": 2,
"visible": true,
"columns": [{
"fields": [{
"name": "type_of_account",
"type": "field"
}, {
"name": "routing_transit_number",
"type": "field"
}, {
"fields": [{
"name": "type_of_payment",
"type": "field"
}, {
"name": "check_digit",
"type": "field"
"caption": "Direct Deposit",
"id": "b456b9d2137ac340177c36328144b0ef",
"scope_name": "x_dnf_table"
}, {
"_bootstrap_cells": 12,
"_count": 1,
"visible": true,
"columns": [{
"fields": [{
"name": "account_number",
"type": "field"
}, {
"name": "account_title",
"type": "field"
}, {
"name": "financial_institution_name",
"type": "field"
"caption": "",
"id": "",
"scope_name": "x_dnf_table"
Notice the first "section" has a caption, but ServiceNow treats the split section as its own separate section with no caption at all.
I want to change the spModel directive to produce only containers with captions as their own tab and if a container does NOT have a caption, to append it to the previous container that does have a caption.

I don't think you can edit this function as this is hosted as a file on Servicenow. See$sp/directive.spModel.js then just control-f for the getNestedFields.
Per this thread; I believe spModal is just a wrapper for $uibModal.
What you can do is make your own directive on sp_angular_provider.


Logic app- how to retrieve json data from dynamic property name

Here's my json - Here I want to retrieve json content from "Property - Dynamic content". Where, dynamic content part might vary for every json request. How do I filter this by a dynamic name?
"Property1": {
"Data1": {
"Value": "50"
"Property2": {
"Data2": {
"Value": "50"
"Property - Dynamic content": {
"Data3": {
"Value": "50"
"Data4": {
"Value": "50"
For your requirement, please refer to my logic app below:
1. I initialized a variable and store the json same with yours to simulate your situation.
2. Then use "Parse JSON".
Please notice the schema of "Parse JSON" show as:
"properties": {
"Attributes": {
"properties": {
"Property - Dynamic content": {
"type": [
"Property1": {
"properties": {
"Data1": {
"properties": {
"Value": {
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object"
"Property2": {
"properties": {
"Data2": {
"properties": {
"Value": {
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"type": "object"
"type": "object"
"type": "object"
Please pay attention to the type of Property - Dynamic content in schema above. Since the content of Property - Dynamic content is either "object" or "array", so I set both "object" and "array" as the type of Property - Dynamic content.
3. Then I initialized a variable named "result" to get the value which you want.
As we use both type "object" and "array" in the schema for Property - Dynamic content, so you may not find it in the "Dynamic content" selection. You can input its value by expression as the screenshot above. The whole expression is: body('Parse_JSON')?['Attributes']?['Property - Dynamic content']
I was able to get what I need using inline code - javascript - If anyone else is looking for the same - here it is - This will give json from Property - dynamic content element.
var data = Object.keys(workflowContext.trigger.outputs.body.Attributes);
var key = data.filter(s => s.includes('Property')).toString(); // to get element - Property - dynamic content
return workflowContext.trigger.outputs.body.Attributes[key];

NoSQL Structure for handling labeled tags

Currently I have a hundreds of thousands of files like so:
"_id": "1234567890",
"type": "file",
"name": "Demo File",
"file_type": "application/pdf",
"size": "1400",
"timestamp": "1491421149",
"folder_id": "root"
Currently, I index all the names, and a client can search for files based on the name of the file. These files also have tags that need to be associated with the file but they also have specific labels.
An example would be:
"tags": [
{ "client": "john doe" },
{ "office": "virginia" },
{ "ssn": "1234" }
Is adding the tags array to my above file object the ideal solution if I want to be able to search thousands of files with a client of John Doe?
The only other solution I can think of is having something an object per tag and having an array of file ID's associated with each tag like so:
"_id": "11111111",
"type": "tag",
"label": "client",
"items": [
With this being a LOT of objects I need to add tags to, I'd rather do it the most efficient way possible FIRST so I don't have to backtrack in the near future when I start running into issues.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Your original design, with a tags array, works well with Cloudant Search:
With this approach you would define a single design document that will index any tag in the tags array. You do not have to create different views for different tags and you can use the Lucene syntax for queries:
So, using your example, if you have a document that looks like this with tags:
"_id": "1234567890",
"type": "file",
"name": "Demo File",
"file_type": "application/pdf",
"size": "1400",
"timestamp": "1491421149",
"folder_id": "root",
"tags": [
{ "client": "john doe" },
{ "office": "virginia" },
{ "ssn": "1234" }
You can create a design document that indexes each tag like so:
"_id": "_design/searchFiles",
"views": {},
"language": "javascript",
"indexes": {
"byTag": {
"analyzer": "standard",
"index": "function (doc) {\n if (doc.type === \"file\" && doc.tags) {\n for (var i=0; i<doc.tags.length; i++) {\n for (var name in doc.tags[i]) {\n index(name, doc.tags[i][name]);\n }\n }\n }\n}"
The function looks like this:
function (doc) {
if (doc.type === "file" && doc.tags) {
for (var i=0; i<doc.tags.length; i++) {
for (var name in doc.tags[i]) {
index(name, doc.tags[i][name]);
Then you would search like this:
The solution, that comes into my mind would be using map reduce functions.
To do that, you would add the tags to your original document:
"_id": "1234567890",
"type": "file",
"name": "Demo File",
"file_type": "application/pdf",
"size": "1400",
"timestamp": "1491421149",
"folder_id": "root",
"client": "john",
Afterwards, you can create a design document, that looks like this:
"_id": "_design/query",
"views": {
"byClient": {
"map": "function(doc) { if(doc.client) { emit(doc.client, doc._id) }}"
After the view is processed, you can open it with
GET /YOURDB/_design/query/_view/byClient?key="john"
By adding the query parameter include_docs=true, the whole document will be returned, instead of the id.
You can also write your tags into an tags attribute, but you have to update the map function to match the new design.
More information about views can be found here:

empty array in angular-schema-form

I'm using angular-schema-form in my project and trying to add an empty array in my model.
I expected that array type schema form will not contain any items but it actually pushed one object in my array and showed it in from.
How can I init form with no items in array?
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="Controller as ctr">
<form sf-schema="ctr.schema" sf-form="ctr.form" sf-model="ctr.model"></form>
{{ctr.model.comments}} - Where this object come from? This array was empty. Is it possible to keep it empty on load?
var myApp = angular.module('app', ['schemaForm'])
.controller("Controller", function() {
this.schema = {
"type": "object",
"title": "Comment",
"properties": {
"comments": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"title": "Name",
"type": "string"
"comment": {
"title": "Comment",
"type": "string",
"maxLength": 20,
"validationMessage": "Don't be greedy!"
this.form = [{
"key": "comments",
"items": [
this.model = {
comments: [] // Empty array defined
The value you are looking for is startEmpty: true this will avoid pre-populating the array with an object.
Angular Schema Form: Array Documentation
The pre-population is defaulted to ensure that the form fields within an array are available when the form loads. The startEmpty: true value can override this behaviour.

Update array of subdocuments in MongoDB

I have a collection of students that have a name and an array of email addresses. A student document looks something like this:
"_id": {"$oid": "56d06bb6d9f75035956fa7ba"},
"name": "John Doe",
"emails": [
"label": "private",
"value": ""
"label": "work",
"value": ""
The label in the email subdocument is set to be unique per document, so there can't be two entries with the same label.
My problems is, that when updating a student document, I want to achieve the following:
adding an email with a new label should simply add a new subdocument with the given label and value to the array
if adding an email with a label that already exists, the value of the existing should be set to the data of the update
For example when updating with the following data:
"_id": {"$oid": "56d06bb6d9f75035956fa7ba"},
"emails": [
"label": "private",
"value": ""
"label": "school",
"value": ""
I would like the result of the emails array to be:
"emails": [
"label": "private",
"value": ""
"label": "work",
"value": ""
"label": "school",
"value": ""
How can I achieve this in MongoDB (optionally using mongoose)? Is this at all possible or do I have to check the array myself in the application code?
You could try this update but only efficient for small datasets:
mongo shell:
var data = {
"_id": ObjectId("56d06bb6d9f75035956fa7ba"),
"emails": [
"label": "private",
"value": ""
"label": "school",
"value": ""
data.emails.forEach(function(email) {
var emails = db.students.findOne({_id: data._id}).emails,
query = { "_id": data._id },
update = {};
emails.forEach(function(e) {
if (e.label === email.label) {
query["emails.label"] = email.label;
update["$set"] = { "emails.$.value": email.value };
} else {
update["$addToSet"] = { "emails": email };
db.students.update(query, update)
Suggestion: refactor your data to use the "label" as an actual field name.
There is one straightforward way in which MongoDB can guarantee unique values for a given email label - by making the label a single separate field in itself, in an email sub-document. Your data needs to exist in this structure:
"_id": ObjectId("56d06bb6d9f75035956fa7ba"),
"name": "John Doe",
"emails": {
"private": "",
"work" : ""
Now, when you want to update a student's emails you can do an update like this:
{"_id": ObjectId("56d06bb6d9f75035956fa7ba")},
{$set: {
"emails.private" : "",
"" : ""
And that will change the data to this:
"_id": ObjectId("56d06bb6d9f75035956fa7ba"),
"name": "John Doe",
"emails": {
"private": "",
"work" : "",
"school" : ""
Admittedly there is a disadvantage to this approach: you will need to change the structure of the input data, from the emails being in an array of sub-documents to the emails being a single sub-document of single fields. But the advantage is that your data requirements are automatically met by the way that JSON objects work.
After investigating the different options posted, I decided to go with my own approach of doing the update manually in the code using lodash's unionBy() function. Using express and mongoose's findById() that basically looks like this:
Student.findById(, function(err, student) {
if( =;
if(req.body.emails && req.body.emails.length > 0) {
student.emails = _.unionBy(req.body.emails, student.emails, 'label');
}, result) {
if(err) return next(err);
This way I get the full flexibility of partial updates for all fields. Of course you could also use findByIdAndUpdate() or other options.
Alternate approach:
However the way of changing the schema like Vince Bowdren suggested, making label a single separate field in a email subdocument, is also a viable option. In the end it just depends on your personal preferences and if you need strict validation on your data or not.
If you are using mongoose like I do, you would have to define a separate schema like so:
var EmailSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
work: { type: String, validate: validateEmail },
private: { type: String, validate: validateEmail }
}, {
strict: false,
_id: false
In the schema you can define properties for the labels you already want to support and add validation. By setting the strict: false option, you would allow the user to also post emails with custom labels. Note however, that these would not be validated. You would have to apply the validation manually in your application similar to the way I did it in my approach above for the merging.

Angular schema form destroyStrategy works only on siblings that are array of objects. It does not work on other siblings

I have not been successful in getting the destroy strategy to work on any sibling properties or sibling objects. It only works on sibling array of objects. Please check this example:
$scope.schema = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"propertyOne": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["option1", "option2"],
"title": "Property One Select"
"propertyTwo": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["option3", "option4"],
"title": "Property Two Select"
"objectOne": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"objectOnePropertyThree": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["option5","option6"],
"title": "Property Three Select"
"arrayOfObjects": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"arrayObjectPropertyFour": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["option7","option8"],
"title": "Property Four Select"
"required": ["propertyOne"]
$scope.form = [{
"key": "propertyOne"
}, {
"key": "propertyTwo",
"condition": "model.propertyOne === \"option1\""
"key": "objectOne.objectOnePropertyThree",
"condition": "model.propertyOne === \"option1\""
"key": "arrayOfObjects",
"condition": "model.propertyOne === \"option1\""
"type": "submit",
"title": "Save"
In here if you select the first dropdown to "Option1" then select all the other dropdowns and save. Then go back and switch the first dropdown to "Option2" and save you can see that only the very last array of objects is removed with the destroy strategy.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in angular-schema-form? I looked under the issues that are currently open in the github project and I do not see an open issue about this.
You're correct, it's not currently behaving the way that you expect when an individual field is removed from the view because of a condition.
Here's what's happening: under the "old" bundled decorators for ASF, each field-type decorator is rendered on the page within an outer tag. The contents of the appropriate field template are then processed and rendered. Condition logic applies to everything within the tag, but not to the tag itself. Normally, this would be fine, but the destroyStrategy logic was assigned to the $destroy event of the tag. The end result is that the $destroy event will never fire unless the entire tag would be removed from the DOM. This is why the model values in the array of objects are being cleaned up - the container is removed when the "model.propertyOne === 'option1'" condition fails, which cascades the $destroy event to each object in the array.
I think that this got overlooked with the creation and release of the new builder, because I raised the issue at the end of the PR for the feature (
On the bright side, the new builder approach (which you can use by adding the bootstrap-decorator file from doesn't have this issue. Instead, the destroyStrategy logic is applied via directive to the form fields because the tag is no longer used. Unless you have a need to stay with the old decorators at this time, I suggest grabbing the new ones and giving them a try.
Let us know how it goes!
