How to pass filter-params with React? - reactjs

I'm using Semantic-React and I have component-filter which consists of checkbox groups. Every checkbox has id and I must pass them in order to filter the results.First idea was to perform method which would be called after checkbox onCLick(which would pass checkbox id). And in this method set in state an object and after every checkbox click change it. I remember, that in Jquery exists $('form').serialize() which everytime checks form elements and gets checked values automaticaly. Exists something like this in react, or semantic-ui react? I would be simplier to use such method than to create and control object in state

You should use "controlled components":
Filter component should keep a set of checked ids as part of state.
Checkbox checked property should be set to true if the set contains box id (and to false otherwise) in Filter component render.
Checkbox onChange should be handled by filter component and modify state.
Filter can access it's state handling checkbox onChange or button "Apply" onClick (or any other event handled by Filter component).
Be careful: setState is an async function and directly reading other component state can lead to data race, so state must be read after proper event fired by React. Also there are a bunch of state-keepers like Redux.
It is described in official docs here:


How to prevent expanded React-Table row from collapsing on re-render?

I have a simple react-table with an expanded sub component whose data is tied to a Redux state object.
When the sub component gets expanded, I trigger an api call to get some additional data to be lazy-loaded onto the redux store. The redux store gets updated with the new data and the sub component DOM gets successfully updated as well, but the problem is the expanded row doesn't stay expanded after the re-render. It collapses.
Is there a way to keep my expanded rows expanded even after the redux store gets updated and a re-render is triggered?
Set autoResetExpanded to false in configuration, more details -
For me, setting collapseOnDataChange to false worked
You could also try freezeWhenExpanded property and set it to true.

Using shouldComponentUpdate in a child component appears to be breaking state in parent component?

I have adapted this example from the material-ui table component example from the docs. In the provided example, rows can be selected, in which case the checkbox for that row will be checked. The problem with the example implementation is that when a change is made to any row, all of the rows will be re-rendered, even though only one of them has changed. This works fine as long as the number of rows is quite small but quickly degrades when rendering more rows.
As an attempted fix for this, I tried to implement shouldComponentUpdate in my Row components, to check if the row data (via the 'name' property), or the isItemSelected prop has changed (I ignored the other props as the callback function props will always be considered to have changed on each render). For some reason, this totally breaks my selected state in the parent Table component.
Here is my example, highlighting the issue: table-bug-example. As is, this reflects the example provided in the docs. You can see the lag issues if you set the rows per page drop down to a higher number. You can uncomment my shouldComponentUpdate implementation in the Row Component, to see how the state breaks in the Table component, when using shouldComponentUpdate in the children.
Expected Flow:
parent state keeps track of selected rows
clicking on row updates parent state
parent passes isSelected prop to child rows
row component checks to see if isSelected has changed, and re-renders only if this prop has changed
I have been struggling with this for several hours and can't for the life of me figure out what is wrong. I've also tried using React.memo, as well as different implementations of the setSelected state in the table component (I was previously using a dictionary to keep track of the selected rows, but for now I've left the default implementation provided in the material-ui docs, to minimize any issues introduced in my code).
Might anyone happen to know what is going on here?
When you used your custom shouldComponentUpdate what happened you "saved" the old version of handleClick inside of your custom MyRow, and since handleClick is not a pure function(it is using previous selection to determine prev selection state) it was always reading the wrong state.
For example you have 2 rows (row1 and row2). On initial render selection is : [], and the both render with the version of handleClick that has captured selection as []. You click on row1, it will rerender since its isItemSelected prop has changed, but row2 will not since your shouldComponentUpdate returned false. That means when you click on row2 it will use the handleClick from the first render wich had the selection as [] and it will uncheck row1 selection. There is no magic mechanism that binds selection, it all uses javascript context capturing.
Thats why custom shouldComponent is very dangerous. I would recommend using MyRow as a PureComponent (no need to use React.memo, you can just extend PureComponent) and transform handleClick inside table so it doesnt change (doesnt depend on current selection). Something like this:
Hope this helps.

how to clear selected checkboxes programatically from parent component

I have used the following component in react,
I want to clear selected checkboxes because I have to recreate it with new options from another dropdown change event.
So is there any way from where I can clear selected checkboxes from parent component when another dropdown is changed
This is for react
The author of the libarary suggest that its behavior is based on react-select
Have you tried to use value prop?
Additionally if you want to manipulate values in parent component you should use onChange callback then and store it somewhere (I assume state will be best place)

React checkbox component: Where should I keep state changes?

In react-table, I've made a custom drop-down-menu component that appears when user clicks on a header of a column.
When user clicks on the option "Choose columns", a modal appears with checkboxes options where user can select which columns to show or hide.
This modal with the checkboxes options is in the drop-down-menu component. The problem is I can not figure out which is the best way to handle state changes. Should I keep state changes on both components (table component and drop-down-menu component)? Should I use redux for that? I'm going to use many tables, so the total number of columns will be very big. I'm really confused about all this.
You should have one source of truth. As the table will need this information, it should be saved in the table and passed to the drop-down-menu component.
Checkout this codesandbox example.
Well if you want to make your checkbox reusable component, which you should, then you will have to keep the state in your checkbox component and expect an onChange event handler from wherever you want to use that checkbox component.

Flux: Handling Modal windows

How should Modal window be shown while using the Flux implementation. I can have the Component update its state to display a modal and close it once done. A save in the modal would trigger a action and update the store. But the modal would not that it needs to be closed. I would then need to emit a different event or have the store store the state of the modal.
For me it is perfectly fine to store the state of the modal in the store. On save event, just use a boolean value to say whether or not the modal should be displayed.
Your store doesn't need to have a single attribute, it can be more complex. Like having an array and a boolean.
When the save happens, just update your array and put a boolean open=false that you will use in your render method to not render the modal anymore. You don't need 2 actions to do that, one action can update your store model + update the boolean to false.
The complexity here is to know what to put in stores. How to organise your state... This can become quite complex over time. Until now I have found great success by using autonomous components, with their own stores, like widgets. You can find more details here.
In a more general way, you can put layout properties in stores. Like cursor or mouse position, opened modals, whether mouse is over some element or not...
