Do the constructors of React Components need the props argument? - reactjs

Should I include the props argument in the constructor and call to super if I am not using props at all for a component?
For example, if I write:
class NotePage extends React.Component<void, State> {
this.state = {
filterStr: "string"
Will this cause any issues?
I'm asking because if I include props then flow complains about a missing annotation and one way to solve the problem is to remove the props argument.

From official docs React Constructor
you should call super(props) before any other statement. Otherwise, this.props will be undefined in the constructor, which can lead to bugs
constructor(props) {
// no super call
If you don't call it, the data passed from parent as properties is not available inside child component's constructor with props. Props will, however, still be available in the rest of the component, such as the render function.
class Parent extends React.Component{
return (<Child mydata = {'some data here'}/>)
class Child extends React.Component{
super(); //no props
this.props.mydata //will be undefined
this.props.mydata //defined

First of all you don't need constructor function at all, when you are not accessing props in initialization of component. You can write your state this way:
class NotePage extends React.Component<void, State> {
state = {
filterStr: "string"
Only when you are using props for initialization you need to , make use of constructor and call this way:
class NotePage extends React.Component<void, State> {
this.state = {
filterStr: "string"
Hope this helps !!
I found a great link written by #dan Abramov (react core team). this also might help people understanding super(props). Link


What is the diffrence between the following ways of initalizing the state [duplicate]

I'm working in a new codebase. Normally, I would set up state like this in a React component:
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
foo: 'bar'
In this new codebase, I'm seeing a lot of this:
class App extends React.Component {
foo: 'bar'
Is there an advantage to doing it this way? They seem to only do it when state doesn't need to be altered. I always thought of state as being something React handled. Is this an ok thing to do?
The end result of both approaches is the same. Both approaches are just setting the initial state of the component. It's worth noting that class properties are a stage 3 proposal, so all development environments may not be able to use them.
I personally like to use the class field variant if nothing else is done in the constructor, as it is less code to write, and you have no super call to worry about.
class Component1 extends React.Component {
state = { value: this.props.initialValue };
render() {
return <div> {this.state.value} </div>
class Component2 extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { value: props.initialValue };
render() {
return <div> {this.state.value} </div>
function App() {
return (
<Component1 initialValue={1} />
<Component2 initialValue={2} />
Actually both of them bind to this pointer. the this that made in constructor of class.
Totally you can access to local state by this.state but in first style you can pass props to constructor by super and then use it in state declaration, just like below:
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
foo: 'bar',
jaz: props.someParentState,
Awesome, you can access to props in constructor, isn't pretty? I definitely use this style for local state declaration.
Hope this helps you.

Where does "this.state" comes from when using TypeScript in React

I was wondering where does the property this.state comes from when using React with TypeScript?
public constructor(props: any) {
this.state = {
userName:"Code to html, one way -->",
We are not importing it in the super() call, so where does it comes from?
It comes from the internal implementation of React component which you inherit by extending the class React.Component:
class MyComponent from React.Component {
// this.setState, this.state,
// lifecycle methods and more
See React.Component and its instance properties.
where does it comes from?
It comes from the constructor. The line you are asking about is exactly where this.state is initialized.

What to pass to super when there are no props?

I have this component:
class Logos extends React.Component<{}, LogosState> {
public constructor() {
I have understood from here that I do need to pass arguments to super even when a component has no props.
My conclusion was to try the code above. But I get the warning:
Warning: Logos(...): When calling super() in `Logos`, make sure to pass up the same props that your component's constructor was passed.
How to solve this problem?
I ended up doing this. The other answers posted before this were helpful and led me to this solution, but were not complete:
class Logos extends React.Component<{}, LogosState> {
public constructor(props: {}) {
public constructor(props) {
Do it like this or
constructor(props) {
You can use this instead.
In the official document of react, react recommend we use
And the only reason that you should add props is that you want to use this.props in constructor.If you don't want to use this.props,it's ok not to pass props to super.

Different ways to initialize the state in ReactJS

It might be because of the speed that ReactJS is developing, or just some mis-information, but when reading articles about how to set the state, I usually come across different ways.
In the constructor
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { ... }
Directly in the class
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
state = { ... }
In ComponentWillMount
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
ComponentWillMount() {
this.state = { ... }
This diversity of options confuses me often, and makes it hard for me to decide how I should set the state in my components.
My question is: Is there any difference between these methods to set the state? If so, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
These are all basically the same thing, just syntactic sugar.
In the constructor
This is the "normal" standard way to attach a property to a class instance.
Directly in class
This is just a syntactic sugar and this is the class fields proposal which is in stage 3 at the moment (01/10/18). you will need babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties
In ComponentWillMount
Same as the constructor version but inside a life-cycle method of react (which is deprecated by the way).
You should now componentWillMount is deprecated and you should not use it. as for setting the state in the constructor or as class property is the same you can use either, I prefer the class property.
This is class field proposal:
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
state = { ... }
It is syntactic sugar for:
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { ... }
The former is shorter and can be considered preferable in transpiled React application because of its brevity, unless there's a need for explicit constructor.
ComponentWillMount lifecycle hook was renamed to UNSAFE_componentWillMount and deprecated in favour of constructor:
UNSAFE_componentWillMount() is invoked just before mounting occurs. It is called before render(), therefore calling setState() synchronously in this method will not trigger an extra rendering. Generally, we recommend using the constructor() instead for initializing state.

es6 react getting props in child component

I've been migrating one of my apps to ES6 on node/react and I have a question about how props are passed down to children. I read a bunch of posts and some address this while others don't. Basically, what I've seen so far is this:
export default class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
{this.props.text} <<< Props used here
but I've been able to get my component to work with the following:
export default class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
constructor() {
super(); <<< notice no props in parentheses
render() {
return (
{this.props.text} <<< Props used here
is there a reason why I should pass the props in the parentheses for my constructor and the super call? or can I leave my code the way it is
You don't need to pass props to super unless you want to use this.props in constructor.
You have to pass the props because you are extending from React.Component, otherwise you won't be allowed to access to this.props in the constructor.
It's some kind of composition pattern.
