url_for symfony showing "module=" and "action=" in result - url-routing

I am using url_for as url_for('changeLogin/changeLogin') and getting the result:
Why module= and action= are coming in result ?
Is there any configuration issue ?
Please help
PS: Using Symfony 1.0.22, PHP 5.4

Disclaimer: I didn't code with this framework for 5 year
You have to create your route if you want symfony to link the url 'changeLogin/changeLogin' to your controller.
url: /changeLogin/changeLogin
param: { module: YourModule, action: yourAction }
Then use it like


Remove L parameter in request URL

I'm using Solr extension with TYPO3 9.5.3 and I couldn't index the Pages, I get this error https://imgur.com/1e6LfIy
Failed to execute Page Indexer Request. Request ID: 5d78d130b8b4d
When I look at the Solr log, I see that Typo3 add &L=0 to the request URL, the pages with &L=0 return '404 page not found' error :
request url => 'http://example.com/index.php?id=5&L=0' (43 chars)
I added the following code to my TS setup, But that did not work and the request url always ends with &L=0
plugin.tx_solr.index.queue.pages.fields.url.typolink.additionalParams >
I'm not sure that's the only reason solr doesn't index the pages (news can be indexed without any problem), but first, how can I solve the problem and remove &L=0 from request URL in Solr ?
Can you check your TypoScript if you have a configuration like
config.defaultGetVars.L = 0
or if other old language settings exist
m not dure, but have you an older languge-Configuration where you Deine the language-Parameter deines?

Spring static content(css) not served properly (spring boot)

I have a spring boot app and a controller that server static webpage(React build):
public class HomeController {
public String index() {
return "index.html";
index.html is located at: ../resources/static/index.html
also in application.yml:
static-path-pattern: /test/**
I am having two problems(problem 2 is the main issue):
I must call the following url with the trailing '/' at the end: http://localhost:8100/test/ I would like for http://localhost:8100/test to also map me to the view(index.html).
during the load of the page I am getting the following error:
the problem as you can see is that the url called is:
and not
(please note that the reason for the 'static' in the url is that there is a folder named: static below the resources/static folder so there is no issue with the 'static' in the url)
is it a server side problem or is it something I should fix in the react?
I searched for an answer but didn't find anything helpful.
any help would be highly appreciated,
So the answer to my question lies in the following links:
how to build react to a non root path(homepage):
build react non root path
registering zuul client to the following path(that contains all resources):
Zuul configuration with resources
so I am leaving this here in case someone has the same issue(the answer in the second link is for vue.js and webpack,the first link explains how to change root address in react).
Answer 1 : #RequestMapping has a String[] value parameter, so can specify multiple values like this:
#RequestMapping(value={"", "/", "welcome"})
Answer 2 : You are expecting test in URL which is controller mapping not the project context path so it should not come in static resources urls.
see this answer for more clarity adding css and js in spring boot.

Not able to retrieve data from mobile data using bluemix

I am trying to retrieve data from mobile data services using bluemix.
The code that I am using is:
type: 'GET',//POST
url: 'https://mobile.ng.bluemix.net:443/data/rest/v1/apps/c3b20173-b6a4-42d0-b543-93da13c1953e/objects?classname=Report&start=0&num=0',
headers: {"IBM-Application-Secret": "2fc3aa67db1ab71a80f4f38aa1770ff802120848"},
data: data,
dataType: 'json',
crossDomain: true,
success : getData,
error : throwError
function getData(data)
console.log('GOT REPORT' + JSON.stringify(data));
function throwError(data)
/*var query = Bluemixdata.Query.ofType("Report");
query.find({Severity: "SEV 4"});
console.log('Pallavi'+ JSON.stringify(query));*/
console.log('GOT REPORTError' + JSON.stringify(data));
but on executing the control is moving to throwError method somehow may be its not hitting the URL.
Please suggest if I am doing anything wrong. Want to acknowledge that I am getting data through bluemix console and via postman but not able to retrieve using code.
Even tried to retrieve data using Bluemixdata.Query.ofType("Report"); but getting IBMBluemix not defined error message that should be thrown as <script type="text/javascript" src="js/Bluemix/IBMBluemix.js"></script> is already defined in index.html above all the below given js
LogCat Console Output:
08-13 14:36:21.993: E/AndroidProtocolHandler(21658): Unable to open asset URL: file:///android_asset/www/default/js/Bluemix/cordova_plugins.js
08-13 14:36:22.343: I/chromium(21658): [INFO:CONSOLE(10)] "calling bluemix initialize with values----------------", source: file:///android_asset/www/default/js/Services.js (10)
08-13 14:36:22.423: I/chromium(21658): [INFO:CONSOLE(13)] "---- IBM Bluemix Initializing ------", source: file:///android_asset/www/default/js/Services.js (13)
08-13 14:36:22.433: I/chromium(21658): [INFO:CONSOLE(16)] "HiPal", source: file:///android_asset/www/default/js/Services.js (16)
08-13 14:36:22.433: I/chromium(21658): [INFO:CONSOLE(17)] "GOT A PERSON ----[object Object]", source: file:///android_asset/www/default/js/Services.js (17)
08-13 14:36:22.453: I/chromium(21658): [INFO:CONSOLE(36)] "GOT REPORTError{"statusText":"Not Found","status":404,"response":"","responseType":"","responseXML":null,"responseText":"","upload":{"ontimeout":null,"onprogress":null,"onloadstart":null,"onloadend":null,"onload":null,"onerror":null,"onabort":null},"withCredentials":false,"readyState":4,"timeout":0,"ontimeout":null,"onprogress":null,"onloadstart":null,"onloadend":null,"onload":null,"onerror":null,"onabort":null}", source: file:///android_asset/www/default/js/BarChart.js (36)
Is there a reason you are using jQuery.ajax to formulate your REST request? I suspect there is something wrong with the way you are configuring the request.
If you are going to use our hybrid SDK, you can use the APIs we provide, located here to accomplish the same thing.
I also notice that the Bluemix Cordova plugin is having some problems. Try removing your android platform from your cordova project and re-add it. You can try the same with the plugins.
Also, I recommend checking out the sample bluemixcordovadata for more detailed usages and general help.
Warning: Please avoid pasting your app secret since this is a public forum.

facebookConnectPlugin is not defined (ngCordova, Ionic app)

I'm trying to add native fb connect to my ionic app.
I'm using:
- Ionic
- ngCordova
- http://ngcordova.com/docs/plugins/facebook/
This is my code:
angular.module('starter.controllers', ['ngCordova'])
.config(function($cordovaFacebookProvider) {
var appID = 123456789;
var version = "v2.0"; // or leave blank and default is v2.0
$cordovaFacebookProvider.browserInit(appID, version);
Which leads to this error >
Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module starter due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module starter.controllers due to:
ReferenceError: facebookConnectPlugin is not defined
at browserInit (http://localhost:8100/lib/ngCordova/dist/ng-cordova.js:1576:7)
at http://localhost:8100/js/controllers.js:6:30
at Object.invoke (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11994:17)
at runInvokeQueue (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11900:35)
at http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11909:11
at forEach (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:8147:20)
at loadModules (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11890:5)
at http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11907:40
at forEach (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:8147:20)
at loadModules (http://localhost:8100/lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js:11890:5)
Tried a couple of things but without any positive result:
- When I build it and run it on my device the app displays a blank screen
Tried the normal cordova js code:
Changed $cordovaFacebookProvider to $cordovaFacebook (based on this thread:
And this is a another related thread, but doesn't help me thought..
I already have a prototype working with the fb auth in the in-app-browser. But I really want to have a native fb connect functionality.
i found a way to resolve this issue.
Thanks to this thread : https://github.com/driftyco/ng-cordova/issues/446
and this tutorial : https://github.com/Wizcorp/phonegap-facebook-plugin/blob/master/platforms/browser/README.md
1st step : Don't forget the <div id="fb-root"></div> after ur body.
2nd step : I added facebookConnectPlugin to my bower dependencies
See my bower.json :
"dependencies": {
"angular-google-maps": "~2.0.13",
"google-map": "~0.4.1",
"facebook-connect-plugin": "https://cdn.rawgit.com/Wizcorp/phonegap-facebook-plugin/master/facebookConnectPlugin.js"
See my app.config + code to init:
app.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ionicConfigProvider, $animateProvider, $httpProvider, $cordovaFacebookProvider) {
var appID = 597135743751760;
var version = "v2.0"; // or leave blank and default is v2.0
$cordovaFacebookProvider.browserInit(appID, version);
$cordovaFacebookProvider call facebookConnectPlugin()
3th step : After changing this dependencies, don't forget to call bower update from ur CLI.
4th step : Include the new facebookblablabla.js in your index.html.
it can be
<script src='bower_components/facebook-connect-plugin/index.js'></script>
for me it was
<script src='lib/facebook-connect-plugin/index.js'></script>
5th step : add in the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field at your Facebook App :
Hope it works for you :) !
My answer is not providing a solution for your issue but an advice.
Why using facebook Cordova when you can use HelloJS?
faceBook Cordova is platform dependant, much slower as it runs cordova true node.js and not evolutive.
HelloJS permits to integer various Oauth2 authentication very easily including, facebook / google / twitter / instagram ...
Without to tell that the compilation for facebook cordova is very tricky with the facebook key app. On HelloJS, this is only a parameter that you can easily change.
I don't know if someone still stuck with this thing then please follow the method mentioned my #Alexy and then edit the 'lib/facebook-connect-plugin/index.js' file line from :
if(cordova.platformId === 'browser')
if(!window.cordova || (window.cordova && window.cordova.platformId === 'browser'))
Hope this Helps :)

How do you escape a . (full stop) or / so it doesn't change URL's meaning?

I have a Web API 2.0 service which defines a particular route:
I'm calling this enpoint using Angular $resource service.
The problem is when user wants to provide an entity name with characters that have a specific meaning in URL:
404 Not found - . (full stop), /, +
400 Bad request - ?, :, &, %, *, <, >
And these are the ones I've encountered. There may be others that may be problematic as well and I'm not even aware of them (yet).
If I use window.escape() function these still don't work, but I mainly get 404 back (the only exception being * which still returns 400 Bad request).
My code
Angular resource creation:
.factory("entityResource", ["$resource", function() {
return $resource("/api/entities/:id", null, {
search: {
method: "GET",
url: "/api/entities/:name",
isArray: true
How I call it in my code:
entityResource.search({ query: scope.name }, function(data) {
My Api controller action:
public class EntitiesController: ApiController
public IEnumerable<Interest> Get(string searchQuery)
return this.interestService.Search(searchQuery);
I can shed some light on your 404 Not found issue when using ., /, + characters.
The issue isn't with Angular but rather with Web API and the way it resolves routes. Urls that Web API interprets as being managed resources (e.g. static content, pages etc.) it will try to resolve independently.
Set the following in your web.config to disable this behavior and force WebAPI to run all requests through your modules:
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />
Just a warning - If your Web API is hosted together with something like MVC or a static website, the above is not recommended as it will force all managed resources (pages, MVC routes, content[css,js,images]) through your API modules and there will be a performance impact. However, if all the API is doing is serving resource routes I would recommend enabling the above.
