Flink buffer request blocking leads to low performance - apache-flink

As for real-time streaming data platform on flink-1.1.5, I meet an issue.
phenomenal description:
Our business logic of flink job is a generic ETL process which source operator and sink operator are both based on kafka and transform operators are some related etl logic. But the data from kafka topic which is read by source operator are in different size, such as one data is just less than 100 KB in non-peak hours but the other data are nearly 600KB in peak hours. In non-peak session, the performance of flink job is fine, nevertheless it is unsatisfactory in peak session which the performance decrease sharply and sustain the low state until the peak session go by and the performance will recover. As a consequence. I didn`t see any full GC cases happen on taskmanager and the system load of every taskmananger decreased during that period. Besides, there is no exception and extra error in logs. I can see that all threads are blocking at request buffer via JMX at that time.
Related configuration and metircs:
flink standalone cluster on 1.1.5 which has 1 jobmanager and 5 taskmanagers(each one has 18 slot which is less than CPU cores).
jdk version is 1.8 which GC type is G1.
source and sink are both kafka
job consistency type: exactly once
because the source partition amount of kafka topic is less than transform operator amount, the parallelism of each operator is not quite the same and the task can not become one task chain as optimization.
Based on what I describe above, we have tried some approaches:
modify the memory-segment size, 32KB and 64KB
aggrandize the network buffer pool capacity,
modify kafka consumer API parameter
enhance flink cluster which add more taskmanager nodes and add more process threads.
decrease transform operator threads and keep the amount of source operator, all transform operator and sink operator as the same, the task can become one task chain.
We had a try above #1,#2,#3,#4 approach but they does not work, just the #5 was effectual, but the #5 approach was not a excellent manner for us because its performance was declining.
Have you met this issue before? Is there any better approach to avoid this issue?


Checkpointing issues in Flink 1.10.1 using RocksDB state backend

We are experiencing a very difficult-to-observe problem with our Flink job.
The Job is reasonably simple, it:
Reads messages from Kinesis using the Flink Kinesis connector
Keys the messages and distributes them to ~30 different CEP operators, plus a couple of custom WindowFunctions
The messages emitted from the CEP/Windows are forward to a SinkFunction that writes messages to SQS
We are running Flink 1.10.1 Fargate, using 2 containers with 4vCPUs/8GB, we are using the RocksDB state backend with the following configuration:
state.backend: rocksdb
state.backend.async: true
state.backend.incremental: false
state.backend.rocksdb.localdir: /opt/flink/rocksdb
state.backend.rocksdb.ttl.compaction.filter.enabled: true
state.backend.rocksdb.files.open: 130048
The job runs with a parallelism of 8.
When the job starts from cold, it uses very little CPU and checkpoints complete in 2 sec. Over time, the checkpoint sizes increase but the times are still very reasonable couple of seconds:
During this time we can observe the CPU usage of our TaskManagers gently growing for some reason:
Eventually, the checkpoint time will start spiking to a few minutes, and then will just start repeatedly timing out (10 minutes). At this time:
Checkpoint size (when it does complete) is around 60MB
CPU usage is high, but not 100% (usually around 60-80%)
Looking at in-progress checkpoints, usually 95%+ of operators complete the checkpoint with 30 seconds, but a handful will just stick and never complete. The SQS sink will always be included on this, but the SinkFunction is not rich and has no state.
Using the backpressure monitor on these operators reports a HIGH backpressure
Eventually this situation resolves one of 2 ways:
Enough checkpoints fail to trigger the job to fail due to a failed checkpoint proportion threshold
The checkpoints eventually start succeeding, but never go back down to the 5-10s they take initially (when the state size is more like 30MB vs. 60MB)
We are really at a loss at how to debug this. Our state seems very small compared to the kind of state you see in some questions on here. Our volumes are also pretty low, we are very often under 100 records/sec.
We'd really appreciate any input on areas we could look into to debug this.
A few points:
It's not unusual for state to gradually grow over time. Perhaps your key space is growing, and you are keeping some state for each key. If you are relying on state TTL to expire stale state, perhaps it is not configured in a way that allows it clean up expired state as quickly as you would expect. It's also relatively easy to inadvertently create CEP patterns that need to keep some state for a very long time before certain possible matches can be ruled out.
A good next step would be to identify the cause of the backpressure. The most common cause is that a job doesn't have adequate resources. Most jobs gradually come to need more resources over time, as the number of users (for example) being managed rises. For example, you might need to increase the parallelism, or give the instances more memory, or increase the capacity of the sink(s) (or the speed of the network to the sink(s)), or give RocksDB faster disks.
Besides being inadequately provisioned, other causes of backpressure include
blocking i/o is being done in a user function
a large number of timers are firing simultaneously
event time skew between different sources is causing large amounts of state to be buffered
data skew (a hot key) is overwhelming one subtask or slot
lengthy GC pauses
contention for critical resources (e.g., using a NAS as the local disk for RocksDB)
Enabling RocksDB native metrics might provide some insight.
Add this property to your configuration:
state.backend.rocksdb.checkpoint.transfer.thread.num: {threadNumberAccordingYourProjectSize}
if you do not add this , it will be 1 (default)
Link: https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/master/flink-state-backends/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/RocksDBOptions.java#L62

Which set checkpointing interval (ms)?

Please help me.
I write apache flink streraming job, which reads json messages from apache kafka (500-1000 messages in seconds), deserialize them in POJO and performs some operations (filter-keyby-process-sink). I used RocksDB state backend with ExactlyOnce semantic. But I do not understand which checkpointing interval I need set?
Some forums peoples write mostly 1000 or 5000 ms.
I tried to set interval 10ms, 100ms, 500ms, 1000ms, 5000ms. I have not noticed any differences.
Two factors argue in favor of a reasonably small checkpoint interval:
(1) If you are using a sink that does two-phase transactional commits, such as Kafka or the StreamingFileSink, then those transactions will only be committed during checkpointing. Thus any downstream consumers of the output of your job will experience latency that is governed by the checkpoint interval.
Note that you will not experience this delay with Kafka unless you have taken all of the steps required to have exactly-once semantics, end-to-end. This means that you must set Semantic.EXACTLY_ONCE in the Kafka producer, and set the isolation.level in downstream consumers to read_committed. And if you are doing this, you should also increase transaction.max.timeout.ms beyond the default (which is 15 minutes). See the docs for more.
(2) If your job fails and needs to recover from a checkpoint, the inputs will be rewound to the offsets recorded in the checkpoint, and processing will resume from there. If the checkpoint interval is very long (e.g., 30 minutes), then your job may take quite a while to catch back up to the point where it is once again processing events in near real-time (assuming you are processing live data).
On the other hand, checkpointing does add some overhead, so doing it more often than necessary has an impact on performance.
In addition to the points described by #David, my suggestion is also to use the following function to configure the checkpoint time:
This way, you guarantee that your job will be able to make some progress in case the state gets bigger than planned or the storage where the checkpoints are made is slow.
I recommend reading the Flink documentation on Tuning Checkpointing to better understand these scenarios.

Increasing Parallelism in Flink decreases/splits the overall throughput

My problem is exactly similar to this except that Backpressure in my application is coming as "OK".
I thought the problem was with my local machine not having enough configuration, so I created a 72 core Windows machine, where I am reading data from Kafka, processing it in Flink and then writing the output back in Kafka. I have checked, writing into Kafka Sink is not causing any issues.
All I am looking for are the areas that may be causing a split in Throughput among task slots by increasing parallelism?
Flink Version: 1.7.2
Scala version: 2.12.8
Kafka version: 2.11-2.2.1
Java version: 1.8.231
Working of application: Data is coming from Kafka (1 partition) which is deserialized by Flink (throughput here is 5k/sec). Then the deserialized message is passed through basic schema validation (Throughput here is 2k/sec).
Even after increasing the parallelism to 2, throughput at Level 1 (deserializing stage) remains same and doesn't increase two fold as per expectation.
I understand, without the code, it is difficult to debug so I am asking for the points which you can suggest for this problem, so that I can go back to my code and try that.
We are using 1 Kafka partition for our input topic.
If you want to process data in parallel, you actually need to read data in parallel.
There are certain requirements to read data in parallel. The most important once are that the source is able to actually split the data into smaller work chunks. For example, if you read from a file system, you have multiple files, or the system subdivides the files into splits. For Kafka, this necessarily means that you have to have more partitions. Ideally, you have at least as many partitions than you have max consumer parallelism.
The 5k/s seems to be the maximum throughput that you can achieve on one partition. You can also calculate the number of partitions by the maximum throughput you want to achieve. If you need to achieve 50k/s, you need at least 10 partitions. You should use more to also catch up in case of reprocessing or failure recovery.
Another way to distribute the work is to add a manual shuffle step. That means, if you keep the single input partition, you would still only reach 5k/s, but after that the work is actually redistributed and processed in parallel, such that you will not see a huge decline in your throughput afterwards. After a shuffle operation, work is somewhat evenly distributed among the parallel downstream tasks.

Stream Processing: How often should a checkpoint be initiated?

I am setting up an analytics pipeline using Apache Flink to process a stream of IoT data. While attempting to configure the system, I cannot seem to find any sources for how often checkpointing should be initiated? Are there any recommendations or hard-and-fast rules of thumb? e.g. 1 second, 10 seconds, 1 minutes, etc.?
EDIT: Also, is there a way of programmatically configuring the checkpoint interval at runtime?
This depends on two things:
How much data are you willing to reprocess in the case of failure (The job will restarts from the last completed checkpoint)?
How often are you able to checkpoint due to data transfer limits and the duration of the checkpoint itself?
In my experience most users use checkpoint intervals in the order of 10 seconds, but also configure a "min-pause-between-checkpoints" [1].
[1] https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.9/dev/stream/state/checkpointing.html#enabling-and-configuring-checkpointing
One other thing to consider beyond what was already mentioned: if you are depending on a transactional sink for exactly-once semantics, then those transactions will be committed as part of completing each checkpoint. This means that any downstream consumers of those transactions will experience latency that is more-or-less determined by the checkpointing interval of your job.

How to parallel write to sinks in Apache Flink

I have a map DataStream with a parallelism of 8. I add two sinks to the DataStream. One is slow (Elasticsearch) the other one is fast (HDFS). However, my events are only written to HDFS after they have been flushed to ES, so it takes a magnitude longer with ES than it takes w/o ES.
It appears to me, that both sinks use the same thread. Is with possible by using the same source with two sinks, or do I have to add another job, one for earch sink, to write the output parallel?
I checked in the logs that Map(1/8) to Map(8/8) are getting deployed and receive data.
If the Elasticsearch sink can not keep up with the speed at which its input is produced it slowdowns its input operator(s). This concept is called backpressure which means that a slow consumer blocks a fast producer from processing.
The only way to make your program behave as you expect (HDFS sink writing faster than Elasticsearch sink) is to buffer all records that the HDFS sink wrote but the Elasticsearch sink hasn't written yet. If the Elasticsearch sink is consistently slower you will run out of memory / disk space at some point in time.
Flink's approach to solve issues with slow consumers is backpressure.
I see two ways to fix this issue:
increase the parallelism of the ElasticsearchSink. This might help or not, depending on the capabilities of your Elasticsearch setup.
run both jobs as independent pipelines. In this case you'll have to compute all results twice.
