Synchronous Call outs from Standard Pagelayout In Salesforce - salesforce

There is a requirement to make synchronous call out from standard page lay outs of salesfore say for eg. standard case layout. As of my knowledge we can not make a synchronous call out in context to a standard page layout. As process builder or workflow or js button everything will work in an asynchronous context. Want to confirm that , please help with your views.

Erm... no?
Process Builder, Workflow Rule, Trigger - they all fire on event (insert, update). They're all synchronous (the whole operation waits for them to finish saving). Just viewing a record doesn't count as an event. I think you're confusing the "what triggers the action" and "what kind of action happens". Try to distinguish the two. It's like workflows - a workflow rule (condition to be met) is one thing and then what happens (field update, new task, email, outbound message) is completely different thing.
From "clicks not code" functionality Outbound Messages and emails are asynchronous - but as I said above - just viewing a record doesn't count as update, nothing will fire. Callouts done from apex (and you have several options discussed below) can be either synchronous or async. So it's whatever you want really.
You might look into:
a Visualforce page which you'll embed on the page layout (either directly or as a Chatter action for example). That page's apex controller could do the callout.
Or maybe you'd be able to do it in VF from JavaScript (without apex) - make a REST call to your url, process results... There are tons of code samples how to integrate Google Maps for example, this wouldn't be too different.
or (bit of future thinking) make a Lightning Component. You'll be able to embed it in the Lightning App Builder (the "better" page layouts) directly. in Classic SF you'd have to make it a Chatter Action or use "Lightning Out" to reuse a component in a VF page and embed that instead.
Bit more advanced (and paid extra) would be to use Salesforce Connect a.k.a Lightning Connect. Try to pass the Trailhead, easier than explaining it here. You could end up with related list of external records under the case and user wouldn't even realise this data is not hosted in SF. Connect requires OData compatible data source or a piece of Apex that acts as adapter and pretends to return valid format.
If it's about Cases - maybe you can do something fancy using the Service Cloud Console. You'd have to experiment a bit but maybe one of side panels could be a VF page or <iframe> to another system. Maybe you could make something happen with Macros...


SPA DTM analytics pagename issue

I am using Angular SPA with DTM.Using custom event based rules, I am able to get all my data including pageName, v41,v42 as correct. Now inside adobe editor, i am storing pagename to s.pageName and some hard-coded value to s.server. I have verified that all my data is correctly populating using OMNIBUG tool as server,pageName, v41 and v42.
Problem is coming in Omniture reporting, as server and page data are not coming through. Page-name data only showing SPA homepage in all page visits and server also coming as default from s.code and not the one i am passing from s.server. eVar/prop are all coming fine.Even if I do prop40=s.pageName/prop41=s.server, then in omniutre reporting i am seeing correct data populating in prop40/prop41 but not under Page and server. And again I cant use prop40/prop41 for pagename/server as its not a correct way to follow and PAGE-VISITS are ZERO in that case.
Any help how to get data in page/server in omniture for SPA or anything wrong in my implementation? Thanks in advance!!
If you really do see the correct values in Omnibug (or more specifically, network request to Adobe collection server), then the issue is not in the code.
Check against another AA hit debugger. Possible Omnibug is somehow bugging out. There are a ton of alternatives out there. Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger. Observepoint. Charles Proxy. Fiddler. Or just use the browser dev tool network tab (what I usually do as a backup).
Make sure you are looking in the correct report suite. Perhaps your data is being sent to a dev report suite, and you are looking at prod report suite, or visa versa?
Check to see if you have any Processing Rules that are overriding your values.
Contact your Adobe Rep to check if there are any VISTA Rules present for the report suite, that are overriding your values.
If you have verified none of the above is the case, then sorry, but it sounds like the issue must really be in your code, but there is a problem with your QA method (e.g. maybe you are looking at the wrong AA request, or something).
Based on your comment:
Earlier, i was making call, but replacing it with s.t() call
resolved my problem for data was not populating
pageName/server/page-views in Omniture and now it is. But the current
problem is we need PageName on all SPA clicks (can be achieved by
s.t() call ) , but the page-Views are not needed on all clicks. So,
its like link-tracking needed only but with PageName data. I am
struggling not to populate page-views on a s.t() call or vice-versa
how to get PageName populated on call. Again, omnibug shows all
requests just fine but the issue comes in reports in omniture
When Adobe processes a hit, it wipes pageName for calls, as that's how it determines whether to count the request as a page view or not. If you want to see page name even for calls, the common practice is to dupe the pageName value to a prop or eVar and send in with the call, and look at that report. In fact, most clients I work with don't even use the native pages report, and instead use the (usually eVar) report.

Easy Django REST Framework Websocket Usage

I have a an application that uses Angular for the frontend and communicates with an API running Django RF.
Now, let me try and outline what I'm trying to achieve in hopes of finding an easy solution.
When a user runs a report, a worker version of the API generates the report to prevent the main API from bogging down. The report runs for a couple seconds/minutes. The user refreshes the page and voila, their report is there.
What I'm trying to achieve is the elimination of the whole "user refreshes the page" portion of this process.
My goal is to do this via websockets.
I literally want something as simple as:
WEB: "Hey API, I want this report. I'll wait."
API: "Yo dog, you're reports done."
WEB: "Cool, let me refresh my report list. Thanks bud."
Now, we start to venture into an area I'm unfamiliar with. Websockets can do this, right? I just need to create a connection and wait for the all-clear to be sent by the worker.
Now, here's where it gets hairy.
I've spent the better part of the day going through libraries and just can't find what I need. The closest I've come is this, but it clashes with restframework. I get hit with tons of 404 errors and I think it has to do with the way rf manages urls.
I literally need a simple event listener. There's got to be a better way, right? To clarify, I don't want to do something brute-force like silently ping the API for report status. That gets a tad hinky. I want the API to tell me when it's ready.
In a basic way, can use something like django-websocket-redis and use Django signals to pass the messages around. ws4redis handles alot of the tricky bit. However, websockets are weird and honestly I doubt you need them. You could just poll some route that has the job state. If you need to get it done fast, I would go that route.

Single Server request per page vs SPA Application

I had the idea to make a SPA application using angularJS and then just sending AJAX updates to the server when I need.
My initial idea would be make the client application fly, but if I have to do an AJAX round trip to the server, I think the time would be approximately the same as to request a single web page.
Requesting a page just has more bytes of data, is not like I'm requesting 20 resources like in this article:
I would be requesting a page or resource per request.
So in the end even if I create my client side application as a SPA using angularJS, these requests (would have to be synchronous and show a please wait message while they don't return, as I don't want to user to take more actions before I make sure his request passes validation and is processed correctly) would take some time and make user wait, just about the same time as requesting a full page.
I think SPA pages would be very useful if I have like a wizard on my app with multiple pages/steps and at the end, submit the results of wizard, to the server, which I don't.
Also found this article:
One of the biggest advantages of Single Page Apps is that they reduce
data transfer. As a result, pages after the initial loading usually
can be displayed faster and seem more interactive.
But I don't believe this last quote is really true.
Am I right, or is there a way that I'm not seeing to build an application that would look like it's executing locally?
I know how guys will start saying "depends on what you want", but lets focus on this scenario where there's no wizards.
What ever you said is right. But most of the frameworks(Angular,BackBone) you take they are going to cache the templates of html on the browser so the rendering would be pretty fast compared to the normal applications. Traditional apps will have to fetch the html from the server for each request which is a time consuming one.
Hope this helps you!!!
If you are wanting to go through that syncronous server side validation step for each page request, then there is probably no big advantage to using AngularJS.
If you are requesting a page and then manipulating that page's contents once it's loaded you might want to consider AngularJS. A good example would be requesting a page that displays a list of items. Now let's say we want to search that list or order it in different ways. Rather than using AJAX to call the server to filter the list and then re-render it, it could be much faster to user AngularJS to filter and re-render the list without making any further requests to the server.

Django application design: Perform a common set of queries for each request

I'm fairly new to Django and web-app development, so perhaps my question is not very well thought out.
For a new website I'm working on, I'd like to perform a set of database queries for every incoming request. I'm wondering what the best way to structure this in code would be.
To be more specific, I'd like to display a greeting (such as "Hi John,") and the status of the user's shopping cart in the header section whenever applicable. I considered creating a get_header_details helper function and calling it from every view method, but there has to be a better way to do this. Thoughts?
Also, even though I'd like to display the greeting and shopping cart status on every page, maybe I don't need to query for it on every page request. Is there a good way to do this? This is a learning project, so I'm ok with adding things to my technology stack.
For the shopping chart, middleware and a context processor coupled with sessions and preferably caching (e.g. Memcached) is the way to go.
Middleware allows you to do arbitrary actions before or after every view. A context processor allows you to insert variables into every template. The most common way to implement a shopping chart is the use of sessions, as you normally don't want to save the state of the shopping chart indefinitely by default (you can of course provide this option as a convenience feature).
As for the greeting message, use caching to prevent an extra (probably unneeded) query on every request.
Django has good caching support. Template fragment caching might be useful in your instance.

Windows Phone 7, MVVM, Silverlight and navigation best practice / patterns and strategies

Whilst building a Windows Phone 7 app. using the MVVM pattern we've struggled to get to grips with a pattern or technique to centralise navigation logic that will fit with MVVM.
To give an example, everytime the app. calls our web service we check that the logon token we've assigned the app. earlier hasn't expired. We always return some status to the phone from the web service and one of those might be Enum.AuthenticationExpired.
If we receive that I'd imagine we'd alert the user and navigate back to the login screen. (this is one of many examples of status we might receive)
Now, wanting to keep things DRY, that sort of logic feels like it should be in one place. Therein lies my question.
How should I go about modelling navigation that relies on (essentially) switch or if statements to tell us where to navigate to next without repeating that in every view.
Are there recognised patterns or techniques that someone could recommend?
It sounds like you have a "state" (something you would switch on) followed by an action (where you would navigate to). There are a number of ways to handle it. One would be to create an INavigationService that exposes the NavigateTo(something) method, where something encapsulates the current state, and the method returns the next state. Perhaps that method would also perform the page swapping itself.
Another way might be to create an IEnumerable that drives the pages, which would make sense in an application driving forward but gets a little fuzzy when you are trying to manage the back button.
With the INavigate, you can push and pop pages (enqueue/dequeue) and then the login would get pushed to the top of the stack and do its thing, then pop the page to return to.
I can't say about specific patterns or techniques, but it looks like you could navigate forward to the login page, not back, when the logon token has expired. If you do the same for all statuses, you will be able to code your status handling logic in one place and call it wherever needed.
