Coinbase buy widget not activated - coinbase-api

I would like to use "" widget. I created a "Buy Widgets" in my API access tab and now I have a code but my widget is not activated. How can I activate it ?

I actually have the same issue. the error it returns is
{"errors":[{"id":"invalid_request","message":"This buy widget has not been activated."}],"warnings":[{"id":"missing_version","message":"Please supply API version (YYYY-MM-DD) as CB-VERSION header","url":""}]}
Guess we have to submit a buy widget application. lol


Service Cloud Toolkit API cannot be used with your browser - salesforce

Salesforce interaction/console methods not executed after redirecting to other URL in CTI console softphone. I have mapped the CTI Adapter URL(for ex: http://domain1:port1/xyz/test.jsp) in softphone layouts of the call center, the interaction/console methods get executed on that particular page.
Method Like :
On click event I redirect to some other URL (for ex: http://domain1:port2/abc/test1.jsp) on this page interaction/console methods not executed.
Methods Like :
On console - "Service Cloud Toolkit API cannot be used with your browser" appears after page redirects.
Please help with the scenario
This error is caused by the validation of sfdcOriginIframe and nounce properties when sending out the window message to the top window.
Actually this two properties are populated from the field once the softphone loaded.this search field goes like :
I think they come from the src of the iframe tag
allow="camera *; geolocation *; microphone *"
style="display: block;"
if you redirect the location of your softphone frame, the search field is gone, and you can't use any methodes in interaction.js anymore.
so maybe there are two approaches to resolve this problem:
retain your search field in a hidden field and bring it ot your next page as a searchQuery string;
refresh your top window just before you redirect your softphone
Finally I used the second solution to fix my problem.
Code sample

Google tag manager button reference

I'm trying to get google tag manager to track a couple of different buttons on a site. We're currently unable to change the site to aid with this, so we have to find a solution solely with tag manager.
There are several buttons on the site all with the same format as to the two below.. they all have "submit" as the type and a unique term for value so I'm trying to use the tag manager Form Listener which picks up on type="submit". Is there any variable I can use to pull the value field into my event so I can create individual goals in analytics?
etc etc
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You can use built-in variable "Click Element", then create custom JS-variable:
return {{element}}.getAttribute("value"); //I am not sure now if it is {{element}} or {{Click Element}}
This will give you a value attribute of clicked button.
Maybe a useful link by Simo Ahava:
You can use built-in auto-event variable Element Attribute to get value. And be sure to use click tracking and not form tracking, because you want to track button clicks and not form submissions.

How do I pass data with my MEAN app? From a page of products to a new page with details about the specific product that the user clicked on?

I am a newbie at the MEAN stack. I have a full app working and have searched extensively on how to solve the following problem but I'm realizing that I don't know how to "ask" the question to be sent to the proper resource.
I have a marketplace. In the dashboard, a user can enter details about their product (a boat) and it is sent to the DB. In my marketplace, I'm retrieving all of the boats from the DB and theyre styled and listed on the page.
I want a user to click on one of the tiles components that I have created with an ng-list (boat) and be sent to a new page with a fully-expanded view of that specific boat. (larger pictures, expanded details, etc.) basically all the details about the product that won't fit in the minimalistic tile component in the marketplace.
How do I pass data about that specific boat that the user clicks on and be sent to a new page? Is this an ng-directive? an API/route thing?
I just am unsure how to reference the specific boat from the list i'm retrieving and have the user sent to a new details page. Any direction or resources that will teach me to solve this problem?
In general, use ng-repeat to display a list of products and ng-click to handle clicks.
<a ng-repeat="product in productList" ng-click="goto($index)">
<h2> {{product.title}}</h2>
<img ng-src="{{product.picture}}">
$scope.goto = function(index) {
Use a router such as ngRoute or ui-route to intercept the new location and load the appropriate template and controller.

Facebook Messenger API: Webviews Opening in Browser

I'm trying to use the Facebook Messenger API to create a "generic" message with a button. When that button is clicked, I want to display a "webview" (ie. a framed version of a webpage inside Messenger).
However, even though my button has the required webview_height_ratio property, it still opens up in my phone's browser, not inside Messenger. Since the Facebook documentation claims that that's all you need to make a button open a webview, I'm not sure what I might be doing wrong.
The message I'm sending to Facebook to create the button (as part of a generic template) is:
"id": "some ID"
"message": {
"buttons": [{
"title":"Webview example",
"image_url": "",
"item_url": "",
"subtitle":"It's a TV!",
"title":"Some TV"
Can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong?
EDIT: I'm not sure if it was necessary, but I have white-listed the domain I'm trying to point to for the webview (but obviously that hasn't helped).
I have faced same issue.
In this Block
"buttons": [{
"title":"Webview example",
Try Adding this part after web view height ratio
"messenger_extensions": "true"
The Url Should be WhiteListed before using it in the webview. For making the domain Whitelisted. Refer the Link
In order for the webview to work on browser(chrome & rambox messenger tested) you need to set messenger_extensions to true aside from adding the webview_height_ratio field.
Apparently, webview only started to work in the last update.
Try to update your Messenger app.
I figured out that webview only worked with sizes 'tall' and 'compact', as 'full' would open the default browser on my Android phone.
I'm not using extensions, but tried setting this option to false and true, but that just made the button not appearing.
It turns out that I was doing everything right: the problem was Facebook. Evidently when you use a webview it only affects mobile users. Web-based Messenger users get a new window regardless of whether or not you specify a webview_height_ratio.

How does Google+ contact process glass shared timeline items?

I am testing out the mirror api and so far I have a sample app running nicely.
The issue I am having is that I added a menu item for the action 'SHARE' but when I try to share the timeline card created by my app to Google+ it posts an empty Google+ post. The only text in the Google+ post is #throughglass. The contents of the timeline card is some simple html (see below) which renders find on glass. I also set the speakable text which works great with the 'READ_ALOUD' menu action. What gives on the 'SHARE' action, am I missing something?
Link to Google+ post
Timeline Item html:
<article class="auto-paginate">
<p class="text-auto-size">
Hello Word.
Each application is free to choose what, from the shared timeline item, it will use as part of the share command. The Google+ Glassware appears to use the text field only when sharing a textual item and ignores the html field.
(This makes some sense. Google+ can't display the HTML formatting, so it chooses to go with the text that it knows should be good.)
When you're writing Glassware, you should make sure both the text and html (and speakableText, for that matter) fields contain the correct representation of your item.
