integrating custom solution with identity server - identityserver4

for various business reasons our login progress is basically a workflow composed out of a variable number of steps (where the ID provider login - ie google, facebook etc ) is only a very small part of the entire workflow.
we have an identity server instance set up for various 3rd party integrations (using the client credentials flow).
we have a current new requirement to expose an oauth version of our authentication flows.
i'm wondering if this is somehow supported?
in essence use identity server to validate the client and it's return url and the like - but keeping the actual act of login completely seperate.
if not - I'm guessing that we should self validate client and return url - using a custom grant to return access & refresh tokens to the 3rd party.

IdentityServer and "login application" can be separate. Unfortunately we don't have good documentation for that.
But the specs are basically
Configure the login page URL on the options in startup
We hand you a return URL to the login page
When you are done, call a custom API in the IdentityServer app that sets the sign-in cookie
redirect back to the return URL you got in the first place
As I said, right now you are pretty much on your own. But it has been done before - if you get it working, feel free to contribute that back to the docs.


Custom React GUI for oidc-client-js

is there a way to user your custom React GUI with oidc-client-js? I know that if you trigger authentication endpoint using:
// PopUps might be blocked by the user, fallback to redirect
try {
await this.userManager.signinRedirect(this.createArguments(state)); //Shows midleware login form
return this.redirect();
} catch (redirectError) {
console.log("Redirect authentication error: ", redirectError);
return this.error(redirectError);
Middleware will try to render its predefined login form:
However I have my own React form and I only need to pass to OICDClient params (email,password) and get back User instance to display UserName etc. Something like:
var loggedUser = await this.userManager.signinCustom(state.loginEmail, state.LoginPassword); //Login using credentials
I don't want to write all the logic by myself I really want to use all functionality from OIDCClient - only with my GUI (loginForm, registerForm, updateUserForm etc).
I'm using scaffolded library from MSDN using command:
dotnet new react -o <output_directory_name> -au Individual
Is there any method/implementation to initialise oidc-client-js from React components and not user default GUI forms?
Thanks a lot!
I might be missing some thing but the whole idea of using a 3rd partly federated auth provider be it your own/your company's SSO (say developed using Identity Server 4) or say Google sign in(say using their Firebase JS kit) or Microsoft sign in, Facebook sign in etc. is that you will be redirected to their authentication endpoint where you then use say your google credentials (if you are using google sign in for example) to sign on to google auth servers. Once you do that then a payload (consisting of an identity token and access token) is returned back to your redirect URL which you must configure for your specific app.
By saying you'd like to provide your own sign-in form you are missing the entire point of using a 3rd party authentication provider. Besides, you/your app shouldn't know about user names and passwords and you don't want to have access to all that information. All that you should be interested in knowing whether the user, who are using one of the federated authentication providers, that you would have configured for your app, are who they claim to be and you then delegate all that heavy lifting to your 3rd party authentication provider.
Besides, say your company has a SSO system of their own then all your company's app will use that SSO system and from a UI perspective you want to show the same login screen so as to give a consistent user experience.
In addition, if you show me a google authentication button and then on clicking that button you show me some weird form that doesn't look like the typical google picklist sign-in form then I'll shut down your app before you can say hello, and, I suspect most user would (and should) do the same. The reason being that when you show me a google sign-in page then I know that you/your app will only get back what you need and I wouldn't ever entrust my google user name and password to any other application.
If you really want to have your own authentication form then you'll have to manage user names and passwords yourself, the way we used to do things probably over 10+ years back.
If you decide to go the route of setting up your own authentication system and then say use identity server 4 then yes you can certainly change the UI and customize it to your heart's content, but that will happen at the server level, not at the level of your react app. Point being that in any SSO system the user will be redirected to the that auth provider's endpoint where they then authenticate (and, optionally, provider permission for your app to use certain claims) and once they do that they they are redirected back to your redirect endpoint with a payload (JWT token).
Lastly, even if you could some how wire up a client side sign in form, I'm not sure you would want to use it. Passing passwords & user names over the wire isn't a good idea. You'll always want to use a server rendered sign in form.

Using Multiple Angular App and Session Management

I have 4 angular applications one is a landing app which asks user to login and has to redirect the user according to its type
to one of the other 3 applications. I am unable to figure how to should i achieve that.
Have the three apps running on different subdomains. Upon login backend send a redirect response, figuring out what type of user it is?
But this leads to cors Error. Also i am not sure whether the cookie which i am setting will be accessible in all the subdomains or not.
Is there a way out?
You can do a redirect, but it seems like an unnecessary step (and kind of convoluted for this type of application).
Instead of returning a redirect based on login, it seems more straightforward to just return the address you want to redirect to in the response. Trigger a lookup to determine which app you should be directing to (however you're doing that) and then return the address of the app in the response data. From within Angular, you can extract the address from within in $http. (see angular docs). The nice thing here is you also keep routing control and knowledge of state within Angular itself.
As for the apps themselves--instead of a subdomain, you can simply put the apps into different folders on your domain. This deals with CORS and the cookie issue.
Otherwise, you'd need to set a CORS header. You would do this on whatever backend you're sending the requests to--there's usually some sort of library to make it easy, for example, Flask CORS for Flask. If you need to share cookies in this case, this StackOverflow answer discusses one way of doing it (using an intermediary domain).
Generate a security key for the user session with some TTL in an authentication table when you authenticate the user with your App1
Redirect the user to any other app in any domain with this security key where they can query the authentication table and verify the user.
Let these other applications work on their own (in the front end) and communicate with the back-end with the security key when necessary.
Lot of PHP frameworks has built-in support for this mechanism. My favorite is Silex.

How to use SAML authentication in a mobile application?

I'm trying to understand how an saml authentication flow could work in a mobile environment where the client (AngularJS based), api server (Node & passport based), and idp exist on different domains.
From what I've gathered the general practice is to have the server return a 401 to the client if there's no authentication present (i.e. the client didn't include a bearer token in the request). The client understands that a 401 response indicates to open up the login endpoint on the server. When the login endpoint is opened it makes a passport call to the auth provider (which redirects the user to the auth provider's site) and supplies a callback URL. When the user authenticates, the auth provider redirects to the provided callback URL, which allows the server to retrieve information from the auth provider's response and construct a token of some sort (e.g. JWT) that can be used by the client (i.e. included in the headers) when making REST calls to identify itself.
My question is: How does the client get the token from the server? Because we're in a redirect-based authentication flow, I can't just return token from the callback function; that would just display the token in the browser without handing it off of to the client. Does the server just issue a 302 redirect pointing back to the client domain and include the authentication token in a header? Maybe I should not redirect from the client to the server in the first place and instead and use window.opener.postMessage or is that too old fashioned/mobile-unfriendly?
This question talks about authentication against a SAML IDP, but I'm interested in getting more details specifically about that last bullet point and how it would work with an AngularJS-based client.
Many examples I've seen online are either a single domain using OAuth/SAML (passport-saml-example), which avoids the issue of having the client exist on a separate domain, or use two domains with basic authentication, which avoids the issue of redirecting to some third party for authentication, but I'm having trouble finding good examples that uses all the bits and pieces I'm trying to work with.
This blog post seems very close to what I'm trying to accomplish (see googleSignInCallback) and uses a 302 redirect like I imagined but that solution relies on explicitly knowing the client URL to redirect to, which seems like it could be problematic if I wanted to support multiple client types (i.e. Native applications) in the future.
Eventually I was able to work together a solution by having my application open a browser window (Cordova's InAppBrowser) to a SAML-enabled application, have that application complete the normal SAML flow, and then that SAML-enabled application generated a JWT. My mobile application was then able to extract the JWT string from the browser window with the InAppBrowser's executeScript functionality. Then I could pass that JWT string along to my API server, which was able to validate the JWT is properly signed and trusted.
After I implemented my solution I saw that there was similar functionality available on github:
Hopefully this helps anyone else trying to deal with this issue!

Siteminder SSO + Spring Security + Angular JS

I have seen lot of examples where, there is a custom Login page with Angular JS, and then we make a rest POST call with the username/pwd, and then Spring authenticates based on whatever Auth Service we provide. Then we receive a success, grab the user object from Spring Security and then create a Session cookie in Angular.
I also have seen, integrating Siteminder with Spring Security where we install a policy agent on the web server, and then grab request headers with Spring Security, and then pull the roles and build a user profile object.
I'm looking for a solution where I can combine both the above. This is the scenario :
When the user requests for index.html (Angular), the policy agent on the web server intercepts, authenticates with a Siteminder login page and then passes the headers to the app server. The Spring Security on app server will read the headers and pull the roles from our app database and then build a userprofile object. Now here, I want to continue the flow and display angular page, but Im trying to figure out, how do I send the user profile object to angular, because angular is not making a POST call at this point. Also, how do I get the http-auth-interceptor in play, because I need to keep checking if the user is still authenticated on the change of every view/state in Angular.
Help appreciated ! Thanks !
You may implement a tiny JSON REST service "/your-app/profile" which is protected by SiteMinder, reads and evaluates the headers and returns the result as a JSON object.
Your Angular App (e.g. /your-app/index.html) should better also be protected by SiteMinder so you receive an immediate redirect to the SSO Login when accessing it without session. In addition, it must read the JSON REST resource "/your-app/profile" when loaded. It must also expect that SMSESSION is missing when reading "/your-app/profile" and react accordingly - perform a reload of the protected index.html page to trigger a SM SSO re-login (if "/your-app/index.html" is protected, otherwise you must trigger login by a redirect to some protected resource).
If you want to constantly check to see if SiteMinder session is still present, you may either access the "/your-app/profile" or check for the presence of the SMSESSION cookie (only in case it is not set as HTTP-only).
One SECURITY NOTE: If you rely on the seamless SSO which is provided via SMSESSION cookie, be aware of the possible CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks!
Apparently both roles and the username will be available in spring if the integration is done as this describes
Integrating Spring Security with SiteMinder

AngularJS recover user session - cookies or token

I'm developing an AngularJS app used by third part applications. The third part application and my AngularJS application have a common database where users preferences/credentials are stored. User can login from the third part application and, by redirecting the user into my application, I need to maintain the user logged in, without asking a new authentication procedure.
I can't use cookies because the two applications are in two different domains.
I can't pass a session TOKEN (correspondant to the user logged iin) in query parameters due to man in the middle risks.
Is it possible to make a POST request to an angularJS page? Third part app call my AngularJS login page POSTing a token in the body request. My app take the token, verifyies it and log-in the user.
App in different domains;
Maintain user logged in;
No sharing cookies;
Try to prevent man in the middle;
No query parameters;
HTTPS protocol;
web based applications.
Am I missing something in the https protocols/sharing sessions?
Are there other solutions supported by AngularJS?
How can I redirect the user from one application to another and maintaining the user logged in in a simple way? Is there a simple flow I haven't figured out?
AngularJS is based on REST api communications. I can ask for a webpage (GET the webpage), but I can't make a POST to an AngularJS page. Is there a way to pass/share some values from the first application to my second app in a secure way?
