SSRS - Data Driven Subscription, avoid using special character in filename. There are no special characters - sql-server

I'm using SSRS Data Driven subscriptions to produce 300,000+ word documents (.docx).
The majority are being produced fine however, some are reporting an error of
The filename is invalid. Avoid using special characters such as /\?*<>:|+,[]"&
All the filename are consecutive numbers starting from 10000000. One of them failing, for example, is 10898392, so no special characters and no trailing spaces etc.
I cannot work out why this is happening - any thoughts on this appreciated.


Controlling SQL Servers best-fit unicode transformation

A recent whitehat scan made me aware of SQL Server's best fit unicode transformations. This means that when a string containing unicode characters is converted to a non-unicode string, SQL Server will do a best-fit replacement on the characters it can in order to not trash your data with question marks. For example:
Outputs "TEST"
Each character is replaced with a "similar" ASCII equivalent. This can also be seen on a single character where unicode character 65308 (<) is converted into ASCII character 60 (<).
SELECT ascii(NCHAR(65308))
Outputs "60"
The main question, is where the heck is this documented? I have Googled for all sorts of phrases and read Microsoft docs, but all I can find are people looking to do manual conversions and nothing that documents SQL Server's apparent automatic best fit unicode transformations. Furthermore, can this be turned off or configured?
While the behavior is convenient for apps that do not store strings as unicode and probably goes completely noticed in most scenarios, penetration tests report this as a "high" vuln since unicode transformations can be used to circumvent validation routines and lead to vulns such as XSS.
(the following is an excerpt from my answer to the related question on DBA.StackExchange: Automatic Translation when Converting Unicode to non-Unicode / NVARCHAR to VARCHAR)
These "best fit" mappings are documented, just not in the easiest of places to find. If you go to the following URL you will see a list of several files, each one named for the Code Page that it maps Unicode characters to:
Most of the files were last updated (or at least placed there) on 2006-10-04, and one of them was updated on 2012-03-14. The first part of those files maps ASCII codes into an equivalent Unicode Code Point. But the second part of each file maps the Unicode characters into their ASCII "equivalents".
I wrote a test script that uses the Code Page 1252 mappings to check if SQL Server is truly using those mappings. That can be determined by answering these two questions:
For all mapped Code Points, does SQL Server convert them into the specified mappings ?
For all unmapped Code Points, does SQL Server convert any of them into a non-"?" character?
The test script is too long to place here, so I posted it on Pastebin at:
Unicode to Code Page mappings in SQL Server
Running the script will show that the answer to the first question above is "Yes" (meaning that all of the provided mappings are adhered to). It will also show that the answer to the second question is "No" (meaning, none of the unmapped Code Points convert into anything but the character for "unknown"). Hence, that mapping file is very accurate :-).
Furthermore, can this be turned off or configured?
I do not believe so, but that doesn't mean it is impossible to do one or both. HOWEVER, it should be noted that these mappings are "Microsoft" mappings, and hence work with Windows and SQL Server; they are not SQL Server-specific. So, even if it is possible to find where this stuff is configured, it would probably be a bad idea to change since it would effect everything running on the OS.

Validation for user input on file system

I have written a bunch of web apps and know how to protect against mysql injections and such. I am writing a log storage system for a project in C and I was advised to make sure that it was hack free in the sense that the user could not supply bad data like foo\b\b\b and try to hack into the OS with some rm -rf /* kind of crud. I looked online and found a similar question here: how to check for the "backspace" character in C
This is at least what I thought of, but I know there are probably other things I need to protect against. Can someone who has a bit more experience help me list out the things I need to validate when I am saving files onto a server using user input as part of the hierarchical file naming system?
Example file: /home/webapp/data/{User input}/{Machine-ID}/{hostname}/{tag} where all of these fields could be "faked" when submitted to our log storing system.
Instead of checking for bad characters, turn the problem on its head and specify the good characters. E.g. require {User Input} be a single directory name made of [[:alnum:]_] characters; {Machine-ID} must be made of [[:xdigit:]] to your liking, etc. That gets rid of all the injection stuff quickly.
If you're only ever using these inputs as file names inside your program, and you're storing them on a native Linux filesystem, then the critical things to watch for are:
absolutely proscribe any file name starting with ../ or containing /../ or ending with /... Such file names could allow the user to reach files outside the directory tree that you're working in.
Be wary of any file name containing / as these allow the user to name subdirectories, possibly with unintended consequences.
Other things that could cause trouble include:
Non-ASCII characters that may have a different meaning if used in a different locale.
Some ASCII punctuation characters may have a special meaning in parts of your processing system or may be invalid in some filesystems.
Some parts of your system may be case-sensitive with other parts being case-insensitive. Consider normalizing the case.
If applicable, restrict each field to something that isn't going to cause any trouble. For example:
A machine ID should probably consist of only ASCII lower letters and digits (or only ASCII uppercase letters and digits).
A hostname should consist of only ASCII lowercase letters and digits, plus - but not in an initial position (use Punycode for non-ASCII host names). If these are fully qualified host names, as opposed to host names in a network, then . is also valid, but not in initial position.
No field should be empty or contain a / or start with a . (an initial . could be . or .. — see above — and would be a dot file that ls doesn't show by default and isn't included in the pattern * in shells, so they're best avoided).
While control characters such as backspace aren't directly harmful, they can be indirectly harmful in that if you're investigating an issue on the command line, they can cause you to make mistakes. Do not allow them.

Parsing a stream of data for control strings

I feel like this is a pretty common problem but I wasn't really sure what to search for.
I have a large file (so I don't want to load it all into memory) that I need to parse control strings out of and then stream that data to another computer. I'm currently reading in the file in 1000 byte chunks.
So for example if I have a string that contains ASCII codes escaped with ('$' some number of digits ';') and the data looked like this... "quick $33;brown $126;fox $a $12a". The string going to the other computer would be "quick brown! ~fox $a $12a".
In my current approach I have the following problems:
What happens when the control strings falls on a buffer boundary?
If the string is '$' followed by anything but digits and a ';' I want to ignore it. So I need to read ahead until the full control string is found.
I'm writing this in straight C so I don't have streams to help me.
Would an alternating double buffer approach work and if so how does one manage the current locations etc.
If I've followed what you are asking about it is called lexical analysis or tokenization or regular expressions. For regular languages you can construct a finite state machine which will recognize your input. In practice you can use a tool that understands regular expressions to recognize and perform different actions for the input.
Depending on different requirements you might go about this differently. For more complicated languages you might want to use a tool like lex to help you generate an input processor, but for this, as I understand it, you can use a much more simple approach, after we fix your buffer problem.
You should use a circular buffer for your input, so that indexing off the end wraps around to the front again. Whenever half of the data that the buffer can hold has been processed you should do another read to refill that. Your buffer size should be at least twice as large as the largest "word" you need to recognize. The indexing into this buffer will use the modulus (remainder) operator % to perform the wrapping (if you choose a buffer size that is a power of 2, such as 4096, then you can use bitwise & instead).
Now you just look at the characters until you read a $, output what you've looked at up until that point, and then knowing that you are in a different state because you saw a $ you look at more characters until you see another character that ends the current state (the ;) and perform some other action on the data that you had read in. How to handle the case where the $ is seen without a well formatted number followed by an ; wasn't entirely clear in your question -- what to do if there are a million numbers before you see ;, for instance.
The regular expressions would be:
Any non-dollar sign character. This could be augmented with a closure ([^$]* or [^$]+) to recognize a string of non$ characters at a time, but that could get very long.
This would recognize a dollar sign followed by up 1 to 3 digits followed by a semicolon.
This would recognize just a dollar sign. It is in the brackets because $ is special in many regular expression representations when it is at the end of a symbol (which it is in this case) and means "match only if at the end of line".
Anyway, in this case it would recognize a dollar sign in the case where it is not recognized by the other, longer, pattern that recognizes dollar signs.
In lex you might have
[^$]{1,1024} { write_string(yytext); }
$[0-9]{1,3}; { write_char(atoi(yytext)); }
[$] { write_char(*yytext); }
and it would generate a .c file that will function as a filter similar to what you are asking for. You will need to read up a little more on how to use lex though.
The "f" family of functions in <stdio.h> can take care of the streaming for you. Specifically, you're looking for fopen(), fgets(), fread(), etc.
Nategoose's answer about using lex (and I'll add yacc, depending on the complexity of your input) is also worth considering. They generate lexers and parsers that work, and after you've used them you'll never write one by hand again.

UTF-8 tuple storage using lowest common technological denominator, append-only

EDIT: Note that due to the way hard drives actually write data, none of the schemes in this list work reliably. Do not use them. Just use a database. SQLite is a good simple one.
What's the most low-tech but reliable way of storing tuples of UTF-8 strings on disk? Storage should be append-only for reliability.
As part of a document storage system I'm experimenting with I have to store UTF-8 tuple data on disk. Obviously, for a full-blown implementation, I want to use something like Amazon S3, Project Voldemort, or CouchDB.
However, at the moment, I'm experimenting and haven't even firmly settled on a programming language yet. I have been using CSV, but CSV tend to become brittle when you try to store outlandish unicode and unexpected whitespace (eg vertical tabs).
I could use XML or JSON for storage, but they don't play nice with append-only files. My best guess so far is a rather idiosyncratic format where each string is preceded by a 4-byte signed integer indicating the number of bytes it contains, and an integer value of -1 indicates that this tuple is complete - the equivalent of a CSV newline. The main source of headaches there is having to decide on the endianness of the integer on disk.
Edit: actually, this won't work. If the program exits while writing a string, the data becomes irrevocably misaligned. Some sort of out-of-band signalling is needed to ensure alignment can be regained after an aborted tuple.
Edit 2: Turns out that guaranteeing atomicity when appending to text files is possible, but the parser is quite non-trivial. Writing said parser now.
Edit 3: You can view the end result at .
I would recommend tab delimiting each field and carriage-return delimiting each record.
Within each string, Replace all characters that would affect the field and record interpretation and rendering. This would include control characters (U+0000–U+001F, U+007F–U+009F), non-graphical line and paragraph separators (U+2028, U=2029), directional control characters (U+202A–U+202E), and the byte order mark (U+FEFF).
They should be replaced with escape sequences of constant length. The escape sequences should begin with a rare (for your application) character. The escape character itself should also be escaped.
This would allow you to append new records easily. It has the additional advantage of being able to load the file for visual inspection and modification into any spreadsheet or word processing program, which could be useful for debugging purposes.
This would also be easy to code, since the file will be a valid UTF-8 document, so standard text reading and writing routines may be used. This also allows you to convert easily to UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE if desired, without complications.
U+000A LINE FEED becomes ~LF
U+007E TILDE becomes ~~~
There are a couple of reasons why tabs would be better than commas as field delimiters. Commas appear more commonly within normal text strings (such as English text), and would have to be replaced more frequently. And spreadsheet programs (such as Microsoft Excel) tend to handle tab-delimited files much more naturally.
Mostly thinking out loud here...
Really low tech would be to use (for example) null bytes as separators, and just "quote" all null bytes appearing in the output with an additional null.
Perhaps one could use SCSU along with that.
Or it might be worth to look at the gzip format, and maybe ape it, if not using it:
A gzip file consists of a series of "members" (compressed data sets).
The members simply appear one after another in the file, with no additional information before, between, or after them.
Each of these members can have an optional "filename", comment, or the like, and i believe you can just keep appending members.
Or you could use bencode, used in torrent-files. Or BSON.
See also Wikipedia's Comparison of data serialization formats.
Otherwise i think your idea of preceding each string with its length is probably the simplest one.

Non-english alpha-numerics in a text file

C# WinForm application
EDIT: It appears there's concern about foreign language compatibility.
This is a non-issue.
The card game I'm making this utility for is primarily in English. In the future I may support other languages, but everything will still be keyed off the English names, which are a primary key in both the program and the rules of the game.
I can simply add additional tables with the English name, followed by the translated text, and everything should be fine.
Part of my program reads input from a text file containing names, and compares it to another list of names.
Sometimes these names have non-english letters, particularly accented "o" and the Latin AE in the input file.
When this text input is compared to names, those non-english characters are causing problems.
I'd like to find a way to overlay these characters with the english counterpart in most cases, such as "[accented o]" -> "o"
I'm perfectly content to code a find/replace table (I only expect 12-30 problem characters), but I've got some roadblocks.
1) Hardcoding the find/replace table (in the ".cs" file) gives me errors, because the compiler doesn't like the characters.
Anyone know a trick to fix this, or do I just have to create a Find/Replace text file that would be read before this process?
2) Identifying the letters is frustrating, but I'll only reach the replace logic if a match isn't found.
This occurs when the non-english characters cause a mismatch, or it isn't in the list yet.
I'm not too worried about the inefficiency of a char-by-char check of each unmatched string, as this is a manual update process triggered every three months.
Presumably getting down to the Bianary-code level of a single character should work, but I haven't gotten this to work.
3) The aforementioned [AE] character is used often, and it would be nice to at least allow the use of this character within the program, as I don't intend to replace it like I do the others.
I've loaded [AE] characters into my database with no problems, and searches using "Ae," "AE," and "[AE]" have posed no problem at the SQL-level, so I'm fine with that functionality.
It's just that searching for other non-english characters is less intuitive.
So there's my problem, which is actually more of a nuisance than anything serious. Still, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Are you sure these names aren't meant to be different? Are you sure that you want all of "è", "é", "ê", and "ë" to mean the same thing?
Especially in "foreign" names, characters with different diacritical marks are likely intended to be different. After all, to the people whose names those are, these characters are not foreign.
