IE randomly stops loading the necessary resources for a frontend - angularjs

I have a really strange problem with an AngularJS application using Internet Explorer (ver 11.0.9600.18697) as browser.
I am developing an application using AngularJS. The application runs perfectly on Firefox and Chrome, but on IE I'm experiencing the following problem.
What happens is that, when I start the application, the startup stops because IE at a certain point randomly stops loading the necessary resources, simply terminating some calls of js, i18n, css files.. (calls do not arrive at the server, simply IE blocks them, despite being the path all correct).
I have not understood the reasons of this behavior. What I know is that I use RequireJs for loading files (ver. 2.1.22), and that on Firefox and Chrome everything is loaded properly. Moreover, if I start the application on IE keeping Fiddler open, then the application works very well on IE too.
Has anyone ever had a similar problem?
Here the network console:


Video upload error with react app on windows10

I've a weird problem with react.
We use this react video component ([ to record or upload a vide file. And It's working fine on mac (both chrome and firefox).
On windows, it's also working fine for the recording part. However for the upload part, when the upload file is more than 20mb, It's not working neither for chrome nor for firefox (on windows).
The weird thing is that we doesn't have any log error on our web server. The only error is a "cors error" showing up in the browser developer console. So it seams that the upload fails even before reaching our api. (That say I'm sure that its not a cors issue because it's working fine when the video size is less than 20Mb, and both front and back share the same domain anyway)
I'm also sure that is not a timeout issue because our axios timeout is set to 1 hour and fails after only a few second (and it is working fine on mac anyways so It couldn't be a time out issue).
Could someone help please?

Rails app with react frontend works fine in Safari but not on chrome

I am working on a project which is using rails for its backend and react components for its frontend. The app works fine in the Safari browser but for some unknown reason, in the chrome app, it loads the correct path but just renders a white screen showing nothing. If I check the developer tools console, I get to see the following errors
Similarly I refreshed the page and opened the network tab in developers tool and got to realise that some of the packages have not been downloaded.
The point to note is that the app also requires a certificate for running it locally and I have already downloaded that certificate and trusted it so it should also not be a problem. I am stuck at it for a really long time. Can anyone tell me the solution?
As the app works fine in safari, I don't think its related to code but its just a guess. So far I have tried disabling all the extension as well as clearing the browser data but haven't been able to see any progress...

Protractor tests on BrowserStack iPhone devices are not working

For some reason the iPhone devices are never able to load the url requested by Protractor, they always show a blank page. It tries to load the url several times and then gives up.
The other BrowerStack devices all seem to work, including Windows, Android, and Safari/Macbook.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
For reference, we're using Protractor v2.2.0 (have not been able to updated because we're stuck in an old version of NodeJS, but we could try if that is the cause of the issue).

angularjs error on IE only with no debug option

I have an angular application that run ok on chrome and firefox.
But on IE the application does not work.
My Big problem is that I can't find the error reason. and got some generic error.
How can I debug the application on IE or how can I find the reason for the Error
This means that ng module is failing to load. :)
Please look at your browser's console to find if any files are missing or not being downloaded correctly. Also it helps if you click on the link to in your console, it will give details about which particular module is failing to load.
Check below link for complete details for resolution:
IE Debugging : First of all you need to ensure your Angular application works on IE please consider the use ng-style tags instead of style="{{ someCss }}". The latter works in Chrome and Firefox but does not work in Internet Explorer <= 11. Arguably, this is the biggest annoyance of IE—the page just doesn’t load and doesn’t give any errors. Sometimes you need to view the page again in Firefox. If it’s not an IE specific error, Firebug will pick it up. If Firebug loads normally, the chances are it’s one of two IE specific errors: a trailing comma, or unsupported XML syntax.
For minimize the application files I use
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/app").IncludeDirectory("~/Assets/app", "*.js", true)
(Part of mvc)
And from the layout page I take all the application files
Like I said this part of code worked for me in some browsers, But on IE It fail.
By Changing the script src to all specific files, I resolve this problem. and now on IE it work like the other browsers.
Maybe I miss a comma or ";" (end row) or something like that.
need to check this page or api

Ext Js communication Failure

I am using Extjs in my application with J2ee framework. it happens that after working for sometime on my application I get a communication failure. There is no server side error.I have to delete cookies from my browser (i use IE most of the times) and then restart my browser and everything works fine. CAN I GET RID OF THIS PROBLEM?
Do you know the specific error. For a while, I was getting a 502 error. This turned out to be a concurrency problem - I was firing off a datastore load then immediately doing a refresh of my control. This error mostly showed up under IE6, less so on other IEs and never on FF.
