How to get Flink started in FLIP6 mode - apache-flink

We are using Flink-1.4 on a cluster of 3 machines.
We started the JobManager on one machine with the following command
bin/ start flip6
Next, we started the TaskManager on two machines with the following command:
bin/ start flip6
However, we do not see the Flink Dashboard Web UI up.
Neither do we see any errors in the logs.
Is there something we are missing, maybe in the config file?
Here is the log for the JobManager:

For 1.4 the FLIP-6 mode is still a WIP and missing major parts, like the WebUI.
You will have to wait for 1.5 to use the FLIP-6 mode.


After the Flink version is upgraded, the taskmanager log information cannot be seen in the web UI

After the Flink version is upgraded, the taskmanager log information can not be seen in the web UI. In stdout, you can see the log of the code itself, but can not see the log of Spring and Flink itself.
What version have you upgraded to, and how is Flink running (i.e., Yarn, Kubernetes, standalone, etc)?
With some versions of Flink in certain environments, the logs aren't available in the web UI because they are being aggregated elsewhere. For example, you will want to use something like kubectl logs to access the logs if you are running on Kubernetes with certain versions of Flink.
Flink 1.11 switched from log4j1 to log4j2. See the release notes for details. Also, the logging properties file was renamed to and was updated to use the new file. Again, see the release notes for more info.

Flink Logging not working in cluster mode

Recently, I encountered a problem in Flink Logging in Standalone cluster mode when using logback.xml as logging. My requirement is that all my jobs should log in the particular folder and my flink framework logs should be placed in the seperate folder and also for each job running in my flink cluster there should be seperate folder for different jobs. I tested it in my local cluster which works fine and i get all my logs seperate folders respective to my Flink job submitted but as soon as i deploy my code in the Standalone cluster along with respective logback.xml for each job it doesn't logs at all. I also referred the follow. link for my query but still i am stuck with the problem.
Flink logging limitation: How to pass logging configuration to a flink job
Could you please specify where your log file resides ?
According to flink docs, it should either be specified explicitly by setting the environment property -Dlogback.configurationFile=<file> or by putting logback.xml in the classpath - usually, I overridden the one in flink/conf directory.

Using Flink LocalEnvironment for Production

I wanted to understand the limitations of LocalExecutionEnvironment and if it can be used to run in production ?
Appreciate any help/insight. Thanks
LocalExecutionEnvironment spins up a Flink MiniCluster, which runs the entire Flink system (JobManager, TaskManager) in a single JVM. So you're limited to CPU cores and memory available on that one machine. You also don't have HA from multiple JobManagers. I haven't looked at other limitations of the MiniCluster environment, but I'm sure more exist.
A LocalExecutionEnvironment doesn't load a config file on startup, so you have to do all of the configuration in the application. By default it also doesn't offer a REST endpoint. You can solve both these issues by doing something like this:
String cwd = Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString();
Configuration conf = GlobalConfiguration.loadConfiguration(cwd);
env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironmentWithWebUI(conf);
Logging may be another issue that will require a workaround.
I don't believe you'll be able to use the Flink CLI to control the job, but if you create the Web UI (as shown above) you can at least use the REST API to do things like triggering savepoints (after first using the REST API to get the job ID).

Error restarting Zeppelin interpreters and saving their parameters

I have Zeppelin 0.7.2 installed and connected to Spark 2.1.1 standalone cluster.
It has been running fine for quite a while until I changed the Spark workers' settings, to double the workers' cores and executor memory. I also tried to change the parameters SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS and ZEPPELIN_JAVA_OPTS on, to make it request for more "Memory per node" on the Spark workers but it always requests only 1GB per node so I removed them.
I had an issue while developing a paragraph so I tried set zeppelin.spark.printREPLOutput to true on the web interface. But when I tried to save that setting, I only got a small transparent red box at right side of my browser window. So it fails to save that setting. I also got that small red box when I tried to restart the Spark interpreter. The same actually happens when I tried to change the parameters of all other interpreters or restart them.
There is nothing on the log files. So I am quite puzzled on this issue. Do any of you has ever experienced this issue? If so, what kind of solutions that you applied to fix it? If not, do you have any suggestions on how to debug this issue?
I am sorry for the noise. The issue was actually due to my silly mistake.
I actually have Zeppelin behind nginx. I recently played around with a new CMS. I didn't separate the configuration of the CMS and the proxy to Zeppelin. So any access to location containing /api/, like restarting Zeppelin interpreters or saving the interpreters' settings, got blocked. Separating the site configuration of the CMS and the proxy to Zeppelin on nginx solves the problem.

Why "Configuration" section of running job is empty?

Can anybody explain me why "Configuration" section of running job in Apache Flink Dashboard is empty?
How to use this job configuration in my flow? Seems like this is not described in documentation.
The configuration tab of a running job shows the values of the ExecutionConfig. Depending on the version of Flink you might will experience a different behaviour.
Flink <= 1.0
The ExecutionConfig is only accessible for finished jobs. For running jobs, it is not possible to access it. Once the job has finished or has been stopped/cancelled, you should be able to see the ExecutionConfig.
Flink > 1.0
The ExecutionConfig can also be accessed for running jobs.
