How to consume an Observable multiple times? - angularjs

I am new to Angular and RxJS. I wonder what is the best/correct way to consume a value from an Observable multiple times.
My setup:
I have a component which calls a service which uses a REST service.
After the server returns the result I want to
use this result in the service at hand
AND return the result to the component.
// foo.component.ts
onEvent() {
.subscribe((data: FooStatus) => doSomething());
// foo.service.ts
private lastResult: FooStatus;
constructor(protected http: HttpClient) {
foo(): Observable<FooResult> {
return this.http.get('/foo')
.map((data: FooStatus) => {
this.lastResult = data; // use the data...
return data; // ... and simply pass it through
Using subscribe() multiple times will not work because the request would be send multiple times. This is wrong.
At the moment I use map() to intercept the result. But I am not comfortable with this because I introduce a side effect. Seems like a code smell to me.
I experimented with
foo(onSuccess: (result: FooResult) => void, onFailure: () => void): void {
but this looks even worse, I loose the Observable magic. And I do not want to have to write these callbacks in every service method myself.
As another way I considered the call to subscribe() in the service and then to create a fresh Observable I then can return to the component. But I could not get it work... seemed to complicated, too.
Is there a more elegant solution?
Is there a helpful method on Observable I did miss?

There are a number of ways to do this, and the answer will depend on your usage.
This codepen
// interval observer
// click streams from 3 buttons
const startButton = document.querySelector('#start')
const stopButton = document.querySelector('#stop')
const resetButton = document.querySelector('#reset')
const start$ = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(startButton, 'click')
const stop$ = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(stopButton, 'click')
const reset$ = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(resetButton, 'click')
const minutes = document.querySelector('#minutes')
const seconds = document.querySelector('#seconds')
const milliseconds = document.querySelector('#milliseconds')
const toTime = (time) => ({
milliseconds: Math.floor(time % 100),
seconds: Math.floor((time/100) % 60),
minutes: Math.floor(time / 6000)
const pad = (number) => number <= 9 ? ('0' + number) : number.toString()
const render = (time) => {
minutes.innerHTML = pad(time.minutes)
seconds.innerHTML = pad(time.seconds)
milliseconds.innerHTML = pad(time.milliseconds)
const interval$ = Rx.Observable.interval(10)
const stopOrReset$ = Rx.Observable.merge(
const pausible$ = interval$
const init = 0
const inc = acc => acc+1
const reset = acc => init
const incOrReset$ = Rx.Observable.merge(
app$ = start$
.scan((acc, currFunc) => currFunc(acc))
.subscribe(val => render(val))
You will notice that the reset$ observable is used in two other observables, incOrReset$ and stopOrReset$
You can also introduce a .multicast() operator, which will explicitly allow you to subscribe multiple times. See description here:

Take a look at share, it allows you to share a single subscription to the underlying source. You could do something like the following (it's not tested, but should give you the idea):
private lastResult: FooStatus;
private fooObs: Observable<FooStatus>;
constructor(protected http: HttpClient) {
this.fooObs = this.http.get('/foo').share();
this.fooObs.subscribe(((data: FooStatus) => this.lastResult = data);
foo(): Observable<FooResult> {

as mentioned by #Mikkel in his answer that approach is cool however you can make use of following methods from Observable and achieve this.
these important methods are publishReplay and refCount,
use them as below,
private lastResult: FooStatus;
private myCachedObservable : Observble<FooResult> = null;
constructor(protected http: HttpClient) {
foo(): Observable<FooResult> {
this.myCachedObservable = this.http.get('/foo')
.map((data: FooStatus) => {
this.lastResult = data; // use the data...
return data; // ... and simply pass it through
return this.myObsResponse;
} else{
return this.myObsResponse;
Now in your component simply subscribe the observable returned from your method as above and notice the network request, you will see only one network request being made for this http call.


Filter a broadcasted property in Angular 9

I have a dbService that calls the database!
//DB service code -----------------------
private changedEvents = new BehaviorSubject<IEvent[]>(null);
broadCastEvents = this.changedEvents.asObservable();
getEvents() {
this.http.get<IEvent[]>(this.configUrl + 'Event/GetEvents').subscribe(
(data: IEvent[]) => {
In my component on ngOnInit I starts listening to this
ngOnInit(): void {
this.dbService.broadCastEvents.subscribe(data => { = data;
// this.dbService.getEvents();
Now all of this working like a charm! But now I'm only interested in records where == 2
I tried by a standard filtering like below!
ngOnInit(): void {
this.dbService.broadCastEvents.subscribe(data => { = data.filter(event => event.eventTypeRefId == 2);
// this.dbService.getEvents();
But it results in the following Error!? Any ideas how to this in a better way (that works :-))
core.js:6241 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of null
at SafeSubscriber._next (start-training.component.ts:26)
at SafeSubscriber.__tryOrUnsub (Subscriber.js:183)
at (Subscriber.js:122)
at Subscriber._next (Subscriber.js:72)
at (Subscriber.js:49)
at BehaviorSubject._subscribe (BehaviorSubject.js:14)
at BehaviorSubject._trySubscribe (Observable.js:42)
at BehaviorSubject._trySubscribe (Subject.js:81)
at BehaviorSubject.subscribe (Observable.js:28)
at Observable._subscribe (Observable.js:76)
ngOnInit(): void {
this.dbService.broadCastEvents.pipe(filter(event => event.eventTypeRefId == 2)).subscribe(data => { = data
// this.dbService.getEvents();
There are multiple ways for it. One way is to use array filter like you did. Other way would be to use RxJS filter pipe as shown by #enno.void. However both these methods might still throw an error when the notification is null. And since the default value of your BehaviorSubject is null, there is high probability of hitting the error again.
One workaround for it is to use ReplaySubject with buffer 1 instead. It's similar to BehaviorSubject in that it holds/buffer the last emitted value and emits it immediately upon subscription, except without the need for a default value. So the need for initial null value is mitigated.
Try the following
private changedEvents = new ReplaySubject<IEvent[]>(1);
broadCastEvents = this.changedEvents.asObservable();
Now the error might still occur if you were to push null or undefined to the observable. So in the filter condition you could check for the truthiness of the value as well.
ngOnInit(): void {
this.dbService.broadCastEvents.subscribe(data => { = data.filter(event => {
if (event) {
return event.eventTypeRefId == 2;
return false;

Can anyone explain why my state is getting updated even when i dont set it manually

So I just spent an hour debugging this code and finally got it to work, but I would want to know why this happened in the first place. I have a function that takes a value from my state, operates on it and saves the output in another variable in the state. This is the fuction:
getFolderNames = async () => {
const promises = item => {
if (item[".tag"] == "folder" && > 20) { = await getFolderName(;
return item;
} else return item;
const result = await Promise.all(promises);
rowsToDisplay: result
when i run this function, it was updating both the rows and rowsToDisplay to the result variable when i was only calling setState on only one of them.
Changing the function as below solves the issue but I would like to know why.
getFolderNames = async () => {
const promises = item => {
if (item[".tag"] == "folder" && > 20) {
let item2 = {
}; = await getFolderName(;
return item2;
} else return item;
const result = await Promise.all(promises);
rowsToDisplay: result
It's because of how JavaScript handles variables. When you set a variable to an array or object, it doesn't make a new object but rather just references the original array/object.
As such, if you set a variable to equal some object, and then set a property of that variable, the original object will also be updated. Check this snippet for an example.
var foo = {changed: false};
var bar = foo;
bar.changed = true;
console.log("foo", foo.changed)
console.log("bar", bar.changed)
You can read more about the subject here:
I hope this helps you in the future, since I know I also spent many hours banging my head against exactly the sort of cases you described in your original question.

relay prisma graphql update store

I am trying to get prisma and relay working. Here's my repo:
It's a simple todo list. I am able to add the todos, but the ui does not update. When I refresh, the todo is there.
All of the examples of updating the store, that I can find, use a "parent" to the object that is being updated / created.
Also, the "updater configs" also requires a "parentID".
From relay-runtime's RelayConnectionHandler.js comment here:
* store => {
* const user = store.get('<id>');
* const friends = RelayConnectionHandler.getConnection(user, 'FriendsFragment_friends');
* const edge = store.create('<edge-id>', 'FriendsEdge');
* RelayConnectionHandler.insertEdgeAfter(friends, edge);
* }
Is it possible to update the store without having a "parent"? I just have todos, with no parent.
Again, creating the record works, and gives this response:
{ "data" : {
"createTodo" : {
"id" : "cjpdbivhc00050903ud6bkl3x",
"name" : "testing",
"complete" : false
} } }
Here's my updater function
updater: store => {
const payload = store.getRootField('createTodo');
const conn = ConnectionHandler.getConnection(store.get(payload.getDataID()), 'Todos_todoesConnection');
ConnectionHandler.insertEdgeAfter(conn, payload, cursor);
I have done a console.log(conn), and it is undefined.
Please help.
Thanks to Denis, I think one problem is solved - that of the ConnectionHandler.
But, I still can't get the ui to update. Here's what I've tried in the updater function:
const payload = store.getRootField('createTodo');
const clientRoot = store.get('client:root');
const conn = ConnectionHandler.getConnection(clientRoot, 'Todos_todoesConnection');
ConnectionHandler.createEdge(store, conn, payload, 'TodoEdge');
I've also tried this:
const payload = store.getRootField('createTodo');
const clientRoot = store.get('client:root');
const conn = ConnectionHandler.getConnection(clientRoot, 'Todos_todoesConnection');
ConnectionHandler.insertEdgeAfter(conn, payload);
My data shape is different from their example, as I don't have the 'todoEdge', and 'node' inside my returned data (see above).
todoEdge {
node {
How do I getLinkedRecord, like this?
const newEdge = payload.getLinkedRecord('todoEdge');
If query is the parent, the parentID will be client:root.
Take a look at this:
Also at this issue:
create a const ROOT_ID = 'client:root'; and pass ROOT_ID as your parentID. Also, check the name of your connection on the updater, it has to be exactly equal to the name where you declared the query.
Actually, you can import ROOT_ID of relay-runtime
import { ROOT_ID } from 'relay-runtime';
Your edit was not very clear for me, but I will provide you an example of it should work ok? After your mutation is run, you first access its data by using getRootField just like you are doing. So, if I have a mutation like:
mutation UserAddMutation($input: UserAddInput!) {
UserAdd(input: $input) {
userEdge {
node {
You will do:
const newEdge = store.getRootField('UserAdd').getLinkedRecord('userEdge');
parentId: ROOT_ID,
connectionName: 'UserAdd_users',
edge: newEdge,
before: true,
This connectionUpdater is a helper function that looks likes this:
export function connectionUpdater({ store, parentId, connectionName, edge, before, filters }) {
if (edge) {
if (!parentId) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
console.log('maybe you forgot to pass a parentId: ');
const parentProxy = store.get(parentId);
const connection = ConnectionHandler.getConnection(parentProxy, connectionName, filters);
if (!connection) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
console.log('maybe this connection is not in relay store yet:', connectionName);
const newEndCursorOffset = connection.getValue('endCursorOffset');
connection.setValue(newEndCursorOffset + 1, 'endCursorOffset');
const newCount = connection.getValue('count');
connection.setValue(newCount + 1, 'count');
if (before) {
ConnectionHandler.insertEdgeBefore(connection, edge);
} else {
ConnectionHandler.insertEdgeAfter(connection, edge);
Hope it helps :)

Cancel local requests on component destroy

Consider you have some component e.g. autocomplete that sends GET request to server:
someObject = create(); = someFactory.getHttp(params).then(result => {
someObjet.prop = result;
vm.$onDestroy = () => {
someObject = null;
If component is destroyed while request is pending, callback will throw js error.
I know that in this concrete example I can solve this using simple If, however quite obvious that it is better to canel this request:
var canceler = $q.defer(); = someFactory.getHttp(params, canceler)...
vm.$onDestroy = () => {
someObject = null;
This works perfectly, but having such code in each component seems weird. I would like to have something like: = someFactory.getHttp(params, $scope.destroyPromise)
But such thing does not seem to exist...
Question: Is there any easy way to cancel requests on component destroy?
both in Angularjs or in Angular
One thing I've done in Angular is use RXjs for requests, using subscriptions, and adding those subscriptions to an array that we iterate over and cancel on destroy, like this:
import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy} from "#angular/core";
import { ActivatedRoute } from "#angular/router";
export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
private subscriptions = [];
constructor(private route AppRoute) {}
ngOnInit() {
ngOnDestroy() {
for (let subscription of this.subscriptions) {
Why not assign the created object to an object that doesn't get destroyed? This way your behaviour is maintained and the you can do a simple check to prevent any errors.
var baseObj = {};
baseObj.someObject = create(); = someFactory.getHttp(params).then(result => {
if (baseObj.someObject != null) {
baseObj.someObjet.prop = result;
vm.$onDestroy = () => {
baseObj.someObject = null;

Typescript fire event every time an array changes

I am trying to observe an array in typescript 2.3.3, and I am using rxjs. my goal is to run a method every time an array is changed. Let me clarify with some code before I can tell you what I've tried.
rows: any[] = []
rows.push('test1') //fired event now
rows.splice(0,1) //fire event now
rows = [] // fire event now
Basically, if this property ever changes then I would like to have an event called.
I have researched Rx.Observable and I came up with a couple different things.
Rx.Observable.from(this.rows) and then subscribe to it, however the subscription is never fired.
Rx.Observable.of(this.rows) and then subscribe to it, this fires the subscription only 1 time.
i think that Rx.Observable is the way to go here, but i'm not sure how to get this to fire event every time.
thank you for your advice
Looks like Proxy might fit the bill. Some preliminary testing suggests that most in-place Array mutators (like splice, sort and push) do trigger Proxy setters, so you might be able to emit values on the side as easily as:
const subj: Subject<TItem> = new Subject(); // whatever TItem is convenient for you
const rows: Array<T> = new Proxy([], {
set: function(target: Array<T>, idx: PropertyKey, v: T): boolean {
target[idx] = v;
this.subj.onNext(/* TItem-typed values here */);
return true;
Note that very nicely (and to my total total surprise), TypeScript coerces new Proxy(Array<T>, ...) to Array<T>, so all your array operations are still typed! On the downside, you will probably be flooded with events, especially handling operations that set multiple times like sort, for which you can expect O(n lg n) notifications.
I ended up creating an ObservableArray class that will fire events and has a subscribe method in it. I will post this here just so that people having this issue will be able to use it too.
export class ObservableArray {
onArrayChanges: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
onRemovedItem: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
onAddedItem: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
onComponentChanges: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
length(): number {
return this.collection.length;
private collectionCount: number = 0;
private isStartup:boolean=true;
constructor(public array: any[]) {
this.onComponentChanges.subscribe(data => {
this.array = data;
private collection: any[] = [];
private subscriptions: any[] = [];
onChanges(): void {
let collectionModel = new CollectionModel();
collectionModel.originalValue = this.collection;
collectionModel.newValue = (this.isStartup)?this.collection:this.array;
collectionModel.isRecordAdded = this.isAddedItem();
collectionModel.isRecordRemoved = this.isRemovedItem();
this.collectionCount = this.collection.length;
if (this.isAddedItem()) {
if (this.isRemovedItem()) {
if (this.isChanged()) {
this.isStartup = false;
private isChanged(): boolean {
let isChanged = false;
if (this.array) {
isChanged = this.array.length !== this.collectionCount;
return isChanged || this.isStartup;
private isAddedItem(): boolean {
let isAddedItem = false;
if (this.array) {
isAddedItem =this.array.length > this.collectionCount;
return isAddedItem;
private isRemovedItem(): boolean {
let isRemoved = false;
if (this.array) {
isRemoved = this.array.length < this.collectionCount;
return isRemoved;
private updateCollection() {
this.collection = this.array;
private publish(payload?: any) {
for (let callback of this.subscriptions) {
subscribe(callback: (payload?: any) => void) {
export class CollectionModel {
originalValue: any[] = [];
newValue: any[] = [];
isRecordAdded: boolean = false;
isRecordRemoved: boolean = false;
If you really wanted you could make this and ObservableArray<T> however in my case i didn't think that i needed to do this.
I hope this helps others. :)
try use "spread" instead of "push"
rows = [...rows,"test"]
