How to secure money (USD) balances in a database - database

I was wondering how people are securely storing money balances in a database. E.g how do you make sure that the database administrator does not modify balances or transactions? How do you make sure that the code that does a transaction not accidentally or intentionally by a rogue employee does not work correctly.
Banks, PayPal and any other apps that hold balances in USD or any other currency should have this problem

All the banking packages I've worked with store the balance with the account entity. Calculating it on the fly from movement history is unthinkable.
The right way is:
The movement table has an 'opening
balance' transaction for each and every account. You'll need
this in a few year's time when you
need to move old movements out of the
active movement table to a history
The account entity has a balance
There is a trigger on the movement
table which updates the account
balances for the credited and debited accounts. Obviously, it has commitment
control. If you can't have a trigger, then there needs to be a unique module which writes movements under commitment control
You have a 'safety net' program you
can run offline, which re-calculates
all the balances and displays (and
optionally corrects) erroneous
balances. This is very useful for
Some systems store all movements as positive numbers, and express the credit/debit by inverting the from/to fields or with a flag. Personally, I prefer a credit field, a debit field and a signed amount, this makes reversals much easier to follow.
Notice that these methods applies both to cash and securities.
Securities transactions can be much trickier, especially for corporate actions, you will need to accommodate a single transaction that updates one or more buyer and seller cash balances, their security position balances and possibly the broker/depository.
From smirkingman answer on Database design: Calculating the Account Balance


How can I model budget-data for a budget application?

I want to create an application which allows Users to budget money they already have into various categories for a given month.
I've already modeled and prototyped handling the data which is tangible; e.g. Bank Accounts, Transactions, Transfers. The problem I am running into is with relating this "real" data (the stuff sitting in your bank, or in your pocket, or on your bank statement) with these fake notions of Budgets (or, as I like to consider them, envelopes).
Here's a quick list of requirements that I've thrown together:
User can manage their Financial Accounts
User can manage their Financial Transactions
User can associate each Transaction with a Financial Account
User can transfer money between Accounts
User can assign available money to a given Budget Category, per-month
User can modify existing Monthly Budget Categories (reduce or increase)
User can view the amount of money remaining for a given Monthly Budget Category
User can view amount of money available to Budget (may be negative)
Money remaining from a Budget Category can carry over to the next month
User can view their Financial Account totals (should not be affected by budget)
User can create Budget Categories as goals that could eventually be closed (e.g. Savings for a new car)
(Probably some other Use-Cases I am forgetting)
The use-cases in bold are the ones I am struggling with.
I toyed with the idea of having a "MonthlyBudget" object, which each transaction could be related to; but this seemed overly-complicated to implement in a database because I'd have to implement a date-range instead of a simple date.
I played with the idea of treating these Monthly Budget Categories as Accounts, and one would simply perform Transfers to them; but then there'd be no way for the User to cross-check their bank statement with the data in the system.
I played with the idea of "fake money" in which Budgets would somehow make use of, thereby separating "real money" and "budget money" -- but couldn't think this through logically.
I'm a bit at a loss on finding a clear and concise way of implementing this, specifically using a relational-database for storage. If anyone has any suggestions or idea, I'd be very appreciative.
The reason why people experience frustration with the budget envelope method is that it ties budget allocations to specific money actually present, whereas money is fungible and can count against the budget, whatever the source. Moreover, when you write a check or swipe your credit card, it may be for a purchase that includes multiple budget items.
A typical commercial budget data model sets up budgets in periods (monthly in your definition) and budget items with amounts. When funds are disbursed, the payment is applied to the appropriate budget item(s), partially or in full. To find out what you have left to spend in your budget, subtract all the applied payments.
If this is for personal finance, people are on a cash basis. However, the same principles apply. So you would have a grocery bill of $220. Maybe $150 of that was for regular food we eat all week, and the other $70 was for a Christmas party. When you come home and enter the grocery bill into the computer, you would want options:
Apply the whole $220 to grocery, because it has to be made up somewhere;
Apply the $150 to grocery and apply the $70 to seasonal entertainment;
Apply the $150 to grocery and put the $70 aside, because I haven't set up a seasonal entertainment budget yet. We don't want to make the user stop the whole process to create more budgets in order to enter the grocery bill, or soon s/he won't be entering the grocery bill faithfully any more because it is just too much work.

banking database design issue

I'm trying to build a database for banking I created a table for every account loan, deposit , checking account and also for payment methods checks, debit cards and cash.
My question is that how should I handle transactions between the tables knowing that the transactions are possible between all the tables?
For example customer can withdraw money using debit card, transfer money from checking account to loan or deposit money to checking using a check.
My first solution is to create one transaction table for all the transactions and the Cardinality (0...1 n ) so that only one type of payment and one account, so should I go with it or just create a transaction table for every relationship between two tables?
If "I created a table for every account, loan, deposit , checking account" means that you have more than four tables then you are doing something very very wrong. You should have one table for customers and one table for transactions. A transaction is money moving from one account to another account, so a simple transaction table would have the fields id, transaction date, credit account, debit account, amount. In accountancy, there are frequently transactions which involve several credit and debit accounts so these can't be maintained in the simple transaction scheme outlined above.
If you want to represent loans, then you'll probably need two more tables: one table contains the atomic details of all the loans (date given, account of the loanee, total amount, nominal interest rate, etc) and the other table contains the projected repayments of each loan.
There is no need for further tables representing deposits or checking accounts: these can be represented as accounts, with a type field designating which kind they are.

Saving data in database for Monopoly game

Let's say I have an app (a Monopoly game) with many users, where each user has a balance, and they make transactions between them.
I have a table with all the users (userID, name, email) and a table with all the transactions and the users who made them (user1, user 2, amount).
Now if I need to present a balance for each user, would it be better to keep the balance for each user in the users table and update it every time a transaction is made, or should I calculate it from the transactions table every time I wont to present it? Assume this game will have a lot of traffic, so what is a more reasonable approach for 10,000+ users and about 120,000+ transactions per week?
Having a new column balance in the user table is a redundancy beacause the value could be calculated with a query on the transactions table.
However one of the DB design process is the estimation of how many read and writes could happen on a particular table. If this estimation is high it's logic and permitted to simplify the result of some read or write and have a redundancy on the DB to afford the many reads requested by the web pages and display values with less processing time.
In your case the balance column update could be done with a trigger on the transactions table that calculate the balance for the two users involed.

Accounting and Database design, storing debit and credit amount

QUESTION: In the case below should I have stored all my amount as positives decimal amounts then flag the amount as either being a "Debit" or "Credit" rather than storing debits as negative amount and credits as positive amount?
In my database design, I store "debit" as negative amount, and credit as positive amount.
Now in reporting sometimes the results come out wrong because if you do this
TotalAmount = Amount-Fee, and if withdraw amount is $100, and fee is $1.
You would end up with -$100-$1 = -$101, which is the incorrect result!.
Using one column for everything and then using negative numbers for either debits or credits doesn't work, as you've discovered. Accounting values are not scalars -- they are vectors which contain an enum (debit or credit) and a fixed-point decimal number (which can be positive or negative).
Any accounting transaction must contain an equal number of debits and credits. If it doesn't, it's not a valid transaction.
Likewise, an account balance is also that same sort of vector. At any instant in time, the total debits and the total credits across all the accounts in an accounting system must be equal to each other, or else something broke.
Another way of looking at this is to think of an accounting value as a complex number, where debits are real and credits are imaginary. This means that 4 debits + 3 credits = 4 + 3i. This makes it obvious that you can't simplify that any further by collapsing the imaginary term into a negative real term -- it's not the same number line axis. It would be the same as claiming that 4 + 3i = 4 - 3. Not valid math.
If a database could store complex numbers natively, then complex numbers would actually be a good way of storing accounting data, would probably clear up a lot of the confusion that programmers usually have about accounting, and would lead to all sorts of interesting properties. For instance, a balanced transaction would always have a phase angle of 45 degrees, as would a balanced set of accounts. But most databases need you to decompose the complex number into its real and imaginary terms before storage, and store those terms in different columns -- in the accounting world, the names of those two columns are "debits" and "credits", respectively.
P.S.: I'm aware that some folks do use negative for credits and positive for debits, but this takes great care to do right, and is fragile. You have to keep track of the normal balance of any account every time you touch it -- for instance, since an asset account has a debit normal balance, then you can use a positive number to increase it. But a liability account has a negative normal balance, so an increase in that account's value is a negative number. You can't sum those two values together at any time -- they aren't the same thing. A debit is something you have, while a credit is something you owe. Putting both in the same column in a database table smells bad.
As accounting is all based on journal entries, it might be best for your data model to follow from that. This would mean having two columns in your table, one for debit and one for credit. You then leave it up to the application to determine what should be considered a "positive" value and what should be considered "negative". (The question always arises - positive from whose point of view? When you transfer money between bank accounts, it a "negative" for one account but a "positive" for the other.)
It's a while since I worked on this kind of thing, but I seem to remember that it is possible for the debit AND credit columns to contain both positive AND negative values. Accountants have a different way of thinking about numbers than us programmers, so when writing software for them, it can simplify things if you try to work with their conventions.
I work with the Sage Timberline accounting system and it saves debits as positive amounts and credits as negative amounts. In all reports, including the Trial Balance, you do debits + credits. Then you do negative debits for debit reversals and positive credits for credit reversals. Works fine
OK, I'm a bit late to the party but there some interesting answers here and I thought I should add my take.
To answer the question: Should you store values as positive amounts and flag as debit or credit ?
The short answer: You don't need to add the flag, because any system automatically applies the flag 'debit' or 'credit' when you save the number in it's correct signed form. It's the '-' sign. Should you store values in one of two columns, debit or credit, instead ? Definitely not ! Why save an empty field to every transaction in the system ? A single column with the correct signed value is much easier to manage.
The longer answer to the question title: Accounting and Database Design, storing debit and credit amount.
It's perfectly straightforward and robust as long as you understand double entry book keeping. When you post a journal to the nominal ledger, you offer the user a debit field and a credit field for each line in the journal. In your application you permit only one of the fields to have a value (per line) and it must be a positive, unsigned value. When you write the transaction, if you have a debit you just write it as is. If you have a value in the credit field, you reverse it and write it as a negative number. The database sees only a single signed value in a single column, per line (record). As any accountant will tell you a journal entry must balance so the database records for the journal transaction lines will add up to zero. Application code must ensure that a journal has to be balanced.
Now consider a purchase invoice that the user adds to the system. Let's say we have this (unlikely) invoice for the Widget Company:
£500 for steel bar
£100 for a box of envelopes
£10000 for a lathe
£2120 purchase tax
£12720 invoice total
The application writes a single record to the documents table. It has one-to-many links to the transaction table. For the three-line invoice, 5 transaction lines are written by the application.
£500 linked to Cost of Sales, a p&l general ledger account. Debit balance = expense when in the p&l
£100 linked to Stationery, a p&l general ledger account. Debit balance = expense when in the p&l
£10000 linked to Machinery, a balance sheet general ledger account. Debit balance = asset when in the bs.
£2120 linked to Input Tax Reclaimable, a bs gl account. Debit balance = asset, we are owed money by the tax man
-£12720 linked to Creditors Control, a bs gl account. Credit balance = liability, we owe this to the supplier
£0.00 total value of 5 records written to the transaction table.
Now consider a sales invoice that the user adds:
£250 for premium widgets
£250 for standard widgets
£100 sales tax
£600 invoice total
Again a single record is written to the documents table. For the two-line invoice, 4 transaction lines are written. Because this is a sales invoice, the application must reverse the values behind the scenes. Sales invoice lines are book keeping credits but the user doesn't expect to have to add them as negative values.
£250- linked to Premium Widget Sales, a p&l gl account. Credit balance = income/profit when in the p&l
£250- linked to Standard Widget sales, a p&l gl account. Credit balance = income/profit when in the p&l
£100- linked to Output Tax Payable, a bs gl account. Credit balance = liability when in the BS. We owe this money to the tax man.
£600 linked to Debtors Control, a bs gl account. Debit balance = asset, we are owed this by the customer.
£0.00 total value of 4 records written to the transaction table.
It's perfectly ok to add negative lines to the sales invoice if you want to give credit for something returned. They just get reversed with all the other lines before writing the transactions. More usually you would issue a credit note, which would have the lines written as debits to sales income, reducing the value of sales in the p&l.
If the system is doing stock control, quantities are written into the transaction lines, and they are linked to the Product table.
The bank entries often catch non-book keepers out. They say, we put money in our bank so we credited the account. Think of the bank as a person external to the business. When you hand over your money for safe keeping, s/he becomes a debtor, and must hand your money back on demand. So receipts into the bank are recorded as debits and payments out are recorded as credits. When we receive payment from the customer we write two transaction lines:
£600 linked to Bank Account, a bs gl account. Debit balance = increases the value of the asset, we have more money.
£600- linked to Debtors Control, a bs gl account. Credit balance = reduces the value of the asset, we are owed less money.
£0.00 total value of 2 records written to the transaction table.
If you follow this through you'll see that Debtors Control has £600 written to it when the sales invoice is raised, and £600- written to it when the payment is received. Net balance = £0.00 which is what our customer now owes.
So with the right design, relationships and indexes all the reporting is done from the combination of documents and transactions.
And that's it. Any time you sum the transaction table it should always return zero. There's no need to maintain two columns. The application needs to do two things, it needs to be coded so that it applies the correct signing to the various transaction types, and it needs to present the transaction in one of two columns according to whether it is >0 or <0. So you can have your trial balance, your customer and supplier ledgers, bank and cash accounts, and general ledger all nicely formatted into debit and credit columns.
Building a system where both sides of the double entry are recorded in one transaction is appealing. If a single transaction fails, it doesn't unbalance the accounts. You would still have just one column for the value, signed. You would record two gl foreign keys to each transaction, one for the value of what you've recorded, which could be a positive or negative value to represent debit or credit, and another gl foreign key to record the account that you are posting the opposing ('double entry') value to. You might also need to record the gl fk for two tax control accounts as well, one for the output tax control account and one for the input tax control account. So you might end up linking your transaction line to four gl accounts instead of just one (plus the links for the customer, supplier and product tables which applies to both methods). The control accounts would have a very high volume of transactions linked to them. A 10-line invoice would have 10 transactions linked to it instead of just one per document. You would have to calculate the tax element for each invoice line individually instead of as a total for the document (you might do this anyway). Finally you would have to have a special arrangement for a journal entry document which might include 10 lines as debits all offset by one line as a credit, so the single-transaction approach doesn't work here.
You can use the ABS function within sql server to get the absolute value. This would allow you to treat negative numbers as positive ones.
select ABS(-100)
returns 100, not -100.
Here is a transaction detail schema from a great book called "The Data Model Resource Book". This schema meets all the recording requirements without using two columns.
PK TransactionID - int
PK TransactionDetailSequenceID - smallint
Amount decimal
CreditDebitFlag char(1)
Simple and effective, and it doesn't use extraneous columns as other answers here suggest. One column to store all the numeric value data and still gives you the ability to track asset and liability accounts properly.
Though there is already an accepted answer which is very too the point of the question but I also want to share my opinion because it may help others in decide specially when they are designing their database!
Overall both have their own cons and pros and matter can be easily ended by using abs() as in accepted answer! But the problem comes when you talk across teams where different people may have different mind and believe me saving (-ve) values caused more confusions actually, specially if they are directly reading values from database!
I am not against of saving -ve values in database when debit in most cases but saving +ve leads to less confusions actually, even as database programmer, because we always have a column of telling (is it Debit or Credit) and who ever is going to write code can easily convert it at App Level.
Only exception comes with using sum(value) at database level but in reality this is least used scenario because in accounting mostly we are showing running balances and at app level we could use (+) or (-ve).
The point I want to raise is that the database can be used a Company perspective or Customer perspective and now companies have Data Analysts who think from both perspective and once we save just +ve numbers it becomes easier to remember because we already have a flag to know what value is what!

Accounting database design question "accounts" and "transactions"

Option 1) user can have multiple "accounts" (eg payment, deposits, withdraws etc)
Option 2) user can only 1 single account, and transaction has types (payment, deposit, withdraw)
Both option will work just fine! They both can produce the same result! However option 1 uses more resources, but it's more flexible, option 1 is not flexible but uses less resources!
What is the question ?
Option 1 is a piece of garbage, that no accountant can use, and no auditor will pass. payment, deposits, withdraws eta re transactions, not "accounts". So what if it uses less resources. SO do cave men.
Option 2 starts to look like an accounting system, with (a) accounts and (b) transactions against accounts, as expected in most developed countries.
So there is no choice.
Start from a journal table, that link to a chart of accounts table. In your journal table is where you will store fieldnames for transaction date, account code, description, amount. chart of account table is where you will store fieldnames like account code, account type (balance sheet or profit and loss),account status (active or inactive). For greater details on the accounting database schema, download derek liew's book on accounting database design.
