Persist data while switching from one tab to another in reactJs - reactjs

I am using React router for making tabs.
I am stuck to solve one scenario, scenario is something like, say we have two tabs TabX and TabY. In TabX, I have made a form which takes some data as input. I have made a button Next. on click of that button I am sending parameters to another TabY using history.push.
Now, when I switch back to TabX, I will lose all my data filled earlier.
I am not able to find out way so that if I switch back to another tab, data will not be lost.
One more thing, I don't want to use redux.

In order to accomplish what you want you have to keep the state outside of the component that is being mounted and unmounted (TabX). Because you don't want to use a state container like redux, I would recommend to lift the state up. Read more about it here:

One way to overcome this would be to use React Router Link.
With Link, you can pass a 'state' field, you can store your data in here, and then also do the same to return the data back the other way.
You can access this 'state' from this.props.history
I hope this helps.


In React, is it possible to memoize a list of components and their internal state?

[This is the Codesandbox with all of the code that exemplifies the issue I'm having. Sorry, SO doesn't allow for proper React code with TSX, etc.]
I have some tabs, naturally, whenever I click on each of them, my state changes (namely selectedTab) and the body that's being rendered. Each tab item has a body that goes with it, the first tab, in my case, has a component that, if you click, a count is increased. Well, whenever the tab changes, that count gets reset. In fact, it's a full-rerender all around.
The problem with doing a full re-render is that - not only is it inefficient, given how the user's gonna use it, but it also adds fuel to the fire: what if the user inputs something on a tab, then switches to another tab to do something else and then back to the original one? He's just lost what he typed in.
Naturally, this can be solved if we render all of the tabs' content upfront and we just play with display: none, and it'd be a good solution, but I'm also trying to learn.
I understand how React re-renders things and why this happens, but is there a way to fix it?
In my case, if you look at useTabs, the content variable simply looks at the corresponding tab's component key and takes outputs that. It's there that, I think, I need to memoize things.
Uhm, I guess you can't prevent calling your custom hook, this will lead to invariant violation error.
These hooks in the component will be executed on each render -> thus 'resets' your tabs.
You should rely on useEffect dependencies argument to run conditional code to see if values needs to be changed.
as long as your in the same app you could use contextApi,react context docs otherwise you can use localstorage, localstorage tutorial
or just create this state in the parent component and pass it down as props?

Reactjs save current state of component

I have Component A and Component B. In component A, users can apply filters to a list of elements and they navigate between the two components using a side bar. Whenever users click to go to B, and back to A, the filters are set back to the initial state. What is the best way to save the state of component A so that when they come back to it, they see all of the filters they originally applied.
I Suggest you to use LocalStorage , pass in the filter so that it won't be reset. Upon mounting the component , you should always check first if does the localstorage have a value or not.
you can set it via :
localStorage.setItem('variableName', value);
and get it via :
It sounds like A is being created/destroyed every time you switch views, so it loses any state that it was storing.
Move the state up to a parent component of both A and B, and pass it down to A via props. The parent component won't be destroyed, so the state will persist.
Thinking in React may help clarify this.
In my knowledge; State in react is not cleared until it is programmed to do so, the page is refreshed or going to another page. Maybe it'll be more clear if you provide your code. One thing which I used to keep previous State is following:
this.setState((previousState) => ({ stateName: previousState.stateName.concat(newValue) }))
I think the parent state of A and B won't change unless you refresh the page.
Another way, you can use AsynStorage or store that data on the Server to retrieve it later when coming back to component A even you refresh the page.

Context and React, best practises

I have a project which contains (among other things) a list view of events, and then of course a unique page showing these events individually, you can easily understand there are two distinct path : /events/ and /events/:id
I added some filtering on events, and of course when I filter the list, and then click a specific event to see it, and then go back to the events list, it of course, forget about my filter.
Should I use Contexts or is there a specific way I didnt hear about ?
I also thought about having different path for all the filters (ie : /events/filter_type_1 etc etc with filter_type_1 being something human readable.)
What would be the more logical way ?
Yes and no there 3 ways to solve this:
Store state in higher component
instead of storing state in your overviewView component. store it in the component above that does the routing. this way it wont get lost on navigation. (i dont like this approach).
Persist state
You could persist the state to the localStorage and read this state when your component mounts. this way when you come back your state will have persisted.
Externalize state
There are state libraries that help you put top level application state outside of react components like: mobx (my favorite) and redux. These libraries use the context api underneath to deliver the right state/values to your component and you can let them make it inject them as props in your component (so it's like the first option but a cleaner solution).
This way you can keep all your top level state together and not have to give it all the way down your component tree.

How to reset state of a child reactjs component

I have a react.js app which loads data from an API displays a bunch of questions (textboxes, radiolist, checkboxes, etc). The user fills them in and submits all answers back to the API, which then send a new set of questions.
All these questions are in a single object, so I've created parent react.js component which holds the current set of questions in state. When the state changes it re-renders each question below. This works pretty much fine.
The problem is that sometimes the API displays the exact same question for twice in a row, but as this is held in state and react.js is clever enough to know it doesn't need to render a completely new component, because the old one will do (with a few small updates).
The problem is that if I select a radio button on the first one, based on the initial data stored in state of the child component, which was initially set within componentDidMount). But when the second question comes along, because its essentially the same component, the state remains. The constructor is not called again.
I think I should be using one of the other events, perhaps:
but I can't figure out which one is the most consistent one.
I basically want to reset the selectedAnswer everytime the parent has received new data from the API and essentially re-render all child components (but react won't do that).
I wonder instead of trying to reset this via the internal lifecycle events, whether I can pass in a different set of props into the component, so it can decide whether to re-create or re-render in the usual way.
okay so to optimally do this lets suppose you api which returns the set of questions, it might contain some id associated with it. Using that id create a uniq key for every child component while rendering something like below
<Child key={`${data_id}_${index}`} />
This will ensure that for the same set they do not keep mounting again and again and will only mount if a new data set is fetched in which case data_id will change which would cause remounting of each and every child component
I'd encourage you to check out Redux. It makes managing state much easier. I'd contribute some code on here but I am not sure I actually understand the question. If you linked us to your Github, then I could probably answer this specific question.
Also, it seems like you don't really need to touch state. It sounds more life attaching an event and controlling state that way. For example, using onSubmit, you can make an API call (and whatever else) and then have another function to reset the form state afterwards. It would be pretty straight forward, especially if you are using then/catch Promises.

Editing a form is not working on react redux

I am new on react. I am working on react application with redux. I have a form (I am using redux-form) by which I can save data or edit data.
my problem is , In edit mode I populate data using componentWillReceiveProps. and populated perfectly, now when I try to clear any field on form its again fill.
this.props.dispatch(initialize('NewProject', nextProps.project.project[0]));
I would be grateful for any help.
Is there a reason you're not dispatching this action somewhere else, like in componentDidMount? I can't say without seeing more code, but it's possible that whenever you edit your form, React again calls componentWillReceiveProps and overwrites whatever you did with the behavior you've given your component.
Per the React documentation:
Note that React may call this method even if the props have not changed, so make sure to compare the current and next values if you only want to handle changes. This may occur when the parent component causes your component to re-render.
It may be a good idea for you to move your dispatch to a more predictable event if possible, like componentDidMount. Typically, your render method should be capable of handling different cases if a component has multiple possible states. You could also create an edit and save version of your component, and render one or the other based on the props you receive. The best way to "populate" data, as you put it, is to define propTypes for your component, and then use your props to insert that data into elements in the render method.
