Reference an editable image in the CSS - wagtail

How can I reference an image, editable in the Wagtail admin, from a CSS file?
I am designing a page type that will have a FooPage.banner_image field. The field is editable for each page, in the Wagtail admin; it describes the image to use for that page, as background on the banner.
The page style for that page then needs to use the banner image, referencing a URL to that specific image. What reference can I write in the CSS, so that it will get “the banner_image for this page” as a URL?

If you are needing an image URL outside of the template - see the docs about Generating renditions in Python.
To get a URL of an image, you need to generate a rendition and then get the URL of that rendition.
A rendition is what is generated when you pass in the resize rules (eg. width-400) in your templates.
To get a URL you can use this example code:
image_url = FooPage.banner_image.get_rendition('fill-300x186').url
OR get the original:
image_url = FooPage.banner_image.get_rendition('original').url


How to retrieve data from different page angular

I have a button in the table in the first page. When I click on the button, I want to save the panel Id and display on the next page. How can I call the data in angular? I'm desperately seeking for help since I'm stuck in there for almost a week now.
These are the images for my problem.
enter image description here
So this one is the first page, where there are buttons in each row.
After clicking Assign, it should show readonly data of ship name and panel name.
enter image description here
Regarding your issue, you should get the panel_id from params in the URL.
In the routing of the assigning page, you just set the path:
path: 'assigning/:id',
component: <YourComponent>
So you can get the panel_id by using ActivatedRoute.
On click event of "Assign" button, you can pass the value to the ts component. In the ts file you can pass it via URL route as a parameter to the next page or store it in localStorage and read from the next page.
<button (click)="passValue(value)">Assign</button>

IONIC1 Show Gallery Images

I am using cordova-plugin-photo-library to show gallery images in my app. I have used their photoLibrary.getLibrary() method to get the image. That methods returns two type of url:-
photoURL(ex:- cdvphotolibrary://photo?photoId=ADB24867-0CCB-4207-923A-DC9D44233434%2FL0%2F001)
filePath(Ex:- /var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/IMG_0652.JPG)
I have tried to show image using either of those path. I am able to show the images using filePath but could not show the image using photoURL. All images does not return filePath. Could anyone can help me to show images using photoURL?
As per their doc we can show directly using photoURL all we have to use imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(). I have tried but it's not working.

How to make facebook crawler loads page dynamic title / description?

My little application is written in reactjs, on a page it will update title / description based on the real object that user selected like this photo. The new title and description are display correctly but when sharing on fb, the values are not loaded correctly (the value is from old html templated) - go to facebook and paste the url or use fb debugger the values are from static html page.
Have anyone had this issue and have "fixed" it ?
Thanks for any recommendation !
Facebook ignores JavaScript, so dynamic OG tags are not possible. You can solve this with Server Side Rendering or, for example.
You can pass as parameter in url (, and in og tags use that parameter to make dynamic.

Runtime preview of selected html template

I am new in angular2.I am working with angular 2 and facing issue as follows
1]I have been designed 2-3 template like email template,sms template which will take predefined data and display that data
2]I have been designed screen which contains dropdown with name like email,sms etc
email option has link to email template and same for sms.
The main thing is i want to show the selected template view as a preview of that template.Means if i select sms then the sms template will be shown in given section of the same page.(like upload image preview.)
is it possible?
Thanks ..
Yes obviously, you have to use Routuing for the same, by using routing in angular2 you will be able to
navigate throughout the pages and you can show whatever page you want to display
see also :-
latest Updated to angular2 RC1 (wroth reading)
Angular 2 router examples + #Routes typing support
How to use child routes in Angular 2.

How can i have a link field in a content type display a default text when the field is empty

How can i have a link field in a content type display a default text when the field is empty.
For now i have a field as a link - and the link is set to have a static title. This Works fine.
But i'd like to display a default title if the field is empty with no link (but still rendered as a link/button).
It's not a view - so i can't use "rewrite output if empty".
I'm a newbee to drupal - so please help
This shows what I've got so far:
When the link field is empty the button doesn't show. Instead of not showing when empty I'd like it to show someting like this as default: (the button "Bestil på tlf...")
By simply using Link module, i don't think this is possible. But, follow below steps in your environment and i think you might achieve the goal:
Make custom template file for the page (i think, its product details page)
In that template file, check whether the link is empty or not
If link is not empty, show the link. If link is empty, show your custom HTML.
