T_FILL_THIS_FORM_SHORT in spam assassin - spam-prevention

I am sending an email, and the spam filter always consider it as spam.
The most points are given to this validation:
At spam assassin website the description says this:
FILL_THIS_FORM - Fill in a form with personal information.
I couldn't find anything that gives a more detailed explanation about this validation, and how to prevent it.
Does anyone have any hint?


Twilio sample react app trying to pass a room name in the URL and put it into a hidden field?

I know this sounds like a big ask, but I'm assuming someone else has already done this and has a simple answer because it seems like an obvious use case.
Twilio has a sample app available on GitHub for their video service. Unfortunately, I don't know much about react, so I was able to make a couple of little changes, but this one has me stumped.
The code is called: Twilio / twilio-video-app-react
When you launch the code to enter a video room, you are presented with a form to enter your name and the name of a video room. I need to remove that room name input field and replace it with a hidden variable that was provided in the URL. In other words:
Get a room name variable that was passed as a query parameter on the URL
Make sure the room name is "safe" (alphanumeric) and then put it into a hidden variable in the form
Remove the visible input field (room name) from the form
That would take me two minutes in PHP, and it's probably really easy in react as well, but I can't figure it out. Hope someone can point me in the right direction.

How react-date-picker auto correct on raw input

I have to explain the way react-date-picker auto-correct the date when enter raw string into input.
For example, I tried on the demo site of react-date-picker. (https://reactdatepicker.com/)
I typed 2019ab12 after blur by tab, I got the result 01/01/2019
I typed 222 after blur by tab, I got the result 02/01/2019
I typed 4444 after blur by tab, I got the result 01/01/444
I can figure out the logic in some cases I've tried, but it is insufficient to confirm about the logic because my customers tried many cases and ask the question, What kind of logic that we applied to turn the invalid date to the valid one
My question is, does it (auto-correct behavior) follow any standard or it is just the implementation of this specific library.
For those who have same questions as mine, please read the moment docs, parsing section to know the logic.
URL: https://momentjs.com/guides/#/parsing/.

Gmail API - Watch not sending filtered notifications

I have seen a couple of posts in StackOverflow related to this question but still they don't give me a concrete answer. So, posting a new question here.
I am trying to setup a watch on INBOX and SENT labels. Here is the code snippet I use
WatchRequest watchReq = new WatchRequest();
List<String> labelIds = Arrays.asList("INBOX", "SENT");
WatchResponse response = gmailService.users().watch(CURRENT_USER, watchReq).execute();
Though I specify the label ids and filter action correctly, I am still getting notification for all events not just for the labels I specified. Any idea how to get this working correctly? Any idea if it is a Google issue and fixed by them?
This is actually a bug with the GMail API. There is an entry for it on Google's Issue Tracker as linked below. Please star the issue to draw more attention to it:

Parsley.js Validation Requirement

Good afternoon all! I am looking for some guidance to see if this type of validation is possible. I work for a college and am using a form that pushes to our CRM when complete. I am looking for parsley to only validate the email address field IF they enter their college email address. Is this possible? I am trying to weave out personal email accounts and keep everything uniform with the same email address.
Thanks in advance!
You can do that e.g. by using data-parsley-pattern and defining a pattern that matches only the required mail addresses. The pattern to validate against the mail addresses you mentioned in your comment might look like this:
This matches everything that:
Starts with any number (*) of arbitrary characters (.)
Followed by an #
Might be followed by "mail.". The dot is escaped to avoid the special meaning "any character", the question mark means "might be there or not" and the parentheses make the question apply to the complete string.
Ends with walscollege.edu (the $ means the end of the string)
If you also want to make sure that an mail address is inserted you need to add data-parsley-required as Parsley by default does not validate empty fields.
Also keep in mind that Parsley validation is only client side, so you should add validations in the server to really make sure that no wrong mail address is used.

How can we implement 'Alexa, Simon says...' intent to capture free form speech with wide variations as text?

I would like to capture anything a user says to Alexa in text form. Exactly how 'Alexa, Simon says...' works. Can someone hint at how that intent can be implemented?
I looked at this, this and this but the suggested answers don't work for me and there are no concrete 'accepted' answers to any yet.
LITERAL slot type works as long as the sample utterance is specified (i.e. hard coded literally). Like the answers suggested in the above threads, I tried to 'train' by providing 400+ combinations of possible utterances hoping that it will somehow figure out the rest of the combinations. But, no dice.
My input could be as random as 'TBD-2019-UK', '17_TBD_UK_Leicester', '17_TBD_UK_Leicester 1', '18_TBD_UK_Leicester 2', 'Chicago IL United States', etc. It is a pretty random combo of the year, city, state, country, some other key text in no particular order (lets ignore the special characters for now). Even if 'Chicago IL United States' is specified in Sample Utterances, LITERAL is not able to capture something like 'Pittsburgh PA United States' automatically unless that is also hard coded. There is no way I can come up with ALL possible permutations and combinations of year, city, state, country, some other key data points (... because it sounds impractical/ridiculous).
Plus, more values could be added by user. So it needs to be smart and dynamic.
The problem is, if there is no matching intent found for the utterance, instead of returning the user's speech text, my Alexa is just failing to do anything. It just goes off without doing anything. Any ideas?
Amazon's Alexa service is not designed for dictation. This has been the consistent response from the Developer Evangelists. So, quite simply, you cannot do what you desire: capture free form speech with wide variations.
There are various ways you can 'trick' Alexa into creating a 'generic slot', which I assume those links talk about. But, since it is outside the design parameters of Alexa, they will never perform well, as you have found.
For your use case, I suggest you break down your inputs into several exchanges. Don't use a one-shot invocation, but a dialog. For example:
U: Alexa, open spiffy skill
A: Welcome to spiffy skill. I'd love to do something spiffy for you,
but I need some information. You can give it to me by saying city,
year, state, or country followed by what you want me to look up.
U: City Cincinatti
A: OK, Got city Cincinatti. I need more information to be spiffy. How
U: Year 2010
A: OK, I've got Cincinatti, 2010. Should I look that up, or do you have
more info?
U: Look it up.
A: Got it. So for Cincinatti, 2010 ...
