Subtraction in SQL Server up to 3 decimal places - sql-server

I have table P in a SQL Server database.
In table P, I have a value 234.6 in column A and 234.595 in column B.
A query
select A-B
from P
yields the result
It ideally should be
What should I do to get result as 0.005?

If your data types are not appropriate, you can get rounding anomalies
Consider these 3 queries
select cast(234.6 as decimal(12,6)) - cast(234.595 as decimal(12,6))
select cast(234.6 as decimal(12,3)) - cast(234.595 as decimal(12,3))
select cast(234.6 as float) - cast(234.595 as float)
The results are:
Cast your columns as required


How to convert VARCHAR columns to DECIMAL without rounding in SQL Server?

In my SQL class, I'm working with a table that is all VARCHAR. I'm trying to convert each column to a more correct data type.
For example. I have a column called Item_Cost that has a value like:
I tried to run this query:
This query does run successfully, but it turns it into 1 instead of 1.25.
How do I prevent the rounding?
Check out the documentation for the data type decimal. The type is defined by optional parameters p (precision) and s (scale). The latter determines the numbers to the right of the decimal point.
Extract from the documentation (I highlighted the important bit in bold):
s (scale)
The number of decimal digits that are stored to the right of
the decimal point. This number is subtracted from p to determine the
maximum number of digits to the left of the decimal point. Scale must
be a value from 0 through p, and can only be specified if precision is
specified. The default scale is 0 and so 0 <= s <= p. Maximum storage
sizes vary, based on the precision.
Defining a suitable precision and scale fixes your issue.
Sample data
create table MyData
Item_Cost nvarchar(100)
insert into MyData (Item_Cost) values ('1.25000000000000000000');
ALTER TABLE MyData Alter Column Item_Cost DECIMAL(10, 3);

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 - Convert a varchar to money with a $ sign & 2 decimals

A table of financials has been provided to me with the following datatypes:
billed varchar 9
allowed varchar 9
paid varchar 7
with the following columns and values:
billed = 2555 allowed = 1051 paid = 951
I want to convert the varchar values (the whole column) to money or to some format where I'll have a $ sign and the number will have 2 decimal points instead of rounding up. I need the SUM to remain because I'm adding up values throughout the columns based on the date.
My Expected Results are:
I have code that I've used, but I can't seem to format it correctly to be viewable in the post.`
Cast the values as numeric, do math with a function like sum, format as money and concatenate the $ symbol at the beginning.
Simplified example doing conversion:
select ('$' + FORMAT(CONVERT(MONEY, cast([allowed] as numeric(38,2))), '###,###.####')) as AllowedConversionExample
from dbo.payments
Simplified example with math using sum()
'$' + FORMAT(CONVERT(MONEY, sum(cast(V.Val as numeric(38,2)))), '###,###.####')
from (
select cast('1050.75' as varchar(9)) Val
union select cast('950.75' as varchar(9))
) V

Convert Numeric value like 177200 to 1772.00 in T-SQL statement

In SQL Server, I have a query that returns a value of 177200. I need this value represented as 1772.00 as the last 2 digits are past the decimal. The query below is adding .00 to the end of the full value. I have no experience in this type of SQL statement. Any help would be appreciated.
STR(SUM(ActualPrice), 10, 2) AS Total, Department
The data type you're looking for is called numeric
SELECT CAST(SUM(ActualPrice) / 100.0 AS numeric(18, 2)) AS Total, ...
FROM ...
You're passing in a precision (18 in my example) and a scale 2 in my example, as requested by you.

netezza Double Precision Output Truncates Vaules

I've noticed that the nzsql and 'nzunload' just truncates double precision column's mantissa values. Here is the issue:
select tot_amt from table1;
while when I use other clients like Aginity for Data analytics - the output I get is
Also I've found the 'truncation' happens when netezza encounters 0 after 3 mantissa digits.
We are trying to migrate this db to oracle and due to this issue the entire project is messed and the client doesn't trust our migration scripts. Has anyone encountered this issue? The only workaround, even frmo IBM engineer is to cast it TO_CHAR( '999,999.999', col ) This will kill the unload scripts if I have to do it for billions of rows.
I can reproduce this issue where I have a table created with column as FLOAT(6) such as:
USERDB.USER(USER)=> create table ZZ (
USERDB.USER(USER)=> insert into ZZ (yy) values (123.123456789);
USERDB.USER(USER)=> insert into ZZ (yy) values (12.123456789);
USERDB.USER(USER)=> select * from ZZ;
(2 rows)
USERDB.USER(USER)=> select CAST ( YY as FLOAT(15) ) from ZZ;
(2 rows)
I can cast the column values to a wider type, however the problem I see is that the value I inserted is not the same as the value returned. And the same is true if I use Aginity also to query, the values are incorrect.
Check the precision (and scale) of the 'tot_amt' column in table1, I guess the data type used to store values is quite small (FLOAT(6) maybe?), and NZSQL is telling you the correct values as enforced by the data type.

How to get a float result by dividing two integer values using T-SQL?

Using T-SQL and Microsoft SQL Server I would like to specify the number of decimal digits when I do a division between 2 integer numbers like:
select 1/3
That currently returns 0. I would like it to return 0,33.
Something like:
select round(1/3, -2)
But that doesn't work. How can I achieve the desired result?
The suggestions from stb and xiowl are fine if you're looking for a constant. If you need to use existing fields or parameters which are integers, you can cast them to be floats first:
SELECT CAST(1 AS float) / CAST(3 AS float)
SELECT CAST(MyIntField1 AS float) / CAST(MyIntField2 AS float)
Because SQL Server performs integer division. Try this:
select 1 * 1.0 / 3
This is helpful when you pass integers as params.
select x * 1.0 / y
It's not necessary to cast both of them. Result datatype for a division is always the one with the higher data type precedence. Thus the solution must be:
SELECT CAST(1 AS float) / 3
SELECT 1 / CAST(3 AS float)
select 1/3.0
This will do the job.
I understand that CASTing to FLOAT is not allowed in MySQL and will raise an error when you attempt to CAST(1 AS float) as stated at MySQL dev.
The workaround to this is a simple one. Just do
(1 + 0.0)
Then use ROUND to achieve a specific number of decimal places like
ROUND((1+0.0)/(2+0.0), 3)
The above SQL divides 1 by 2 and returns a float to 3 decimal places, as in it would be 0.500.
One can CAST to the following types: binary, char, date, datetime, decimal, json, nchar, signed, time, and unsigned.
Looks like this trick works in SQL Server and is shorter (based in previous answers)
SELECT 1.0*MyInt1/MyInt2
SELECT (1.0*MyInt1)/MyInt2
Use this
select cast((1*1.00)/3 AS DECIMAL(16,2)) as Result
Here in this sql first convert to float or multiply by 1.00 .Which output will be a float number.Here i consider 2 decimal places. You can choose what you need.
If you came here (just like me) to find the solution for integer value, here is the answer:
returns 5
I was surprised to see select 0.7/0.9 returning 0.8 in Teradata given they're already as floats/decimal numbers! I had to do cast(0.7 as float) to get the output that I was after.
When using literals, the best way is to "tell" SQL
which type you mean.
if you want a decimal result, add decimal point ".0" to your numbers:
SELECT 1.0 / 3.0
if you want a float (real) result, add "e0" to your numbers:
SELECT 1e0 / 3e0
