Dispose the dialog box from back command - codenameone

I've a dialog box which I want dispose by from back command as well. But it is not happening. Why is it?
selectDialog = new Dialog();
selectDialog.showPacked(BorderLayout.CENTER, false);
//why doesn't following code dispose dialog box?
Command back = new Command("") {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
if (selectDialog != null) {

Instead of:


Codenameone Load overFlow menu

I have customized my form titlebar and added buttons to it. Is it possible to add a listener to one of the buttons to add command(s) an overflow menu and show it.
Yes, command/s can be added to overflow menu by using the following codes and actionPerformed is called when click on the command
Toolbar toolbar = new Toolbar();
toolbar.addCommandToOverflowMenu(new Command("Test") {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
Please try this it displays overflow menu when you click on button.
void showOverFlow(final Form f) {
Toolbar toolbar = new Toolbar();
toolbar.addCommandToOverflowMenu(new Command("overflow"));
Button button = new Button("show menu");
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
if (f.getToolbar() != null) {
MenuBar mb = f.getToolbar().getMenuBar();
if (mb != null) {

Refresh or Close wpf window

I have a wpf window that shows Bing map whith som bushpin on it,
The window is getting opened by button click in code behind.
Each time i click on the button, new window shows up with current new data.
How can i close the "allready" opened window and open the a new one with the new data, or maybe refresh the current opened window with the new data.
here is my code:
IList<object> rowsToExport = getRows();
BingMapWindow window = new BingMapWindow(rowsToExport);
// somthing like this
Have you considered storing reference to that window outside method and just checking it for null?
BingMapWindow window;
private void CloseWindow()
if(window != null)
window = null;
private void OpenWindow(BingMapWindow window)
this.window = window;
private void ButtonHandler()
var bingWindow = new BingMapWindow();

Custom Item Template Wizard button click doesn't fire?

I am following this exactly:
but can't get it to work. The form appears when I try and add my new item, but when I input text and click the button, nothing happens.
For posterity's sake here is my code:
The non-empty methods in the Wizard class which extends IWizard
public void RunStarted(object automationObject,
Dictionary<string, string> replacementsDictionary,
WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
// Display a form to the user. The form collects
// input for the custom message.
inputForm = new UserInputForm();
customMessage = inputForm.get_CustomMessage();
// Add custom parameters.
catch (Exception ex)
// This method is only called for item templates,
// not for project templates.
public bool ShouldAddProjectItem(string filePath)
return true;
The user input form code:
public partial class UserInputForm : Form
private string customMessage;
public UserInputForm()
public string get_CustomMessage()
return customMessage;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
customMessage = textBox1.Text;
And the button is indeed named button 1:
this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(200, 180);
this.button1.Name = "button1";
this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 40);
this.button1.TabIndex = 0;
this.button1.Text = "Click Me";
this.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
So I don't have much experience with Windows Forms (do web apps), but I am following the directions on MSDN and it's pretty clear cut. Any suggestions? Can anyone else get this to work?
Okay I figured it out. I had to add the event handler in the form's constructor manually:
public UserInputForm()
button1.Click += button1_Click;
Why this isn't in the documentation on MSDN boggles my mind.
If you use the WinForms designer mode to drag your button from the Toolbox, and then double-clicked the button in the designer view, it would have added the event handler and stubbed that Click method for you. Just FYI.

How to stop a new window to be opened every time?

I have a WPF application in which on a click of a menu item a window is opened. If the same menu item is clicked again when the window is already open, it is opening a new window but I don't want a new window to be opened every time.
What I need is, if the window is already open, the same window should be focused not a new window.
//First we must create a object of type the new window we want the open.
NewWindowClass newWindow;
private void OpenNewWindow() {
//Check if the window wasn't created yet
if (newWindow == null)
//Instantiate the object and call the Open() method
newWindow= new NewWindowClass();
//Add a event handler to set null our window object when it will be closed
newWindow.Closed += new EventHandler(newWindow_Closed);
//If the window was created and your window isn't active
//we call the method Activate to call the specific window to front
else if (newWindow != null && !newWindow.IsActive)
void newWindow_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)
newWindow = null;
I think this solve your problem.
If your opened windows is used as simple dialog box you can use following code
when the dialog will show you cannot press any menu items unit you close this window
A rather brute force approach like this also works:
bool winTest = false;
foreach (Window w in Application.Current.Windows)
if (w is testWindow)
winTest = true;
if (!winTest)
testWindow tw = new testWindow();
You can create a field and check if it's set:
private Window _dialogue = null;
private void MaekWindowButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (_dialogue == null)
Dialogue diag = new Dialogue();
_dialogue = diag;
diag.Closed += (s,_) => _dialogue = null; //Resets the field on close.
_dialogue.Activate(); //Focuses window if it exists.

How do I access a MessageBox with white?

I have a simple message box in a WPF application that is launched as below:
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Howdy", "Howdy");
I can get white to click my button and launch the message box.
UISpy shows it as a child of my window I couldn't work out the method to access it.
How do I get access to my MessageBox to verify its contents?
Found it! The window class has a MessageBox method that does the trick:
var app = Application.Launch(#"c:\ApplicationPath.exe");
var window = app.GetWindow("Window1");
var helloButton = window.Get<Button>("Hello");
var messageBox = window.MessageBox("Howdy");
Please try this
Window messageBox = window.MessageBox("");
var label = messageBox.Get<Label>(SearchCriteria.Indexed(0));
Contained in the White source code are some UI tests projects (to test White itself).
One of the test includes MessageBox tests, which includes a way to obtain the displayed message.
[TestFixture, WinFormCategory, WPFCategory]
public class MessageBoxTest : ControlsActionTest
public void CloseMessageBoxTest()
Window messageBox = window.MessageBox("Close Me");
var label = window.Get<Label>("65535");
Assert.AreEqual("Close Me", label.Text);
public void ClickButtonOnMessageBox()
Window messageBox = window.MessageBox("Close Me");
Evidently, the label used to display the text message is owned by the window displaying the messagebox, and its primary identification is the max word value (65535).
window.MessageBox() is a good solution!!
But this method would stuck for a long time if the messagebox doesn't appear. Sometimes I want to check "Not Appearance" of a messagebox (Warning, Error, etc.). So I write a method to set the timeOut by threading.
public void TestMethod()
// arrange
var app = Application.Launch(#"c:\ApplicationPath.exe");
var targetWindow = app.GetWindow("Window1");
Button button = targetWindow.Get<Button>("Button");
// act
var actual = GetMessageBox(targetWindow, "Application Error", 1000L);
// assert
Assert.IsNotNull(actual); // I want to see the messagebox appears.
// Assert.IsNull(actual); // I don't want to see the messagebox apears.
private void GetMessageBox(Window targetWindow, string title, long timeOutInMillisecond)
Window window = null ;
Thread t = new Thread(delegate()
window = targetWindow.MessageBox(title);
long l = CurrentTimeMillis();
while (CurrentTimeMillis() - l <= timeOutInMillsecond) { }
if (window == null)
return window;
public static class DateTimeUtil
private static DateTime Jan1st1970 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
public static long currentTimeMillis()
return (long)((DateTime.UtcNow - Jan1st1970).TotalMilliseconds);
