How do I make the Zeppelin paragraph title dynamic? - apache-zeppelin

When we use Spark SQL Interpreter and download the output data, the filename will have a prefix of the paragraph title. So I want to make the paragraph title dynamic to represent the parameters used in the report.
Is there a way to make the paragraph title dynamic?


Is there a way to select a document that contains a word not followed by a particular word in full text?

I have a table named Documents that has Content field full text indexed
Now i need to create a query in such a way that the query should return docs that have at least one word "hello" that does not have word "world" following it.
--sth like
select content from documents
where contains(Content,N'hello(not followed by word "world")')
And the result should be
"hello" -- since this does not have world following hello in it"
"hello friend and hello world" -- this document has word hello that
is not followed by world it it"
Can a full text query be formulated in a way to achieve above results? If so how?? I want to avoid parsing Content manually as much possible as I can.
What you described is a regular expression pattern and unfortunately SQL Server doesn't support it (even the latest 2014 version). Your best bet is to create a CLR function, which uses the RegEx capability of .NET.
The pattern specific to your example would be:
hello (?!world)
It will match hello there and hello friend and hello world but not hello world
Some resources:
Regular Expression Tutorial look particularly at "negative look ahead"
Creating CLR functions
.NET RegEx class documentation

SSRS how to format memo field

I'm pulling data from a SQL Server 2008 R2 database and one of the fields is a memo field.
When the data is displayed it comes out in the format DATE/USER/then the message. There is a line break and this repeats. For example:
30/10/2013 11:34 TRACEY : order Created
30/10/2013 11:38 AUTO : order Authorised
30/10/2013 11:40 TRACEY : order Issued
30/10/2013 11:41 TRACEY : order processed
I don't have an control in changing SQL database tables/fields.
I want to be able to format this ugly block of text but really struggling to find a solution - for display in SSRS report. Is there any way I can add a space between each line? Or strip out certain words or complete lines based on some specific parameter?
I just don;t seem to be enable control formatting of memo fields. Any help appreciated.
You can write your own function (in the report' declaration) which will perform the formatting, but this is not the simple task. After this you can call this function and receive a formatted text.
Samples of this you can find in the following articles:

text file of all titles / topic titles in Freebase

I need a text file to contain every title / title of each topic / title of each item in a .txt file each on its own line.
How can I do this or make this if I have already downloaded a freebase rdf dump?
If possible, I also need a separate text file with each topic's / item's description on a single line each description on its own line.
How can I do that?
I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me make either of these files from a Freebase rdf dump.
Thanks in Advance!
Filter the RDF dump on the predicate/property If you only want a particular language, also filter by that language e.g. #en.
EDIT: I missed the second part about descriptions being desired as well. Here's a three part regex which will get you all the lines with:
English names
English descriptions
a type of /commmon/topic
Combining the three is left as an exercise for the reader.
zegrep $'\tns:(((type\\.object\\.name|common\\.topic\\.description)\t.*#en)|type\\.object\\.type\tns:common\\.topic)\\.$' freebase-rdf-2013-06-30-00-00.gz | gzip > freebase-rdf-2013-06-30-00-00-names-descriptions.gz
It seems to have a performance issue that I'll have to look at. A simple grep of the entire file takes ~11 min on my laptop, but this has been running several times that. I'll have to look at it later though...

How to extract all the IUPAC names mentioned in the data available from Pubchem(NCBI) into a text file?

I want to build lists of prefixes and suffixes of some length from all the IUPAC names mentioned in Pubchem Database,so that I can use them further in my project as a feature.So I want all the IUPAC chemical names in a text file or in some format where I can extract these lists.
Sounds you need something like this Nist species list
You can search for most also in the Webbook but I failed to find a download link for the complete set.
In our lab we got a Cd(?) with the mass spectral database which contained the (complete? - well it got like 250.000 substances) database as text file. Maybe you can get that through some of the vendors.
The pubchem site offers you to download a dump of their data by ftp. Why not use that?
PubChem data can be downloaded via ftp from the PubChem site. A complete description of the available data can be obtained here:
Of particular interest for the question of IUPAC names, the data are downloadable from the "Compound Extras" section of the ftp site:
The README-Extras file in this location describes the data in detail. For the IUPAC names, the following information is provided:
This is a listing of all CIDs with their computed IUPAC names.
It is a gzipped text file with CID, tab, IUPAC on each line. Note
that the names may contain UTF8 characters.
A download today (23-Apr-2020) contains 102,586,778 rows. An excerpt of the information is shown below.
> head CID-IUPAC
1 3-acetyloxy-4-(trimethylazaniumyl)butanoate
2 (2-acetyloxy-3-carboxypropyl)-trimethylazanium
3 5,6-dihydroxycyclohexa-1,3-diene-1-carboxylic acid
4 1-aminopropan-2-ol
5 (3-amino-2-oxopropyl) dihydrogen phosphate
6 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene
7 9-ethylpurin-6-amine
8 2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoic acid
9 (2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxycyclohexyl) dihydrogen phosphate
11 1,2-dichloroethane

SSIS suitability

I'm tring to create an SSIS package to import some dataset files, however given that I seem to be hitting a brick
wall everytime I achieve a small part of the task I need to take a step back and perform a sanity check on what I'm
trying to achieve, and if you good people can advise whether SSIS is the way to go about this then I would
appreciate it.
These are my questions from this morning :-
debugging SSIS packages - debug.writeline
Changing an SSIS dts variables
What I'm trying to do is have a For..Each container enumerate over the files in a share on the SQL Server. For each
file it finds a script task runs to check various attributes of the filename, such as looking for a three letter
code, a date in CCYYMM, the name of the data contained therein, and optionally some comments. For example:-
ABC_201007_SalesData_[optional comment goes here].csv
I'm looking to parse the name using a regular expression and put the values of 'ABC', '201007', and
'SalesData' in variables.
I then want to move the file to an error folder if it doesn't meet certain criteria :-
Three character code
Six character date
Dataset name (e.g. SalesData, in this example)
CSV extension
I then want to lookup the Character code, the date (or part thereof), and the Dataset name against a lookup table
to mark off a 'checklist' of received files from each client.
Then, based on the entry in the checklist, I want to kick off another SSIS package.
So, for example I may have a table called 'Checklist' with these columns :-
Client code Dataset SSIS_Package
ABC SalesData NorthSalesData.dtsx
DEF SalesData SouthSalesData.dtsx
If anyone has a better way of achieving this I am interested in hearing about it.
Thanks in advance
That's an interesting scenario, and should be relatively easy to handle.
First, your choice of the Foreach Loop is a good one. You'll be using the Foreach File Enumerator. You can restrict the files you iterate over to be just CSVs so that you don't have to "filter" for those later.
The Foreach File Enumerator puts the filename (full path or just file name) into a variable - let's call that "FileName". There's (at least) two ways you can parse that - expressions or a Script Task. Depends which one you're more comfortable with. Either way, you'll need to create three variables to hold the "parts" of the filename - I'll call them "FileCode", "FileDate", and "FileDataset".
To do this with expressions, you need to set the EvaluateAsExpression property on FileCode, FileDate, and FileDataset to true. Then in the expressions, you need to use FINDSTRING and SUBSTRING to carve up FileName as you see fit. Expressions don't have Regex capability.
To do this in a Script Task, pass the FileName variable in as a ReadOnly variable, and the other three as ReadWrite. You can use the Regex capabilities of .Net, or just manually use IndexOf and Substring to get what you need.
Unfortunately, you have just missed the SQLLunch livemeeting on the ForEach loop:
They are recording the session, however.
