Cookiecutter template testing, what is cookies.bake? - cookiecutter-django

I am Trying to figure out how to write a test suite for my cookiecutter template.
after looking at the tests for the cookiecutter-django template in cookiecutter-django/tests/ I see that most of the test functions take a parameter called cookies. Within the test functions themselves there is a method call on whatever object is being passed in as the cookies parameter that is called bake.
I would like to know what this object is and where it's imported from?

In this case, cookies appears to be a fixture that is defined in pytest-cookies, as shown in the related source code.
The cookies fixture actually appears to be a wrapper for cookiecutter itself. Additionally, the related cookies.bake() method can be used to generate a project based on your given cookiecutter template.
It may be interesting to note that pytest-cookies is a plugin for pytest, and as such, this plugin is accessible during testing as the related pytest documentation indicates:
If a plugin is installed, pytest automatically finds and integrates
it, there is no need to activate it.
Thus, because the requirements specify that pytest-cookies is to be used with cookiecutter-django, the cookies fixture from pytest-cookies should automatically be available during testing.


How to properly pass configuration to a React Component

I have created a React package that I've uploaded to an NPM repo for being consumed for React Apps. What I want to achieve is to be able to set up certain parameters when consuming my component. Let's suppose that my package calls an API. This package is being used for 2 apps, App A and App B. App A needs that the component calls an url whilst App B is going to call another url. Is there any particular way to achieve this (like Axios does ie).
The main thing, I think, is that my package has a lot of components and this configuration can be used in any of them, so what I want to do is not to pass it to the root component, just having it available all the time. I have read about Context API but I am not sure if this is the correct approach or if there is even an easier way since these values are not going to be updated once the application started, these values will remain static.
Please let me know if my question is unclear.
what you can do is to follow the rule "build oncedeploy everywhere" can put a app-config.json that contain your app config file in your public folder... in your main component you fetch that file ...
a second approach is to use .env file and use it everywhere in your app like this :process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL...check this out
Now there is an alternative to dotenv in React for configuration: wj-config. Currently in beta, the v2 will provide a very robust set of configurations. The ReadMe for this package is very extensive and explains how to use it in React in detail.
I am unsure if all you need is a configuration method or not. In any case, I would still recommend that you give it a shot. You may also read this blog post that explains this new configuration package.

Is it possible to dynamically load an html template with angular components to a angular app which is AOT compiled?

In my angular application, back-end users can create custom templates. Those custom templates need to be loaded in the angular application at specific positions. I have a custom directive which gets templates
( based on the routes) from the CMS and inject it to my angular application. If I put it into the innerHTML the components will not get rendered correctly. I need componentFactoryResolver and compiler to properly show the components.
The above solution does not work with AOT compilation. Is there any other way I can achieve the same and make use of AOT? Is server side rendering is only solution to this?
Angular doesn't encourage using Compiler to create dynamic template.
Could/would/will code using COMPILER_PROVIDERS be supported by AOT?
But maybe in future it will be possible with without shipping the compiler because new View Engine open new capabilities.
the generated code relies on very few internals.
we can make the API public and stable
users could ship the generated factory files on npm
this makes calls to ngc in applications faster as it does not need
to compile the code of libraries like Ionic any more.
users could implement their own ViewEngine
this way we can drop the Renderer abstraction, as we already have an indirection via the ViewEngine
users could create templates programmatically during runtime
without shipping the compiler
eg for a dynamic form / ....
we might want to provide a builder for this that calculates indices correctly and can already be used in tests
we could create a new kind of directive that transforms a ViewDefinition, e.g. wraps elements into new ones, ... (similar to the compile in Angular 1).
needs some helpers that maps indices from new to original indices
Read more in Design Doc for View Engine

conditionally inject device-specific Angular code at build time

I've joined a project that uses Angular+Gulp+Webpack+Bower.
The project is built for different devices like so:
gulp deviceA
gulp deviceB
For each different device type, I will have a module called device.js that provides different versions of the same functions eg;;
I would like to conditionally inject the correct version of device.js at build time depending on the parameter passed to Gulp. device.js should be available application-wide and before the application starts.
If I tackle it in a non-Angular way, I could easily inject some self-executing code into index.html at build time that provides the device object globally. However, I want to make it more Angular-friendly so that I can eg use $rootScope to broadcast device events to the app.
My understanding is that an Angular Provider would suit my needs. Is that correct, and if so, what would be the correct way to inject the appropriate Provider at build time?

Possible to get unique browser instances in e2e specs written for protractor?

I'm using protractor to run some end-2-end tests for an Angular application, and from what I can tell, all the specs I specify in my config file end up sharing the same instance of protractor's browser.
Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but I am also using http-backend-proxy to set up mock responses to my application's ajax calls. This module uses the browser instance, and it seems that setting up mock responses in one spec pollutes the browser instance for subsequent specs, causing all the specs to use the mock response strategy defined in the first spec.
Obviously this creates some problems for test isolation.
Has anyone dealt with something similar?
I did not find a way to create multiple browser instances, but did find a way to deregister http-backend-proxy responses between tests, which accomplishes the test isolation I was looking for. For future reference to anyone that runs into this same problem, I was using:
setups to handle my mock responses. You can deregister these with:
If you place these in beforeEach() and afterEach() blocks, respectively, you can accomplish isolation both between tests within a given spec, and between separate spec files.

automatically import modules for App Engine interactive console

The interactive console accessible at localhost:8080/_ah/admin is very useful for debugging your App Engine app.
I always find myself importing the same modules over and over again, particularly models.
I've looked into monkey patching the interactive console to automatically import these models, and I'm stumped. Ideally, I could do it from my app so I wouldn't need to reapply the patch every time I update the SDK.
I'll investigate and hopefully find an answer, please let me know if you have any ideas about how to accomplish this.
Good question! The relevant code for the interactive console is in InteractiveExecuteHandler at google/appengine/ext/admin/ Specifically, it executes the code like this:
compiled_code = compile(code, '<string>', 'exec')
exec(compiled_code, globals())
except Exception, e:
Note that for the globals, it simply uses the globals of the module it's in. So in order to provide your own imports, all you need to do is this:
Create your own module, where you import and subclass InteractivePageHandler and InteractiveExecuteHandler
Import any additional modules and classes you want in your new module - they'll automatically be imported for any code that's executed by them.
Override the generate() function from BaseRequestHandler in those classes so they look for the templates on google/appengine/ext/admin/templates instead of in the 'templates' subdir under your own module.
I ended up using the App Engine Console project which comes with an that provides the functionality I asked about.
I'm not sure if this is at all what you're going for, but you can just edit the html template for the interactive console page to have different default text entered. It's located at:
This would apply to all your apps, and as you mentioned you'd have to goof with it every time the SDK updated.
