Symfony2.8 with sonataEcommerce2.1.1 single Product page "requires that you provide a value for the "$product" argument" - sonata-admin

I am using sonata-ecommerce. When I try to open single product page then Controller error occure.
Here is detailed error.
"Application\Sonata\ProductBundle\Controller\ProductController::viewAction()" requires that you provide a value for the "$product" argument (because there is no default value or because there is a non optional argument after this one).

No need to change the extend.
Here is my Code:-
Copy viewAction from vendor/sonata-project/ecommerce/ProductBundle/controller/Basecontroller and place it in src/Application/Sonata/Controller/ProductController.
After copy assign $product = null in the ApplicationSonataProductBundle.
public function viewAction($product = null) {
//Add these lines.
$slug = $this->getRequest()->get('slug');
$productId = $this->getRequest()->get('productId');
$product = $this->get('sonata.product.set.manager')->findEnabledFromIdAndSlug($productId, $slug);


Laravel 7: Showing error while passing multiple variable in str_replace

I'm facing error while passing multiple variable in str_replace function.
Error: Argument 1 passed to Xenon\LaravelBDSms\SMS::shoot() must be of the type string, null given, called in
Message Body:
Hello #name#,
Total Amount Purchased : #total#
Previous Due: #previous_due#
Deposit: #deposit#
Total Due: #total_due#
$id = 1;
$sms_settings = SmsSetting::findOrFail($id);
if($sms_settings->order_create == 1){
$name = $request->name;
$previous_due = $customer->due;
$deposit = $request->deposit;
$total = $request->total;
$total_due = $request->total_due;
$msgs = $sms_settings->order_create_sms;
$msg = str_replace(array('#name#', '#total#','#previous_due#','#deposit#','#total_due#'), array($name,$previous_due, $deposit, $total, $total_due), $msgs);
$send= SMS::shoot($request->mobile, $msg);
Shoot Function:
public function shoot(string $number, string $text)
return $this->sender->send();
Here I'm using a Laravel Package for sending SMS to mobile number. How can I pass multiple variable in str_replace?
$request->mobile is null, confirm if you are passing the same in the request. Thats why the error.
Also use $request->validated('mobile'), that is safer.
str_replace seems to be fine. Take a look at Example, but Look at examples again, it might break if characters are overlapping with other arguments
I think the variable $msgs = $sms_settings->order_create_sms; contain empty that's why str_replace couldn't replace the data that you given so
$msg = str_replace(array('#name#', '#total#','#previous_due#','#deposit#','#total_due#'), array($name,$previous_due, $deposit, $total, $total_due), $msgs); , will return null.
I recommend checking $msgs again.
$msgs = $sms_settings->order_create_sms;
Make sure $msgs is not null place is_null($msgs) condition before feeding to str_replace
check more about str_replace:

Indirect modification of overloaded element of Illuminate\Support\Collection has no effect

im quite new in laravel framework, and im from codeigniter.
I would like to add new key and value from database
static function m_get_promotion_banner(){
$query = DB::table("promotion_banner")
if($query != null){
foreach ($query as $key => $row){
$query[$key]['promotion_image'] = URL::to('home/image/banner/'.$row['promotion_banner_id']);
return $query;
that code was just changed from codeigniter to laravel, since in codeigniter there are no problem in passing a new key and value in foreach statement
but when i tried it in laravel i got this following error :
Indirect modification of overloaded element of Illuminate\Support\Collection has no effect
at HandleExceptions->handleError(8, 'Indirect modification of overloaded element of Illuminate\Support\Collection has no effect', 'C:\xampp\htdocs\laravel-site\application\app\models\main\Main_home_m.php', 653, array('query' => object(Collection), 'row' => array('promotion_banner_id' => 1, 'promotion_link' => 'http://localhost/deal/home/voucher', 'about_promotion' => ''), 'key' => 0))
please guide me how to fix this
thank you (:
The result of a Laravel query will always be a Collection. To add a property to all the objects in this collection, you can use the map function.
$query = $query->map(function ($object) {
// Add the new property
$object->promotion_image = URL::to('home/image/banner/' . $object->promotion_banner_id);
// Return the new object
return $object;
Also, you can get and set the properties using actual object properties and not array keys. This makes the code much more readable in my opinion.
For others who needs a solution you can use jsonserialize method to modify the collection.
Such as:
$data = $data->jsonserialize();
//do your changes here now.
The problem is the get is returning a collection of stdObject
Instead of adding the new field to the result of your query, modify the model of what you are returning.
So, assuming you have a PromotionBanner.php model file in your app directory, edit it and then add these 2 blocks of code:
protected $appends = array('promotionImage');
here you just added the custom field. Now you tell the model how to fill it:
public function getPromotionImageAttribute() {
return (url('home/image/banner/'.$this->promotion_banner_id));
Now, you get your banners through your model:
static function m_get_promotion_banner(){
return \App\PromotionBanner::where('promotion_active','1')->get();
Now you can access your promotionImage propierty in your result
In the case you are NOT using a model... Well, just create the file app\PromotionImage.php:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class PromotionImage extends Model
protected $appends = array('imageAttribute');
protected $table = 'promotion_banner';
public function getPromotionImageAttribute() {
return (url('home/image/banner/'.$this->promotion_banner_id));
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* #var array
protected $fillable = [
just improving, in case you need to pass data inside the query
$url = 'home/image/banner/';
$query = $query->map(function ($object) use ($url) {
// Add the new property
$object->promotion_image = URL::to( $url . $object->promotion_banner_id);
// Return the new object
return $object;
I've been struggling with this all evening, and I'm still not sure what my problem is.
I've used ->get() to actually execute the query, and I've tried by ->toArray() and ->jsonserialize() on the data and it didn't fix the problem.
In the end, the work-around I found was this:
$task = Tasks::where("user_id", $userId)->first()->toArray();
$task = json_decode(json_encode($task), true);
$task["foo"] = "bar";
Using json_encode and then json_decode on it again freed it up from whatever was keeping me from editing it.
That's a hacky work-around at best, but if anyone else just needs to push past this problem and get on with their work, this might solve the problem for you.

drupal_write_record doesn't take object

In drupal 6 i used to do something like this:
* CLASS Example
class example {
var $id = NULL;
var $title;
var $body;
// Save
function save() {
$primary_key = ($this->id == NULL ? NULL : 'id');
if (drupal_write_record('mytabble', $this, $primary_key)) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
This worked quite well. But in Drupal 7, the drupal_write_record only takes an array and no longer the object $this. The new db_merge also only takes an array.
Since i want to save the properties of my object to the database, the above code was very handy and generic for all kinds of classes.
Is there an alternative way to write an object to database, or a method to place objectproperties into a an array?
Any help will be appreciated!
drupal_write_record does take an object or an array. Guess your problem is caused somewhere else.
drupal_write_record($table, &$record, $primary_keys = array())
$record: An object or array representing the record to write, passed in by reference. If inserting a new record, values not provided in $record will be populated in $record and in the database with the default values from the schema, as well as a single serial (auto-increment) field (if present). If updating an existing record, only provided values are updated in the database, and $record is not modified.
More info on drupal_write_record for D7.

Prestashop 1.4.3 I need to get a database value and use it in MailAlerts module

I have asked this question on the Prestashop forum, but haven't had a reply as of yet.
I need to be able to add a sagepay code to the new order email used in mailalert module.
What I have is;
// Filling-in vars for email
$template = 'new_order';
$subject = $this->l('New order');
$spvtxc = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("SELECT vendortxcode FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."sagepay_transactions` WHERE id_cart = '$order->id_cart'");
$templateVars = array(
'{firstname}' => $customer->firstname,
'{lastname}' => $customer->lastname,
'{sagepay_no}' => $spvtxc,
Every time i test a transaction the $spvtxc returns 'ARRAY'.
I have tried;
$spvtxc = '5';
As Expected this returns 5 as the sagepay number, so I'm confident the variables are being called and added to the email.
And I tried;
$spvtxc = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("SELECT vendortxcode FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."sagepay_transactions` WHERE id_cart = '2'");
So this should set $spvtxc to the value that is definatly there (i manually added it in the database), but this still returned 'ARRAY'.
If anyone can point out what I have missed, it is greatly appriceated.
As I was only needing to return a single value, I should have used getValue function instead of ExecuteS.
$spvtxc = Db::getInstance()->getValue("SELECT vendortxcode FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."sagepay_transactions` WHERE id_cart = '$order->id_cart'");
This returned the value.

CakePHP, GET Parameters and routing

I am fairly new to cakephp but I have a question relating to urls and parameters. I would like to be able to have a url that looks like a standard url e.g:
I would like that url to map to an action in my controller as follows:
function myaction($arg = null, $arg2 = null)
// do work
I realize that cakephp has routing as described here, however, honestly this seems over engineered and results in a url string that is nonstandard.
In my current situation the url is being generated and invoked by an external (billing) system that knows nothing about cake and doesn't support the cake url format.
You can have your URL in any form. It's just CakePHP allows you to retrieve the variable passed through GET from the variable $this->params['url']
function myaction()
$arg = $this->params['url']['arg'];
$arg2 = $this->params['url']['arg2'];
Solution in AppController for CakePHP 2.x
class AppController extends Controller {
* Recupera los Named envias por URL
* si es null $key emtraga el array completo de named
* #param String $key
* #return mixed
protected function getNamed($key=null){
// Is null..?
// get key in array
return Hash::get($this->request->param('named'), $key);
// all key in array
return $this->request->param('named');
I have a similar problem. Not because I have an external system, but because I don't like to put all parameters into the URL-path. In my example, I have some search queries that are assembled and passed to the controller. IMHO, these queries should be GET parameters and not part of the URL-path.
One advantage of using GET parameters is that the order of the given parameters is not important, in contrast to passing params via the URL path.
To solve this problem in a generic way, I'm replacing all method arguments with the value of the GET-param, if one with the same name is given:
class MyController extends AppController
function test($var1 = null, $var2 = "content2")
foreach (get_defined_vars() as $key => $value) {
if (isset($this->params['url'][$key])) {
$getvalue = $this->params['url'][$key];
$$key = $getvalue;
CakeLog::write("debug", "Setting:$key to $getvalue");
CakeLog::write("debug", print_r(get_defined_vars(), true));
Now I can access this controller method and pass parameters via GET like this:
