How to submit a Firefox web-extension to their Store without giving a public access to it? - firefox-addon-webextensions

I tried to submit my web-extension (actually developed for Chrome) to the Mozilla Firefox Add-On Store but failed. I didn't find a privacy option (in the Chrome Extensions store it's possible to do this) which allows me to hide my extension there so that it could be accessible only by a desired link, so I published my extension there and set the Experimental option. But, it was rejected with the following reason:
Due to the limited/non-public audience of this add-on, this add-on is not suitable for being listed. Please submit a self-hosted version and distribute the signed file yourself. Fore more information, see
In other words, I want that my extension will be hidden in the Mozilla store and my users could download and install it only if I share a link with them.
Does anybody know how to do this? Because, as far as I can see I can do this as the Self-distributed (unlisted) version but in this case, I need to share this signed version by myself as the .xpi file. The main problem in this approach is that I'll need to send updated versiona to them as well, am I right?

Yes, you are right. You have to submit your extension to the AMO in order to be signed. Here, the work of Firefox is ended and you have to manage your own extension. Check this for reference, it is the most updated doc I could find for this.
Note that, you have to specify in your manifest how the extension will be updated. Check out this.
Then, you can host it in your own server and provide a link to your users.
I haven't test the above, so proceed with caution.


How to migrate an online angular script to local server?

Hi I'm trying to make an offline version of this page: the script is writtin with Angular JS how do I do that?
I saved the page control-s and copied the file to the local server I'm running.
And then I browsed the local ip. the page opened but I get repeated notes ng-repeat shows up as multiple boxes instead of 1 box that edits the same note but in different octaves.
How do I solve this problem please.
You can inspect the front-end code in your browser console. In Firefox it's in the section called "Debugger", in Chrome it's called "Sources". If you use Safari, you need to enable Developer mode first.
Once you have the appropriate view, just click on -> tools/microtuning/ -> index
Hopefully it goes without saying that you shouldn't use large swaths of another person's code without at least giving appropriate credit, or better yet getting the developer's permission, unless there is an explicit open-source license.

Angular HTML Autocomplete="nope" or "off" not working hosted from CDN in chrome

I have an input box for surname and I have set Autocomplete = "nope" or even tried "off". For some reason, it's not picking it and always allowing me to select from autocomplete list.
Our Ui app is hosted through CDN. So when I access my app through link [https:// Xyz. net] via CDN then Autocomplete off does not work.
but when I access its source link [https// xyz.azurewebsites. net] the autocomplete off works for same chrome browsers.
not sure why a change in behavior for the same app in the different source location.
Note: I tried to purge the content in CDN and it didn't work.
My expected behavior is textbox should not show autocomplete options.
Any guidance is much appreciated.
Since most modern browsers have password management built into them, they do not support this attribute for login fields anymore.
in-browser password management is generally seen as a net gain for
security. Since users do not have to remember passwords that the
browser stores for them, they are able to choose stronger passwords
than they would otherwise.
You can read more about the reasoning for this behavior and browser support for the attribute here
On the other hand, there seem to be quite a few ways to work around this with various hacks and JavaScript, but I'm unsure if they would work across browsers or cause more complications.
Also to answer you question as to why you see autocomplete only in one domain: I suspect that you may not be seeing the autocomplete suggestions in a specific domain because you may not have clicked "remember password" which would have saved your credentials in the browser.

Tapping the deep link always redirects to the App Store

I implemented Appsflyer OneLink with my cordova(Ionic)application and for android everything works fine.
In iOS, when i run the application directly to the device from Xcode and when i click on a link it opens the application.
But i uploaded the ipa file to Hockeyapp and then downloaded the application and installed and then again i clicked on the link but it redirects to the appstore.
i have added associated domains as well as i doubled checked the team ID as well as other configurations(Universal Links) and they all are according to the documentation.
Any idea about the issue that i am facing here?
If the application does not open as a result of clicking the deep-link in a "Universal Links" scenario, it could be one of the following issues:
When releasing to HockyApp some credentials that are used by the Universal Link are broken - it could be the Bundle ID or the Development Team Prefix.
You can check the credentials available on and compare them to the entitlements set in the HockyApp build.
There is a known "development bug" with Universal Link, which sometimes forces an uninstall of any previous version of the Application, in order for the Universal Link to function properly.
If the issue still persists, you can always open a support ticket with and share more information that could help with debugging this.

Mapping natively not working

i have 2 days trying to make native google maps to work. I followed all the instructions i found, nothing. I searched for 2 days if others had any problems, i followed their solution but still nothing.
Maps appear on the simulator but not at the telephone. I tried with a dialog nothing. I tried to a container to the main form nothing.
I also tried final MapContainer cnt=new MapContainer(new GoogleMapsProvider("my_api_key")); but still nothing. With this i couldn't see the maps neither to the simulator.
I have downloaded from git first and then from the extensions but still the same. Nothing shows up.
Google api console shows the requests every time i try to see the map, but no map on mobile. I also used with SHA1 and without. The same results.
I noticed that in BuildHints it automatically adds android.playService.maps=true, and when i tried to add the android.includeGPlayServices=true there is a build error, cannot be used together the error log says.
My codanameone plugin version is 3.5.8
Thanks in advance.
You need to have a google API key using this build hint:
android.xapplication=<meta-data android:name="" android:value="YOUR_ANDROID_API_KEY"/>
ios.afterFinishLaunching=[GMSServices provideAPIKey:#"YOUR_IOS_API_KEY"];
You need to login to the google cloud API console and turn on map support for your application picking "native Android" and then "native iOS" then copy the key for each and replacing the strings YOUR_ANDROID_API_KEY and YOUR_IOS_API_KEY respectively.
Go to the Google developers console to check your credentials.
Be aware that you need to remove the key restriction to make the API key work with Codename One.

Google App Engine Channel API and Chrome Extensions

Over Christmas I implemented some code to open a channel to my App Engine application using the channel API and it was working fine.
I recently returned to the code and find that it is broken, and the problem seems to lie in talkgadget that the client code is trying to load into a frame.
I took a snapshot of the code returned by /_ah/channel/jsapi on December 21 and I am comparing it to today's code.
When the older version tried to get[my-token] it was hardcoded to use http. Sensibly enough, the code was later changed to check the page's protocol in document.location and adapt to cases where https is used. The problem now is that when running in a chrome extension it grabs chrome-extension: as the protocol and naturally the channel fails to open in the extension.
Setting the base of the background page to my appspot URL does not change document.location, although I had some vague notion that it should. (Not sure what the standards say.)
Is there a workaround for this? One thought was to create my own iframe loaded from my site, but then it will nest the actual channel iframe, complicating things.
I wonder if Moishe or someone else on the App Engine team could comment on this. It seems like the this is a bug and the code should take into chrome extensions either by testing for the protocol and searching for a base tag as an alternative, or provide some way to configure this through the javascript object.
Yep, this is a bug. There's a fix submitted, and it's in the process of rolling out to production; it'll probably be out in about a week.
In the meantime, your idea of an iframe embedded in the extension should work.
