SQL Server ROLLBACK transaction took forever. Why? - sql-server

We have a huge DML script, that opens up a transaction and performs a lot of changes and only then it commits.
So recently, I had triggered this scripts (through an app), and as it was taking quite an amount of time, I had killed the session, which triggered a ROLLBACK.
So the problem is that this ROLLBACK took forever and moreover it was hogging a lot of CPU (100% utilization), and as I was monitoring this session (using exec DMVs), I saw a lot of waits that are IO related (IO_COMPLETION, PAGE_IO_LATCH etc).
So my question is:
1. WHy does a rollback take some much amount of time? Is it because it needs to write every revert change to the LOG file? And the IO waits I saw could be related to IO operation against this LOG file?
2. Are there any online resources that I can find, that explains how ROLLBACK mechanism works?
Thank You

Based on another article on the DBA side of SO, ROLLBACKs are slower for at least two reasons: the original SQL is capable of being multithreaded, where the rollback is single-threaded, and two, a commit confirms work that is already complete, where the rollback not only must identify the log action to reverse, but then target the impacted row.

This is what I have found out about why a ROLLBACK operation in SQL Server could be time-consuming and as to why it could produce a lot of IO.
Background Knowledge (Open Tran/Log mechanism):
When a lot of changes to the DB are being written as part of an open transaction, these changes modify the data pages in memory (dirty pages) and log records (into a structure called LOG BLOCKS) generated are initially written to the buffer pool (In Memory). These dirty pages are flushed to the disk either by a recurring Checkpoint operation or a lazy-write process. In accordance with the write-ahead logging mechanism of the SQL Server, before the dirty pages are flushed the LOG RECORDS describing these changes needs to be flushed to the disk as well.
Keeping this background knowledge in mind, now when a transaction is rolled back, this is almost like a recovery operation, where all the changes that are written to the disk, have to be undone. So, the heavy IO we were experiencing might have happened because of this, as there were lots of data changes that had to be undone.
Information Source: https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/sqlserver-logging/table-of-contents
This course has a very deep and detailed explanation of how logging recovery works in SQL Server.


Is there a delay before other transactions see a commit if using asynchronous commit in Postgresql?

I'm looking into optimizing throughput in a Java application that frequently (100+ transactions/second) updates data in a Postgresql database. Since I don't mind losing a few transactions if the database crashes, I think that using asynchronous commit could be a good fit.
My only concern is that I don't want a delay after commit until other transactions/queries see my commit. I am using the default isolation level "Read committed".
So my question is: Does using asynchronous commit in Postgresql in any way mean that there will be delays before other transactions see my committed data or before they proceed if they have been waiting for my transaction to complete? (As mentioned before, I don't care if there is a delay before my data is persisted to disk.)
It would seem that this is the behavior you're looking for.
Selecting asynchronous commit mode means that the server returns success as soon as the transaction is logically completed, before the
WAL records it generated have actually made their way to disk. This
can provide a significant boost in throughput for small transactions.
The WAL is used to provide on-disk data integrity, and has nothing to do about table integrity of a running server; it's only important if the server crashes. Since they specifically mention "as soon as the transaction is logically completed", the documention is indicating that this does not affect table behavior.

Question about database transaction log

I read the following statement:
SQL Server doesn’t write data immediately to disk. It is kept in a
buffer cache until this cache is full or until SQL Server issues a
checkpoint, and then the data is written out. If a power failure
occurs while the cache is still filling up, then that data is lost.
Once the power comes back, though, SQL Server would start from its
last checkpoint state, and any updates after the last checkpoint that
were logged as successful transactions will be performed from the
transaction log.
And a couple of questions arise:
What if the power failure happens after SQL Server issues a
checkpoint and before the buffer cache is actuall written to
disk? Isn't the content in buffer cache permanently missing?
The transaction log is also stored as disk file, which is no
different from the actual database file. So how could we guarantee
the integrity of log file?
So, is it true that no real transaction ever exists? It's only a matter of probability.
The statement is correct in that data can be written to cache, but misses the vital point that SQL Server uses a technique called Write Ahead Logging (WAL). The writes to the log are not cached, and a transaction is only considered complete once the transaction records have been written to the log.
In the event of a failure, the log is replayed as you mention, but the situation regarding the data pages still being in memory and not written to disk does not matter, since the log of their modification is stored and can be retrieved.
It is not true that there is no real transaction, but if you are operating in simple logging mode then the ability to replay is not there.
For the integrity of the log file / same as the data file - a proper backup schedule and a proper restore testing schedule - do not just backup data / logs and assume they work.
What if the power failure happens after SQL Server issues a checkpoint and before the buffer cache is actuall written to disk? Isn't the content in buffer cache permanently missing?
The checkpoint start and end are different records on the transaction log.
The checkpoint is marked as succeeded only after the end of the checkpoint has been written into the log and the LSN of the oldest living transaction (including the checkpoint itself) is written into the database.
If the checkpoint fails to complete, the database is rolled back to the previous LSN, taking the data from the transaction log as necessary.
The transaction log is also stored as disk file, which is no different from the actual database file. So how could we guarantee the integrity of log file?
We couldn't. It's just the data are stored in two places rather than one.
If someone steals your server with both data and log files on it, your transactions are lost.

Huge transaction in Sql Server, are there any problems?

I have a program which does many bulk operations on an SQL Server 2005 or 2008 database (drops and creates indexes, creates columns, full table updates etc), all in one transaction.
Are there any problems to be expected?
I know that the transaction log expands even in Simple recovery mode.
This program is not executed during normal operation of the system, so locking and concurrency is not an issue.
Are there other reasons to split the transaction into smaller steps?
In short,
Using smaller transactions provides more robust recovery from failure.
Long transactions may also unnecessarily hold locks on objects for extended periods of time that other processes may require access to i.e. blocking.
Consider that if at any point between the time the transaction started and finished, your server experienced a failure, in order to be bring the database online SQL Server would have to perform the crash recovery process which would involve rolling back all uncommitted transactions from the log.
Supposing you developed a data processing solution that is intelligent enough to pick up from where it left off. By using a single transaction this would not be an option available to you because you would need to start the process from the begging once again.
If the transaction causes too many database log entries (updates) the log can hit what is known as the "high water mark". It's the point at which the log reaches (about) half of its absolute maximum size, when it must then commence rolling back all updates (which will consume about the same amount of disk as it took to do the updates.
Not rolling back at this point would mean risking eventually reaching the maximum log size and still not finishing the transaction or hitting a rollback command, at which point the database is screwed because there's not enough log space to rollback.
It isn't really a problem until you run out of disk space, but you'll find that rollback will take a long time. I'm not saying to plan for failure of course.
However, consider the process not the transaction log as such. I'd consider separating:
DDL into a separate transaction
Bulk load staging tables with a transaction
Flush data from staging to final table in another transaction
If something goes wrong I'd hope that you have rollback scripts and/or a backup.
Is there really a need to do everything atomically?
Depending on the complexity of your update statements, I'd recommend to do this only on small tables of, say, a few 100 rows. Especially if you have only a small amount of main memory available. Otherwise, for instance, updates on big tables can take a very long time and even appear to hang. Then it's difficult to figure out what the process (spid) is doing and how long it might take.
I'm not sure whether "Drop index" is transaction-logged operation anyway. See this question here on stackoverflow.com.

Can a large transaction log cause cpu hikes to occur

I have a client with a very large database on Sql Server 2005. The total space allocated to the db is 15Gb with roughly 5Gb to the db and 10 Gb to the transaction log. Just recently a web application that is connecting to that db is timing out.
I have traced the actions on the web page and examined the queries that execute whilst these web operation are performed. There is nothing untoward in the execution plan.
The query itself used multiple joins but completes very quickly. However, the db server's CPU hikes to 100% for a few seconds. The issue occurs when several simultaneous users are working on the system (when I say multiple .. read about 5). Under this timeouts start to occur.
I suppose my question is, can a large transaction log cause issues with CPU performance? There is about 12Gb of free space on the disk currently. The configuration is a little out of my hands but the db and log are both on the same physical disk.
I appreciate that the log file is massive and needs attending to, but I'm just looking for a heads up as to whether this may cause CPU spikes (ie trying to find the correlation). The timeouts are a recent thing and this app has been responsive for a few years (ie its a recent manifestation).
Many Thanks,
It's hard to say exactly given the lack of data, but the spikes are commonly observed on transaction log checkpoint.
A checkpoint is a procedure of applying data sequentially appended and stored in the transaction log to the actual datafiles.
This involves lots of I/O, including CPU operations, and may be a reason of the CPU activity spikes.
Normally, a checkpoint occurs when a transaction log is 70% full or when SQL Server decides that a recovery procedure (reapplying the log) would take longer than 1 minute.
Your first priority should be to address the transaction log size. Is the DB being backed up correctly, and how frequently. Address theses issues and then see if the CPU spikes go away.
CHECKPOINT is the process of reading your transaction log and applying the changes to the DB file, if the transaction log is HUGE then it makes sense it could affect it?
You could try extending the autogrowth: Kimberley Tripp suggests upwards of 500MB autogrowth for transaction logs measured in GBs:
(see point 7)
While I wouldn't be surprised if having a log that size wasn't causing a problem, there are other things it could be as well. Have the statistics been updated lately? Are the spikes happening when some automated job is running, is there a clear time pattern to when you have the spikes - then look at what else is running? Did you load a new version of anything on the server about the time the spikes started happeining?
In any event, the transaction log needs to be fixed. The reason it is so large is that it is not being backed up (or not backed up frequently enough). It is not enough to back up the database, you must also back up the log. We back ours up every 15 minutes but ours is a highly transactional system and we cannot afford to lose data.

database autocommit - does it go directly to disk?

So I know that autocommit commits every sql statement, but do updates to the database go directly to the disk or do they remain on cache until flushed?
I realize it's dependent on the database implementation.
Does auto-commit mean
a) every statement is a complete transaction AND it goes straight to disk or
b) every statement is a complete transaction and it may go to cache where it will be flushed later or it may go straight to disk
Clarification would be great.
Auto-commit simply means that each statement is in its own transaction which commits immediately. This is in contrast to the "normal" mode, where you must explicitly BEGIN a transaction and then COMMIT once you are done (usually after several statements).
The phrase "auto-commit" has nothing to do with disk access or caching. As an implementation detail, most databases will write to disk on commit so as to avoid data loss, but this isn't mandatory in the spec.
For ARIES-based protocols, committing a transaction involves logging all modifications made within that transaction. Changes are flushed immediately to logfile, but not necessarily to datafile (that is dependent on the implementation). That is enough to ensure that the changes can be recovered in the event of a failure. So, (b).
Commit provides no guarantee that something has been written to disk, only that your transaction has been completed and the changes are now visible to other users.
Permanent does not necessarily mean written to disk (i.e. durable)... Even if a "commit" waits for the transaction to complete can be configured with some databases.
For example, Oracle 10gR2 has several commit modes, including IMMEDIATE,WAIT,BATCH,NOWAIT. BATCH will queue the buffer the changes and the writer will write the changes to disk at some future time. NOWAIT will return immediately without regard for I/O.
The exact behavior of commmit is very database specific and can often be configured depending on your tolerance for data loss.
It depends on the DBMS you're using. For example, Firebird has it as an option in configuration file. If you turn Forced Writes on, the changes go directly to the disk. Otherwise they are submitted to the filesystem, and the actual write time depends on the operating system caching.
If the database transaction is claimed to be ACID, then the D (durability) mandates that the transaction committed should survive the crash immediately after the successful commit. For single server database, that means it's on the disk (disk commit). For some modern multi-server databases, it can also means that the transaction is sent to one or more servers (network commit, which are typically much faster than disk), under the assumption that the probability of multiple server crash at the same time is much smaller.
It's impossible to guarantee that commits are atomic, so modern databases use two-phase or three phase commit strategies. See Atomic Commit
