firebase console database display instantly flips back to Overview - database

In testing a firestore database and reviewing the results in the firebase console, the database data will not load and keeps returning to the Overview display. By using two devices to test with, I can determine that the updates are correct.
This problem started with one rogue record on the console causing the data display to backout but all other records were correctly displayed. Other project database records display correctly.
Is there any way I isolate the problem by finding an error message?

firebaser here
This is indeed a bug in the Firestore console: if you select a document with a newline (\n) in its ID, the URL of your browser doesn't reflect the selected document.
Thanks for reporting! This will be fixed in an upcoming update to the Firebase console.
In the meantime, the API will allow you to access these documents without problems. So your apps should continue to work, and consider performing actions on affected documents through the API instead of through the console.


Local chat in tabs without backend

I'm trying to create a chat in React that will be attached to a browser tab. The message history must be global. I put each message to local storage with a unique name. However, in the second tab, messages appear only after the page is refreshed. If you do not refresh the page, but write something new from the second tab, the values ​​​​in localstorage begin to be overwritten.
I tried to use broadcastmessage, but I ran into the fact that it is called many times, and many identical values ​​come to localstorage at once. I didn't find a solution to this problem.
I also tried using add.edeventListener('storage') but it doesn't work for the current tab.
I also used windows.postmessage, but that didn't work either. Can you suggest how to display messages without reloading the page?

Google Analytics Goal Funnel Count has number differences with Production Data

I have this funnel visualization problem in Google Analytics. I have set up the funnel using the virtual pageview like so:
So basically what it tracks is that in activity page, when user clicks a button, it will show up a modal for registration and hits the /activity/virtual/open-volunteer-modal. After they fill out the forms, they click Register, and it will hits the /activity/virtual/submit-volunteer-modal.
Everything was fine, until I saw some difference in GA and Production values.
In GA, there are 3000 users that filled out the forms and submit their data. I was totally happy seeing this, but:
In Production DB, I only got 1906 users submitting their data.
I checked the code, and there is nothing wrong with it. It basically send a virtual page view when the value has been validated, so my question is how is this possible and is there any way to fix this? Or is it just intended behavior?
After further investigation, I found that some of the buttons that has open-volunteer-modal event is redirecting to submit-volunteer-modal. Hence, the submit-volunteer-modal value was bigger than the open.
Should have sipped some coffee first before working.

How to check if Firebase updated remotely?

I have an app that uses AngularJS and Firebase (with AngularFire API), but I'm getting some problems with the $bindTo service. Sometimes users are loosing data because there is no good connection in my city, our internet is too slow. I was thinking to create an icon in my app that shows the user if its data was updated successfully or not.
How I was thinking to do it?
- Watch the object
- On data changed, the icon becomes red
- When data is saved on Firebase, returns an event that change the icon color to green
How can I do it? Is there a better way to deal with it?
Check out
This gives example of how to check out connection status and event handlers to deal with such situations .

Use of Views slowing down site

Not sure if I am correct or not but i found that my site which is using a view to show latest nodes on front page is crashing because of the views process of loading all nodes at once.
I have a content type called "Nerdeky Info" which contains more than 500 posts. To show latest 12 posts on frontpage i created a view and applied pager for rest of the posts. It was working good untill i had 100 or 200 posts but now it is slow in loading and sometimes crashes. I have New Relic integrated with my server and i can see that whenever site crashes it reports that the view took most of the time to process php and database.
After some searching on forum i found that my view is currently loading all posts at once and showing nerdeky latest posts afterwards.
Please suggest how to make it light so that only latest posts load first.
Bharat sharma

Products not appearing under content in admin in Drupal Commerce

I am importing products using Commerce Feeds. The products appear just fine on the front end and via Store > Products in the admin. However no products appear under Content in the admin area. I have tried clearing out the database, re-importing, re-indexing, flushing caches - nothing works.
Also this is bizarre and seemingly un-related, however I noticed it around the same time I realized my products were not appearing in the admin - there is a strange whitespace above my admin menu bar - which only appears on the Content page (also coincidently the page giving me trouble.)
Using Commerce Kickstart (commerce_kickstart-7.x-2.0-rc1) (Would love to upgrade to the latest release but I am unsure how to do this without losing a great deal of work. I have not found a good upgrade document - please chime in if you know something I don't!)
I feel kind of stupid now. I edited the admin/content view and saw there was a filter criteria which caused it to not display nodes of type "product_display." Evidently this is intentional behavior. I am guessing you are only supposed to manage products from within the store tab. Still wish I could figure out the cause of the phantom whitespace at the top though.
