Specify content root for new base window in WPF - wpf

Is there a way to specify the "hole" for additional XAML content in WPF?
For instance if I create MySuperWindowBase and have some XAML in it with a layout, how can I specify where to place additional content in the layout in a subclass of MySuperWindowBase?
For a simplified example
<!-- Force child content here -->
<TextBlock>Place me in the StackPanel</TextBlock>

What you want is to give the base class window a template. Gusdor's answer explains everything but how to write a template that'll display the control's Content property, so here's an illustrative example of a control template for a window. The window's content is whatever's inside the <Window></Window> element in your ChildWindow.xaml file: <TextBlock>Place me in the StackPanel</TextBlock> is the placeholder content in your question. By default, that XAML visual tree fragment will get assigned to the window's Content property.
The ContentPresenter control presents the content. By default, it looks at the templated parent's Content property, but you can change that by setting the ContentPresenter's ContentSource property to the name of a different property of the templated parent.
<ControlTemplate TargetType="Window" x:Key="WindowBaseTemplate">
ContentPresenter looks like there must be magic, but it's just the defaults.

Create a new Style for the window -
Set the ContentTemplate property to include your mandatory elements.
Almost every other method will cause you to run into namescope issues at some point.


Expander-like WPF control that only hides empty children

In my WPF view, I need something similar to an Expander or a TreeView, but instead of completely hiding the content, I only want to hide empty parts, i.e. TextBoxes with null or empty text, or empty ItemCollections.
I thought about using a style with a DataTrigger or set Visibility with a converter, but how would I link that to the parent's setting (e.g. IsExpanded)?
I would like to avoid doing this in the ViewModel, as that would need a property for each section (and I need lots of them), but it's purely visual and therefore IMHO it only belongs to the View.
So I guess the way to go is to use DependencyProperties or write some CustomControls, but I don't have an idea where to start. The XAML of the end result could look something like this:
<CustomExpander Header="Main" CollapseContentIfEmpty="True">
<CustomExpander Header="Section1" CollapseContentIfEmpty="True">
<TextBox Text="{Binding SomeString}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding SomeEmptyString}" />
<CustomExpander Header="Section2" CollapseContentIfEmpty="True">
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding SomeCollectionView}" />
In this example, if CollapseContentIfEmpty is set to true and the CollectionView shows no elements (e.g. due to filters), only the content of SomeString should be visible, along with all the headers. If SomeString is empty, only "Main" should be visible, as now all child CustomExpanders are empty as well.
Setting CollapseContentIfEmpty to false (e.g. via a Button like in Expander) would show all Children again, regardless if they are empty or not.
I thought about using a style with a DataTrigger or set Visibility with a converter, but how would I link that to the parent's setting (e.g. IsExpanded)?
Use a binding with a {RelativeSource}.
In the following example, the TextBlock is invisible unless you set the Tag property of the parent UserControl to true:
<UserControl xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib">
<BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="BooleanToVisibilityConverter" />
<TextBlock Text="text..."
Visibility="{Binding Tag,
RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl},
Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" />
You can of course replace the UserControl with a custom control with a custom bool property.
An Expander collapses its entire Content which is different from hiding specific controls in that content.

WPF- Binding properties in a DataTemplate

I'm building a window with a set of rows that share the same layout, but their contents should be different, eg:
| (Label Content:)"Name1" | (Textbox Text)"SomeText" |
| (Label Content:)"Name5" | (Textbox Text)"OtherText" |
I've defined a DataTemplate which basically holds a Grid specifying the size of each column, holds all the elements it requires (a few labels, textboxes, etc.) and sets their common properties.
<DataTemplate x:Key="AxisRangeEntry" x:Shared="False">
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<ColumnDefinition Width="50" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="50" />
<Label x:Name="MyLabel" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextBox x:Name="MyTextbox" Grid.Column="2" Width="110" HorizontalContentAlignment="Right" />
Then in my window I start adding the data template as ContentControls in a stack panel:
<ContentControl ContentTemplate="{StaticResource AxisRangeEntry}" />
<ContentControl ContentTemplate="{StaticResource AxisRangeEntry}" />
I'm struggling to figure out how I can define certain properties of controls inside the DataTemplate to be bindable to, and bind them to a static value/external property when I start defining the ContentControls. Effectively each ContentControl would need to be able to define things like it's MyLabel content and MyTextbox text.
I've previously created CustomControls, which had DependencyProperties on them, which I could then bind to when adding them on another window. With a DataTemplate however I'm not sure how I would define these fields as bindable and bind to them when including a new version of the template.
Any help would be appreciated.
From what it sounds like, you are not using the MVVM pattern.
For your situation, I'd recommend using MVVM -- take a look at this article for a quick intro for something that would fit your case (ItemsControl with an ItemTemplate)
What you would do is create an ObservableObject to represent each row, and then bind the collection of ObservableObjects to an ItemsControl's ItemsSource, with the ItemTemplate set to the DataTemplate you created. In the DataTemplate, you would specify each binding to the property on the ObservableObject's row, and WPF would bind to the correct instance for each row.
Either way, DataTemplates are primarily used for templating a certain data-type. If you really need to implement the view in this way, a custom UserControl with dependency properties would be the way to go.
You present a dynamic nature of items to be bound, so this answer will attempt to provide guidance within the parameter's set.
...[to] define certain properties of
controls inside the DataTemplate to be bindable to,
Within a template the binding will default to the parents data context. Simply saying {Binding} will default to that item in the data context. If the bound item has a specific property then use {Binding MyPropertyName}. Just verify that the parent, or its ancestors have a valid data context.
Think of data templates in its final location, as if you had hard coded it there. It will behave the same....
and bind them to a static value/external property when I start defining the
Since this sounds like it is in a custom control, the datacontext will be the ultimate consumer's datacontext and most likely the datacontext will be worthless.
If it is on a custom control, then use named binding and bind it to a property on the control. For example the control's name, in XAML, is given the name "MyControl" (x:Name="MyControl")and in the template binding, one can path directly to it such as
{Binding MyCustomControlDependencyProperty, ElementName=MyControl}
created CustomControls, which had Dependency properties
With the above rules one can still, and should IMHO, use dependency properties of the custom control to pass on the information from the consumer to the the datatemplate which will use it dynamically..

Collapse ContentControl if Content is Collapsed

I've got a ContentControl which has a style containing a border and other visual decorations. I want these decorations to disappear when the content is collapsed, so I figured I have to set the visibility of the ContentControl to collapsed in this case. I got this style for my ContentControl decoration:
<Style x:Key="DecoratedItem1" TargetType="{x:Type c:DecoratedItem}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type c:DecoratedItem}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="2" CornerRadius="2">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="/Images/file.png"/>
<ContentPresenter Name="wContent"/>
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding ElementName=wContent, Path=Content.Visibility}" Value="Collapsed">
<Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Collapsed"/>
The DecoratedItem class is just a subclass of ContentControl with additional DependencyProperties which are not relevant to this issue, I just wanted to note that I already have a subclass to which I could add code, if necessary.
This works when the content of the ContentControl is a UIElement, however if the content is generated by a DataTemplate it complains about not being able to find the Visibility property.
<!-- works -->
<c:DecoratedItem Style="{StaticResource DecoratedItem1}">
<TextBlock Text="ABC" Visibility="Collapsed"/>
<!-- doesn't work -->
<c:DecoratedItem Style="{StaticResource DecoratedItem1}" Content="ABC">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type clr:String}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}" Visibility="Collapsed"/>
The error for the second case diplayed in the debug output window is:
System.Windows.Data Error: 40 : BindingExpression path error:
'Visibility' property not found on 'object' ''String' (HashCode=-885832486)'.
DataItem='ContentPresenter' (Name='wContent');
target element is 'DecoratedItem' (Name='');
target property is 'NoTarget' (type 'Object')
I understand why this happens, but don't know how to fix my style to work as I want it. I don't mind adding helper code to the DecoratedItem subclass if necessary. Any idea how to fix this?
[edit 1]
Some more explanation in regard to the proposed answer:
I can't enforce that the Content is always an UIElement. This is a model-view design after all, and of course I simplified the example a lot. In the real project the content is a model selected from the DataContext, which can be of several different types, and the DataTemplate builds a presentation for that model. Some of the DataTemplates decide (depending on model-state) that there is nothing to present and switch Visibility to Collapsed. I would like to propagate that information to the decorating container. The example above really just presents the problem and not the motivation, sorry.
[edit 2]
Not sure how knowing more about the model would help the problem, but here we go. The data in the Content field doesn't have much in common since it can be a lot of things, this DecoratedItem is supposed to be reusable to give a common visual style to items shown on some forms. Content can be stuff like work items whose DataTemplate collapses them if they are disabled; other kinds of Content can be incomplete and get collapsed. Of course other kinds never may get collapsed.
But note that the data model doesn't really have much to do with the question, which still is how to bind against the Visibility of the expanded content element (after possibly exposing it through the subclass in a bindable way).
There are a couple of ways of describing what's wrong. In the first, working example:
<c:DecoratedItem Style="{StaticResource DecoratedItem1}">
<TextBlock Text="ABC" Visibility="Collapsed"/>
the Content property of the ContentControl is set to be a TextBlock, which is a UIElement with a Visibility property. (This assumes that you have not changed the ContentPropertyAttribute of your derived class DecoratedItem to be something other than Content). Thus, your DataTrigger binding can correctly evaluate:
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding ElementName=wContent, Path=Content.Visibility}" Value="Collapsed">
Contrast the working case with the failing one:
<c:DecoratedItem Style="{StaticResource DecoratedItem1}" Content="ABC">
in which the Content property is set to an instance of a String, which does not have a Visibility property.
The other way to describe what's wrong is to note that, even though you supply a DataTemplate for the case of Content being a String, Content is still a String and still does not have a Visibility property. In other words, the statement that the Content is generated by the DataTemplate is incorrect -- your DataTemplate just told the control how to display Content of type String.
The general answer to your question is that, if you want the DataTrigger in DecoratedItem1 bound with a Path of Content.Visibility, you need to make sure the content you put in it is always a UIElement. Conversely, if you want to be able to put any sort of Content into the control, you need to trigger off of something else.
The specific answer to your question, strictly, relies on your broader intent (in particular, on how the Visibility of the Content of your control will be set/modified). A couple of possibilities:
if you really want your DataTrigger binding of the form, "Content.Visibility", make sure that the Content is always a UIElement. For instance, use the working form of the style and then bind the Text of TextBlock to something appropriate. However, this doesn't fit so well with the idea of your derived control as a ContentControl, so...
your DataTrigger could probably bind to something else. It seems like, from the way the question is formed, that there is some other property or code-behind that will control whether the various content entities are Visible or not.
finally, you could add an additional DataTrigger to the TextBlock. This DataTrigger would set the visibility of its parent based on its own visibility. Then, bind the DataTrigger in style DecoratedItem1 with Path "Visibility" instead of "Content.Visibility", essentially chaining together Visibilities manually.
Based on what you've described about how you want to use this, it sounds like you need to consider the visual tree. You might augment your DecoratedItem control to have the following functionality: if all its visual children that are UIElments have a visibility of Collapsed (or if it has no visual children), it is also Collapsed (or, whatever logic makes sense for the desired functionality in terms of the Visibility of its visual children). You'd need to use the VisualTreeHelper class from code -- in particular, the GetChildrenCount and GetChild methods. You'd also, in your DecoratedItem class, override OnVisualChildrenChanged (while still calling the base class method) so that you can get UIElement.IsVisibleChanged events for the visible children.

Sharing controls in ResourceDictionary

I have a grid that I want to share in several places, the grid has several controls (textboxes, labels, textblocks and buttons). I placed it in my ResourceDictionary like so:
<Grid Background="LightGray" x:Key="gridShare">
<!-- other controls here -->
But when I use it in more than one place I get an exception saying:
"Specified element is already the logical child of another element. Disconnect it first."
Which makes sense, so I'm wondering if there's any other way to achieve this.
Thanks in advance.
If I correctly understand what you're trying to do (present the exact same composite control in multiple places), you can put the grid in a ControlTemplate and apply it to ContentControls:
In the ResourceDictionary:
<ControlTemplate x:Key="frequentlyUsedTemplate">
In a UserControl:
<ContentControl Content="[...]" Template="{StaticResource frequentlyUsedTemplate}"/>
What you want to do is create a custom control with this as a template, then use an instance of this custom control instead of the Grid itself. Alternately create a UserControl and use instances of it.

Split one big XAML in number of Sub-XAML files

In my WPF4 Desktop-based application there is a big block with sidebar menu that repeats in each window and takes about 70 lines of XAML. In order to improve code reuse, I would like to split XAML file in two files:
XAML-file that contains code for sidebar menu (≈70 lines)
Base XAML file that contains «include/reference» to XAML-file with sidebar menu code
As I understood, there are two ways to implement my problem:
Use ResourceDictionary
Use UserControl/CustomControl
My questions:
What is the difference between ResourceDictionary and UserControl? Could you give me examples where I have to use UserControl and where ResourceDictionary?
Could you give a full code example how to include/import content of one XAML-file to other?
P.S. Here is an example of code that I want to export to separate XAML-file:
<Border Style = "{StaticResource Body_SideBarMenu_Border_Settings}">
<StackPanel Style = "{StaticResource Body_SideBarMenu}">
<TextBlock Style = "{StaticResource Body_SideBarMenu_Title}"
Text = "{x:Static res:Resources.WinApp_SideBarMenu_Title}" />
<TextBlock x:Name = "SideBar_WinReports"
Style = "{StaticResource Body_SideBarMenu_Item}"
Text = "{x:Static res:Resources.DashListMarker}">
<Hyperlink KeyboardNavigation.TabIndex = "12"
Style = "{StaticResource Body_SideBarMenu_Item_Hyperlink}"
Click = "Call_WinReports_Click">
<TextBlock Text = "{x:Static res:Resources.WinApp_ModuleName_Reports}" />
ResourceDictionary is just a container for your styles/templates etc. So you really have a choice between using a style (and referencing it through a ResourceDictionary) or a UserControl.
In order to differentiate between the two, ask yourself a question: are you implementing just another look for some existing control, or you are implementing something really new, which is more than just a ListView (or a Border, or a ComboBox etc.)? In the former case, use a style; in the latter, create a new UserControl.
Specifically for your case, I would go for a UserControl.
Code example (although not full)
(Please note that a template for the following code can be inserted with VS's "add new UserControl")
<UserControl x:Class="SomeNamespace.SidebarMenu"
<UserControl.Resources> <!-- you can define local styles here -->
<Style x:Key="SidebarMenuTextblock" TargetType=TextBlock>
<Border Background=...>
Style="{StaticResource SidebarMenuTextblock}"
Text="{x:Static res:Resources.WinApp_SideBarMenu_Title}" />
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace SomeNamespace
public partial class SidebarMenu : UserControl
public NumericUpDown()
// define here your properties etc,
Now, you can use the control like that:
<controls:SidebarMenu PropertyIfYouDefinedOne="SomeValue"/>
If you can get your hands on Expression Studio, in Expression Blend, you can simply right click on any control and convert it to an user control. As easy as that.
User controls are good for splitting the XAML file. In essence, it is used to redefine the behavior of an existing control.
However, with User Controls, you can define whole WPF Layout Controls and convert them to an User Control, with the children content inside them. This is very helpful for a project spread across multiple developers, and can also be used to emulate the behavior of an MDI, which is kind of absent in WPF.
