How to enable autocomplete for a search input box depending upon a category dropdown value? - angularjs

I have situation like below:
The textbox is now a open search box and the select box is a dropdown with different values; now the scenario is to enable autocomplete for couple of category values
So how to manage the autocomplete enabling and other categories as open search and not autocomplete.
We are using AngularJS 1.x in our application as the base framework.

use anguComplete module for autocomplete,when ever you want autocomplete code than you push the data into countries array the relative data to the autocomplete,if you are not interested than you don't push the data into countries array in to that array.

Easy way, add angularjs material that contains directive mdAutocomplete . It's already contains a lot of possible options that you could need in future.


How to combine row filtering and highlight functionality in React tables?

I'm trying to create this functionality in React Tables:
This functionality has been created for another table that is not using useFilters. But now I want to use React useGlobalFilter functionality for this.
I followed this tutorial for that purpose, and now my tables are being correctly filtered using globalFilters.
But the highlight functionality is not working properly. My cell render receives an HTML like this:
so if I try to filter by: Registered, it will never work, as plain text contains <mark> HTML tags.
So I'm trying to combine both functionalities playing with Column filters based on dataSource instead of column value, but with no luck.
My render functionality accepts any component to render content. That's why I can draw HTML content inside.
I want my filter to search based on dataSource or a specific value I set
Any clues on how to get this?

Angularjs ng-repeat filter with multiselected values from multiselect dropdown

I have bind data to table from Json Object,i need to implement column wise multiselect dropdown filter for the data. i have done the single dropdown selection.filter required on multiple selections on each column dropdown.
I dont really understand the question but you can take a look Here .
it works really nice and it works also on mobile phones .

AngularJS Material reference field inputs

I'm new to AngularJS Material and am trying to create a form that includes a reference field input, but can't seem to find any documentation on if this is possible. The input I'm trying to incorporate looks like this:
When a user clicks on the magnifying glass, it would open up a pop up window that shows the different options. I'm not so tied down to this exact look but am interested more in the functionality. The input could be a drop down or whatever, but when clicked upon, I would like the different options to show. I'm using ServiceNow so the reference options would be tied to a table in the back end.
Any suggestions?
If you want to create a reference picker, ServiceNow offers an Angular directive for this.
The field object contains a JSON-Object with displayValue, value and name. I hope this will help you. You could find more directives provided by ServiceNow here:
<sn-record-picker field="FIELDOBJECT" table="'YOURTABLE'" default-query="'ENCODED QUERY'" display-field="'YOUR DISPLAYFIELD'" value-field="'VALUE'" search-fields="'SEARCHFIELD'" page-size="100"></sn-record-picker>

How to embed numeric pagination links in custom multi select dropdown

i like to confess that i am not very good in angular and still learning. i have to load huge data and has to show by dropdown. i would prefer if i could do the pagination at dropdown end. i am working with a custom dropdown which is good and taken from this site
but the above custom multi select dropdown lack one feature for showing pagination link. so the problem is user can not show minimum data and click on other link on demand to load next set of data. just wonder anyone mind to add code in the custom directive which add pagination feature there.
so at a time i can load 20 data and click on next pagination link to load next 20 data. i have seen people already developed angular pagination directives. here is one similar link hence i am new in angular so do not understand how to add custom pagination directive in another custom multi select dropdown directive.
it will be really good help if some one show me how to achieve it. thanks
With the same UI Bootstrap that they use in that blog there is a pagination directive.
Here's a Plunkr
A few key points here are:
The normal ng-repeat is set as filtered variable to allow for update of search filter along with paginated.
ng-repeat="item in filtered = (allItems | filter: ...
In the same repeat after the filter you set a "limitTo" to set pagination on the list
... ) | limitTo:limit:begin
Then you just need to follow the ui bootstrap pagination
<uib-pagination total-items="filtered.length">

<select> tag brings up dynamically a different set of input fields depending on selection in AngularJS

Im trying to create a form, first element should be a tag with a few options and each of them will dynamically bring up a different set of forms depending on what the user chooses. The idea is within the select tag there will be different categories like cars, properties etc.. first user only sees that and when chose, it will bring up a set of input fields that required for that category.
Anyone got an idea what would be the best way to do it in angular?
Using the ui.router module, you can populate a DOM element (ui-view) with an HTML template file. On selection of the dropdown, you're telling angular to go to a different "state".
Check out the following plunkr I made:
