Including basics library of C (unistd.h) on window - c

I've been programming at my school on a Mac for one month. We did C programming on an UNIX shell.
Now i'm back at home and I use my own PC that is on window 10. I have tried to make a similar set up, but i don't know much about all that. I installed git and bash, this made it like a UNIX shell. Also I have installed the gcc compiler.
So, now that i'm making a basic program, it should be working but when I make the include <unistd.h>, the shell can't find it.
I know my question is probably silly but I really couldn't find how to solve the problem. I downloaded the unistd.h file.
I also found this
It explain that i should be putting the .h folder in some kind of defined path, but I don't know how to do that.
Does anyone know how I can fix this?

If you installed gcc as part of mingw or something similar, it should have included a unistd.h. Just having the gcc compiler is not likely to get you very far.
You probably want to start over and install something different than you did (mingw or cygwin or just set up a vm as suggested) that provides a more complete environment.


Compile and execute C program in Python using Windows

I need to iteratively edit, recompile and run a C program called sum_subgiants.c through Python (using Spyder on Windows). I am using a python code that has previously worked on my colleague's Mac. I am a novice with python and have no experience with C.
There is a makefile and all relevant files stored in the same folder as sum_subgiants.c. I have tried'make sum_subgiants', shell=True)
to compile and then'sum_subgiants', stdin=input_file, stdout=output_fh, shell=True)
These commands do not appear to do anything. Any help in terms I can understand would be much appreciated.
I notice that there is no make command on Windows, which explains the error. Is there an alternative command that would work on Windows?
Should I expect to run easily after I have sorted out the make?
Since you are on Windows, everything is difficult.
You need to install a C compiler on the Windows machine.
You need to install make on the Windows machine.
Depending on what is done in the makefile, you might need to install other tools as well.
You could consider installing MSYS2 and MinGW, which provide a Unix-like environment for Windows.
But I would question the whole procedure: Why is it necessary to dynamically build a C program at run time? This is going to be so complicated that looking for an alternative solution might be preferable.

How can I run QCL (quantum programming language) on Windows?

I'm sure someone must have done this before. I've tried compiling QCL for Cygwin but it just doesn't work. If someone has already managed to compile it for Cygwin can you please post a copy? Or alternatively suggest an easier way to run it in Windows.
Today I compiled for windows the latest (0.6.3) version of qcl. Remove set LANG=ru_RU.CP866 line from qcl-win.bat if you don't need to configure locale.

How do I setup a C environment on Windows (and maybe Linux compatible, too)

Short version of question: How do I get started with C programming? Note that I am not asking for a tutorial on learning C language (I can learn that easy enough). I need to setup the environment (I hope I'm asking this question clearly). Here's what I mean:
For my math thesis, I need to write a program in C on Gentoo Linux, using a library called CVODE/SUNDIALS. There is nobody (it seems) in my department who can help me set this up - my professor has left the computer work 100% to me because I have some programming background and he's a math geek. But my experience is with scripting languages (think VBA) and not full, powerful programming languages where you have to link the compiler and libraries, etc. like C.
There is no development environment on the Linux cluster - or at least not that's friendly, and has a debugger - that I've found. So, what I need to figure out how to setup a C programming environment with CVODE library on my PC (Win 7 x64, at little to no cost.
I have found plenty of tutorials on programming in C. I looked up Eclipse, which I have a little bit of experience with, as a development environment, but it's instructions say you need to install a compiler, too.
What I would like is someone to tell me, in simple language that I can understand (which might be the most difficult part of this question) the big picture of what I need and what to do (and maybe even links to where I can find what I need) to set up a C environment with CVODE. If the information is Windows/Gentoo Linux cross platform, even better.
Thank you.
P.S. I did search the site and saw lots of "How do I setup" quesitons, but no C one. Because I know someone will yell at me for that. Also, I don't want to have a convo about whether to use C#, C++, Java, etc. That just complicates the issue - and I need to get this done.
Edit: I have learned a little more since this question and now realize that I left out a key part of the question. The CVODE library and Linux cluster at school use MPI - parallel programming - which is not available on your average, run-of-the-mill PC. So all development must be done directly on the cluster.
Linux: Simple way is to install gcc or g++.
You can write your code in your plain text editor (nano, vim, gedit, kwrite, etc)
Save your file in .c or .cpp extention and type in terminal
gcc filename.c
g++ filename.cpp
You said that you want to write c code on Gentoo Linux, as i understand you're not familiar with Linux? The best choice in this case is to:
Install virtualbox in your windows machine (, it's a free software that let you emulate in your desktop another systems like Linux...
Install Gentoo linux on virtualbox, there are a lot of tutorials on the net, for example this video:
When you install Gentoo Linux on virtualbox you have all you need to develop C (gcc compiler, gdb debugger...)
Now you can download your library, and decompress it
In general all (Good) Linux libraries come with a 'README' file that contain all instructions for installing the library.
I think you need to do this:
make install
You can now play with C and you new library, like this:
suppose you create a new file test_lib_ CVODE.c you can compile it like this:
gcc -Wall test_lib_ CVODE.c -o test_lib_ CVODE -lcvode
I assume that the installed library is named
If you have any questions, you can always get help here.
I think you should use Code::Block in Linux, it is very similar to Window's Code::Block and it is very easy to debug and other things.
These were all useful answers. I tried pursuing each of them at least a little bit. However, the only reasonable solution seems to be to use emacs on a terminal window. This is because I'm using MPI - yes, I know I didn't mention that in the OP - which can only be done on a cluster.
I am new to this environment and was not aware of the MPI or the affect it would have on my attempt to develop.
I believe I can do better than this if I can figure out X/Windows using Cygwin. But I am a long way from that.
Thanks all for your effort and sorry I can't really award a best answer (I guess).

How to use crypt(3) in windows?

How can I invoke crypt(3) from a c program on a windows platform? I can't find a header file to include. I have MinGW with gcc and msys installed.
Edit: as an alternative, I would also accept a way to call this function (or an equivalent) from Visual Studio.
Have you seen this?
I suppose you may be missing it, or just don't realize you have it, but it seems like the answer, and I found it by typing "crypt mingw" into Google.

How to build executable from c written source files?

There is few files with .c anf .h extensions (cmdline.c cmdline.h core.c core.h and so on) in src directory, also there is one file "MakeFile" without extension. Is there any possibility to build these source files into some executable file on Windows 7 (64bits) ? I think i need to download compilers for C or some sdks right?
You need to:
download and install a C/C++ compiler (I recommend TDragon's distribution of MinGW ),
add the compiler to your PATH (the installer can do it for you most of the cases); verify it's done by opening cmd.exe and typing gcc -v and mingw32-make -v, both should give you half a screenful of version information if your path is set correctly,
via cmd.exe, navigate to the folder in which the Makefile resides and call mingw32-make.
From now on everything should compile automatically. If it doesn't, post the errors.
First of all, it'd be useful for you to get the MSys package. Install it and you'll have a more recent version of make (use it instead of mingw32-make from now on).
About the CreateProcess bug, it has to do with the system PATH variable being too long. You'd need to do something like this:
open cmd
execute set PATH=c:/mingw32/bin;c:/msys/1.0/bin (change the paths here to reflect your own installation if it's different)
then as before: navigate to your project's directory, run make. Everything should be smooth now if you're not missing any external libraries.
BTW- remember not to install MinGW or MSys in directories with spaces.
I am not a Windows Developer..
But still as per my knowledge. Visual Studio (i.e 2008, I guess) has the ability to read the Makefile.
Please have a look at it..and if needed change this makefile to their format..
There are many opensource product which are platform independent..and they get compiled on both OS with the just Makefile they provided.
Or else use 'cygwin'
Developer C++ works in windows but it is actually GCC code bought into Windows, Is anyone familiar about the procedure they used to convert the linux ( .sh) to executables ??
I think i need to download compilers for C or some sdks right?
A compiler certainly, but what additional libraries you may need will depend entirely on the code itself. A successful build may also depend on the intended target of the original code and makefile. The makefile may be a GNU makefile, but there are other similar but incompatible make utilities such as Borland Make and MS NMake. If it is a simple build, you may be able to avoid the makefile issue altogether and use the project management provided by an IDE such as Visual C++ 2010 Express.
If you do not know what this code is or what it does and what it needs to build, you are taking a risk building it at all. Maybe you should post a link to the original source so that you can get more specific advice on how to build it.
Ok, now looking at the code you are attempting to build, it is a very simple build, so if you wanted to avoid using GNU make, then you could just add all the *.c files in the src folder to a project in your IDE and build it.
However there is one serious gotcha, it uses the BSD sockets API and Linux system headers. You will need to first port the code to Windows APIs such as WinSock (very similar to BSD Sockets), or build it under Cygwin (a sledgehammer for a nut somewhat). There may be other Linux dependencies that need sorting, I have not looked in detail, but it looks fairly simple. That said, if you did not have the first clue regarding compiling this stuff, then perhaps this is not a task you could do?
Of course compiling the code may only be half teh problem, if it was designed to run on Linux, there may be run-time dependencies that prevent it running on Windows. Again I have not looked in detail.
Also looking at the code, I would suggest some caution, this may not be the best quality code. That may be unfair, but one obvious flaw and an indication if inexperience is the lack of include guards in the headers.
