Receiving "Invalid 'changeType'" when subscribing to user created event - azure-active-directory

I am trying to create a Webhook (aka Subscription) for users who are created, updated, or deleted in Office 365.
With the "changeType": "updated" it works fine but with "changeType": "created" it returns an error:
This is the request:
"changeType": "created,updated,deleted",
"notificationUrl": "https://ourLink",
"resource": "users",
"expirationDateTime": "2017-12-16T14:49:57Z",
"clientState": "pe1g9gqiVsE6KnHTUuK9Tts3o660KOAw9YnavVfKhr22I7FlqC0tfMhpayxrqFP4orFPOjK0rppYtDicvxZosbvOEEgfy3YYoM3FGDwLQiW4MAdSCTdQkffuChjmB"
"header": 400,
"body": {
"error": {
"code": "InvalidRequest",
"message": "Invalid 'changeType' attribute: 'created'.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "74454900-d3df-4962-b58e-cfd7ec7454bc",
"date": "2017-12-13T16:49:59"
Creating a subscription to a user resource is only available in the Beta API
but according to the documentation, it should work.

Based on the error message and that the User Webhook sample application only handles updated and deleted, this should be the expected behavior.
I'm also unable to find where in the documentation it states that a user resource accepts subscriptions for created. If you could provide a link I will make sure the documentation gets updated.


Firebase Cloud Firestore - Fail to write via REST API

This is not an authentication error, write is enabled on the database rules.
My cloud Firestore database looks like the picture below.
There is a COLLECTION called colA, inside it there is a DOCUMENT called docA, and inside it there are some fields (strings) stored.
On Postman, if I do GET, I do receive the following answer, and it is correct:
"name": "projects/eletronica-ab6b1/databases/(default)/documents/colA/docA",
"fields": {
"fieldB": {
"stringValue": "ABCD"
"fieldA": {
"stringValue": "888"
"createTime": "2020-01-31T16:48:26.859181Z",
"updateTime": "2020-02-05T19:21:49.654340Z"
Now, when I try to write a new field (fieldC) via POST, with JSON content:
"name": "projects/eletronica-ab6b1/databases/(default)/documents/colA/docA",
"fields": {
"fieldC": {
"stringValue": "1000"
After SEND, I receive this:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Document parent name \"projects/eletronica-ab6b1/databases/(default)/documents/colA\" lacks \"/\" at index 60.",
What I'm doing wrong? I really would like to write strings there via REST API.
Updating a document is done with a PATCH request, according to the [reference documentation).
A POST request is used to create a new document in a collection, which probably explains the error you get: you're pointing to a document, but POST expects a collection path.

Delete label request returning 400 even though label exists

I am having issues with the label delete Gmail API.
No matter what label I submit, I get the error response:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "invalidArgument",
"message": "Invalid delete request"
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid delete request"
To reproduce, I first make the request:
Which succeeds and then immediately after I send:
Which produces the aforementioned error. I can see the label in my gmail inbox so I know it is successfully created and present. Any advice on what I am doing wrong?
You cannot delete a label by name, but must do so by its ID
See here. The Id of the label is contained in the response of the
"id": "Label_3",
"name": "C1",
"messageListVisibility": "show",
"labelListVisibility": "labelShow"
You can also list all you labels to retrieve their IDs.
The delete request should look something like:
whereby Label_3 should be replaced by your label ID.

JS Report Server Console error: Authorization server has no "username" field in its response, token assumed as invalid

My js report server with client ui applications was working with username filed by adding one claim e.g. Claim('username', 'user name value') in identityserver.
4 version 1.1. B ut recently client has upgraded the identityserver 4 version to 2.2.0 and netcoreapp2.1 .
Now the client ui applications get "Unauthorized" error. When I run the application locally I see one error in jsreport server console:
error: Authorization server has no "username" field in its response, token assumed as invalid.
I have tried to find solution in the sample: but they have not upgraded the sample for latest .net core and identity server yet, I see the node js sample link "" does not exists. so I am unable to solve the issue. Can anyone help me please on this?
Thanks in advance.
I have found solution to solve this error by adding a claim type with user name and declare that in api resource scope:
new ApiResource
DisplayName = "JavaScript based reporting platform",
new Scope()
UserClaims = new List<string>(){"username" }
UserClaims = new List<string>(){"username"},
ApiSecrets = { new Secret("yoursecret".Sha256()) },
But now it goes to the previous problem that I fixed by adding a claim type matching the value of username field value with identity server 1.1 version but now we have upgraded the identity server version to 2.1 and again getting the error. The it was able to authorize any user of identity server for report access. Here is the jsreport.config.js code I am using:
"store": { "provider": "fs" },
"httpPort": 5004,
"allowLocalFilesAccess": true,
"extensions": {
"authentication": {
"cookieSession": {
"secret": "<your strong secret>"
"admin": {
"username": "",
"password": "Password"
"authorizationServer": {
"tokenValidation": {
"endpoint": "http://localhost:5000/connect/introspect",
"usernameField": "username",
"activeField": "active",
"scope": {
"valid": ["jsreportscope"]
"auth": {
"type": "basic",
"basic": {
"clientId": "jsreport",
"clientSecret": "yoursecret"
"enabled": true
"authorization": {
"enabled": true
"sample-template": {
"createSamples": true
But now I can login and access reports from report server if login by only the user any other users is getting unauthorized error. In the report server console the error is shown like:
error: username "" returned from authorization server is not a jsreport user. I don not want to add all the identity server users to js report server.

Gmail API watch request not working properly

There are many post on this same topic but still there is no exact solution to solve this issue.
even in the google API below link, there is a option to test the API
This API throws a error like Invalid Topic Name does not match but I have created the topic in the pub sub and I have published the message on it, that topic works fine but then also I am receiving below error. I am receiving 400 error
{ "error": {"errors": [{
"domain": "global",
"reason": "invalidArgument",
"message": "Invalid topicName does not match projects/*" } ],"code": 400,"message":"Invalid topicName does not match projects/*" }}
I have tried to call this API in client side, like below{
'userId': 'me',
"topicName": "projects/fast-metric-178608/topics/Test"
}).then(function (response) {
Below is output , i am receiving 403 error
{ "error": { "errors": [{
"domain": "global",
"reason": "forbidden",
"message": "Error sending test message to Cloud PubSub projects/fast-metric-178608/topics/Test : User not authorized to perform this action."} ],"code": 403, "message": "Error sending test message to Cloud PubSub projects/fast-metric-178608/topics/Test : User not authorized to perform this action." }}
select your topic and
set your topic PERMISSIONS allUser and Select a role Pub/Sub Admin

Global error handling in marionette.js

The UI should have a global error handler that shows a popup message whenever an error is received through the API. I'm trying but I'm not getting, I did not find any example too. This should be done Marionette.js. Please help
I got a json file:
"errorcodes": [{
"message": "Invalid Email/Password Combination",
"reason": "com.catt.exceptions.catttCustomerPreferencesException: Invalid Email/Password Combination\r\n\tat com.catt.v1.controller.CustomersController.customerLogin(\r\n\tat sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1008.invoke(Unknown Source)\r\n\tat sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(\r\n\tat java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(\r\n\tat",
"type": "tCustomerPreferencesError"
You can use $.ajaxError to listen for any error happening in $.ajax.
From there, you can make make a Marionnette Application (for example), handle the error, and display an alert
var App = new Marionette.Application();
App.vent.on('error', function(event, jqxhr){
$(document).ajaxError(function(event, jqxhr, settings, thrownError){
App.vent.trigger('error', event, jqxhr, settings, thrownError);
Fiddle Here :
