sql file stream PathName dosent show in window fileExplorer - sql-server

I have a file Stream Sample database , I have added records into table.
When I use file.PathName() my sample project in c# SqlFileStream class recognize this address and retrieve my file but did not show in windows file Explorer?
What is this address? Is it fake address?This class may look at FileGroup path for finding real address?if not how this class find path?

Data in a FILESTREAM column are stored inside of the database. You can see the internal files stored in the database by browsing the local file system FILESTREAM filegroup directory but that path is not exposed for remote access and shouldn't be used at all. You'll need to use SqlFileStream to get a handle for access to FILESTREAM data via the Win32 API.
If you want to access files stored in the database via Windows Explorer or any other application, consider using Filetable instead. A FileTable leverages FILESTEAM internally but exposes the files stored in the table via a UNC path for non-transactional access. That allows files to be added/change/deleted via the share just regular files or with T-SQL INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements. In both cases, the changes are stored in the database FileTable and reflected in the FileTable directory share too.


How to load data from UNIX to snowflake

I have created CSV files into UNIX server using Informatica resides in. I want to load those CSV files directly from UNIX box to snowflake using snowsql, can someone help me how to do that?
Log into SnowSQL:
Create a Database, Table and Virtual Warehouse, if not done so already:
Stage the CSV files, using PUT:
Copy the files into the target table using COPY INTO:

Can anyone suggest me how i can write the path to store the output file in which my stored procedure outputs in my oracle DB?

suppose the IP address of my FTP server is xx.xxx.xx.xx and i need the output file to be stored in D:/example. I need to esnure that the path i give is in my FTP server. How can i include that in my fopen function, like a path which points to the example in my FTP server.
Generally speaking, this is how it goes:
there's a database server
there is a directory on one of its disks
that directory will be used in create directory command which creates a directory, Oracle object
it will be used as a target for your file-related operations. For example:
it'll contain CSV files which are source of external tables
.dmp files, result of data pump export, will be stored there (the same goes for import)
UTL_FILE will create files in that directory
All that means that your idea of creating a file on a FTP server might not work just as easy.
However, there's a way : if you create directory (Oracle object) using UNC (Universal Naming Convention) which points to a directory on the FTP server, the file might be created there. Do some research about it; I know I once did that (put files onto an application server), but that was long time ago and I don't remember everything I did.
Another option you might consider is DBMS_SCHEDULER package. Suppose you create a file on the database server (which is the simplest option; if you do it right, it is more or less trivial). Once the procedure (which creates the file) is done, call DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB using the executable job type and call an operating system batch file that will copy the file from the database server to the FTP server.
That's all I can say about it; at least, you have something to research & think about.

Using SQL Server to Zip Files

I have a table that stores users FileData as such Data Type: varbinary(MAX) FILESTREAM null
In my web application, the user selects multiple file Ids and eventually wants a zip file of those selected FileIds
Currently my solution is to bring the FileData into C# and call some C# function/library that zips the file and returns that to the user. The problem with this is that the user could potentially select a ton of files causing a lot of temporary data to exist in C#.
Is there a way that I can zip these files in SQL Server and then return the zipped result to C# without having to bring the selected FileDatas into C# memory?
You can certainly do this through a stored procedure, which would write the files and zip, but you would be writing SQL which writes files to disk and executes windows system commands. You can read up on xp_cmdshell. I would advise against this personally
You are still going to have a large zip file blob coming back to your server in that model. Couldn't your users still overload your system? You would get around this using streaming which could be done with your zipping.
Are you using the most recent ZipArchive? It provides streaming access both in and out if used properly. See here for an example writing without bumping into memory Basically you will write your code to use an output stream so that data doesnt build up in memory ...new ZipArchive(myOutPutStream, ZipArchiveMode.Update, true or false)

SQLite attach all databases in a directory

Hi I have an sqlite database called 'main.db' where I attach all the databases that are in the directory 'db' (e.g. 'db/db1.db' , 'db/db2.db' and so on).
I would like to know if there is a way to save 'main.db' so that the attachements are remembered across sessions.
Also when in 'main.db' how can I create a new database 'db/db3.db' and have it attached automatically when I open 'main.db'?
I usually use the sqlite3 shell for my databases maintenance.
Attachments are not stored in the database; they are local to a connection.
Any attachments must be done explicitly by the application that has opened the database.

Create a SQL Server database on a remote machine mdf file path issue

I'm trying to create a MS Sql Server database on a database instance running on a remote machine. When I'm doing so I need to be able to specify the path to the database (.mdf) file. If I try to create a database in a folder which doesn't exist, SQL Server will just fail (wouldn't it be nice if it created the folder structure automatically).
Is there any way that I can create the folder path on the target machine in SQL before I try to create the database, or at least to determine what the default folder is for new databases in which I could safely create the new database file?
If you have appropriate permissions, and xp_cmdshell is enabled, you can:
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'md "<path>"';
--...repeat for each node in the path
If cmdshell is disabled, again assuming appropriate permissions, you can enable it temporarily using sp_configure:
Ancient article removed
Don't forget to set it back!
Otherwise why can't you let the engine place the database files in their default location? If you are using a drive other than C:, you'll also need to verify that the drive you specify even exists, and shouldn't you check with the user that it is okay for you to put these files elsewhere? If you choose some arbitrary location they might not know to check there for active SQL Server files.
You can check the default path by using xp_regread (undocumented, unsupported)... these are in the registry as keys DefaultDataDir and DefaultLogDir for the default instance under:
If it's not the default instance, check this article:
Are you doing this just so that you can name your MDF/LDF files the way you want to, instead of dbname-data, dbname-log? If so, why? Have you written scripts that depend on the physical name of the file? Really curious as to the motivation behind this.
