Using AD service account within SSIS package - sql-server

I have created connection manager within SSIS packages which has windows authentication and by default it is going to use my credentials to connect to a specific db.
I created project parameters that have connectionstring to dev, qa, prod.
and edited connection manager properties to give in expressions to use project parameters and automatically update package to use service account Userid and password.
But, my package has been defaulting to SQL server authentication and is failing when I am trying to connect to database.
Any help is much appreciated and would love to provide any necessary information.

If you're using Windows Authentication, make sure your connection string(s) use Integrated Security=SSPI;. Also make sure all your database connections you use in your various tasks are all also set to use Windows Authentication. You may need to use an expression to set their connection strings per environment as well.


Getting Error 18451: Only, or Error: 17810 when making multiple calls to database

I'm new to SQL Server. I was a postgres user before. I installed the default SQL Server on my local machine and I'm trying to get an old react with node js application of mine working with a SQL Server. When ever my frontend makes more than 1 call to the backend, if my SQL Server has admin privileges it throws
Error: 17810: Could not connect because the maximum number of '1' dedicated administrator connections already exists.
If not, it throws:
Error 18451: Only administrators may connect at this time.
I checked my database configs and it's set to MULTI_USERS, so I don't understand why I can't login without admin privileges. Can someone help me with this? I wasn't able to find anything online.
My NodeJS backend is using TypeORM to connect to the database
The dedicated administrator connection is a different kind of connection. It's not just "a connection being made by someone with administrative access". You would use the DAC when the SQL instance is having some kind problem, and you can't connect at all because resources are all tied up. SQL will reserve some resources especially for the DAC connection to make sure you can still connect.
A DAC connection can be made by specifying ADMIN: as part of your connection string, which will connect to the assigned DAC port.
You shouldn't use this for "routine" admin work. Just connect using a login with the required administrative server roles (eg, sysadmin). You definitely shouldn't use this as part of a regular application's connection string. You shouldn't be using a SQL Server sysadmin login either. Create a user with the appropriate permissions for your application, and don't use the admin connection.
Regarding your second issue: Make sure the instance wasn't set to start in single user or minimum configuration mode using startup flags. Note that this is for the whole instance, it's not the same as the configuration for an individual database.

Application deployment failed when connecting with the database

I have just finished the development of my application on mvc connected with SQL server, and I will love to deploy it. I want to use Azure App service, but I got an error "Unable to connect to master or target server 'DATABASE_NAME'. You must have a user with the same password in master or target server 'DATABASE_NAME'". I have tried every thing I found online like modifying the SSDT, but nothing changed.
Please is there any recommendation to fix this issue? If not, Please what are other ways for me to launch the application. The application will be used internally for Sales purpose and I don't need any fancy hosting. Thank you in advance.
Did you setup the sql azure firewall to accept connections from your computer?
Even if you set it up once, it is possible that your internet provider attributed a different IP address to your computer. So you must redo your firewall set up again for your computer to be accepted.
It is important to know that only sql logins/passwords are accepted here. So you must give the login/password of the admin user that you mentioned at the moment of creation of you sql server azure (there is a step that sets it up when you create your azure database), or the login/password of a user you created and granted in this database.

How to use windows authentication with SQL server docker container

I have gone through all the examples I could find online for building docker container based applications. I would want to run two services running in two docker containers:
A windows container running ASP.NET
A windows container running SQL Server
Easy job and many examples. However, in all examples you need to use SQL authentication and to provide a hard-coded SA password as an environment variable when running the SQL server container. You also need to hard code the SA password into the connection string in the ASP.Net code (or also provide it in some other manner in a configuration file, etc.)
Bottom line in all examples the password is hard-coded somewhere.
In most applications we develop now, we actually use windows authentication instead or use a grouped managed service account instead. But as far as I know, you cannot add a windows container to a domain, thus the SQL server is not part of the windows domain so I don't see a way to use windows authentication here.
So does any one have an alternative to hard-coding passwords this way ?
I'm dealing exactly with the same problem.
Here is the most complete procedure that I found.
The trick is to use gMSA.
But, as JanneRantala says at the end, I'm having the same problem when trying to add a new User in the Database :
Msg 15401, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Windows NT user or group 'YOUR_DOMAIN\gmsa$' not found. Check the name again.
Here is walkthrough how to make it work. Windows Containers Walkthrough
This will not work though if your SQL is also running in container since SQL server itself have to part of Active Directory to be able to utilize GMSA accounts.
Windows authentication is automatically enabled in Windocks SQL Server containers. See here for more details.
The SQL Server containers created in Windocks are SQL Server named instances created automatically from the default SQL Service that is already installed on the Windows Server (2012 R2 or 2016). Any Windows accounts in the default instance are automatically enabled in the container instances.

Using SSO with TFS release management

I am currently trying to create a release to a windows server from TFS 2015. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to pass my user credentials from TFS to the server I need to access without hardcoding them into the release arguments. The way I hope to have it work is that whenever a user queues a new release, their credentials are used for the server login. If they aren't in the correct AD group for the server, the release should fail.
I can't find any way to pass user credentials from TFS to the server. You may create a test account for the server, and use this single test account for deployment. Then define it under configuration variables in your release definition:
In this way, you can use these values in the steps instead of typing them:

Unable to connect to Integration service through SSMS

I have created a SSIS Package and now want to deploy it, for that I am required to create the Integration Service Catalog,so I have SQL Server Evaluation Set up in that when I m trying to connect the integration service, I am getting following error,
Connecting to the Integration Services service on the computer
failed with the following error: "Access is denied."
By default, only administrators have access to the Integration Services service.
On Windows Vista and later,
the process must be running with administrative privileges in
order to connect to the Integration Services service.
See the help topic for information on how to configure access to the service.
Also I have observed that my instance for SQL Server Evaluation edition is RESHMAJADHAV\SQL_SERVER_EVALU but when I am trying to connect this server, then this option is not shown under Integration Services as shown below,
I am unable to sort this out, since I am entirely new to this, please explain what can be the solution.
Please make a note, I also have sql server express edition ,but since it doesn't support to create the SSIS Integration service catalog then I installed the SQL Server Evaluation edition .
Also when I am trying to connect via SQL Database as shown in below image,
then while creating the integration service catalog, it is given the following error
Password validation failed.
The password doesn't meet the requirements of password of the password filter DLL.
Change database context to SSISDB.
One fact I have observed, I don't know whether it is related or not but when I am trying to enter password for my system, then also it's giving same error that password doesn't meet the requirement and also when while installing the SQL Server edition, it gave the same error, no doubt my password was very strong and fulfill all the requirements of strong password, currently I am trying to run my SQL Server with windows authentication mode and also I have tried to disable the strong password policies from the administrative tools but it's totally futile....any help will be greatly appreciated.
Go to all programs
Click on Microsoft SQL Server 2012 folder
Right click on SQL Server Management Studio
Click on Run as Administrator
This should take care of problem for now. (With this you need to always repeat the same process). To avoid this every time and for a more persistent solution you need to get permission(s). Please do the following process and you should be good.
In previous versions of SQL Server, by default when you installed SQL Server all users in the Users group had access to the Integration Services service. When you install the current release of SQL Server, users do not have access to the Integration Services service. The service is secure by default. After SQL Server is installed, the administrator must grant access to the service.
To grant access to the Integration Services service
Run Dcomcnfg.exe. Dcomcnfg.exe provides a user interface for modifying certain settings in the registry.
In the Component Services dialog, expand the Component Services > Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config node.
Right-click Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services 11.0, and then click Properties.
On the Security tab, click Edit in the Launch and Activation Permissions area.
Add users and assign appropriate permissions, and then click Ok.
Repeat steps 4 - 5 for Access Permissions.
Restart SQL Server Management Studio.
Restart the Integration Services Service.
(Source MSDN)
I hope this will help
I researched little bit and then I came to know it was actually the problem of HP Security Tool Manager service of HP Laptop which was messing with the password of system,SQL Setup and catalog of Integration Service,I uninstalled it from PC and now my problem is resolved..
look like you don't have a admin privilege.
so start->sql server->right click->run as administrator
it might solve !!!
it's not clear whether this is due to your windows password or the SSISDB encryption password
I suggest you think of a very long complicated password with a mixture of upper, lower and punctiation like this:
and put that into the encryption field when creating the catalog. If that doesn't get around your error, try changing your windows password to that. The only way to solve thedr things is divide and conquer. Once you know which password is the issue you can attack it further.
