Setting the fans via the ipmi tools - ipmi

I have several Dell R620 that are in use. Recently, the cooling of the fans has come into question. I've yum-installed the ipmitool. An
# ipmitool sensor
shows me the information I want to know. What I don't see is the command(s) to set/reset/increase the air flow of the fans.
I don't want to power down each machine and go into the iDRAC Thermal Settings.
Does anyone know the command to set the max exhaust temperature and/or the ThermalBase Algorithm?

I don't think it's possible, ipmi is rather limited.
You can try delloem, mc or nm commands, however I didn't see proper options in my version while using Dell PowerEdge 2950.
This question better fits Server Fault, you could try there.


Android Things - pico i.mx7 unable to connect

I've just unpacked my new Pico Pro Maker Kit and started flashing procedure. After creating a product in AndroidThings platform and downloading the build I've started flashing procedure.
Command failed on fastboot syntax, so I've build that manually and found that it was failing on part "set_active _a". I've skipped that and continued to flash device.
Now device is rebooted, I can see on the screen androidThings logo and version + info about network status ("not connected").
I'm unable to find this device in
fastboot devices
adb devices
so it looks like I have no way to connect into it.
Do you know a way of fixing that? Is there any way to force fastboot reboot on that device?
I had a related problem for IMX7 on initial install, I thought I'd pass along the Boundary feedback in case it helps. Tech support at Boundary devices recommended that I try the following:
Please try to add androidboot.dm_verity=disabled and
androidboot.selinux=disabled options to bootargs.
I presume these would be options you'd set at the boot prompt ==> (from the serial connection) but I haven't had a chance to test, which I may get to next week. Interested in your feedback if this has any impact to your situation in the meantime.

Controlling movement without GPS

I was trying to use the DroneKit-Python API to control the movement of a drone. I've been reading what it's in that link, but I can't find what I need. I want to be able to run the code with the dron indoors (and of course outdoors), so I can't rely in the GPS. I've tried to eliminate that part and use only the send_ned_velocity() method (without the propeller). But I couldn't hear a significant change in the movement of the engines.
The only way I can think of is using the channel_override, but it doesn't seem to be the better choice. Can anyone help me?
Thank you in advance.
send_ned_velocity() will only work if you are in guided mode. With Arducopter 3.3, you can only be in guided mode if you have a gps lock. So you aren't going to be able to use this command indoors.
You'll have to wait for 3.4 to be released, then guided mode will be supported without gps. But instead of gps, you will need an optical flow module and a rangefinder installed and configured.

How to send waypoints programmatically to drone?

I am very new at this and trying to get an understanding of this. I have read a lot on the DroneKit-Python site trying to figure out how exactly am I able to communicate with it.
Drone I am currently using is Iris+
I have looked more and there are software that already provide this, but I want to be able to control it plus more.
I want to set waypoints, tell it to then fly give the way points and keep going to them. Also, to be able to arm itself, which is in the example, and override the safety mechanism.
Here is the basic of what I am trying to use it for. Have it fly up at a certain time. Go to the waypoints 1,2,3,1,etc.. Then after X amount of time or on low battery go back to launch point and land.
I have found plenty of code that provides what i need to do, though I don't know if it will work and more importantly I don't even know how to start programming for this. Maybe I have the wrong approach in doing this?
I kind of want this to be a light API, so that in the future I can make a simple UI on my phone and insert some coordinates to give it ways points and that is it. I know there is software out there already that does it, but I want to remove the need for touching the drone. I want it to start and end autonomously.
If anyone could help provide some info that much would be greatly appreciated.
Assuming you have no companion computer (Iris+ does not by default), you are OK with running a ground station app (you won't be out of range to send commands to "end mission on time expiry") and that driving the behaviour from your phone is important, I would be looking at DroneKit Android.
Some notes:
You're going to have to touch the drone at some point to attach the
You can arm the device from dronekit
You can override the safety mechanism from a script. I hope you have
a lot of money to pay for the new drones you're going to have to buy when they crash and all the litigation from damaged people and property (in other words "don't do it".
The default behaviour is to return the device to launch (RTL) on low battery. This is convigurable
Setting a time is more "problematic". You can have a timer in a script that then sends return-to-launch but the script needs to be connected to the UAV. This means that either you have to be running in a connected ground station (which might potentially be out of range) or on a companion computer.
Iris+ does not have a companion computer. You have to install one or connect from a Ground Control Station.
DroneKit-Python runs on Linux, MacOSX or Windows. You can't just run it on an ordinary phone, though you could find some other mechanism to send messages/scripts to it running on a companion Computer.
DroneKit Android runs on Android. We do have a planned iOS version too. In theory these could run on a companion computer, but in practice currently these are only used as ground stations.

How do I get bluez 5 to accept a fixed pin?

I can find nothing on how to do this. I am programming an Intel Edison in C and an Android phone in Java. I want to pair the Edison from the Android phone. I would think simple pairing (sspmode 1) would work but I get an error message on the phone about a wrong pin where no pin was requested. With sspmode 0 I get asked for a password but have no idea what it is as it is randomly generated in my NoInputNoOutput Edison. We have everything else working. If we pair from Edison manually, the rest of the code can connect and send bluetooth messages back and forth from the Edison to the phone. But pairing from Edison to any random phone that walks by is not acceptable. I think it is called Bluejacking.
I have seen some posts about using simple-agent but frankly what I understand is that BlueZ security changed so much between 4 and 5 that most all that I see doesn't work. I also see that the switch from 4 to 5 broke a lot of systems so I don't feel alone. I would try it but simple-agent is not on Edison and I have not found a procedure to install it. And as I don't know if the little I can find applies to version 5 as it all references version 4 I am feeling a little lost.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to something that will work on BlueZ 5? I am on 5.18.
The solution presented on the last post of this article does work
Edit simple-agent, put it somewhere, make it executable, put the missing files in the same directory and run it. It must stay running for it to be active.
In my case, the missing file was
Run hciconfig hci0 sspmode 0 first
Pl use Bluz5.30.
Initially it was really difficult to bring up bluetooth using Bluez 5. It seems it was okay with Bluez 4.I have tried different versions of Bluez 5 on my LFS build. Even up to Bluez 5.28 it was not satisfactory. Now it is Bluz5.30, with this, LFS doc and lot of trail, I could manage. I feel Bluez is one of the most badly documented user unfriendly software. I also feel it is very buggy. It can hang machines forcing to hard boot the system. I have seen bluetooth forcing the Android phone also to reboot. So it is important to get the latest version of the software. But to make the bluetooth speaker work Pulseaudio was needed. It is better to get the latest version; here also LFS doc was fine.
So the process of connecting speaker was using bluetoothctl is as follows;
>> power on
>> scan on
>> pairable on
>> pair <device>
>> agent on
>> default-agent
Now the actual sound. Here pactl and pacmd are useful.
paplay -d can test the devices.
using pacmd with command 'list-sinks' can show the devices.
pacmd ->list-modules can show the modules loaded.
How to change automatically the audio output to bluetooth speaker when it is connected?
For me in one machine it was working fine, with an identical LFS in another machine it was not working. Finally it was identified as a
missing module module-device-manager with arg do_routing=1.
Once it was loaded everything was fine. This particular module was not shown in the pulse configurations. So I have to find that and load,
load-module module-device-manager do_routing=1
One can add a line in the default configuration file available in /etc/pulse.or one can add it in the user configuration file also.Now to make the new bluetooth speaker being used to play sound. For that issue the command 'move-sink-input ' using pacmd. You can find the sink names my issuing the command 'list-sinks'.
If your speaker is not connecting, it may be that it is already connected elsewhere. If it is not so, remove-device; scan on; pair; and connect using bluetoothctl. I was worrying how to make file transfer using bluetooth (Bluez5). Actually very little information is available in LFS documention or in general in the NET. This very true and unfortunate about Bluez in general. They do not provide any real user doc or nothing is available in net. So the steps are as follows:
You need to install OBEX library. Then you build Bluez5 (if it not done already). It will install obexd. After installation you can find obexd in $PREFIX/libexec/bluetooth/obexd.This is where you find bluetoothd also. One generally makes a link for bluetoothd in /usr/sbin. A similar link can be made for obexd also. Once you start bluetoothd and obexd you can find object transfer profiles in bluetoothctl->show.If you need a phone to push objects to the computer, you need to run obexd with options '-a' and '-r '. if '-a' is not given phone will fail to send the file. Now how to push a file from Computer to Phone. For this you need obexctl, I do not think it is a finished tool, and it will not be installed while we build Bluez 5. I have seen it in the source tree and copied to /usr/bin/. It should be used to connect the Phone and when the connection is established one can 'send ' and you have to accept the request in the phone.
Starting obexd as a deamon was a problem. When obexd was tried on a text terminal (init 3) it was not possible to start since it needs a dbus session which in turn needs X display. It means one need to login an X seession before you start obexd. If you dissable X while building DBUS (--without-x) then Window Managers will not work. But there is solution with 'dus-run-session < command> [args]'. That means you can start a service obexd (like bluetoothd) in the system start-up. So just by switching on the Computer ( if pairing, trusting etc... was done earlier) one can push files from Phone to computer.
>> connect <device>
Second time onwards just connection is fine. Probably you can trust the device.
>> trust <device>

How to get harddrive serial number in C or asm without wmi

how to get harddrive serial number(not the volume # wich change at each reinstall of windows) in C or asm, without wmi (cause wmi required admin right). Any clue would be helpfull cause right now i found nothing on web in C without wmi, in dayss of searching... Thank you.
EDIT : For windows system
Please try my open source tool, DiskId32, which also has the source code at . I only have an Win32 version at this time. Maybe some day I will add a Win64 version.
Hard drive serial number and other information about the harddrive like firmware version, etc. can only be obtained using SMART as far as I know and that requires special ioctls to the the block device node (/dev/sda or /dev/sdb) which is usually not available to a regular user.
I know there is a tool called smartctl which does exactly this:
sudo smartctl -i /dev/sda
Similar tools exist (hdparm, lshw, etc.) as well.
As far as trying to figure it out this info without being a privileged user, it might be possible only if it is exposed via /proc or /sys which I highly doubt is being done in the current SATA block device drivers.
