AngularJS, need help creating a simple function - angularjs

I would like to understand how to do the following, they asked me to try and create a function in the controller instead of writing the code in the view.
The code is:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 max300"
uib-dropdown is-open="vm.descriptionDropdownOpen">
<textarea name="description" class="form-control"
<ul id="descriptionDropdown" uib-dropdown-menu>
<li ng-repeat="descr in vm.loadedDescriptions"
ng-click="vm.presence.description = descr.text;
vm.descriptionDropdownOpen = false;">
so basically this creates a text box, and when you click on it, a dropdown menu will appear, and if you click on a string of the dropdown menu, that string will be put in the text box.
What I need to do is to create a function that will be put in the controller, so we can just call that function in the view and keep the code nicer.
This function just needs to do the last part of the code I posted above, take the string I click on from the dropdown menu and put it in the text box!
It's really simple but as I'm learning I'm not that sure on how I should write it
setDescription(text: string) {
// code should go here.
Sorry for this stupid question, just wanna be sure to understand correctly what I am doing! thank you

vm.submitString = function(text){
return vm.presence.description = text;

resolved like this:
setDescription(text: string) {
return this.presence.description = text;


Set condition to style expression

I read about ngClass in angularjs docs looked at different issues, but i still dont understand how to solve my simple problem with angular...
I have a simple button in html
<div class="form-group">
<button ng-click="displayMessage();">Change color</button>
By click on this button, function displayMessage analyze input-field (i didnt show it here) and returns one message from three, it depends from condition.
$scope.message = firstMessage;
$scope.message = secondMessage;
$scope.message = thirdMessage;
This message is expression. And validates with "if" in my app.js
<div class="form-group message">
And my problem is to change style of my message depending what message now is showing.
For example if it validates with firstMessage - this message should be green.
If it secondMessage - yellow...
And so on.
As i understand i need to manipulate with ng-class, but i could imagine how it works without good example
Store message and class associated with it in an object and use it in your html
$scope.message = {
"message" : "firstMessage",
"class" : "red"
<div ng-class="message.class" class="form-group message">
in CSS
.red {
//whatever styling you want
Please have a look at plunker

Removing items from an array with Angular

Yes, it has been asked before, and I've read all the answers but nothing seems to work. So I'm asking for an extra pair of eyes to see if you can find any singularity in my code that is making it not work as it should. (I tried this code and logic somewhere else and it seems to work fine). No errors in the console by the way
I am simply trying to remove an item from the view when someone clicks the x on the picture.
Here is the controller
app.controller('galleryController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.galleries = data;
}).error(function(error) {
var removedGallery = $scope.galleries.indexOf(gallery);
$scope.galleries.splice(removedGallery, 1);
and my view
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3" ng-repeat="gallery in galleries" >
<a class="gallery-item" ng-href="{{gallery.img}}" ng-class="{true:'active',false:''}[checked]"
title="Nature Image 1" >
<div class="image">
<img ng-src="{{gallery.img}}" alt="Nature Image 1"/>
<div class="meta">
<ul class="gallery-item-controls">
<li><label class="check"><input type="checkbox" class="icheckbox" ng-model="checked" /></label></li>
<li><span class="gallery-item-remove"><i class="fa fa-times" ng-click="removeGalleryItem(gallery)"></i></span></li>
Angular 1.5.8
You can pass an $index in your click function like this.
<i class="fa fa-times" ng-click="removeGalleryItem(galleryItem, $event , $index)">
and use $scope.galleries.splice(index, 1); inside your click function removeGalleryItem, make sure you have index parameter too like this.
$scope.removeGalleryItem = function(gallery , event, index){
$scope.galleries.splice(index, 1);
Hope this helps..
After doing some research I think the problem is that galleryController is defined somewhere in your markup but the elements in the gallery are not inside of where that controller is defined.
Referring to In file slidesController.js where galleryController is defined I put a break here and the code pauses:
I also put a break point here but the code does not pause when clicking on a delete button:
Looking at the markup I can't see any sign of ng-controller="galleryController" so I can't see how galleries in the ng-repeat is populated:
Maybe it is through this:
If it is through that then it would explain things as that directive has its own controller. Any further information would help and I'm sure we can clear this up.
If I understood correctly your question, if you want to delete a particular element both from DOM and Array containing these particular elements you can do the following:
<!-- Intercept that particular Element with $event-->
<i class="fa fa-times" ng-click="removeGalleryItem(galleryItem, $event)">
Lets supposing you are repeating some galleryItems and they have a name property.
And on your controller:
$scope.removeGalleryItem(galleryItem, $event){
//Save galleryItem Name
var itemName = $($event.currentTarget).name(); // if it has it on html
var itemName =; // if it has a property
//Get the target and remove it
//Using lodash, loop through your array and remove that exact object from it.
//Ofc you can do a normal loop through it.
$scope.galleries = _.remove($scope.galleries, function(n) {
return n != itemName;
//Then, if the change does not happen in your DOM
Hope I've been helpful.
I have made some changes to fix this issue and you can check it at this link.
The problem here was that there was a typo in the html snippet that was calling the removeGalleryItem(galleryItem, $event). The parameter name should have been gallery, not galleryItem, since there is no such object by the name galleryItem, hence inside this method, the parameter value was undefined. Once I fixed it, I was able to get the gallery object within the removeGalleryItem method and the following code worked absolutely fine:
var selectedGallery = $scope.galleries.indexOf(gallery);
$scope.galleries.splice(selectedGallery, 1);
Also note that, I have removed the $event attribute from the method declaration and from the html method call as we didn't need it in the above mentioned approach.
<i class="fa fa-times" ng-click="removeGalleryItem(gallery)"></i>

AngularJS - One controller on two sibling DOM elements

I'm trying to do a very simple thing. I'm displaying a list of values with Edit links beside them. Clicking the edit link reveals a form that lets you update the value.
(I've simplified the question so the items just have one field "name". My actual use case has more fields, but is canonically equivalent.)
I've run into something that looks like a bug in Angular, but given my limited experience with it, I'm not so sure. Here's how I'm trying to do it:
<div ng-repeat-start="item in items" ng-controller="ItemCtrl as ctrl" ng-hide="ctrl.isEditing">
<span>Name: {{}}.</span>
<a href='#' ng-click='ctrl.startEditing()'>Edit</a>
<div ng-repeat-end ng-show="ctrl.isEditing">
<input type='text' ng-model=''/>
<a href='#' ng-click=''>Save</a>
My controller looks like this:
app.controller('ItemController', function() {
this.isEditing = false;
this.startEditing = function() { this.isEditing = true; } = function() { this.isEditing = false; }
Clicking on Edit link calls the right controller function, and the first div hides. But the second div does not hide.
When I rearrange the code to look like this (essentially wrapping the two divs with a wrapper element), all is well.
<div ng-repeat="item in items" ng-controller="ItemCtrl as ctrl">
<div ng-hide="ctrl.isEditing">
<span>Name: {{}}.</span>
<a href='#' ng-click='ctrl.startEditing()'>Edit</a>
<div ng-show="ctrl.isEditing">
<input type='text' ng-model=''/>
<a href='#' ng-click=''>Save</a>
Any idea what is technically wrong with the first version? Note that the <input> boxes do get populated with the right values from
PS: There's a reason why I'm trying to keep the two divs siblings: in my use case, they are actually implemented as two trs which are supposed to appear right below each other in a table.
It's not a bug from angular but it is quite logical.
<div ng-repeat-start="item in items" ng-controller="ItemCtrl as ctrl" ng-hide="ctrl.isEditing">
<span>Name: {{}}.</span>
<a href='#' ng-click='ctrl.startEditing()'>Edit</a>
<div ng-repeat-end ng-show="ctrl.isEditing">
<input type='text' ng-model=''/>
<a href='#' ng-click=''>Save</a>
If you see the above code you have injected controller only to the first div so obviously sibling div doesn't know what is ctrl or ItemCtrl until and unless you do as in you second way.
So if you want to achieve it as sibling, if you are using routing then add the controller attribute in your route path.
So that the controller will be active for that entire template and you can achieve what you want.
Hope it helps.
Thats because controller has its own scope. When you placed controller ONLY on your first div controllers' scope is limited to only this one div. When you wrapped both your divs inside another and place controller on wrapper, controllers' scope now is all that inside this wrapper. So in this case this works fine and this is not the angular bug

ng-click showing all the hidden text field on ng-repeat rather than one in Angular

I started to work with Angular, it's pretty good to implement, I stuck with a single issue at ng-click
I am getting data dynamically and showing with ng-repeat, and I want to update the data at pencil click and for it I am using input text element, but when I click on pencil It's opening all the text fields
Here is my HTML code
div ng-repeat="item in scroller.items track by $index">
<div class="secHead text-center">
<button class="common btnDarkGrey" data-ng-hide="hideCatButton">{{item.category_name}}</button>
<input type="text" id="focus-{{$index}}" class="common btnDarkGrey editDashboardCategory" name="editCategory" value="" data-ng-model="item.category_name" data-ng-show="hideField">
<span data-ng-click="updateCategory(item.category_id,item.category_name,$index)" class="chkOneDone" data-ng-show="hideOkButton">Done</span>
<div class="pull-right">
And here I Angular code
$scope.updateCategory=function(category_id,updated_cat_name, $index){
I created a Category service to perform task like update
I didn't get any proper solution yet.
Can anybody help me?
Thank You.
If you only want to hide/show one of the elements in the list you need to specify that in some fashion. Right now you have a three rootScope booleans:
being set for the entire list, and you need to set a show properties on each individual in the list.
In your controller function you can do something like this before you expect a click:
//normal for loop so that you have the index
for(var i=0; i < $scope.scroller.items.length; i++){
$scope.scroller.items[i].show = false;
Then you can do something like this to actually show the fields:
div ng-repeat="item in scroller.items track by $index">
<div class="secHead text-center">
<button class="common btnDarkGrey" ng-hide="!">
<input type="text" id="focus-{{$index}}" class="common btnDarkGrey editDashboardCategory" name="editCategory" value="" ng-model="item.category_name" ng-hide="!">
<span data-ng-click="updateCategory(item.category_id,item.category_name,$index)" class="chkOneDone" ng-show="">Done</span>
<div class="pull-right">
//controller declaration --
$scope.updatePen = function(index){
$scope.scroller.items[index].show = true;
It's my understanding that you need all three properties to show once a click happens, so I condensed all the show properties into one single show property.
Your view only sees that hideField is true and performs that action for all of the items in your array. I hope this helps!

Adding new form fields dynamically in ngView - Angularjs

I use routing to load different templates into a ngView. One of the templates has a simple controller which contains an array of contacts. What I'm trying to do here is as simple as by clicking a link (ngclick) call a function and add a new object into the array which I expect will be reflected in my UI.
It's something like this:
$scope.contacts = [{name='', email=''}];
<li ng-repeat="con in contacts">
<input type="text" ng-model=""/>
<input type="email" ng-model=""/>
<a href ng-click="addContact()">add</a>
$scope.addContact = function() {
$scope.contacts.push( {name='', email=''} ); //-- i can use either $scope or this to reference the array and works.
So, the UI renders well with the initial value, the addContact function is invoked on click and I see the value is pushed (length = 2) but then the function ends the array seems to be reset to one element (lenght = 1) after angularjs evaluation.
I'm not sure if this is occurring because I use ngView. I mean, I reviewed this example ( and I don't see much differences of what I'm trying to do here, the diff is that I use routing with ngView.
Help is much appreciated.
In your Fiddle, you are resetting the array length to 1 in the ng-show:
<span ng-hide="contacts.length = 1">
Do this and it will work:
<span ng-hide="contacts.length == 1">
{name='', email=''} is wrong syntax btw, it should be {name:'', email:''}
