Component props will not update after state if redux state changes - reactjs

So I have read through numerous post which seem to cover the same topic as me, but after trying all their solutions, I simply cant make it work, so here it goes.
I have a simple search filter, that I use to filter some recipes by their name. I have a Redux Store to handle the state(value) of the search filter. When entering values in the input field, my actions goes fine to the reducer, which updates the state (I can see that with both console.logs and Redux DevTools). But somehow, this doesn't update my props, which are mapped with connect and mapStateToProps
All previous answers I have come across, points to mutating state, but I have tried to go over multiple iterations of my reducer, but then again, I might just be overlooking something.
My filter action dispatch:
My reducer:
const filterNameReducer = (state = [""], action) => {
if (action.type === 'SET_NAME_FILTER') {
return [
return state;
My RecipeListContainer:
class RecipeListContainer extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<RecipeList recipes={ } filterName={ this.props.filterName }/>
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
filterName: state.filterNameState,
module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(RecipeListContainer)
My RecipeList component:
class RecipeList extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
{, this).map(({ node: recipe }) => {
return (
<RecipeListItem key={ } id={ } value={ 0 } name={ } time={ recipe.time } type={ recipe.type } tags={ recipe.tags } ingredients={ recipe.ingredients } />
filters() {
if (this.props.filterName[0].length != 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
I know that my filter doesn't do that much yet, but I've made it simple, so that i just could see if it gets updated. And it filter correct, if i change the initial value of my reducer. So shouldn't be that.
Also, Im using it in a GatsbyJS, but according to their documentation and examples, this should not be a problem. But i could be wrong?
Lots of thanks in advance! If I have missed something for you to find a solution, let me know, Im new to posting on SO.


Relay local state management. How to add and use flag on client side?

The problem:
I want to have simple boolean flag that will be true when modal is opened and false when it is closed. And I want to update other components reactively depends on that flag
I hope there is a way to do it with relay only (Apollo has a solution for that). I don't want to connect redux of mobx or something like that (It is just simple boolean flag!).
What I already have:
It is possible to use commitLocalUpdate in order to modify your state.
Indeed I was able to create and modify my new flag like that:
class ModalComponent extends PureComponent {
componentDidMount() {
// Here I either create or update value if it exists
commitLocalUpdate(environment, (store) => {
if (!store.get('isModalOpened')) {
store.create('isModalOpened', 'Boolean').setValue(true);
} else {
componentWillUnmount() {
// Here I mark flag as false
commitLocalUpdate(environment, (store) => {
render() {
// This is just react component so you have full picture
return ReactDOM.createPortal(
className={ styles.modalContainer }
dummy modal
The challenge:
How to update other components reactively depends on that flag?
I can't fetch my flag like this:
const MyComponent = (props) => {
return (
environment={ environment }
query={ graphql`
query MyComponentQuery {
} //PROBLEM IS HERE GraphQLParser: Unknown field `isModalOpened` on type `Query`
render={ ({ error, props: data, retry }) => {
return (
} }
Because Relay compiler throws me an error: GraphQLParser: Unknown field 'isModalOpened' on type 'Query'.
And the last problem:
How to avoid server request?
That information is stored on client side so there is no need for request.
I know there a few maybe similar questions like that and that. But they doesn't ask most difficult part of reactive update and answers are outdated.
If you need to store just one flag as you said, I recommend you to use React Context instead of Relay. You could do next:
Add Context to App component:
const ModalContext = React.createContext('modal');
export class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
isModalOpened: false
toggleModal = (value) => {
isModalOpened: value
getModalContextValue() {
return {
isModalOpened: this.state.isModalOpened,
toggleModal: this.toggleModal
render() {
return (
<ModalContext.Provider value={this.getModalContextValue()}>
//your child components
Get value from context everywhere you want:
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const { isModalOpened } = useContext(ModalContext);
return (
If you will use this solution you will get rid of using additional libraries such as Relay and server requests.

Update React when Data in Object in Store has changed

I've found lots of similar problems, can't seem to sort my case
I have a component that won't re-render when data changes.
When MODE changes, which is a string, the entity re-renders and updates.
When hotspot.description changes, it won't update.
I can see the description has changed in the store, I can console log the changes all the way to this component.
However I just can't get this component to update when the description changes in hotspot.
Any clues!?
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
mode: state.admin.hotspot.mode,
hotspot: state.admin.hotspot.edit,
export default class HotspotRenderer extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
hotspot : nextProps.hotspot,
mode: nextProps.mode,
render() {
const {hotspot,mode} = this.state
const isEditingText = hotspot && mode === HOTSPOT_EDIT_MODE.TEXT
const html = hotspot != null ? ReactHtmlParser(draftToHtml(hotspot.description)) : null
return (
isEditingText &&
<div className={`hotspot-renderer hotspot${} hotspot-text-default`}><div>{html}</div></div>
const initialState = {
isDraggingNewHotspot: false,
export function hotspot(prevState=initialState, action) {
switch(action.type) {
case START_ADD_HOTSPOT: return { ...prevState, isDraggingNewHotspot: true }
case FINISH_ADD_HOTSPOT: return { ...prevState, isDraggingNewHotspot: false }
case ADD_HOTSPOT: return { ...prevState, mode: HOTSPOT_EDIT_MODE.DRAG}
case EDIT_HOTSPOT: return { ...prevState, edit: action.hotspot}
case FINISH_EDIT_HOTSPOT: return { ...prevState, edit: null}
case EDIT_HOTSPOT_MODE: return { ...prevState, mode: action.mode }
case UPDATE_HOTSPOT: return { ...prevState, edit : action.hotspot }
case GO_TO_EDIT_SCENE: return { ...prevState, edit :null,mode :null }
case UPDATE_SCENE_HOTSPOT_SUCCESS: return { ...prevState, edit: processUpdatedHotspot(prevState.edit,action.payload) }
default: return prevState
function processUpdatedHotspot(prev,update){
return null
if(! =
return prev
Here is where the description is edited
let hotspot = this.state.hotspot
hotspot.description = description
hotspot.imageUpdateRequired = true
this.setState({hotspot : hotspot})
This is dispatched whenever text is changed, via a draft-js editor.
The state is updated with the changes, and another entity is aware of them.
You have to follow the Immutable pattern to update your value, even before passing it to redux (see updating nesting objects in the link).
So before sending hotspot.edit to your reducer be sure to update the nested description object following the immutable pattern like this :
const hotspot = {
description, // shorthand for description: description
imageUpdateRequired: true,
this.setState({ hotspot });
So you have to question yourself, are you sure your action it's being actually taken?
Any non-case in the switch statement will return the previous state, therefore It's normal that It won't re-render.
Some tips to follow to verify if your redux state it's being updated:
Make sure your constants are imported correctly in your actions and in your reducer
Make sure the triggered action it's being properly taken by the reducer
Log the next state in your reducer before your return it, so you can be sure that the next state is the correct one
Follow this steps and let me know if your problem persists

Adding Redux to an existing React app

I've been working on a React app and have gotten to a point where I'll need Redux to handle some aspects of it.
After reading a bunch of tutorials, I'm fairly stuck on how to make my "smarter" components "dumber" and move functions into my actions and reducers.
So, for example, one aspect of the app is more of a to-do list style.
One of my classes starts like this:
export default class ItemList extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = { items: [],
completed: [],
this.addItem = this.addItem.bind(this);
this.completeItem = this.completeItem.bind(this);
this.deleteItem = this.deleteItem.bind(this);
addItem(e) {
var i = this.state.items;
text: this._inputElement.value,
paused: false,
this.setState({ items: i });
this._inputElement.value = '';
completeItem(e) {
var c = this.state.completed;
paused: false,
this.setState({ completed: c });
deleteItem(e) {
var i = this.state.items;
var result = i.filter(function(obj) {
return obj.text !=='item-name')[0].innerHTML;
this.setState({ items: result });
// ... more irrelevant code here ...
// there's a function called createTasks that renders individual items
render() {
var listItems =;
return <div className="item-list">
<form className="form" onSubmit={this.addItem}>
<input ref={(a) => this._inputElement = a}
placeholder="Add new item"
autoFocus />
<button type="submit"></button>
So, as you can see, it's very logic-heavy. I've started adding Redux by adding a <Provider> in my index file, and made a basic reducers file that is fairly empty so far:
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
const itemList = (state = {}, action) => {
// ... other irrelevant reducers
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
// ...
export default rootReducer;
...and I've made an actions file that doesn't have much in it yet either.
I've been struggling to figure out:
Most actions I've seen examples of just return some kind of JSON, what do I return in the reducer that uses that JSON that my component can use?
How much of my component logic is reusable, or should I just forget it? What is the best way to go about this to reuse as much code as I've written as possible?
First of all you need to understand the overall picture of how redux works with react.
Before coming to that lets first understand what are smart components and dumb components.
Smart Components
All your code logic needs to be handled here
They are also called containers.
They interact with the store(aka state management) to update your components.
Dumb Components
They just read props from your containers and render you components
This is just the UI view and should not contain any logic.
All styling/html/css comes in your dumb components.
Here is an amazing piece of article which you can go through to understand smart and dumb components if you still have doubts.
Ok, now lets try understanding how redux works:-
Your smart components(aka containers) interact with your redux store
You fire actions from your containers.
Your actions call your apis
The result of your action updates the store through a reducer
You containers read the store through mapStateToProps function and as soon as value in store changes it updates your component.
Now lets consider your todo example
class TodoListContainer extends Component {
componentWillMount () {
// fire you action action
render () {
return (
<Todos todos=={this.props.todos} />
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const {todos} = state;
return {
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(TodoListContainer)
class TodoList extends Component {
renderTodos() {
return <Todo todo={todo} key={} />
render () {
return () {
if (this.props.todos.length === 0) {
return <div>No todos</div>
return (
export default class TodoList
class Todo extends Component {
render () {
return (
export default function todos(state={},action) {
switch (action.type) {
return Object.assign(state,action.todos);
function fetchTodos() {
return(dispatch) => {
//api details
function receiveTodos(todos) {
return {
Now if you have read redux documentation you would see that actions return objects then how would i call my api there which returns a function instead of an object. For that I used redux thunk about which you can read here.
I gave you an example in which you can fetch todos. If you want to do other operations like deleteTodo, addTodo, modifyTodo then you can do that in appropriate components.
DeleteTodo - you can do in TodoListContainer.
AddingTodo - you can do in TodoListContainer.
Changing State(completed/Pending) - you can do in TodoListContainer.
ModifyingTodo - you can do in TodoContainer.
You can also check out here for a detailed example, but before that I would say just should go through basics of redux which you can find here
P.S: I wrote code on the fly so it might not work properly but it should work with little modification.

setState works but redux store update doesn't

First, I want to mention that the only thing I'm changing between two approaches is setState vs going through the Redux store. Not changing anything else i.e. components, etc.
If I use the setState approach, I can close my modal but if I go through the store, it doesn't close. Any idea why?
Here's my reducer:
import 'babel-polyfill';
import * as types from '../actions/actionTypes';
const initialState = {
modals: {
"modal1": { isDisplayed: true },
"modal2": { isDisplayed: false }
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
modals: action.modals
default: return state
Here are the two versions of my onClick action that is supposed to close the modal.
This is the setState version and it works:
displayModal(modalId, value)
let modals = this.props.modals;
modals[modalId].isDisplayed = value;
return setState({modals: modals});
And here's the version that goes through the redux store and it does NOT close my modal.
displayModal(modalId, value)
let modals = this.props.modals;
modals[modalId].isDisplayed = value;
return this.props.actions.displayModal(modals);
There's not much to the action but here it is:
export const displayModal = (modals) => {
return {
Just so you see how it looks in my component, here it is:
render() {
<div>Some info...</div>
? <Modal1 />
: null}
? <Modal2 />
: null}
BTW, I know that I'm hitting the action and the reducer. I also know that if I put a debugger in my mapStateToProps, I'm hitting it with updated state for my modals. So I know both the action and the reducer are doing what they're supposed to.
I just tried something and this fixed the issue. I added last line to mapStateToProps and updated the section in my component:
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
modals: state.modals,
isModal1Displayed: state.modals["modal1"].isDisplayed // Just added this line
And changed the code in my component to:
render() {
<div>Some info...</div>
? <Modal1 />
: null}
First of all, never mutate state in Redux reducer - it must be a pure function to work and detect changes correctly. Same rules apply to objects which you get with props.
You must change your code so you only dispatch an action to the store and reduce it to a new state.
First, dispatch an action:
displayModal(modalId, value)
this.props.actions.displayModal(modalId, value);
Your action will carry information which modal to hide or show:
export const displayModal = (modalId, value) => {
return {
Then you can reduce it:
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return Object.assign({}, state,
modals: Object.assign({}, state.modals,
[action.modalId]: { isDisplayed: action.value }
default: return state
As you can see there is a lot of boilerplate here now. With ES6 and ES7 you can rewrite your reducer with the object spread operator or you can use Immutable.js library, which will help you with setting properties deep in the hierarchy.
Reducer with object spread operator looks like this:
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
modals: {
[action.modalId]: { isDisplayed: action.value }
default: return state
You may ask yourself why your fix works. Let me explain.
You change a modal state when you dispatch an action to the Redux by mutating state in place modals[modalId].isDisplayed = value. After that the action is dispatched, reduced and mapToProps gets called again. There is probably reference check in connect higher order component and you have mutated the modal but not the modals object so it has the same reference = your component doesn't re-render. By adding a isModal1Displayed field you are actually disabling optimizations because there is boolean comparison, not a reference check and your component rerenders.
I hope it will help you with understanding Redux and it's principles.

React - Redux - Connect data fetched to Component

I am creating a React application and integrating Redux to it in order to manage the state and do network requests.
I followed the Todo tutorial and I am following the async example from the redux website, but I am stucked.
Here is my problem, I want, in my application, to fetch a user from a remote server. So the server send me a json array containing an object (maybe it's better if the server send me directly an object ? )
The json I obtain looks like that (I put only two fields but there are more in real) :
[{first_name: "Rick", "last_name": "Grimes"}]
Anyway I can fetch the data from the server but I can't inject user's data into my application, I hope you can help me but the most important is that I understand why it doesn't work.
Here are my several files :
I have two actions, one for the request and the other for the response:
function requestConnectedUser(){
return {
function receiveConnectedUser(user){
return {
export function fetchConnectedUser(){
return function(dispatch) {
return fetch(``)
.then(response =>
.then(json =>
function connectedUser(state= {
}, action){
switch (action.type){
return Object.assign({}, state, {
isFetching: true
return Object.assign({}, state, {
user: action.user,
isFetching: false
return state;
And I have finally my container element, that I have called Profile.js
import React from 'react';
import { fetchConnectedUser } from '../actions';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
class Profile extends React.Component{
componentDidMount() {
const { dispatch } = this.props;
const { user, isFetching} = this.props;
console.log("Props log :", this.props);
return (
{isFetching &&
Is fetching
{!isFetching &&
Call component here and pass user data as props
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const {isFetching, user: connectedUser } = connectedUser || { isFetching: true, user: []}
return {
user: state.connectedUser
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Profile)
In the code above, I always have the Is Fetching paragraph being display, but even when I remove it, I cannot access to user data.
I think I have the beginning of something because when I console.log I can see my actions being dispatched and the data being added to the state, but I think I am missing something in the link communication with this data to the UI Component.
Am I on the good way or do I have a lot of things to refactor ? Any help would be very helpful !
Seeing as you are immediately fetching the data I allow myself to assume that isFetching may be true at beginning. Add an initial state to your reducer
state = { isFetching: true, user: null }
Then assuming you setup the reducer correctly:
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const {isFetching, user } = state.connectedUser
return {
Hope this works, feels clean-ish.
