String concatenation based of column length - sql-server

i have telephone number like this in one table:
ID Telephone extention
1 9986323422 4
2 9992108 2222
3 9962718 241
Final result wanted is number of digit in extention will be taken and replace the end digit/(s) of "Telephone" column.
want my result to be:
ID Telephone extention result
1 9986323422 4 9986323424
2 9992108 2222 9992222
3 9962718 241 9962241
I have 100k records like this. What is the best and quick way to achieve this? Thanks.

This may be a little too cute1 but is an alternative to the STUFF approaches:
SELECT ID,Telephone,Extension,
SUBSTRING(Telephone,1-LEN(Extension),LEN(Telephone)) + Extension as Result
It works because negative arguments to the start parameter for SUBSTRING allow you to truncate the end of the string by those amounts.
1It avoid repetitive calls to LEN(), but the optimizer should be able to avoid duplication anyway and avoids having to reverse the entire string, but this does come at a readability cost.

You can use STUFF() together with some calculations with LEN()
DECLARE #dummyTable TABLE(ID INT,Telephone VARCHAR(100), extention VARCHAR(100));
,STUFF(t.Telephone,LEN(t.Telephone)-LEN(t.extention)+1,LEN(t.extention),t.extention) AS result
FROM #dummyTable AS t;
You might have to add some validations to avoid errors (e.g. length of extension should be smaller than of phone number)

In similar way use reverse() function with stuff() function to replace ends digits of Telephone value with extention value
select *, reverse(stuff(reverse(Telephone), 1, len(extention), reverse(extention)))
from table


Is there a way to find values that contain only 0's and a symbol of any length?

I want to find strings of any length that contain only 0's and a symbol such as a / a . or a -
Examples include 0__0 and 000/00/00000 and .00000
Considering this sample data:
CREATE TABLE dbo.things(thing varchar(255));
INSERT dbo.things(thing) VALUES
Try the following, which locates the first position of any character that is NOT a 0, a decimal, a forward slash, or an underscore. PATINDEX returns 0 if the pattern is not found.
SELECT thing FROM dbo.things
WHERE PATINDEX('%[^0^.^/^_]%', thing) = 0;
The opposite:
SELECT thing FROM dbo.things
WHERE PATINDEX('%[^0^.^/^_]%', thing) > 0;
Example db<>fiddle
I can see a way of doing this... But it's something that wouldn't perform well, if you think about using it as a search criteria.
We are going to use a translate function on SQL Server, to replace the allowed characters, or symbols as you've said, with a zero. And then, eliminates the zeroes. If the result is an empty string, then there are two cases, or it only had zeroes and allowed characters, or it already was an empty string.
So, checking for this and for non-empty strings, we can define if it matches your criteria.
-- Test scenario
create table #example (something varchar(200) )
insert into #example(something) values
--Example cases from Stack Overflow
-- With something not allowed (don't know, just put a number)
-- Just not allowed characters, zero, blank, and NULL
('1234567489'),('0'), (''),(null)
-- Shows the data, with a column to check if it matches your criteria
select *
from #example e
cross apply (
select case when
-- If it *must* have at least a zero
e.something like '%0%' and
-- Eliminates zeroes
-- Replaces the allowed characters with zero
) = ''
then cast(1 as bit)
else cast(0 as bit)
end as doesItMatch
) as criteria(doesItMatch)
I really discourage you from using this as a search criteria.
-- Queries the table over this criteria.
-- This is going to compute over your entire table, so it can get very CPU intensive
select *
from #example e
-- If it *must* have at least a zero
e.something like '%0%' and
-- Eliminates zeroes
-- Replaces the allowed characters with zero
) = ''
If you must use this as a search criteria, and this will be a common filter on your application, I suggest you create a new bit column, to flag if it matches this, and index it. Thus, the increase in computational effort would be spread on the inserts/updates/deletes, and the search queries won't overloading the database.
The code can be seen executing here, on DB Fiddle.
What I got from the question is that the strings must contain both 0 and any combination of the special characters in the string.
If you have SQL Server 2017 and above, you can use translate() to replace multiple characters with a space and compare this with the empty string. Also you can use LIKE to enforce that both a 0 and any combination of the special character(s) appear at least once:
DECLARE #temp TABLE (val varchar(100))
('0__0'), ('000/00/00000'), ('.00000'), ('w0hee/'), ('./')
FROM #temp
WHERE val LIKE '%0%' --must have at least one zero somewhere
AND val LIKE '%[_/.]%' --must have at least one special character(s) somewhere
AND TRANSLATE(val, '0./_', ' ') = '' --translated zeros and sp characters to spaces equivalent to an empty string
Creates output:

SQL query to find any consecutive integer in my amount field

So my data in the table looks like this:
amount | ID
10918.6 | ABC
9999.99 | BCD
9999.89 | DEF
I need to find all consecutive digit (9999.99, 1111.11, 2222.22 etc except 0000.00) So from above example output should give only BCD. I have to check for 1k place only.
If I have 9999.99 and 99.99 it should only give me 9999.99.
Also if I have 989999.99 I have to consider this also as my accepted output
I can do this by using where clause -- column like '%9999.99' or '%1111.11' but I need to find the better way may be by regular exp etc.
Using modulo you can strip away any digits above the 10k position, then check the values are in an accepted list.
(amount % 10000) IN (1111.11, 2222.22, 3333.33, 4444.44, 5555.55, 6666.66, 7777.77, 8888.88, 9999.99)
(amount % 10000) / 1111.11 IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
These avoid turning numbers in to strings, which is generally neither necessary nor prudent.

How to get max Value Unit from field Value Unit based on first value before comma separated?

I work on SQL server 2012 I face issue :i can't get first max value from value Unit based on First value before comma .
as example This value Unit below :
1.89, 2.625, 3.465
I will get first value before comma separated as 1.89 then if this number is max value return full number
exist on Value Unit
create table #finaltable
partid int,
ValueUnit nvarchar(50)
insert into #finaltable(partid,ValueUnit)
(2532,'1.71, 2.375, 3.135'),
(2532,'1.89, 2.625, 3.465')
select * from #finaltable
How to get first max value from field ValueUnit based on first value before comma separated ?
Expected Result returned :
1.89, 2.625, 3.465
because 1.89 is maximum number from 1.71 then I returned full number
I agree with the comments, your design is bad. For more on that, you should also read "Is storing a delimited list in a database column really that bad?".
But well, you can use patindex() to get the position of the comma and then extract the first number representation with left(). convert() it to some decimal, order by it and take the TOP 1 row.
FROM #finaltable
ORDER BY convert(decimal(4, 3), left(valueunit, patindex('%,%', valueunit) - 1)) DESC;
You may need to tweak the conversion to a decimal. I don't know what maximum length and precision you may need.

Regex string with 2+ different numbers and some optional characters in Snowflake syntax

I would like to check if a specific column in one of my tables meets the following conditions:
String must contain at least three characters
String must contain at least two different numbers [e.g. 123 would work but 111 would not]
Characters which are allowed in the string:
Numbers (0-9)
Uppercase letters
Lowercase letters
Underscores (_)]
Dashes (-)
I have some experience with Regex but am having issues with Snowflake's syntax. Whenever I try using the '?' regex character (to mark something as optional) I receive an error. Can someone help me understand a workaround and provide a solution?
What I have so far:
SELECT string,
LENGTH(string) AS length
FROM tbl
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(string,'^[0-9]+{3,}[-+]?[A-Z]?[a-z]?$')
ORDER BY length;
Your regex looks a little confusing and invalid, and it doesn't look like it quite meets your needs either. I read this expression as a string that:
Must start with one or more digits, at least 3 or more times
The confusing part to me is the '+' is a quantifier, which is not quantifiable with {3,} but somehow doesn't produce an error for me
Optionally followed by either a dash or plus sign
Followed by an uppercase character zero or one times (giving back as needed)
Followed by and ending with a lowercase character zero or one times (giving back as needed)
You say that your string must contain 3 characters and at least 2 different numbers, numbers are characters but I'm not sure if you mean 3 letters...
Are you considering the numbers to be characters?
Does the order of the characters matter?
Can you provide an example of the error you are receiving?
Checking for a second digit that is not the same as the first involves the concept of a lookahead with a backreference. Snowflake does not support backreferences.
One thing about pattern matching with regular expressions is that order makes a difference. If order is not of importance to you, then you'll have multiple patterns to match against.
Below is how you can test each part of your requirements individually. I've included a few regexp_substr functions to show how extraction can work to check if something exists again.
Uncomment the WHERE clause to see the dataset filtered. The filters are written as expressions so you can remove any/all of the regexp_* columns.
select randstr(36,random(123)) as r_string
,length(r_string) AS length
,regexp_like(r_string,'^[0-9]+{3,}[-+]?[A-Z]?[a-z]?$') as reg
,regexp_like(r_string,'.*[A-Za-z]{3,}.*') as has_3_consecutive_letters
,regexp_like(r_string,'.*\\d+.*\\d+.*') as has_2_digits
,regexp_substr(r_string,'(\\d)',1,1) as first_digit
,regexp_substr(r_string,'(\\d)',1,2) as second_digit
,first_digit <> second_digit as digits_1st_not_equal_2nd
,not(regexp_instr(r_string,regexp_substr(r_string,'(\\d)',1,1),1,2)) as first_digit_does_not_appear_again
,has_3_consecutive_letters and has_2_digits and first_digit_does_not_appear_again as test
from table(generator(rowcount => 10))
//where regexp_like(r_string,'.*[A-Za-z]{3,}.*') // has_3_consecutive_letters
// and regexp_like(r_string,'.*\\d+.*\\d+.*') // has_2_digits
// and not(regexp_instr(r_string,regexp_substr(r_string,'(\\d)',1,1),1,2)) // first_digit_does_not_appear_again
Assuming the digits need to be contiguous, you can use a javascript UDF to find the number in a string with with the largest number of distinct digits:
create or replace function f(S text)
returns float
language javascript
returns null on null input
const m = S.match(/\d+/g)
if (!m) return 0
const lengths => [ Set (m.split(''))].length)
const max_length = lengths.reduce((a,b) => Math.max(a,b))
return max_length
Combined with WHERE-clause, this does what you want, I believe:
select column1, f(column1) max_length
from t
where max_length>1 and length(column1)>2 and column1 rlike '[\\w\\d-]+';
abc123def567ghi1111_123 | 3
123 | 3
111222 | 2
Assuming this input:
create or replace table t as
select * from values ('abc123def567ghi1111_123'), ('xyz111asdf'), ('123'), ('111222'), ('abc 111111111 abc'), ('12'), ('asdf'), ('123 456'), (null);
The function is even simpler if the digits don't have to be contiguous (i.e. count the distinct digits in a string). Then core logic changes to:
const m = S.match(/\d/g)
if (!m) return 0
const length = [ Set (m)].length
return length
Hope that's helpful!

Fuzzy string matching SQL - words in different order

How to match strings which are not exact and have a different order of words. Usually the strings have similar digit patterns but the words may be in different order.
For example, I would consider a good matching of strings:
Target string: Apple 10mg/51L Tail
Test string: Tail 10mg/51L Apple (just shuffle of words, correct spelling)
I would also consider a good match between the following strings:
Test string: 51L MissleadingLENWord ObfuscateTail 10mg Apple (all the words of target string can be found in the test string if we check each word one by one with LIKE clause i.e. "Tail" of target string can be found in test string in word "ObfuscateTail").
I would like to see the solution of this problem in the function returning the percentage number, which means how similar the strings are - zero - the strings are different, 100% both strings are the same.
Which algorytm should I use? Best if it could be implemented with SQL Server.
I could find some algorithms proposed here: Fuzzy matching using T-SQL.
Is the Levenshtein distance algorithm mentioned in leading answer appropriate for mixed order of words?
As long as the words are separated (blank, / or any other delimiter), this can be done with a string splitter and a hit count, but you won't find "Tail" in "ObfuscateTail". You'd need some CamelCase parsing additionally...
A rather easy workaround would be a LIKE search with all the fragments, but this might bring back to much - and (for sure!) this won't be fast...
Try something like this:
INSERT INTO #mockupTable VALUES('51L MissleadingLENWord ObfuscateTail 10mg Apple')
,('Some other 51L with differing words');
DECLARE #search VARCHAR(100)='Apple 10mg/51L Tail';
WITH Parted AS
SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(REPLACE(#search,' ','/'),'/','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML) AS SearchFragmentsXML
,AllSearchWords AS
SELECT frgmnt.value(N'.',N'nvarchar(max)') AS Frg
FROM Parted
CROSS APPLY SearchFragmentsXML.nodes(N'/x') AS A(frgmnt)
,COUNT(*) AS CountHits
,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AllSearchWords) AS CountFragments
FROM #mockupTable AS t
INNER JOIN AllSearchWords AS Frgs ON t.YourTarget LIKE '%' + Frgs.Frg + '%'
The result
ID CountHits CountFragments
1 4 4
2 1 4
The closer the "count of hits" is to the "count of fragments" the better.
UPDATE: A function (not recommended)
DROP FUNCTION dbo.YourSearch;
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.YourSearch(#SearchIn VARCHAR(MAX), #SearchFor VARCHAR(100)='Apple 10mg/51L Tail')
DECLARE #rslt DECIMAL(10,4) =
SELECT CAST(COUNT(*) AS FLOAT) / MAX(SearchFragmentsXML.value('count(/x[text()])','float'))
SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(REPLACE(#SearchFor,' ','/'),'/','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML) AS SearchFragmentsXML
) AS Parted
CROSS APPLY SearchFragmentsXML.nodes(N'/x') AS A(frgmnt)
WHERE #SearchIn LIKE '%' + frgmnt.value(N'text()[1]',N'nvarchar(max)') + '%'
RETURN #rslt;
INSERT INTO #mockupTable VALUES('51L MissleadingLENWord ObfuscateTail 10mg Apple')
,('Some other 51L with differing words');
,dbo.YourSearch(t.YourTarget,'Apple 10mg/51L Tail') AS HitCoeff
FROM #mockupTable AS t;
The result
ID YourTarget HitCoeff
1 51L MissleadingLENWord ObfuscateTail 10mg Apple 1
2 Some other 51L with differing words 0,25
Hint: It would help a lot, if you'd use a physical table with a SessionID, where you fill in the fragments of your search string. Then you pass the SessionID to the function and grab the fragments from there. This would - at least - avoid repeated splittings and could use result caching.
You are looking for what is often called phrase matching.
Fuzzy in the word and on the words gets messy fast.
All approaches start with splitting the words.
You could use a Levenshtein distance distance but based on words not characters within the word. You could just take the hash of the word. Not perfect but hash based would be much faster.
The common best practice here is tf–idf. This is used by Lucene. You may think it is kind of intense but I did it on a library of 1 million documents using up to the first 100,000 words and it finds ranked matches in less than 1 second. Again you don't get fuzzy in the word.
Cosine similarity is another option.
Fuzzy in the words you could Levenshtein against every word and take the smallest then do some sum. I don't recommend this route.
I have not found anything that could measure the shuffling of words in a string. For a shuffling of letters I ended up using this answer:
FROM 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00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Levenshtein](#S1 [nvarchar](200), #S2 [nvarchar](200))
EXTERNAL NAME [FuzzyString].[StoredFunctions].[HaBoLevenshtein]
Example how to use it:
select [dbo].[Levenshtein] ('Apple', 'Appleee')
