popToastControl.Payload =
<toast activationType='protocol' launch='file:///C|/My Documents/'>
<binding template='ToastGeneric'>
<text>Click to launch Bing Maps</text>
<text>Searches for ""1 Microsoft Way, 98052""</text>
I cannot open my documents through file protocol(file:///...)
I tried like this: file:///%USERPROFILE%\My Documents
=>did not work
nor did this way: file:///%My Documents%
it only worked as this way :file:///C:\Users\Michael-DEV\Documents
Please get me off this trouble, much thanks!
I have a WPF application and I've created an MSI to install it with the WixToolset 3.11 and Visual Studio Extension 2019. I'm trying to add either XmlFile or XmlConfig item to change values in the config file. I'm getting the following error:
Failed to open XML file C:\Program Files(x86)\CO Apps\Main App\OurApp.exe.config. system error: -2147024786
The file path is the full filepath because I gave it the full path trying to resolve the issue. Here's the important parts of the wxs file
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"
<Product Id="9E76F000-5525-4BDF-8262-AE46B035D9CE"
Name="Our App"
Manufacturer="CO Apps"
<Package Id="*" InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine" Description="Our production application." />
<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
<Directory Id="VTAPPSDIR" Name="CO Apps">
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="Our App">
<Component Id="MainExecutable" Guid="748368D7-7581-4809-A8FE-DFB1093D6A02">
<File Id="MainFile" Name="$(var.OurApp.TargetFileName)" DiskId="1" Source="$(var.OurApp.TargetDir)OurApp.exe" KeyPath="yes"></File>
<File Id="OurApp.exe.config" ReadOnly="no" Source="$(var.OurApp.TargetDir)OurApp.exe.config"></File>
... More File items for DLLs
<wixutil:XmlFile Id="SetAppMode" Action="setValue" File="C:\Program Files (x86)\CO Apps\Our App\OurApp.exe.confg" ElementPath="configuration/userSettings/OurApp.Properties.Settings/setting/AppMode/value" Value="Main" />
So I'm trying to set the "AppMode" value to "Main" when this installs. What I'm trying to set isn't the point it's that it can't seem to find or open the file. I've tried putting the XmlFile in its own component. I've tried several variations of File paths including [INSTALLDIR] and [INSTALLLOCATION] and the filename by itself. Without that line everything works great. With that line in, I get the error and it rolls back the install. I also tried XmlConfig instead of XmlFile:
<wixutil:XmlConfig Id="ClearConfigAppMode" Action="delete" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]OurApp.exe.config" ElementPath="userSettings/OurApp.Properties.Settings" Name="AppMode" />
<wixutil:XmlConfig Id="SetAppMode" Action="create" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]OurApp.exe.config" ElementPath="userSettings/OurApp.Properties.Settings" On="install" Node="element">
<wixutil:XmlConfig Id="SetConfigAppModeName" ElementId="SetAppMode" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]OurApp.exe.config" Name="name" Value="AppMode" />
<wixutil:XmlConfig Id="SetConfigAppModeSerializeAs" ElementId="SetAppMode" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]OurApp.exe.config" Name="serializeAs" Value="String" />
<wixutil:XmlConfig Id="SetAppModeValue" Action="create" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]OurApp.exe.config" ElementPath="userSettings/OurApp.Properties.Settings" On="install" Node="element" Sequence="2">
<wixutil:XmlConfig Id="SetAppModeVAlueMain" ElementId="SetAppModeValue" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]OurApp.exe.config" Name="Value" Value="Main" />
Since XmlConfig doesn't have setValue on an existing element I used the delete action to remove the item for use in development and insert a new one. Same error. It happens logged on as myself or as Administrator. Does anyone have a working example of WiX with WPF creating a MSI? I'm not looking for something as complex as WixBA. I just need to modify the app.exe.config file on install.
Example: Though I rarely use this feature, I have this working example here (my test project for XML): https://github.com/glytzhkof/WiXUpdateXmlFile. Snippets of the sample here and here.
Disclaimer: I am not sure if follows best practice for XML updates, since I prefer to do XML updates from application launch code instead - if possible (single source, easier debugability and in general more familiar territory for most developers).
app.config/web.config appsettings: Maybe check out this answer regarding appsettings or this answer (looks better) - just for your review, not necessarily a suggestion. Keeping deployed files read-only helps a lot to overwrite them reliably during updates and the file you generate can be kept untouched by the installer (the file is de-coupled from installer - it never touches them). Or as I wrote: HKCU can also be used to write "the few settings you actually have to change". Not so nice conceptually?
Clouded Settings: Personally I think settings should never be file-based but clouded in our day and age (kept in a remote database). See section 6 and 7 here. How realistic this is for your application I don't know. New challenges and problems - no doubt (network issues, firewalls, launch problems, etc...), but benefits: versioned settings, recovery and management (enforce new settings). Not sure about all the practicalities - never been involved that much, but would love to get rid of settings files - especially for corporate apps. However, sometimes nice concepts don't meet reality well - maybe it is too involved?
I have two product XML look like:
1:- product-1.xml
<images merge-mode="add">
<image-group view-type="large">
<image path="product-123.jpg" />
2:- product-1-1.xml
<images merge-mode="add">
<image-group view-type="large">
<image path="product-124.jpg" />
<image path="product-125.jpg" />
I am importing both the files and I want to append the images for the same product (PRODUCT123) as
<images merge-mode="add">
<image-group view-type="large">
<image path="product-123.jpg" />
<image path="product-124.jpg" />
<image path="product-125.jpg" />
but it's not appending the images.
I used merge-mode="merge" also for the same but not getting the result as I expected.
Could anyone help me out that where I am doing wrong?
Sadly, what you want to achieve is currently not supported by the Salesforce B2C Commerce platform.
You cannot split the images of an image group into several files and expect that they will be merged.
Indeed, the file import mode should be MERGE, but what you have tried as element merge-mode="add" is not supported, and you should have received a warning when you have imported the file.
If you look at catalog.xsd schema from the documentation you would see the following under complexType.Product.Images type definition:
<xsd:attribute name="merge-mode" type="simpleType.MergeMode" default="merge" use="optional">
Used to control if specified image groups will be merged to or replace the existing image specification.
The values "merge" and "replace" are the only ones supported for the "merge-mode" attribute.
Attribute should only be used in import MERGE and UPDATE modes. In import REPLACE mode, using the "merge-mode" attribute is not
sensible, because existing image groups will always be removed before importing the image groups
specified in the import file.
P.S. I would suggest that you look for an alternative solution for merging the data about images before sending it to Salesforce B2C Commerce instance.
Are you using ImportCatalog pipelet? Please check job configuration, import mode should be MERGE.
My F:\ drive is a mapped network drive.
I have two videos on it:
I'd like to use a MediaElement to play them.
<MediaElement Source="F:\Video1.mp4" /> <!-- works -->
<MediaElement Source="F:\Video#1.mp4" /> <!-- doesn't work -->
It seems the # is being treated as %23 when it is a network path. This works fine if F:\ is a local drive.
How can I make F:\Video#1.mp4 work? It is a legitimate path.
Try creating a URI with file:/// prepended:
mediaElement.Source = new Uri( "file:///" + #"F:\Video#1.mp4" );
This Social post says that worked for them.
Can anyone point me to a tutorial.
My main experience with Solr is indexing CSV files. But I cannot find any simple instructions/tutorial to tell me what I need to do to index pdfs.
I have seen this: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/ExtractingRequestHandler
But it makes very little sense to me. Do I need to install Tika?
Im lost - please help
With solr-4.9 (the latest version as of now), extracting data from rich documents like pdfs, spreadsheets(xls, xlxs family), presentations(ppt, ppts), documentation(doc, txt etc) has become fairly simple.
The sample code examples provided in the downloaded archive from
here contains a basic solr template project to get you started quickly.
The necessary configuration changes are as follows:
Change the solrConfig.xml to include following lines :
<lib dir="<path_to_extraction_libs>" regex=".*\.jar" />
<lib dir="<path_to_solr_cell_jar>" regex="solr-cell-\d.*\.jar" />
create a request handler as follows:
<requestHandler name="/update/extract"
class="solr.extraction.ExtractingRequestHandler" >
<lst name="defaults" />
2.Add the necessary jars from the solrExample to your project.
3.Define the schema as per your needs and fire a query like :
curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/update/extract?literal.id=1&literal.filename=testDocToExtractFrom.txt&literal.created_at=2014-07-22+09:50:12.234&commit=true" -F "myfile=#testDocToExtractFrom.txt"
go to the GUI portal and query to see the indexed contents.
Let me know if you face any problems.
You could use the dataImportHandler. The DataImortHandle will be defined at the solrconfig.xml, the configuration of the DataImportHandler should be realized in an different XML config file (data-config.xml)
For indexing pdf's you could
1.) crawl the directory to find all the pdf's using the FileListEntityProcessor
2.) reading the pdf's from an "content/index"-XML File, using the XPathEntityProcessor
If you have the list of related pdf's, use the TikaEntityProcessor
look at this http://solr.pl/en/2011/04/04/indexing-files-like-doc-pdf-solr-and-tika-integration/ (example with ppt) and this Solr : data import handler and solr cell
The hardest part of this is getting the metadata from the PDFs, using a tool like Aperture simplifies this. There must be tonnes of these tools
Aperture is a Java framework for extracting and querying full-text content and metadata from PDF files
Apeture grabbed the metadata from the PDFs and stored it in xml files.
I parsed the xml files using lxml and posted them to solr
Use the Solr, ExtractingRequestHandler. This uses Apache-Tika to parse the pdf file. I believe that it can pull out the metadata etc. You can also pass through your own metadata.
Extracting Request Handler
public class SolrCellRequestDemo {
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException, SolrServerException {
SolrClient client = new
ContentStreamUpdateRequest req = new
req.addFile(new File("my-file.pdf"));
req.setParam(ExtractingParams.EXTRACT_ONLY, "true");
NamedList<Object> result = client.request(req);
System.out.println("Result: " +enter code here result);
This may help.
Apache Solr can now index all sort of binary files like PDF, Words, etc ... check out this doc:
While trying to answer a question in the vicinity 'Unit Testing WPF Bindings' I had the following niggling question..
What's the best way to find if you have WPF Data Binding wiring setup incorrectly (or you just broke something that was wired up correctly) ?
Although the unit-testing approach seems to be like Joel's 'ripping off your arm to remove a splinter'.. I am looking around for easier less Overhead ways to detect this.
Everyone seems to have committed themselves to data binding in a big way with WPF.. and it does have its merits.
In .NET 3.5 it was introduced a new way to specifically output tracing information about specific data bindings.
This is done through the new System.Diagnostics.PresentationTraceSources.TraceLevel attached property that you can apply to any binding or data provider. Here is an example:
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"
Title="Debug Binding Sample"
<TextBox Name="txtInput" />
<Binding ElementName="txtInput"
diag:PresentationTraceSources.TraceLevel="High" />
This will put trace information for just that particular binding in Visual Studio's Output Window, without any tracing configuration required.
Best I could find...
How can I debug WPF Bindings? by Beatriz Stollnitz
Since everyone can't always keep one eye on the Output Window looking for Binding errors, I loved Option#2. Which is add this to your App.Config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<source name="System.Windows.Data" switchName="SourceSwitch" >
<add name="textListener" />
<add name="SourceSwitch" value="All" />
<add name="textListener"
initializeData="GraveOfBindErrors.txt" />
<trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4"></trace>
Pair that up with a good regex scan script to extract out relevant info, that you can run occasionally on the GraveOfBindErrors.txt in your output folder
System.Windows.Data Error: 35 : BindingExpression path error: 'MyProperty' property not found on 'object' ''MyWindow' (Name='')'. BindingExpression:Path=MyProperty; DataItem='MyWindow' (Name=''); target element is 'TextBox' (Name='txtValue2'); target property is 'Text' (type 'String')
I use the solution presented here to turn binding errors into native Exceptions: http://www.jasonbock.net/jb/Default.aspx?blog=entry.0f221e047de740ee90722b248933a28d
However, a normal scenario in WPF bindings is to throw exceptions in case the user input cannot be converted to the target type (for instance, a TextBox bound to a integer field; the input of a non-numeric string results in a FormatException, the input of number that is too large results in an OverflowException). A similar case is when the Setter of the source property throws an exception.
The WPF way of handling this is via ValidatesOnExceptions=true and ValidationExceptionRule to signal the user the supplied input is not correct (using the exception message).
However, these exception are also send to the output window and thus 'caught' by the BindingListener, resulting in an error...clearly not the behaviour you'd want.
Therefore, I expanded the BindingListener class to NOT throw an Exception in these cases:
private static readonly IList<string> m_MessagesToIgnore =
new List<String>()
//Windows.Data.Error 7
//Binding transfer from target to source failed because of an exception
//Normal WPF Scenario, requires ValidatesOnExceptions / ExceptionValidationRule
//To cope with these kind of errors
"ConvertBack cannot convert value",
//Windows.Data.Error 8
//Binding transfer from target to source failed because of an exception
//Normal WPF Scenario, requires ValidatesOnExceptions / ExceptionValidationRule
//To cope with these kind of errors
"Cannot save value from target back to source"
Modified lines in public override void WriteLine(string message):
if (this.InformationPropertyCount == 0)
//Only treat message as an exception if it is not to be ignored
if (!m_MessagesToIgnore.Any(
x => this.Message.StartsWith(x, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
throw new BindingException(this.Message,
new BindingExceptionInformation(this.Callstack,
this.LogicalOperationStack, int.Parse(this.ProcessId),
int.Parse(this.ThreadId), long.Parse(this.Timestamp)));
//Ignore message, reset values
this.IsFirstWrite = true;
You can use the trigger debugging feature of WPF Inspector. Just download the tool from codeplex and attach it to your running app. It also shows binding errors on the bottom of the window.
Very useful tool!
Here's a useful technique for debugging/tracing triggers effectively. It allows you to log all trigger actions along with the element being acted upon:
This was very helpful to us but I wanted to add to those who find this useful that there is a utility that Microsoft provides with the sdk to read this file.
Found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms732023.aspx
To open a trace file
1.Start Service Trace Viewer by using a command window to navigate to your
WCF installation location (C:\Program
SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Bin), and then type
SvcTraceViewer.exe. (although we found ours in \v7.0\Bin)
Note: The Service Trace Viewer tool
can associate with two file types:
.svclog and .stvproj. You can use two
parameters in command line to register
and unregister the file extensions.
/register: register the association of
file extensions ".svclog" and
".stvproj" with SvcTraceViewer.exe
/unregister: unregister the
association of file extensions
".svclog" and ".stvproj" with
1.When Service Trace Viewer starts, click File and then point to Open.
Navigate to the location where your
trace files are stored.
2.Double-click the trace file that you want to open.
Note: Press SHIFT while clicking
multiple trace files to select and
open them simultaneously. Service
Trace Viewer merges the content of all
files and presents one view. For
example, you can open trace files of
both client and service. This is
useful when you have enabled message
logging and activity propagation in
configuration. In this way, you can
examine message exchange between
client and service. You can also drag
multiple files into the viewer, or use
the Project tab. See the Managing
Project section for more details.
3.To add additional trace files to the collection that is open, click File
and then point to Add. In the window
that opens, navigate to the location
of the trace files and double-click
the file you want to add.
Also, as for the filtering of the log file, we found these this link extremely helpful:
For anyone like me looking for a pure programmatic way of enabling all WPF Tracing at a given Trace Level, here is a piece of code that does it. For reference, it's based on this article: Trace sources in WPF.
It doesn't requires a change in the app.config file, and it does not require to change the registry either.
This is how I use it, in some startup place (App, etc.):
And here is the utility code (by default it sends all Warning to the Default Trace Listener):
public static void SetTracing()
SetTracing(SourceLevels.Warning, null);
public static void SetTracing(SourceLevels levels, TraceListener listener)
if (listener == null)
listener = new DefaultTraceListener();
// enable WPF tracing
// enable all WPF Trace sources (change this if you only want DataBindingSource)
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in typeof(PresentationTraceSources).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
if (typeof(TraceSource).IsAssignableFrom(pi.PropertyType))
TraceSource ts = (TraceSource)pi.GetValue(null, null);
ts.Switch.Level = levels;
My suggestion at 2021:
The Best way is to use Benoit Blanchon small library from Nuget
His original post at here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/19610384/6296708
His GitHub link and more info about how to use it + Nuget command: https://github.com/bblanchon/WpfBindingErrors
Its features (until now!):
throw exception on binding errors (+ line number)
If source Variable throw any exceptions, this library will catch it and show it.
Unit Test supports too!
Happy Coding!