Scala : append Array to List - arrays

I'm trying to append Array to List When writing data into a csv file as follows.
But, each Array was not appended to the List.
How can I append each Array to a List.
Please help me with this.
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
var out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("/Users/TestCom/Desktop/test_4.csv"));
var writer = new CSVWriter(out);
var outputSchema = Array("name","0h","20h")
var listOfRecords = List(outputSchema)
var numIters = 0
for(numIters <- 0 to 1){
var testVal1 = numIters + 1
var testVal2 = numIters + 2
var eachArr = Array(testVal1, testVal2)
listOfRecords ++ eachArr

Change your line that does listOfRecords ++ eachArr to be listOfRecords = listOfRecords ++ eachArr.
The list is immutable so you must reassign after appending.


Parse Json Array using Google Scripts

I am trying to parse this JSON Array but I'm not familiar with how to loop through a JSON in Google scripts. I'm getting an Undefined error for the price variable in this API.
API link.
function CBAPI() {
// Link the script with a spreadsheet using the unique identifier found in the spreadsheet web address
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('16UqqC_MjnRfwbpREUcrcl7q69bUjzPgoUm6ZBMorizk');
var APIPullSheet = ss.getSheetByName("APIPull");
// Clear Columns A, B, C & D
var url= "";
var responseAPI = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var parcedData = JSON.parse(responseAPI.getContentText());
var id = [];
var price = [];
idRange = APIPullSheet.getRange(1, 1, id.length, 1); // Put isFrozen in column A
priceRange = APIPullSheet.getRange(1, 2, price.length, 1); // Put lowestAsk in column B
// Append Latest Data to End of the File
var tableData = ss.getSheetByName("TableData");
var rangeData = tableData.getRange("H1:K1");
var latestData = rangeData.getValues(); // Put I1 to O1 in latestData variable
tableData.appendRow(latestData[0]); // Put the data at the bottom of the spreadsheet
// Keep 144 rows - Delete any extra starting at row 2
var rowsToKeep = 5000; // 5000 at request of Edwin
var totalRows = tableData.getLastRow();
var numToDelete = totalRows - rowsToKeep;
if (numToDelete > 0)
tableData.deleteRows(2, numToDelete); // Purge Extra Rows - Starting With Row 2 (oldest)
The API returns price inside the quotes object.

Update List with Loop Arguments Scala

I'm trying create new random List based on other List. But this code doesn't work to update the var
import scala.util.Random
import scala.math
val randSymbol = List(1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,8)
val _finalSymbol = List(List(0,0,0,0,0),List(0,0,0,0,0),List(0,0,0,0,0))
var i:Int = 0
var a:Int = 0
for (i <- 0 to 2){
_finalSymbol(i) = new List
for (a <- 0 to 4){
var iRandIndex = floor(Random.nextInt() * randSymbol.length).toInt
var iRandSymbol = randSymbol(iRandIndex)
_finalSymbol(i)(a) = iRandSymbol
Try something like this:
val _finalSymbol = (0 to 2) map { _ => Random.shuffle(randSymbol).take(5) }
And do yourself a favor: buy a scala book.
It's not javascript. At all.

Cannot convert Array to Odject[][] Even though it is a 2D array

Still new and just learning how to use arrays. I am getting the error "Cannot convert Array to Object[][]. (line 46, file "Submit to Record")
Line 46 is
targetSheet.getRange(lastRow+1, 1, 1, arrayOfData.length).setValues(arrayOfData);
I had this error once before, but it was because of an array inside an array issue. Now I don't know what's wrong.
The entire code is
function submitButtonClick() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
Logger.log('sheet.getName(): ' + sheet.getName());
if (sheet.getName() !== "SubmitReceipt") {return;};
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("ReceiptRecord");
var arrayOfData = [];
var week = sheet.getRange(6,9).getValue();
var emplN = sheet.getRange(4,9).getValue();
var purDate = sheet.getRange(9,9).getValue();
var purFrom = sheet.getRange(11,9).getValue();
var custC = sheet.getRange(14,9).getValue();
var deptC = sheet.getRange(16,9).getValue();
var lotC = sheet.getRange(18,9).getValue();
var laborC = sheet.getRange(20,9).getValue();
var itemC = sheet.getRange(22,9).getValue();
var hyperL = sheet.getRange(28,9).getValue();
var notes = sheet.getRange(44,8).getValue();
arrayOfData[0] = week;
arrayOfData[1] = emplN;
arrayOfData[2] = purDate;
arrayOfData[3] = purFrom;
arrayOfData[4] = custC;
arrayOfData[5] = deptC;
arrayOfData[6] = lotC;
arrayOfData[7] = laborC;
arrayOfData[8] = itemC;
arrayOfData[9] = hyperL;
arrayOfData[10] = notes;
Logger.log('arrayOfData '+ arrayOfData)
var lastRow = targetSheet.getLastRow();
Logger.log('lastRow: ' + lastRow);
Logger.log('arraylength ' + arrayOfData.length);
targetSheet.getRange(lastRow+1, 1, 1, arrayOfData.length).setValues(arrayOfData);
I know this code is clunky and could be written more efficiently and condensed, but I am writing this way on purpose because I am new to JS and this is an easy way for me to keep my head on straight about what is happening in the code. I hope my sanity efforts are not the cause of my problem. Please help. :)
Serge insas answered the question in the comments. He said:
I guess you should simply write
but I'm just guessing ;-)"
That did indeed fix the problem. Thanks, Serge insas!

Can i display multiple copies of a movieclip inside a array at once

Is there a way to make the code below work properly? When I use this code it only shows one movieclip:
var tempHead:head001 = new head001();
var mcArr:Array = new Array( tempHead );
var firstHead:MovieClip = mcArr[0];
firstHead.y = 30;
var secondHead:MovieClip = mcArr[0];
secondHead.y = 180;
You were just assigning a reference to the MovieClip. That'y, its not working.
First take instance of head001 class using new operator as much you want and store it to an array, then you can access very easily.
var tempHead: head001;
var mcArr: Array = new Array();
for (var i: uint = 0; i < 2; i++) {
tempHead = new head001();
mcArr[i].y = mcArr[i].height * i;

Actionscript 3, Flash CC: Placing Objects In An Array From The Library Onto The Stage

Hello programming gurus of stackoverflow, I am hoping that at least one of you will be able to help me with my coding problem. This is the first time I'm posting on this site, so if I miss something with the structure of my post, or anything please let me know (preferably not in a condescending matter) and I will gladly change it.
I actually had a different problem I was going to ask about, but I recently realized that some objects from my library weren't showing up on my stage. Hopefully, if this gets solved I won't have my other problem.
I am creating a learning module app using Flash CC and Actionscript 3, I like to think I am fairly proficient with Flash, but right now all my code is on the timeline because when I started I wasn't aware of the package setup. When I finish with the learning module I'll try and move everything to an AS package, so please bear with me.
This current frame of the module is a drag and drop game where the user drags the correct food, for the animal they chose in the previous frame, to the animal in the middle. The animal is dynamically placed on the stage, as well as an array of six possible food choices, all MovieClips pulled from the library. The array of food elements is actually not what I'm having problem with, they appear on my stage with no problems at all. The problem I'm having is when the user drags the correct food onto the animal, and the win condition is met, the array of balloon elements does not show up on the stage. I find it weird because I'm using near identical code for both the food and balloon array.
Here is my full code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
function foodPet():void {
//all of my pet, food, and balloon library objects have been exported for AS
var theBird:pet_bird = new pet_bird;
var theCat:pet_cat = new pet_cat;
var theChicken:pet_chicken = new pet_chicken;
var theDog:pet_dog = new pet_dog;
var theDuck:pet_duck = new pet_duck;
var theGuinea:pet_guinea = new pet_guinea;
var theHamster:pet_hamster = new pet_hamster;
var birdSeed:food_bird_seed = new food_bird_seed;
var catFood:food_cat_food = new food_cat_food;
var chickenFeed:food_chicken_feed = new food_chicken_feed;
var chocolate:food_chocolate = new food_chocolate;
var dogFood:food_dog_food = new food_dog_food;
var duckFood:food_duck_food = new food_duck_food;
var animalList:Array = [theBird, theCat, theChicken, theDog,
theDuck, theGuinea, theHamster];
var food1Array:Array = [birdSeed, catFood, chickenFeed,
chocolate, dogFood, duckFood, 4];
var xPosFood:Array = new Array();
var yPosFood:Array = new Array();
xPosFood = [32, 71, 146, 363, 431, 512];
yPosFood = [304, 222, 123, 123, 222, 304];
var animalClip:MovieClip;
animalClip = animalList[chosenAnimal];
animalClip.x = 256;
animalClip.y = 287; = "selectedAnimal";
for (var i:uint = 0; i < food1Array.length - 1; i++){ //Where the food gets added
var isItRight:Boolean = false;
var foodName:String = ("food" + i);
var foodClip:MovieClip;
foodClip = food1Array[i];
foodClip.x = xPosFood[i];
foodClip.y = yPosFood[i]; = foodName;
foodDragSetup(foodClip, animalClip, food1Array[food1Array.length - 1], isItRight);
function foodDragSetup(clip:MovieClip, targ:MovieClip, correctNum:uint, isItRight:Boolean) {
var beingDragged:Boolean = false;
var xPos:Number = clip.x;
var yPos:Number = clip.y;
clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, beginDrag);
function beginDrag(event:MouseEvent):void
if (int( == correctNum){
isItRight = true;
this.beingDragged = true;
setChildIndex(clip, numChildren - 1);
clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, endDrag);
function endDrag(event:MouseEvent):void
if (this.beingDragged) {
this.beingDragged = false;
if ((isItRight) && (clip.hitTestPoint(targ.x, targ.y, true))){
trace( + " has been hit.");
clip.x = targ.x;
clip.y = targ.y;
} else {
isItRight = false;
clip.x = xPos;
clip.y = yPos;
function win_animal_food():void {
const BALLOON_ROW:int = 4;
var count:uint = 0;
var altX:uint = 0;
var bBalloon:blue_balloon = new blue_balloon;
var gBalloon:green_balloon = new green_balloon;
var oBalloon:orange_balloon = new orange_balloon;
var pBalloon:purple_balloon = new purple_balloon;
var rBalloon:red_balloon = new red_balloon;
var yBalloon:yellow_balloon = new yellow_balloon;
var balloonList:Array = [bBalloon, gBalloon, oBalloon,
pBalloon, rBalloon, yBalloon, bBalloon, gBalloon,
oBalloon, pBalloon, rBalloon, yBalloon, bBalloon,
gBalloon, oBalloon, pBalloon];
var balloonY:Array = [144, -205, -265, -325];
var balloonX:Array = [0, 140, 284, 428, 68, 212, 356, 500];
for (var ballY:uint = 0; ballY < balloonY.length; ballY++){ //Where balloons
for (var ballX:uint = altX; ballX < altX + BALLOON_ROW; ballX++){ //get added
var balloonName:String = ("balloon" + count);
var balloonClip:MovieClip;
balloonClip = balloonList[count];
balloonClip.x = balloonX[ballX];
balloonClip.y = balloonY[ballY]; = balloonName;
trace(balloonClip + " has been added!");
balloonClip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, balloonPop);
if (altX == 0) {
} else {
altX = 0;
function balloonPop(event:MouseEvent):void {;, balloonPop);
I thought there might have been a problem with my balloon MovieClips, so I subbed them in the food array:
var birdSeed:blue_balloon = new blue_balloon;
var catFood:green_balloon = new green_balloon;
var chickenFeed:orange_balloon = new orange_balloon;
var chocolate:purple_balloon = new purple_balloon;
var dogFood:red_balloon = new red_balloon;
var duckFood:yellow_balloon = new yellow_balloon;
They all showed up on the stage, so there's nothing wrong with the MovieClips.
Added: The first values of balloonXArray and balloonYArray were originally -4 and -145 respectively, but when I started having problems I wanted to make sure the balloons were showing up so I set the first values to 0 and 144 the balloon height and width are both 144 and their cross (not sure on it's name) is in the top left corner.
Added: The reason why there are multiple instances of the same balloon in the balloonList is because I need four rows of four balloons, but only have six different balloons.
I know the balloons are on the stage because the debug display shows their x and y values on the viewable stage. Using trace(foodClip.parent) and trace(balloonClip.parent) shows that the balloons and food all have the same parent, MainTimeline, so I know the balloons aren't getting added to some different space.
I have searched online, but have not come across anyone with a similar problem. Thus, I am asking on this forum if anyone can tell me why my balloons will not show up on the stage.
Please and thank you.
One thing I see straight off in the baloonList is that you have the same object instances listed multiple times. Each instance can only exist on stage exactly once. If you addChild() an instance that is already on stage, the instance is first removed, then re-added at the top of the display list.
You should change:
var bBalloon:blue_balloon = new blue_balloon;
var gBalloon:green_balloon = new green_balloon;
var oBalloon:orange_balloon = new orange_balloon;
var pBalloon:purple_balloon = new purple_balloon;
var rBalloon:red_balloon = new red_balloon;
var yBalloon:yellow_balloon = new yellow_balloon;
var balloonList:Array = [bBalloon, gBalloon, oBalloon,
pBalloon, rBalloon, yBalloon, bBalloon, gBalloon,
oBalloon, pBalloon, rBalloon, yBalloon, bBalloon,
gBalloon, oBalloon, pBalloon];
var balloonList:Array = [
new blue_balloon,
new green_balloon,
new orange_balloon,
new purple_balloon,
new red_balloon,
new yellow_balloon,
new blue_balloon,
new green_balloon,
new orange_balloon,
new purple_balloon,
new red_balloon,
new yellow_balloon,
new blue_balloon,
new blue_balloon,
new green_balloon,
new orange_balloon,
new purple_balloon
