So I'm creating a linked list in C and adding some nodes to it that contain information. I have an if else statement where I create the linked list's head and then add nodes to it. The problem is that when I add a new node I seem to lose the old one. Not sure why this is happening or how to fix this.
Edit: I have made some updates to make it a runnable program.
int main(int argc, char argv[]) {
int head=0, i=0;
char tempCourseID[10], tempCourseGrade[10], tempCourseCH[10];
static struct LinkedList {
char *CourseName;
char *CourseGrade;
char *CourseCreditHours;
struct LinkedList *next;
} LinkedList;
static struct LinkedList *first, *savefirst, *headlist;
first = malloc(sizeof ((*first)));
savefirst = first;
headlist = first;
for(i ; i<5; i++){
printf("Enter Course name");
fgets(tempCourseID, sizeof(tempCourseID), stdin);
printf("Enter Course grade");
fgets(tempCourseGrade, sizeof(tempCourseGrade), stdin);
printf("Enter Course credit hours");
fgets(tempCourseCH, sizeof(tempCourseCH), stdin);
//checks to see if linked list head exists
if (head == 0) {
printf("No head has been found.\n");
headlist->CourseName = tempCourseID;
headlist->CourseGrade = tempCourseGrade;
headlist->CourseCreditHours = tempCourseCH;
headlist->next = NULL;
printf("A head has been created\n");
printf("A node has been added\n");
head = 1;
} else {
printf("Ahead already exists\n");
first = malloc(sizeof ((*first)));
first->CourseName = tempCourseID;
first->CourseGrade = tempCourseGrade;
first->CourseCreditHours = tempCourseCH;
first->next = NULL;
savefirst->next = first;
savefirst = first;
printf("A node has been add\n");
head = 1;
while (headlist != NULL) {
printf(" %s ", headlist->CourseName);
printf(" %s ", headlist->CourseGrade);
printf("%s \n", headlist->CourseCreditHours);
headlist = headlist->next;
return 0;
You have char tempCourseID[10] and char* CourseName
It is legal to use CourseName = tempCourseID; however tempCourseID is temporary, and so the string will be lost soon. In this case we need to allocate separate memory for CourseName, and then copy the value from tempCourseID
Use instead
CourseName = malloc(strlen(tempCourseID) + 1);//add +1 for null-character
strcpy(CourseName, tempCourseID);
CourseName = strdup(tempCourseID)//shortcut!
There are problem with the linked list. You have too many variables with similar names. A linked list needs only head. You can introduce a temporary variable node for adding new nodes. If you are adding nodes to the tail, then save the last node in the list, lets call it savenode
In this example I removed fgets functions and replaced it with sprintf, that's just to make it easier to run the program and debug. You can put back fgets later.
int main(int argc, char argv[])
struct LinkedList
char *CourseName;
char *CourseGrade;
char *CourseCreditHours;
struct LinkedList *next;
int i;
char tempCourseName[100], tempCourseGrade[100], tempCourseCH[100];
struct LinkedList *head = NULL;
struct LinkedList *node = NULL;
struct LinkedList *savenode = NULL;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
sprintf(tempCourseName, "CourseName %d", i);
sprintf(tempCourseGrade, "tempCourseGrade %d", i);
sprintf(tempCourseCH, "tempCourseCH %d", i);
node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
node->CourseName = strdup(tempCourseName);
node->CourseGrade = strdup(tempCourseGrade);
node->CourseCreditHours = strdup(tempCourseCH);
node->next = NULL;
if(head == NULL)
head = node;
//check savenode exists
//this will be the last node (tail) in the existing list
//get it to point to our new node
savenode->next = node;
//now we have a new tail
savenode = node;
//walk through the list
node = head;
printf("%s, %s, %s\n",
node->CourseName, node->CourseGrade, node->CourseCreditHours);
node = node->next;
return 0;
I have a project that I'm working on for a Systems Programming course. I'm building off of my professor's code. (Please don't mind her lack of labelling, etc. - I'm gonna try to clean this up as best as I can.)
Does anybody know why her linked list code is printing backwards?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct Node {
char name[15];
char title[15];
int year;
struct Node *next;
struct Node *prev;
typedef struct Node *Box;
Box print_list(Box pointer);
Box insert_node(FILE *inputp);
int main() {
Box head = NULL, temp;
FILE *inputp, *outputp;
int i;
inputp = fopen("input.txt", "r");
outputp = fopen("output.txt", "w");
head = insert_node(inputp);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
temp = insert_node(inputp);
temp->next = head;
head = temp;
return 0;
Box print_list(Box pointer) {
Box here = pointer;
while (here != NULL) {
printf("%s, %s, %d \n", here->name, here->title, here->year);
here = here->next;
return pointer;
Box insert_node(FILE *inputp) {
Box temp = NULL;
temp = (Box)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
fscanf(inputp, "%s", &temp->name);
fscanf(inputp, "%s", &temp->title);
fscanf(inputp, " %d", &temp->year);
temp->next = NULL;
temp->prev = NULL;
return temp;
This program's purpose is to read a .txt file "playlist" of songs and create a linked list out of them. The input is:
Rachmaninov Concerto_No_2 1999
Mozart Symphony_No_41 2000
Vivaldi The_Seasons 2003
Beethoven Symphony_No_5 1994
Bach Toccatas 2005
While the program outputs:
Bach, Toccatas, 2005
Beethoven, Symphony_No_5, 1994
Vivaldi, The_Seasons, 2003
Mozart, Symphony_No_41, 2000
Rachmaninov, Concerto_No_2, 1999
(I also don't know why she included an output file in the code, all of the output is in the console, not stored in a file. Ignore that.)
The list prints in reverse order because you insert each new node at the beginning of the list. You should use a tail pointer to keep track of the end of the list.
Also note these remarks:
both the next and the prev links should be updated.
hiding pointers behind typedefs as in typedef struct Node *Box; is considered bad practice because it is confusing and error prone.
insert_node is a confusing name for a function that merely allocates a new node from file data.
insert_node should test if fscanf() succeeded at reading the data
fscanf(inputp, "%s", &temp->name); has undefined behavior if the name of the composer exceeds 14 bytes. The same applies to the title. The maximum number of characters to store into the destination arrays before the null terminator should be specified as %14s and these arrays should be defined with a larger length.
main should check if a node was successfully allocated and initialized from file data. Instead of hardcoding the number of nodes, one should iterate as long as nodes can be read from the file.
Here is a modified version:
#include <error.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct Node {
char name[40];
char title[40];
int year;
struct Node *next;
struct Node *prev;
void print_list(const Node *pointer);
Node *read_node(FILE *inputp);
int main() {
Node *head = NULL;
Node *tail = NULL;
Node *node;
FILE *inputp, *outputp;
int i;
inputp = fopen("input.txt", "r");
if (!inputp) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open input.txt: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
outputp = fopen("output.txt", "w");
if (!outputp) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open output.txt: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
while ((node = read_node(inputp)) != NULL) {
if (!head) {
head = tail = node;
} else {
node->prev = tail;
tail = tail->next = node;
// should free node list
return 0;
void print_list(const Node *pointer) {
while (pointer != NULL) {
printf("%s, %s, %d\n", pointer->name, pointer->title, pointer->year);
pointer = pointer->next;
Node *read_node(FILE *inputp) {
Node *temp = malloc(sizeof(*temp));
if (temp != NULL
&& fscanf(inputp, "%39s%39s%d", &temp->name, &temp->title, &temp->year) == 3) {
temp->next = NULL;
temp->prev = NULL;
return temp;
} else {
return NULL;
I'm trying to use tasklist and pipe the output to my code and parse each line to then create nodes of every process. I will later be filtering through them but that is not in the code yet. I'm having problems with the LIST. I have implemented 3 structs for this program: LIST (head for first node, rear for last node and count for number of nodes in list), NODE (pointer to PROCESS_INFO and pointer to next NODE), PROCESS_INFO (4 char pointers for process name, PID, memory usage and cputime). I've used printf to track my code and everything seems to work properly until I get to adding them to the linked list. The address of each nodes are different but it always seems to overwrite the last one in the list instead of adding the new address of the node to the next* of the previous node.
I'm mostly positive my algorithm is correct, it's the same one I've used multiple times just with different data. My malloc functions have dynamic checks incase they fault and I've checked and played with my pointers incase I was missing a dereference of some sort but I get errors if I change anything so I don't think those are the problem funny enough.
The only thing I can think of that would be the problem is the fact that all this doing resides in a loop in a function (I read somewhere that pointers on a stack can't remember their address?). What would I have to change though to fix this? I've moved everything to main but nothing changed.
Struct Definitions:
typedef struct processInfo{
char *pName;
char *processId;
char *memUsage;
char *cpuTime;
typedef struct node{
struct node* next;
typedef struct li{
int num;
NODE* head;
NODE* rear;
Main function:
int main()
LIST* list;
list = buildList();
List functions:
//function that creates a new list and returns it as null
LIST* createList()
LIST* newListPtr;
newListPtr = (LIST*)malloc(sizeof(LIST));
if (newListPtr)
newListPtr->num = 0;
newListPtr->head = NULL;
newListPtr->rear = NULL;
return newListPtr;
//function that creates the struct for the information of the process
PROCESS_INFO* createPinfo(char* name, char* pid, char* kb, char* cTime)
pInfoPtr = (PROCESS_INFO*)malloc(sizeof(PROCESS_INFO));
if (pInfoPtr)
pInfoPtr->pName = name;
pInfoPtr->processId = pid;
pInfoPtr->memUsage = kb;
pInfoPtr->cpuTime = cTime;
return pInfoPtr;
//function to create new node and set its data
NODE* createNode(PROCESS_INFO* dataPtr)
NODE* nodePtr;
nodePtr = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
if (nodePtr)
nodePtr->data = dataPtr;
nodePtr->next = NULL;
return nodePtr;
//Get process information node via the path
PROCESS_INFO* parseInfoFromPath (char str[])
char *pName;
char *processId;
char *memUsage;
char *time;
char *parse;
parse = strtok(str, " ");
pName = parse;
parse = strtok(NULL, " ");
processId = parse;
parse = strtok(NULL, " "); //Console
parse = strtok(NULL, " "); //session
parse = strtok(NULL, " "); //memory
memUsage = parse;
parse = strtok(NULL, " ");
parse = strtok(NULL, " ");
parse = strtok(NULL, " ");
parse = strtok(NULL, " "); //CPUTIME
time = parse;
pInfoPtr = createPinfo(pName, processId, memUsage, time);
return pInfoPtr;
BuildList() function where I seem to be getting the semantic error:
LIST* buildList()
FILE *fp;
char path[PATH_MAX];
fp = popen("tasklist /v /fi \"STATUS eq running\" /nh ", "r");
if (fp == NULL)
printf( "CreateProcess failed (%d).\n", GetLastError() );
LIST* list_;
NODE* n;
list_ = createList();
while (fgets(path, PATH_MAX, fp) != NULL)
if (path != NULL)
//create the process info struct
p = parseInfoFromPath(path);
//create the node
n = createNode(p);
//add node to list
//if empty list set as head
if (list_->head == NULL){
list_->head = n;
//otherwise set last->next to point to the new node
else {
list_->rear->next = n;
//rear points to last node
list_->rear = n;
//They always print out the same data!!!!
printf("\nIn Loop: Head Node name: %s", list_->head->data->pName);
printf("\t\tIn Loop: Read Node name: %s", list_->rear->data->pName);
return list_;
You are not copying the strings for each input field you find. Instead you are holding pointers into your path buffer, which gets overwritten every time you do fgets. Try using strdup in createPinfo:
PROCESS_INFO* createPinfo(char* name, char* pid, char* kb, char* cTime)
pInfoPtr = (PROCESS_INFO*)malloc(sizeof(PROCESS_INFO));
if (pInfoPtr)
pInfoPtr->pName = strdup(name);
pInfoPtr->processId = strdup(pid);
pInfoPtr->memUsage = strdup(kb);
pInfoPtr->cpuTime = strdup(cTime);
return pInfoPtr;
Also, since strdup allocates heap memory, don't forget to add a function to free the memory and call it every time you remove something from the list. Eg:
void destroyPinfo(PROCESS_INFO* pInfoPtr)
if (pInfoPtr)
pInfoPtr->pName = NULL;
pInfoPtr->processId = NULL;
pInfoPtr->memUsage = NULL;
pInfoPtr->cpuTime = NULL;
You will probably want to NULL check the results of strdup like you do malloc (I'm too lazy to add this in to the answer though, as long as you get the basic idea).
I have the following problem: I made this node structure
typedef struct NODE{
struct NODE *sons[1024]; //this array will be used to store children pointers
char name[255];
int leaf;
and this function to create a new node with a given name. The problem is that the first printf shows the right name, the second one doesn't. It seems like the for loop erases the name and I can't explain myself why...
NODE *AllocateNewNode( char *inputname) {
NODE *newnode;
newnode = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
memset(newnode->name, '\0', sizeof(newnode->name));
strcpy(newnode->name, inputname);
printf("node %s created\n", newnode->name); //right name in the output
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= 1024; i++) {
newnode->sons[i] = NULL;
newnode->leaf = 1;
printf("node %s created\n", newnode->name); //no name in the output
return newnode;
You're writing past the end of your sons array;
Should be for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { since there are only 1024 elements in the array 0...1023.
I'm trying to implement a linked list abstraction, however I am running into problems. Once I create the linked list and add elements to it. When I print the list it only prints the first element in it in an infinite loop fashion, meaning that either the first element is linked to itself or the print function is incorrect. However, I can't find the problem, could someone help?
The following is the list abstraction:
typedef struct _friend {
char *firstname;
char *lastname;
char birthdate[9];
} friend;
typedef struct _node {
friend *value;
struct _node *next;
} node;
typedef struct _linkedlist {
node *head;
} linkedlist;
The program must follow this abstraction, as it is part of something bigger.
The following are the functions that should print the list and add a node to the beginning of the list:
/* addHead
* This function takes two parameters - a linked list and a friend.
* This creates a node for the linked list and connects the friend to the
* node. Then it adds the node to the head of the linked list.
void addHead(linkedlist *llist, friend *f)
// create a node and put the friend in it
node *n = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
n->value = f;
n->next = NULL;
// if the list is empty
if (llist == NULL)
// this link is the entire list
llist->head = n;
printf("adding friend to null list\n");
// if the list is not empty
// make the new link's next pointer point to
// the first link in the list
n->next = llist->head;
printf("adding %s to head\n", n->value->firstname);
// make the head pointer point to the new link
llist->head = n;
* printList
* This steps down through each of the nodes in a linked list and
* prints out the information stored in the friend to which the node points.
* Instead of automatically printing to the screen, it prints to the
* file pointer passed in. If the programmer wants to print to the screen,
* he/she will pass in stdout.
void printList(linkedlist *llist,FILE *fp)
node *n;
friend *f;
// for each node, print out the friend attached to it
for(n = llist->head; n != NULL ; n = llist->head->next)
// assign f to the friend of the right node
f = n->value;
// print the friend out
fprintf(fp,"%s %s: %s\n",
f->firstname, f->lastname, f->birthdate);
Thank You
The for loop in printList isn't quite right:
for(n = llist->head; n != NULL ; n = llist->head->next)
This should read:
for(n = llist->head; n != NULL ; n = n->next)
Otherwise from the second iteration onwards, n gets set to the same value every single time.
The following isn't related to the problem you're having, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. In the following code:
if (llist == NULL)
// this link is the entire list
llist->head = n;
printf("adding friend to null list\n");
if llist == NULL, the llist->head = n will segfault.
With the current signature of addHead(), there's not a lot you can do if llist is NULL (other than printing an error message and bailing out).
If instead you meant to check whether llist->head is NULL, you don't need to do that since the else block already handles that correctly.
void printList(linkedlist *llist,FILE *fp)
node *n;
friend *f;
// for each node, print out the friend attached to it
for(n = llist->head; n != NULL ; n = n->next)
// assign f to the friend of the right node
f = n->value;
// print the friend out
fprintf(fp,"%s %s: %s\n",
f->firstname, f->lastname, f->birthdate);
I have done the following to your program:
slightly modified the friend structure. Declared firstname and lastname as arrays for convenience.
Wrote a main() which calls other functions
error checking in addHead()
added create_friend() function which creates friend struct
added freeList() to release the memory which was malloc()'ed
corrected looping error in your print function
So here it goes..
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct _friend {
char firstname[10];
char lastname[10];
char birthdate[9];
} friend;
typedef struct _node {
friend *value;
struct _node *next;
} node;
typedef struct _linkedlist {
node *head;
} linkedlist;
void addHead(linkedlist *llist, friend *f)
node *n = NULL;
if (( n = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node))) == NULL) {
printf("unable to allocate memory \n");
n->value = f;
n->next = NULL;
if (llist == NULL) {
llist->head = n;
printf("adding friend to null list\n");
} else {
n->next = llist->head;
printf("adding %s to head\n", n->value->firstname);
llist->head = n;
void printList(linkedlist *llist)
node *n;
friend *f;
if (llist->head == NULL) {
printf("Empty list \n");
for(n = llist->head; n != NULL ; n = n->next) {
f = n->value;
printf("%s %s %d \n", f->firstname, f->lastname, f->birthdate);
friend * create_friend(char *fn, char *ln, char *dob)
friend *fp = NULL;
if ((fp = malloc(sizeof(friend))) == NULL) {
printf("unable to allocate memory \n");
strcpy(fp->firstname, fn);
strcpy(fp->lastname, ln);
strcpy(fp->birthdate, dob);
return fp;
void freeList(linkedlist *llist)
node *cur = llist->head;
node *prev = cur;
friend *f;
while (cur != NULL) {
prev = cur;
cur = cur->next;
f = prev->value;
printf("freeing .. %s %s %d \n", f->firstname, f->lastname, f->birthdate);
int main(void)
linkedlist ll;
friend *f;
ll.head = NULL;
f = create_friend("firstname1", "lastname1", "12345678");
addHead(&ll, f);
f = create_friend("firstname2", "lastname2", "12345678");
addHead(&ll, f);
f = create_friend("firstname3", "lastname3", "12345678");
addHead(&ll, f);
ll.head = NULL;
return 0;
Hope this helps!
Should be n = n ->next otherwise you're just getting the next of the head every time.
I'm quite new to C and I'm trying to implement a binary tree in C which will store a number and a string and then print them off e.g.
1 : Bread
2 : WashingUpLiquid
The code I have so far is:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define LENGTH 300
struct node {
int data;
char * definition;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
struct node *node_insert(struct node *p, int value, char * word);
void print_preorder(struct node *p);
int main(void) {
int i = 0;
int d = 0;
char def[LENGTH];
struct node *root = NULL;
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
printf("Please enter a number: \n");
scanf("%d", &d);
printf("Please enter a definition for this word:\n");
scanf("%s", def);
root = node_insert(root, d, def);
printf("%s\n", def);
printf("preorder : ");
return 0;
struct node *node_insert(struct node *p, int value, char * word) {
struct node *tmp_one = NULL;
struct node *tmp_two = NULL;
if(p == NULL) {
p = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
p->data = value;
p->definition = word;
p->left = p->right = NULL;
else {
tmp_one = p;
while(tmp_one != NULL) {
tmp_two = tmp_one;
if(tmp_one->data > value)
tmp_one = tmp_one->left;
tmp_one = tmp_one->right;
if(tmp_two->data > value) {
tmp_two->left = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
tmp_two = tmp_two->left;
tmp_two->data = value;
tmp_two->definition = word;
tmp_two->left = tmp_two->right = NULL;
else {
tmp_two->right = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
tmp_two = tmp_two->right;
tmp_two->data = value;
tmp_two->definition = word;
tmp_two->left = tmp_two->right = NULL;
void print_preorder(struct node *p) {
if(p != NULL) {
printf("%d : %s\n", p->data, p->definition);
At the moment it seems to work for the ints but the description part only prints out for the last one entered. I assume it has something to do with pointers on the char array but I had no luck getting it to work. Any ideas or advice?
You're always doing a scanf into def and then passing that to your insert routine which just saves the pointer to def. So, since all of your entries point to the def buffer, they all point to whatever was the last string you stored in that buffer.
You need to copy your string and place a pointer to the copy into the binary tree node.
The problem is that you're using the same buffer for the string. Notice your struct is holding a pointer to a char, and you are passing the same char array as that pointer each time.
When you call scanf on the buffer, you are changing the data it points to, not the pointer itself.
To fix this, before assigning it over to a struct, you can use strdup. So the lines of code would become
tmp_*->definition = strdup(word);
Keep in mind that the char array returned by strdup must be freed once you are done with it, otherwise you'll have a leak.