Negative output for long double - c

Why is the following code giving answer as -2.000000 for every input?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
long long int s1,s2;
long double l,y,m=sqrt(2);
scanf("%Lf %lld %lld",&l,&s1,&s2);

You might have made some kind of strange modification to your floating-point environment in the compiler settings. Maybe the bit that represents the exponent now represents the number itself.


How to print long double number in xinu?

Function sqrtl doesn't work here, also the printf of long double prints f for all given numbers:
#include <conf.h>
#include <kernel.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
long double sqrtn;
unsigned long int n;
void xmain() {
unsigned long int n;
printf("Enter unsigned long integer:\n");
scanf("%lu", &n);
sqrtn = sqrtl(long double)n);
printf("\nsqrtn=%Lf\n", sqrtn);
} /* main */
I downloaded the Xinu source code for x86 from .
Looking at the implementation for printf (lib/printf.c lib/doprnt.c), as far as I can tell it simply doesn't support length modifiers. That means that, for example, this:
long int n = 42;
printf("%ld\n", n);
wouldn't work. I suggest trying that on your system.
This is not a conforming C implementation (and it's probably not intended to be).
It does appear to support most of the standard conversion specifiers ("%d", "%u", "%x", "%f", etc.).
If you want to print a long double value, I think the best you can do is either convert it to double and use "%f" (which could lose range and/or precision) or write your own code to convert a long double value to a string. (Or run you code on a different system).
Disclaimer: I haven't tried this, I've only examined the source code, and only for the x86 version of the system.
I was worried about long double won't print.
i wrote a small test and found out that my MAC wanted to have %Lf or %Le.
it seems that capital L must be used.

Error working with doubles and fmod

Im trying to calculate a power and then a module of big numbers (type double). I want to calcule (1234^79) mod 3337. The result is 901 (Ubuntu's calculator) but function fmod returns 1788.
#include <math.h>
#include <tgmath.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(){
double res1;
double dou = powl(1234.00,79.00);//function for doubles
printf("Result in double o powl %.3f\n",dou);
res1=fmod(dou, 3337.00);//doubles
printf("Result in double of fmod %.2f\n",res1);
What am I doing wrong? Some answer?
Thanks in advance.
1234^79 has 245 decimal digits.
double only has a precision of around 17 decimal digits.
You need to use a little math to reduce this problem to something that doesn't require arbitrary precision (see Modular Exponentiation).
(Or just use an arbitrary precision math library + brute force if you aren't interested in an efficient solution.)

Why does casting to int not floor all doubles in C

Given the C code:
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int i;
double f=log(2.0)/log(pow(2.0,1.0/2.0));
printf("int=%d\n",(int) f);
I get the output:
f is apparently at least 2.0. Why is the cast value not 2?
Because the value of the double was less than 2
Try it but this time add some precision
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int i;
double f=log(2.0)/log(pow(2.0,1.0/2.0));
printf("int=%d\n",(int) f);
Confusing as hell the first time you experience it. Now, if you try this
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int i;
double f=log(2.0)/log(pow(2.0,1.0/2.0));
printf("int=%d\n",(int) f);
printf("int=%d\n", (int)round(f));
It will correctly round the value. If you look in the man page (on a mac at least) you'll see the following comment...
round, lround, llround -- round to integral value, regardless of rounding direction
What do they mean by direction, it's all specified in IEEE 754. If you check the different ways to round to an integer... floor is mentioned as rounding towards -ve infinity which is in this case was towards 1 :)
Floating point types are unable to represent some numbers exactly. Even though mathematically, the calculation should be exactly 2, with IEEE754 floating points, the result turns out to be slightly less than 2. For more information see this question.
If you increase the precision of your output by specifying %.20f instead of just %f, you will see that the number is not exactly 2, and that when printing with less accuracy, the result is simply rounded.
When converting to an int however, the full accuracy of the floating point type is used, and since it comes to just under 2, the result when converting to an integer is 1.
Integer does not take a rounded up value but makes a truncation. So, if f is equal to 1.999999999999[..]9, the int value will be 1.
Also, as the double wants to be the more accurate possible, he will take a rounded up value considering the number of characters he can show, which is 2.000000.

Power function returns 1 less result

Whenever I input a number in this program the program return a value which is 1 less than the actual result ... What is the problem here??
int main(void)
int a,b,c,n;
pow() returns a double, the implicit conversion from double to int is "rounding towards zero".
So it depends on the behavior of the pow() function.
If it's perfect then no problem, the conversion is exact.
If not:
1) the result is slightly larger, then the conversion will round it down to the expected value.
2) if the result is slightly smaller, then the conversion will round down which is what you see.
Change the conversion to "round to nearest integer" by using rounding functions
In this case, as long as pow() has an error of less than +-0.5 you will get the expected result.
pow() takes double arguments and returns a double.
If you store the return value into an int and print that, you may not get the desired result.
If you need accurate results for big numbers, you should use a arbitrary precision math library like GMP. It's easy:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <gmp.h>
int main(void) {
int n;
mpz_t c;
mpz_ui_pow_ui(c, 5, n);
gmp_printf("%Zd\n", c);
return 0;
You can use the %f format specifier while commanding printf func.You should see your result accurately. In %d format specifier the value tends to the final answer eg. 5^2=24.9999999999 and hence the answer shown is 24.

Assigning Value to unsigned long long in C

While assigning value to a unsigned long long variable in C, value of variable is not getting assigned properly. The code is:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
unsigned long long x;
return 0;
Rightmost 32 bits of the variable are being ignored. Can someone please tell me how to do this correctly.
Print unsigned long long with %llu.
Use llu or Lu format specifier for printf if you want to print unsigned long long. The format specifier depends on the compiler.
The assignment occurs correctly. However, the program is not displaying the value correctly.
or maybe even
depending on the compiler and specific runtime library.
You need to change the printfs to print properly.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
unsigned long long x;
printf("%u\n\n",x); // not work
printf("%llu\n\n",x); // works
printf("%016llx\n\n",x); // bonus check
return 0;
