IFSFile when user PASSWORD *NONE - file

I am facing some troubles while trying to create an IFSFile using IFSFile object from JT400.jar. The problem that I am facing is when the process that calls the JAVA is called by a BATCH user(without login enabled into AS400 machine).
Exception given
Password is *NONE.:XXXXXX com.ibm.as400.access.AS400SecurityException: Password is *NONE.:XXXXXX
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400ImplRemote.returnSecurityException(AS400ImplRemote.java:2219)
at com.ibm.as400.access.CurrentUser.getUserInfo(CurrentUser.java:79)
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400ImplRemote.getPassword(AS400ImplRemote.java:1411)
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400ImplRemote.signon(AS400ImplRemote.java:2507)
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400.sendSignonRequest(AS400.java:3351)
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400.promptSignon(AS400.java:2938)
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400.signon(AS400.java:4246)
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400.connectService(AS400.java:1336)
at com.ibm.as400.access.IFSFile.chooseImpl(IFSFile.java:630)
at com.ibm.as400.access.IFSFile.copyTo(IFSFile.java:729)
at com.ibm.as400.access.IFSFile.copyTo(IFSFile.java:699)
Code used:
AS400 as400 = new AS400("localhost");
//Obtain the template path
String templatePath ="/HOME/XXX/auth.txt";
IFSFile templateAuth = new IFSFile(as400,templatePath);
templateAuth.copyTo(fileXML + ".xml");
I have check some opened threads but no results obtained. (find below the threads commented)
JT400 Read File From IFS with user without password
Java IFSFile on Iseries testing over PC
There is any option to generate an IFSFile when the process is called by a BATCH user(note that when the process is called by a user with login enabled, the process is working as expected)
I need something similar to what is done when a JDBCAppender is created, JDBCAppender object allows setUser(null) and setPassword(null) to enable batch users to write into a table.
Thanks all!

I have recently had a similar problem when trying to use CommandCall whilst running under a profile with PASSWORD is *NONE. I (eventually) solved it by using the native Java toolbox at /QIBM/ProdData/Java400/jt400ntv.jar (which happens to be a symbolic link). I didn't have to make any code changes:
AS400 as400 = new AS400();
CommandCall cc = new CommandCall(as400);
String wrkenvvar_cmd = MessageFormat.format("ADDENVVAR ENVVAR('JAVA_HOME') VALUE(''{0}'') REPLACE(*YES)",path);
boolean ok = cc.run(wrkenvvar_cmd);
I hope that helps.


msadox28.tlb is not a valid .Net assembly file while registering it

I am developing application with vb.net (2015) and MS Access database. I can work fine with existing database. I have now situation where I need to create database programmatically, for billing purpose. It is the situation where each folder will contain database for company/firm selection.
After searching on the internet / StackOverflow I learned about ADOX. Even got the ready code for it. I applied it in my coding.
Adding reference of Microsoft ADO extend 2.8 and 6.0
Created variable Adx as new Adox.catalog
Then finally wrote Adx.create(olejet provider conn string with data source)
In this step I get an error
COM Class not registered
So I tried to register msadox.dll and msadox28.tlb with regsvr32 and regasm but at that time I get another error:
msadox.dll get registered successfully but error gives in msadox28.tlb
Fail to load -file- becuase it is not a valid .net assembly file
Now I am stuck at this point.
My system is Windows 10 64 bit. I tried to target cpu x86, and any cpu but it didn't work. I got many questions and answer here but didn't understand it.
I tried following connection string and it worked, but it creates old 2000-2003 mdb file. i want to use new access file .accdb
String is :
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\VBProj\Testing\test.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5
EDIT : on 20/9/2021 - MON
First of all Thank you very much #Jimi, your suggestion to use ACE.16 and cleaning solution worked. Thanks a lot
I use the following steps to create MS Access database using ADOX in VB.NET:
Project Menu > Add Reference > COM Section > Select Microsoft ADO Ext. 6.0 for DLL and security
Write connection string at program entry point (form load/sub main) -> Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0;Data Source=D:\VBProj\Testing\test.accdb, assign it to variable connString
Declare adox catalog globally like Public gAdxCat As New ADOX.Catalog
Use its method gAdxCat.create(connString)
That's all - DONE
Again thanks to #jimi
This is the answer to my question (helped by #jimi)
following are the steps to create msaccess database using ADOX in VB.NET and error occurs mention in original questions.
1-Project Menu > Add Reference > COM Section > Select Microsoft ADO Ext. 6.0 for DLL and security (remove ref of 2.8)
2-write connection string at program entry point (form load/sub main) -> "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0;Data Source=D:\VBProj\Testing\test.accdb" assign it to variable connString
3-declare adox catalog globally like Public gAdxCat As New ADOX.Catalog
4-User its method gAdxCat.create(connString)
5-Thats all DONE
again thanks to #jimi

Revert to normal user in Windows program with requireAdministrator in manifest?

I'm trying to encapsulate a number of repetitive installation tasks into a private setup program. The program is for in-house use setting up custom, single purpose systems for industrial users. I need Administrator privileges to tweak a number of Windows settings for our environment and then I need to set some current user settings for the application software packages to use.
Is it possible for a Windows program (in plain C, created with Visual Studio 2017) that uses requireAdministrator in its manifest to revert to the user that started the program when the admin privilege is no longer needed? I've seen this done in linux, but have been unable to find any examples (or even mentions) of this being done in Windows. Help? Please?
You don't.
A way given awhile back is to track down the running instance of explorer, and spawn a remote thread in it (with CreateRemoteThread) that does what you want. However CreateRemoteTherad is touchy and what if explorer isn't running?
If you know the username you can use CreateService() to create a service that runs as that user and ServiceStart() to start it but that's its own pain and now the code has to deal with no access to the desktop. Getting code running as the user on the desktop involves digging into the undocumented.
The correct design is to use two executables, the first with asInvoker that starts the second with requireAdministrator using the API call ShellExecuteEx, waits for it to finish, checks the exit code, and on success does the individual user steps.
There is no way to de-elevate a running process. You might be able to lower your rights a little bit but not all the way. Even if it was possible, you would have to hardcode the list of groups and privileges to remove/disable in your token because I don't believe there is a API to restrict a token just like UAC does.
There are many half-assed solutions out there to start a un-elevated child process:
Using the Task Scheduler
IShellDispatch2::ShellExecute in the "main" Explorer.exe instance
CreateProcessAsUser with the token from the "main" Explorer.exe instance
Bootstrapper instance elevates another instance and communicates back to parent when it needs to perform un-elevated actions
Take advantage of Explorer bug and simply execute "%windir\Explorer.exe" "c:\path\to\myapp.exe"
All of those solutions have issues related to:
Explorer might not be running (custom shell or Explorer crash)
Explorer is running elevated
Non-admin users elevate with a different administrator account with a different SID
RunAs.exe has been used and your parent process is not the same as the "main" logon session nor Explorer.exe
Final Answer
When I was finally able to install a clean Windows 10 on a spare system for testing and create a pure non-admin account to test with, the new, improved answer did not work. I added a GetUserName() call after the impersonate and wrote it to the debug log to learn that the user name was the same before and after the impersonate, even though all of the functions returned success. I can only assume that the GetShellWindow() [I also tried GetDesktopWindow(), just in case] returned a handle to an explorer/shell under the Admin context. So, now I'm using a cleaned up (to make it plain C) version of the GetConsoleUserToken() function I found here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsdesktop/en-US/17db92be-0ebd-4b54-9e88-a122c7bc351d/strange-problem-with-wtsqueryusertoken-and-impersonateloggedonuser?forum=windowsgeneraldevelopmentissues This is working on both my development system AND on the clean Windows 10 non-admin user. The function actually searches all running processes for the explorer.exe that belongs (is attached?) to the console session and while debugging it, I did see that it find more than one explorer.exe process, but only ONE is the right one.
Thanks for all of the suggestions and comments! They gave me good ideas and put me on a path that allowed me to use better search terms to find what I needed.
To Microsoft: This seems quite unnecessarily complex to do something that should not be difficult for an administrator-level process to do.
New, Improved Answer:
Following the suggestion made by eryksun, I created the following example function that shows all of the steps my program needed to get the current user key opened. My program has requireAdministrator in the manifest, if yours does not, you might need to make changes or additions to my sample. Here is what is working perfectly for me (but apparently not on a clean machine under a non-admin account):
BOOL ChangeHkcuSettings( void )
BOOL bResult = FALSE; // HKCU was not accessed
HWND hwndShell;
DWORD dwThreadId;
DWORD dwProcessId;
HKEY hKeyUserHive;
HANDLE hToken;
HANDLE hProcess;
hwndShell = GetShellWindow();
dwThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId( hwndShell, &dwProcessId );
hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, dwProcessId );
if( NULL != hProcess )
if( OpenProcessToken( hProcess,
&hToken ) )
if( ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( hToken ) )
if( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenCurrentUser( KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyUserHive ) )
// ... use the user hive key to access necessary HKCU items ...
RegCloseKey( hKeyUserHive );
bResult = TRUE; // HKCU was accessed
CloseHandle( hToken );
CloseHandle( hProcess );
return bResult;
Thanks again to eryksun for the suggestion!
ORIGINAL ANSWER: I think I found another way that will work for me... Instead of using HKEY_CURRENT_USER (which will be the Administrator) the admin account can open the specific user's registry key(s) under HKEY_USERS instead. I will need to find the appropriate user's SID, but my setup knows the user's name (and password, for setting auto logon), so I think this is do-able. For me, this is much easier, since all of the code already exists in a single program that formerly write EVERYTHING to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, which was easy and worked great. Trying to be "correct" is much more work, perhaps more than it should be! :-(

WPF Click-Once deployment promoting from stage to production

I've a WPF Application that actually uses a Web server for downloading the app and execute it on the client... I've also created a staging enviorment for that application when I put the release as soon as new features are added / bug fixed.
I've not found a reasonable way of promoting from staging to production since the app.config is hashed... so I can't change my pointments (DB/Services) editing it...
My actual way is publishing for staging, increasing of 1 the publish version and publishing for production...but this is quite frustrating.... since I've to do twice the work...any sugeestion?
Our team encountered the same situation a year ago. We've solved the situation by following this steps:
Determine the latest ClickOnce application version;
Removing the *.deploy extensions;
Making the necessary *.config file changes;
Updating the manifest file (*.manifest) by using 'Mage.exe' and your certificate (see also: MSDN);
Update the deployment manifest (*.application) in the application version directory and in the root directory, again by using 'Mage.exe';
Adding back the *.deploy extensions.
Hereby a short code sample for calling Mage, really not that complicated though.
// Compose the arguments to start the Mage tool.
string arguments = string.Format(
#"-update ""{0}"" -appmanifest ""{1}"" -certfile ""{2}""",
// Add password to the list of arguments if necessary.
arguments += !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_certificateFilePassword) ? string.Format(" -pwd {0}", _certificateFilePassword) : null;
// Start the Mage process and wait it out.
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(_mageToolPath, arguments);
startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
Process mageProcess = Process.Start(startInfo);
// Show all output of the Mage tool to the current console.
string output = mageProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
// Determine the update of the manifest was a success.
bool isSuccesfullyConfigured = output.ToLower().Contains("successfully signed");

MS CryptoAPI - Machine Keystore with Error 0x80090016 (NTE_BAD_KEYSET) with certreq created keys

I create a PKCS#10 CSR with certreq and have set the option Exportable=TRUE. This successfully creates a key under the location REQUEST. I also have a valid certificate with key in MY. If I try to access any one of them the CryptoAPI reports error code 0x80090016.
Running under different access rights could not solve this problem so far.
My goal is to get both the keys in MY and REQUEST. If I call CryptAcquireContextA() on any of those, it fails.
Windows 7 x64
Sample Source Code
My complete code looks like this:
CertGetCertificateContextProperty(pCert, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, NULL, &len);
pinfo = (CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO *) malloc(len);
CertGetCertificateContextProperty(pCert, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, pinfo, &len);
provname = wide_to_asc(pinfo->pwszProvName);
contname = wide_to_asc(pinfo->pwszContainerName);
if(!CryptAcquireContextA(&hCryptProv, contname, provname, pinfo->dwProvType, 0)) {
err = GetLastError();
fprintf(stderr, "Error: 0x%x\n", err);
CryptGetUserKey(hCryptProv, pinfo->dwKeySpec, &hUserkey);
This code is mostly copied from the OpenSSL capi engine. Since the engine failed, I created the smallest possible code to search the error.
The error
If I run this, it fails with the output Error: 0x80090016. This means one of three things according to Microsoft:
Key container does not exist.
You do not have access to the key container.
The Protected Storage Service is not running.
What have I done so far?
Started service "Protected Storage"
Verified container exists with MMC & Certificate Snap-In for Local Computer
Ran the same code on the User store in user context - it worked
File System Permissions
After some googling, I tried to change permissions on the file system. I found the files by looking at the contname variable of my code and searching for the file. I changed permissions on them (more accurate, I changed permissions on the parent folder). While this fixed the issue for MY, it seems I cannot change it for REQUEST.
One note here is that my container for MY seems to be here:
For REQUEST I found it under a different address:
I am not sure on the workings here so I cannot explain why it would put them in different locations (one being user centric, the other one a system folder). The MY store was created with a regular administrator prompt and the command certreq -new inf_file.inf cert-csr.csr and after I received my certificate, I issued certreq -accept cert.pem. Then I created a new csr with the same command.
Different privilege levels
I tried to execute my program with the following privileges:
my local user account
admin prompt (cmd->start as administrator)
nt authority\system (whoami output)
To recieve a service prompt, I executed psexec.exe –ids cmd.exe according to a tip from MaaSters Center
Final words
Any help or guidance on how to further narrow this problem down will be greatly appreciated.
I was finally able to solve this problem and it is a lot simpler than I thought. I was sure that I would receive an unambiguous container name and don't need to be more specific but CryptAcquireContext actually requires me to pass a flag CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET.
So my function call has to look like this:
CryptAcquireContextA(&hCryptProv, contname, provname, pinfo->dwProvType, CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET)
Unfortunately this is not supported by the OpenSSL engine, so you would have to alter it yourself in the engine.
See MSDN: "A key container created without this flag by a user that is not an administrator can be accessed only by the user creating the key container and the local system account."
Complete details here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379886(v=vs.85).aspx

Using application roles with DataReader

I have an application that should use an application role from the database.
I'm trying to make this work with queries that are actually run using Subsonic (2).
To do this, I created my own DataProvider, which inherits from Subsonic's SqlDataProvider.
It overrides the CreateConnection function, and calls sp_appsetrole to set the application role after the connection is created.
This part works fine, and I'm able to get data using the application role.
The problem comes when I try to unset the application role. I couldn't find any place in the code where my provider is called after the query is done, so I tried to add my own, by changing SubSonic code. The problem is that Subsonic uses a data reader. It loads data from the data reader, and then closes it.
If I unset the application role before the data reader is closed, I get an error saying: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.
If I unset the application role after the data reader is closed, I get an error saying ExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
I can't seem to find a way to close the data reader without closing the connection.
Do you have to use the role for every query?
If not you can use a SharedDbConnectionScope()
using(var scope = new SharedDbConnectionScope())
// within this using block you have a single connection
// that isn't closed until scope.Dispose() is called
// (happens automatically while leaving this block)
// and you have access to scope.CurrentConnection
// Do your init stuff
var product = new Product();
product.Code = "12345";
// Revert to normal
The problem is that Subsonic executes its reader with CloseConnection.
If I make it not close the connection I can unset the application role after the reader is closed.
May be you can subscribe to the event like this:
Connection.StateChange += new System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler(Connection_StateChange);
And then do some actions according to the new state of this connection:
if(e.CurrentState== System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
dbworker.ExecuteCommand("EXEC sp_setapprole application, 'password'");
