How to find from where a XamlObjectWriterException is coming? - wpf

I have a resource dictionary with 12.000 lines.
If I activate First Chance Exceptions I get some XamlObjectWriterException with an inner of type NotSupportedException claiming that it cannot create a DependencyProperty from text 'Padding' or 'Foreground'.
Line number and position are set to 0 so I don't know where the error is coming. The exceptions are coming from the loading of the resource dictionary on app startup, before using the styles anywhere.
Is there a way to find what style is (are) the offending ones?

Is there a way to find what style is (are) the offending ones?
I am afraid the XAML processor doesn't give this detailed information. But at least it gives you a clue.
Search for all places where you set the Foreground property and comment them out one by one and compile and run until you have narrowed down the issue. I am afraid there is no easier way unless you are able to guess in which resource the error may be.


Locating binding errors

I'm dealing with a large WPF application that is outputting a large number of binding errors. A typical error looks like this:
System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=HorizontalContentAlignment; DataItem=null; target element is 'MenuItem' (Name=''); target property is 'HorizontalContentAlignment' (type 'HorizontalAlignment')
Problem is I don't know where in the app this is coming from. Searching the entire solution for AncestorType={x:Type ItemsControl} doesn't necessary help since I still don't know which result is the culprit. I've tried setting PresentationTraceSources.DataBindingSource.Switch.Level = SourceLevels.All;
but the extra information doesn't help locate the problematic bindings. File names and line numbers is really what I need. Is there anyway to get this information? The only other solution I can think of is to assign names to the canidates then narrow it down from there. In that vein, is there a way to automatically assign a unique x:Name to all namable elements throughout the solution?
I generally set a breakpoint on the code that actually writes the error message. When the breakpoint is hit I inspect the visual tree of the object that had the binding error using a Visual Studio visualizer. This almost always tells me exactly where in my code to find the binding and fix it. (You can figure out where to set the breakpoint by installing a custom trace listener and breaking in it, then checking out the call stack.)
I also design my application to minimize the number of "false positives" by making sure bindings will always be valid when the source is present at all.
When do you see these binding errors? Only during startup (or loading of a new AddIn, or new View, etc.).
In those cases, I've found that these errors are often "false positives," in that they are thrown before the object being bound to is initialized. It's annoying, for sure, but if everything in your application seems to be bound correctly (here, for instance, your menus seem to have a proper HorizontalContentAlignment), then I wouldn't worry too much.
Sounds like this Xceed column chooser bug:
I'm having the same problem, although the workarounds mentioned in this post aren't working for me. Maybe they'll work for you.

Runtime implementation or static user controls

A few of my silverlight pages should provide a custom error message depending on whether an error occurred and what the error is.
I have a custom control that will present the user with the error, however, my question is:
Would it be better to add this control into the XAML and just set it as collapsed or visible (depending on whether an error occurred), or create and destroy it dynamically at runtime in the code-behind? What are the implications of each?
Since one would assume that the display of error information is rare there isn't a lot of difference between the approaches. You should go with the simplest and easiest to understand solution. That would likely be using the collapsed error XAML

Adding XMLNS causes VS seize up

Currently in my XAML editor view I am experiencing frequent seizing episodes of around 3 seconds each. I've been able to narrow down the reason for it to custom namespaces.
By default, my page has the 2 default XMLNS declarations:
This works fine, no seizing. However as soon as I add an XMLNS for controls inside my application it starts seizing up.
Its not specific to just that namespace. I've tried a large variety of namespace combinations. Basically any XMLNS pointing to one of MY namespaces causes this issue.
I'm not really sure how to diagnose this issue. Any pointers?
We found out the solution. We had a reference to a Microsoft assembly that was about 7mb in size (ACtiveX stuff for web browsers). When removed, everything sped up. We're now looking at ways to abstract that assembly so that it can exist in the runtime folder but no need for a reference to it from the project. Thanks all for your ideas.
First of all we should find out what happens when you close quote mark inside Visual Studio. It's just a program (although a good one) - debug it/profile it.
Do you have any additional plug-ins
installed? Turn them off.
Turn off Intellisense.
What happens with MS Expression Blend? Does it seize?
Turn off all antiviruses.
Run Process Monitor and track what happens with VS. Are there any errors with file name/registry keys resolution?
If nothing helped, use profiler on Visual Studio process.
If nothing helped, write your question on StackOverflow. Oh. Hold on. You did this already. Let's wait for more responses :)!
This could be that it is looking for something or that it is recompiling code.
Select the output tag to view compile activity, then see if that is what it is doing next time it siezes up.
In some projects we get this behaviour if we exit debug mode by pressing the stop debug button instead of exiting the program.
Also, there have been several bugs reported for Visual Studio hanging when using DataGrid controls with WPF, it could be related to this. Here are a couple:
Are you running a real-time virus scanner? These can often cause sluggish performance when VS needs to compile your code...
A plausible guess is that this behavior is tied to VS's XAML editor attempt to provide Intellisense for nodes declared with clr-namespace. This is after all one of the differences between clr-namespaces and other types of namespace (whereby the URI is merely taken as a unique string, but no attempt is done to assert the definition of the underlying XML language.)
A possible workaround is too define the xmlns prefix under a bogus URI, during the xaml editing phase (and hence forgo any hints from intellisense), and to revert to the proper clr-namespace for other phases of the project.
Also, maybe adding the assembly=xxxx to the namespace declaration may help the situation. Even if the assembly in question is that of the current application, this may save the editor and associated intellisense some hesitation.
Another, counter intuitive workaround could be to have these controls in a separate assembly, as this may spare the system from the Intellisense's attempts at dynamically inferring the types structure from the source code, with all the associated hickups caused for example by the background polling for changes etc. (I do not know that it tries to do that, but sometimes, tools are getting to be quite intelligent, but too result in CPU or I/O blocks of the kind you describe.

Setting Silverlight DataGrid to just throw an exception when binding field does not exist

I just wasted invested a good chunk of time trying to determine why a specific datagrid among many was showing shrunken rows with no text. After many trial and errors attempts to figure out what made this grid special, I finally found that the class used for the row items was marked private.
That is a perfectly good reason, but I would have prefered to have been able to narrow it down to a binding issue (and if possible a "field is not accessable due to protection level" type message) much sooner then it took to sysmatically disassemble the entire convoluted process it took to get data into and configure that grid. Ideally I shouldn't have had to see the wrong behavoir in the first place, an error should have occured immediately when a column attempted to read from a field that it could not.
All my datagrids inherit from a custom base class in order for some global standards to be applied - if there anything I can do in my CustomDataGrid class to cause an exception to be thrown whenever a columns binding expression fails, such as if the class/property is private or the property name has been mispelled in the binding expression? (This is different from binding validation).
I always keep an eye out on debug output window when dealing with SL/WPF databinding. The framework(s) are actually pretty good at generating messages about databinding problems that include specific details about what fields it failed to bind on or what have you.
This doesn't exactly answer your original question, but it helped me sort through binding issues quite a bit once I realized there was good info being thrown into there.

How do I evaluate dependency properties in silverlight/WPF from S.O.S.?

This question is fairly straightforward -- I am trying to debug a memory leak in a silverlight application using s.o.s. I was able to get some good info using !gcroot to determine what objects have open references to the one that should be getting cleared; but in these cases they tend to be core UI elements (like grid and storyboard), and I can't really differentiate them without the ability to see the values of their dependency properties (like name). Trying to look through the dependency properties with !dumpobj is a total wild goose chase for me, they are all static classes (the properties that is) that reference each other and I just end up going in circles. At no point was I ever able to find a single actual value for a dependency property anywhere.
I googled about this quite a bit, but was only able to find other people asking the question, or speculation not leading to an answer. is one such page without answer.
Looking at the source of DependencyObject.GetValue in Reflector makes me think that this is non-trivial to do in Windbg. As an alternative (and a hacky one, I admit), in your own classes you could bind a standard CLR property to the Name DP, so that you do have a value that you can read in the debugger.
