I want to get the index of ng-repeat - angularjs

<div ng-mouseenter="$ctrl.clicker($ctrl.adherence.events[$index].id)">
ng-repeat="event in $ctrl.adherence.events">
In the code I want to use the index of ng-repeat to get the index of an array however my index value using $index is not retreiving this value.

seems like you want to capture the $index and then fire your function based on that.
You can have an
and then have that function do rest of the work.


AngularJS 1: How to bind index as expression to an array in html?

I am having little issue. I am trying to display some data using ng-repeat like that:
ng-repeat="color in apples[{{index}}].color"
$scope.index = $stateParams.index;
However, I get a a syntax error.
What is a proper way to dynamically add index to array in this example?
Just use loop index:
ng-repeat="color in apples[$index].color"
ng-repeat="color in apples[index].color"

Display size of ng-repeat with filter

I am currently working on an analytics backend web app and am using ng-repeat to show a table for some data I am working with. Is there a way to show the number of total results found when using a filter with ng-repeat? I would like to display this beneath my table.
You can retrieve the filtered data in a var like this :
<div ng-repeat="product in filteredProducts = (products | filter:search)">
So inside your ng-repeat you can do something like filteredProducts.length
You can use the $last variable of ngRepeat
something like this inside your ng-repeat would do the trick:
<div ng-if="$last"> Total results found: {{ $index + 1 }} </div>
note that you should add 1 to the $index since it starts at 0

AngularJS - original index of an object within filtered ng-repeat

I am using a nested ng-repeat and a filter on a object. The first ng-repeat is filters to the headerId in a gapHeader object. The second ng-repeat filters gapSection, sectionId to the corresponding headerID.
I have an edit page which is within a separate modal window. The purpose is to edit content corresponding to the headerID & sectionID of the sub-object) This also has a separate control. Data is shared through a service.
My problem I have a button for each gapSection sub-object, which opens the edit page modal, when I pass the $index value for the current section within each section to the service, I get the $index only corresponding to the second ng-repeat? For example, if I click the button within the 2 ng-repeat on gapSection (headerId:2, sectionId:2), I get an $index of 1. I require an $index of 2 which corresponds the sub-object position within gapSection.
Is it possible to pass the true $index which corresponds to the $index defined in the original un-filtered object of gapSection? Appreciate any comments on this and thank you!
var data ={
gapHeader:[{headerId:1,name:"General Requiremets",isApplicable:true},
gapSection:[{headerId:1,sectionId:1,requirement:"A facility is required to have company structure",finding:null,cmeasures:null,cprocedures:null,personResp:null,isAction:null},
{headerId:2,sectionId:1,requirement:"Organisation must have public liablity",finding:null,cmeasures:null,cprocedures:null,personResp:null,isAction:null},
{headerId:2,sectionId:2,requirement:"Facility must hold workers compensation insurance",finding:null,cmeasures:null,cprocedures:null,personResp:null,isAction:null}]
If you need the true index you do not even need to pass the $index property, just pass the object and get the index from the original list.
$scope.gapSectionFn = function(obj){
var idx = data.gapSection.indexOf(obj);
Also it is not clear your issue could really be a nested ng-repeat issue, because according to you gapSection is the inner ng-repeat and you are invoking the call from inner ng-repeat and in need of gapSection's index. It should just be available, but the presence of a DOM filter will just reorg the items and its index which you can also get by doing an ng-init, i.e on the view ng-init="actIndex=$index" and use actIndex.
If you are trying to access parent ng-repeat's index then, ng-init is more appropriate than $parent.$index. Since ng-init is specially designed for that., on the parent ng-repeat you would write ng-init=""parentIndex=$index" and use parentIndex.

ng-repeat not working inside angular-deckgrid

I am Using angular-deckgrid to create pinterest like view
Here is the Code I have written
<div deckgrid source="items" class="deckgrid">
<span data-ng-repeat='i in card'>{{ i }}</span>
I am expecting the value of i in the ng-repeat, but that seems to be not going in the loop.
Can any one please suggest me the solution
The data-ng-repeat is redundant. Be default, deckgrid will loop over your items variable and assumes it is an array.
Make sure items is an array and remove the data-ng-repeat.

Angularjs: ng-repeat, put a ´divider´ in ng-repeat to separate data that was recently loaded

When the page is loaded the user is presented with a set of products, then if he/she clicks a button more products are fetched and appended to the list. I am trying to find an Angular way to put a row to separate the products that were already loaded from the recently appended. I don't want to manipulate the DOM directly and I can't push an empty row to the array of products because the length of the array is used somewhere else.
How could I do this?
Here is a basic Bin
If you don't want a divider after the last item, just use:
<... ng-repeat="...">
<hr ng-show="!$last" />
$last is true if the repeated element is last in the iterator.
I think you'll need to keep track of this yourself, in another $scope (array) property. In your ng-repeat loop, check to see if $index is in this array. If so, add/show the <hr>.
<... ng-repeat="...">
<span ng-show="showHr($index)"><hr></span>
Function showHr() should return true when you want to display an <hr>.
You could also use ng-switch instead of ng-show.
